Greatest sRPG of the decade comes at the very end

>greatest sRPG of the decade comes at the very end

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She’s so ugly

t. Monastery Knight

Absolutely not.

I wish Mercedes was my gf irl.

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fuck, i live in spicland and mercedes is a named reserved only for the cuntiest of bully bitches

You are also ugly. But have you heard me say it to your face?
Please, show some tact.

tfw i made her a mom!

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I respect your choice user.

Annette is my wife!

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She's a carpetmuncher

t. homo
Older women are HOT AS FUCK. That's why they're always the most popular choices.


Really? I only started this game and I want Byleth to get romantic with her based on how pure she is.

Best girl, older women are the best!

>/ss/fag and chirstmas cake fag
>play P5
>option to fuck teacher
>all up on that cobweb pussy
>3H comes out
>hear there's another sensei milf
>ah shit here we go again
>like the second or third interaction you have with Manuela she basically tells you to lock the door to fuck
>lose all interest in her immediately
and now i dont know who to fuck. mercedes seems alright for the ara ara but she doesnt quite fit the way she looks and given shes basically more or less your age or younger

can i fuck Rhea? didnt care for her until that one part where you're on her lap

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I think it's also to do with the fact that most people who play these games now are in the mid 20's to early 30's range, so fictional ara ara's in their own age bracket end up being more appealing than the kawaii uguu teenagers most of the time, even if you happen to also be playing as a teenager.
Hell, in the case of Manuela, if you're in the early 30's half of the age bracket, she doesn't even count as an older woman until the time skip.

Manuela is for_____.

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There are no actual lesbians in the game, you can dick every girl with supports, don’t worry

Hard to compete against literally nothing
Anything could've come out and have been better than this trash



only in silver snow, and you have to get her to A-rank before timeskip

Edelgard is best girl and did nothing wrong.

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>can i fuck Rhea?

In the church route. And maybe BL and GD but I never checked.
But she's locked the fuck out of Edelgard, I can tell you that.

Also Rhea is one of the cakiest cakes in the entire series that you can romance.
I'm pretty sure only Tiki in Awakening is older.

Impregnating and making her happy

Disgaea 5 came out a few years ago though.

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"Manuela" is slang for masturbation in spanish.

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what game?

Fire Emblem Three Houses

Anal, exclusively

Persona Emblem

I still don't understand how so many men can be turned off by her just because her apartment is a fucking mess.
I'd be too busy manhandling that...Every fucking inch of her, to fucking notice the three day old uncleaned dishes in the kitchen or all the dirty clothing strewn about.

Like, image being a temple knight and getting invited back to the smoking Diva cougar's bedroom, and knowing well before going in that you WILL be burying your cock in every hole tonight and that you won't be stopping until every last sperm cell in your body has marched right of your cock to assault Manuela's unprotected womb.
Imagine knowing that this sexy she-beast is so fucking desperate that it would not only be a super easy, ravenous, pent up lay, but that if you really wanted to you could lock her down and have a loyal, passionate milf in nine months that will be utterly devoted to raising your kids and gobbling up your dick at every opportunity. A multi-talented woman no less who can heal your injuries, is one of the best cooks in the monestary, has a wonderful singing voice, and comes equipped with at least half a dozen perfectly good body parts that can function as pillows after a long day of nothing to report.

And you just walk away.
Like how fucking gay would you have to be. Nigga just fuck a baby into her and hire a maid to clean up around the house once a week.

Bubsy 3D

Passionate handholding sex for the purpose of procreation.
And then walks at the beach, still holding hands.




>wipe the floor with the Imperials on Chapter 12 BL route
>still results in a cutscene failure
I hate video games.

What's funny about this comic is that Manuela and Dorothea are best friends with the latter idolizing the former, agree to be full on lovers and swear off men if they can't find at least one between the two by wars end, and it would actually be totally in character for the two of them to form a poly relationship with one man since they'd get to muff dive each other too, and if this wasn't a Nintendo game that would 100% be an option.

