I was so excited for this game. Now I'm 50% through and I think it's trash. The controls are clunky...

I was so excited for this game. Now I'm 50% through and I think it's trash. The controls are clunky, the game play is tedious to a fault, and I'm not having fun with it. Probably going to drop it. Am I the only person that feels this way?

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Yes, you are

I am enjoying it quite a bit, but I am sure plenty of people agree with you

Thats a lotta words just to say
>im casual and this game is very hard :(

Nah you're right on most parts. Just finished 100% run of the game and I'd give it a 5 maybe 6/10. Very tedious backtracking, plenty of bugs, awkward voice acting, and transitioning into boss fights weren't very smooth. Not to mention pixel perfect jumps on one shot spikes while just trying to backtrack. Lot of the fodder enemies were annoying too.

Had a blast with it, 25 hours in and I’m 97,7%, only a few babies left.

It would be a perfect game if some bugs were fixed and some progression itches could be streamlined. I don’t think the teleporters are enough for fast traveling between certain areas.

The absolute human pathos that is the art direction to me makes this game unique enough to put on a shelf alongside any souls game. There is no perfect game, there is only what you like and what you do not.

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I wanted this game to be hard, not stupid. As it is I'm just bored with it. It wants you to maneuver your character perfectly on jumps and during attacks but with the controls as shitty as they are you'll find yourself getting punished for things you don't deserve far too often, not to mention the buggy hitboxes.

It is pretty too

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Nope, you're absolutely right.
Just finished it.
It's a beautifully mediocre game.

It's boring. That's the problem.

I think you guys are mostly right

I wish I weren't. I wanted it to be good.

>very hard

The game is pitifully easy. The only moment you'll actually die is to spikes and that'a mpre because your brain just zones out because of how awful the backtracking is.

Same, well here's hoping they fix everything in the next patch. That's what indie devs do, right?

Too slow and clunky for me

i was expecting some cool and fast action like shovel knight, but nope, it's tedious

it's still pretty though

My problem is it's just jumping and slashing the whole game. Even the earliest megaman had different guns.

All of my deaths in this game are due to lazy shit because my brain shuts off after running back-and-forth so many times, and because of the clunky controls I usually fall into spikes or into a bottomless pit. I don't think anything else in this game is actually difficult.

I hate when people just trace photos

too slow for me i started playing valdis story and im enjoying this way more than i did blasphemous

The enemy variety is shit.

This is mostly how I feel about the game too. Ignoring the backtracking sidequests the game is less frustrating, but doesn't make it any less mediocre in terms of gameplay. I also couldn't find many uses for the majority of the prayers other than the first couple you find in the beginning of the game.

Why does everyone say the controls are clunky? The only problem I have with them so far is with ledges.

Just got 100%. Well worth the purchase, although it feels just a little over priced. Bugs are what they are, I understand the gameplay might be flat for people but I'm used to it. Solid 8.5/10. Only real gripe is lack of movement improvement to make backtracking and item hunting easier at the end game.

Reminder that /ourguy/ loved it and only casual tards hate it

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I liked it well enough but I wish I could fast travel between checkpoints, im in the art gallery and still havent found it if its even in the damn game

He also hated Bloodstained.

I don't think it's a bad game...but I'm not going to recommend it to anybody. All of its best traits are just okay.

>tfw I loved the game but my dudes in Yea Forums hate it

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i think its pretty good but i hate the plataforming aspect, its just not tight and polished enough

the art, music are outstanding hell i even like the voice acting

Its not from a photo.

The gameplay just feels serviceable. Like genuinely the only times the combat actually felt fun was dueing the boss fights with enemies your size.

Same. And I really don't get why everyone is complaining about the platforming, especially. The controls are precise but fair. I spent 20 minutes just learning them early on, and haven't had any problems afterwards.

The game needed more suffering and dead babies.

salty spikefallers ITT

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It's too fucking short.

Also I finished the game without even using those "tree stumps", where do you get the ability to use them?

>indie pixel retro le metroidvania game is shallow shit
wow what a suprise

This game is pure anti-zoomer

If you know, you know.

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i feel that way too. hollow knight is the supreme metrovania

theyre not fair, specially on the snow part, you literraly go through some of the wooden platforms, its fucking bullshit

I'm actually pretty shit at games like these but I'm having fun for once. I'm still shit but I'm enjoying my time learning how to play it

The controls are not clunky, it's very precise and on point in fact. Finally we have a real Dark Souls in 2D, where timing and rhythm are what counts.

The problems are the non-existent level design (which is fatal for a Metroidvania) and the edgy thematics (too much is too much). Music ambiance is good though.

>i feel that way too. hollow knight is the supreme metrovania
What's the point of playing any of these shit games when you can just replay Hollow Knight honestly?

waiting for silk song now. first time playing hollow knight was magical, but subsequent playthrough with the grimm trouppe DLc was still fun once (god master was a let down, but maybe i expected too much). i want an entirely new massive bug kingdom to explore

>fantasy version of a really depressive and devastated Spain
>basically the relic, guilty, mortification parts of Catholicism up to eleven
Oh well, still interesting.

Anyone else rely diappointed that the brutality of the visuals dixn't really translate to the gameplay? I almost felt bad for all of the bosses that i kept slapping silly.

wasted potential


insta kill spikes are good game design

I was really into the game but as I went further the bad things just kept pilling on like:
Instadeath spikes with little amount of mobility options to avoid them, hell even castlevania started doing them by removing health
Bosses are too easy and regular enemies are tedious to deal with (they take too long to kill)
Mobility is a big issue, by the end of the game you walk and move around almost the same way as you did at the start, in Metroid/Castlevania you had a lot more options by endgame
Same basic attacks with a few spells here and there
At the end the only thing I really liked was the general aesthetic
What a shame

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I want to slap the tard who thought it was a good idea to make a majority of the bosses projectile based shitshows.

>too much edgy thematics
This has to be bait

Other than the instakill spikes and some pitfall areas, the game is very easy.

The bosses all have simple patterns and most of them are just a big aerial target for you to jump slash over and over that spams projectiles.

Enemies are mostly harmless, the ones that don't immediately die to a few hits are too slow and pose no threat anyway.

The couple of humanoid bosses were the most fun to fight against, because you could actually use the few gameplay mechanics available at their fullest against those, instead of just jump + slash while avoiding projectiles.

The game also has lots of walking around, because there are few fast travel areas, few shortcuts and the map is kinda buggy and useless, as you can't put markers and a lot of areas of interest are not marked in any way.

The game has a very good artstyle, interesting theme, the characters and world are intriguing, but the story is too much "Dark Souls" like, in the way that it doesn't really go anywhere.

>Ten Piedad, the potential very first boss
>Fully animated attacks
>WALKS back and forth, stomps, etc

>All giant bosses after it
>Floating heads or floating bodies with minimal animations that fire projectiles at you

You can tell that was the point where the artists realized just how much work was actually in store for them.