If the Ryu ga Gotoku team were given the license to make another Yakuza-style anime game what should they make next?

If the Ryu ga Gotoku team were given the license to make another Yakuza-style anime game what should they make next?

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Durarara. I don't even like the show, but it fits.



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Ashita no Joe could work though I feel like learning literally 1 boxing move every once in a while would make it boring combat wise so I dunno how they could make it work

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Is this a good game?
Objectively, how much should I be paying for it?

Rurouni Kenshin or something, I dunno.

Just give me a sequel to this that cuts down on grinding for moves and put in some of the classic anime songs. Hell, the anime had a great ost and I think those remixed would've been great. It has the best combat of any yakuza game and I think its the second best Hokuto no Ken game next to the arcade/ps2 fighter.

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Pretty decent. I'd put it at 20 bucks.

It's stiffer than the other Yakuza games and has a shit boring grind if you wanna finish all of the substories which I just flat out gave up on.

>which anime series should they ruin by making a yakuza reskin out of next
Yakuza games are shit, fuck off

A Joe game will be great in the yakuza style. The first 3rd of the game Joe can just use street fighting, later Joe can develope more style and get a lot of counter based styles. The game will slow in pace tho during the in between the rikishi and Carlos fight.

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An original story set in the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure universe, DiU-era.


Any delinquent manga

Instead of an anime game I'd rather have a Kamen Rider-based game.
>Newer shows already base themselves off of one large town.
>Multiple big areas.
>Could do an Edo period area if you want.
>Already have fistfights.
>Different forms act as styles (Specifically the major forms, side forms would be part of combos or something like in Battride War)
>Various gadgets you get can be equipped to fight with.
>MotW are substory enemies, generals are story enemies.
>Heat Actions are basically finisher attacks, special attacks, or comedic stuff.
John Toei would never allow it though.

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Objectively part 4 Jojo

Kakegurui, make a full game out their Japanese gambling games.

Gintama. It'd fit the format perfectly, from setting to general gameplay loop.

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God Hand 2, if they keep the difficulty.

>wanting shit tier yakuza combat ruining god hand
are you insane

A One Piece game would be pretty killer

New Devil Summoner game

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I was about to post this, an action game set in Soul Hackers setting sounds fucking amazing.

yeah, that would be nice. I'd love a gintama game, but for sure those faggots at scamco would get their hands all over it and it would be awful.

Steel Samurai game in the ace attorney universe
Basically you play as the characters of the show over a full season of episodes and every now and then during interludes hear from the main series cast
It's not like they're doing much else with the AA series right now

Please, my soul can't take another Rikiishi and Joe fight.

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Space Adventure Cobra

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Nigga you crazy? Yakuza gameplay is shit compared to God Hand's

No one cares about your shit beat-em-up that no one bought and tanked the company that made it.

Wasn't there a Crows game coming?

Listen. So long as I can play as fucking Kamen Rider Skull. I’m down for WHATEVER.

Violence Jack or Devilman

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