Alright what's the greatest of all time then?

Cleaning the house is the woman’s job, if she can’t even do that properly she wouldn’t make a good wife
I imagine that’s how most men would think

i'd munch her carpet

Who the FUCK is Manuela and why is she using my name

>Sylvain actually hates the girls that want him for his crest
whoa too deep

Manuela is a female name, are you a girl?

Manuel it's a male name
It's the same fucking thing but with an A

>pisses off all of his real friends by fooling around with people he hates
He's very self-destructive

Nigga if you find a woman whose literal only flaws are that she sucks at cleaning and is an alcoholic because she's lonely and desperate, that's a win in my book. The alcoholism will sort itself the moment she starts getting a steady dicking and cuddle buddy, and you can just hire another woman to do the cleaning. Especially since her cooking is top notch 10/10 to make up for her poor cleaning skills.
Plus a woman like Manuela is a 0% chance of cheating on you.

Imagine being so fucking stupid that you don't realize that your name, and a lot of other names, have masculine and feminine variants.

Conquest came out 4 years ago user


The shit story ruined it

Yeah, he's got a weird loathing of both himself and people he deems as shallow as he acts


Stories in SRPGs aren't important unlike JRPGS because they actually have good gameplay.


>Stories in SRPGs aren't important
Literally why do you think anyone remembers Tactics Ogre or Final Fantasy Tactics to this day?
The gameplay is good, but certainly not riveting or groundbreaking

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It's a fucking gag played for laughs, because Japanese love that kind of stupid humor.

But, you seriously underestimate how fucking disgusting some people can be. The fact that you think "three day סld uncleaned dishes in the kitchen" is the depth of depravity that someone can sink to is telling. Fuck, I'm guilty of that, and I only consider myself somewhat messy.

based and fatesCHAD

Manuela is the feminine variant of Manuel, you literally have a female's name.

What does her pussy smell like?


where i'm from, only strippers are named mercedes

stale yet inviting

Lord Cock

Parmesan, vanilla ice-cream, and chicken noodle soup.

based and cutepilled

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Just started, got the fiery sword.
Gonna marry the fuck out of Manuela.

I'm playing with best bro Claude, Edelgard for second evil playthrough and Dimitri for ignoring.

>gameplay is mediocre at best

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Anyone got a link to the poll result of best girl from a few days ago?

People think Manuela is the most desperate. But little do they realize that the thirstiest character is actually Flayn.

She's had to deal with 1,000 years of being a virgin and Seteth cockblocking every potential suitor.

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I'm on the death knight mission in maddening. It actually isn't so bad until the reinforcements show up. I think if I open with stride this time instead of grouping everyone I will have an extra turn

One hour later, you're still a fag


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Should I recruit Felix for BE? Also why was Annette completely absent in GD?

felix is a great unit that fits any team, as for annette
she was probably killed when the empire steamrolled faerghus


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It's not JUST that her room is a mess. She's incredibly desperate for marriage/ sexual validation, is pushy, and drinks way too much. But honestly, living with with my mom amd her disgusting messes, I can see why Manuela has trouble.

I had to seriously stop and coom during one of her tea times, her voice does wonders for me and yes, I know it's fucking Ash.

Starting a family with!

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if it makes you feel any better, its also his mom

Would you drink tea with Unga the Bunga of Liberation if you could?

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Jesus fuck, they really shit the bed with these CGs. Do any of them look good?

probably yeah

>did nothing wrong
Good one user

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>censored and rewrite or removed tons of tea time dialogue

It's mostly the male ones.

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boy I sure love anime Ms.Krabappel

I finished my first route today and married Manuela, how odd this thread shows up.

What route should I do after Azure Moon?

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It's kinda funny if you think about how different the story would be if Dimitri actually danced with Edelgard in the Heron ball and making her realize that 'oh shit, I actually have allies here that won't rape my ass'.

Why does everyone have dead eyes and why are the cutscenes at like 10fps?

>Older women are HOT AS FUCK. That's why they're always the most popular choices.
Older women are popular because they do less dumb un-committed stacey shit like ghosting and having physical relations with other guys just because they felt a certain way. Mentally it takes girls a long time to get past that stage where just doing things like that is instantly registered as wrong enough to not do.

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>smoking hot milf dtf with just about everyone
>lol no thanks you have a messy room
Is japan fucking stupid or something?

Your obsession with Edelgard is pathetic

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>Why does everyone have dead eyes
Because everyone is dead inside or mentally fucked up
>why are the cutscenes at like 10fps
Because of an autistic 'just like my animus' that nips have, even though it always looks like shit in 3D.

I'd still smash

It's not just that, it's also that she's an alcoholic and has a shitty attitude.

What's she thinking anons?
Could it be...(You)?

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In that case you have sex, THEN leave.

Y-Yeah, it's me...

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>Manuela will never call you her cub

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3H is absolute kino. One of my favorite Nintendo games ever, only behind Metroid Prime

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The way she says 'professor' is enough that I don't mind

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What happened to the user that was supposed to write the lewd Byleth x Manuela fapfic?

Manuela's VA is so good, she sells the character so well

What;s it like having a cougar gf Anons?

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Is the game actually difficult now with Maddening?

That's his mom, though.

I just time skipped and except doe the initial cutscene it's the same Harry Potter setting. What the fuck Yea Forums. Even the supports locked behind the skip are eccentric anime convos.

>That's his mom, though.

I'm sure she's thinking about how to get back at principal skinner, especially for that purple monkey dishwasher comment.

>That's his mom, though.

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Yes, we know. The devs know. They know we know. That's why they made it this way, because it's amusing.

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Do you think the version of Byleth that marries Manuela does so because of the lack of mother figure in his life which caused him to develop an Oedipus complex?

Would she do MDLB play?

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She's disgusting. I like some big girls, but her face is retarded looking.

Making her realize how much I love her and cherish her.

No! He does so because he loves her and can see her positive qualities shine through her drunken stupor and she begins to open up, realizing someone out there actually loves her and wants to sped the rest of their life together with her.

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t. Bart Simpson

I made it just in time to the Bernie thread!

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Okay but is she into MDLB(mommy dom, little boy) play?

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Manuela is 100% sub that likes to pretend she's a top

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Three hours later and she’s still ugly

About to start a GD run. Best classes for my students? Students to drop? Students to steal?

They're all pretty good, but Ignatz requires the most work to make him a crit god. I picked Felix and Ingrid on my GD run and they worked well.

Steal Lindhardt to do Leonie's paralogue

>hire time artist as your main character artist
>all the Male CGs look amazing
>the female ones look like they came out of a mediocre tumblr
IS really shit the bed with that one

Who? What game. I want her as my mommy gf

My Ingrid is level 15 and her strength isn't even 10 yet. Why is she so pathetically weak? What to do to raise it ASAP?

Hanneman can cure cancer, but he can,t do toast.

How new are you? Fire emblem.

Manuela, Fire Emblem Three Houses.

Don't forget all the outsourced cutscenes in the game. It's so jarring going between in-game models at 12fps to anime to CG at 30fps

An advertiser made this post

Feed her the strength fruit you can get from the nursery I guess, it's part of the problem with her being a dodge tank

Only 2D older women are hot.

The fuck classes do I make these Golden Deer kids?


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Dancing would have solved nothing
Communication was the problem
If Dimitri approached her and talked to her, things may have been different, but he was too put off by her Empire connections due to the Duscur Tragedy
Just admit you ship them and want to see them dance instead of saying silly stuff that isn't true

Is she a Pegasus Knight right now? If so, grind up her axes and make her a Wyvern Rider for her advanced class. It’ll automatically boost her strength to like 17, plus give her increased strength growths. It sets her up to be a god when she becomes a Falcon Knight later

You're not wrong but if Dimitri was willing to approach El to dance, he'd be more than willing to talk, the real question is if El would reciprocate.

>look at the top
Oh that’s cu-

Found my new wallpaper. I don't care if my wife looks a little derpy. She's still my drunken, slovenly Manuela.

It is a collection of lines and colors. A cartoon. Quit talking about drawings as if they were real people.

>Mercedes wearing lacey black lingerie
That's fairly out of character, I'd say.

There is absolutely no way in hell that Manuela is not a sub bottom.

You did marry her right?

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i want mercedes to dress me up, the other way around would be nice too

Jesus Christ user just figure it out for yourself, look at their strengths, weaknesses, budding talents, etc.

But if you really need me to spell it out for you
Focus on flying and bows, but give him some axe and lance skills to make it to wyvern lord before he goes Barbarossa.

Wyvern lord since no female war masters

Go down the grappler or armor knight path, end on war master either way.

Assassin with a focus on bows, maybe make him a bow knight if you want to put in the effort.

Soldier>Cav/archer>pally/sniper>bow knight, self explanatory

Can you really not figure out what path to take a female mage down?

Dark Knight, he's kind of like Sylvain where the game pushes him in that direction

Holy Knight, you may be inclined to go falco knight, but you already have enough fliers as is with Claude, Hilda, and if you're playing right, Seteth.

Literally did today.

Either a mad roastie or a discord tranny, do not give it (Yous)

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It seems like the best class path for mages that want to end as a Gremory is Monk>Mage>Bishop>Grem. But what about mages like Annette or Marianne, who don't necessarily want to end as Gremories? I'm thinking it might be better to go Peg Knight instead of Bishop in order to pick up extra speed and Darting Blow, especially if you're going to end in a speed-dropping class like Dark Knight.

>do you wish to fuck that one girls father . . . for the rest of his life (no homo)

>dark knight

really? isn't that what sylvain is for?

>Lvl 35
>Not fighting side by side with your wife on the battlefield
>She tends to your wounds while you stab enemies across the map with your bone whip sword
>When your back is against the wall she'll show up and blast them with her magic
>Drinking alongside her while reveling in a battle hard won

You shortchanged yourself.

Sylvain/Lorenz are mixed tanks as DK, usually with Lifetaker. Annie is more a "mage on horse" style DK, and she benefits more from Tomefaire and mobility than she does from the extra spells of Gremroy due to her lackluster spell list. You might even be better of eschewing magic all together and just maker her a bolt axe-wielding armor or wyvern.


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She fell a little bit behind, but she was an adjunctant unit for me for most of the game. As a holy knight, she looked great leading my Holy Knight corps during gambits.

I got a little half chub when she healed me.

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bros Once I'm done with the run, I want to see another endings so I'm going to start another run, how do I skip instructing and shit? I spent tons of time just instructing manually, checking goals, inventory, abilites, and just roaming around chatting with people + side missions, I don't want to do all that again to see another path of the game

cant you just auto-instruct?

Also any other gentlemen of taste who prefer holy knight Manuela?

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For me, it's Mortal Savant Manuela

yeah, is it worth doing all the quests ?

I'm going to give her to Ferdinand in my BL playthrough.

whats the fucking point of having skill in sword if she's obviously supposed to be a support character, bitchass starting stats

Why the fuck did you recruit Ferdinand of all the eagles?

He's the noble standard.

I didn't, I just used my renown to max support with the eagles. They asked to join me. I might as well save them from Edelgard's stupidity.

Stop making posts about this weak ass game. I don't know why like 98% of the male characters look like bitches and feminine. Only like 2 look like actual dudes. The rest look like walking shojo troupes. Who responsible for the character designs?

Next, there is like no dark skin girls in the game, all of them are either pale and only like 2 of them are tan and none of them have any real lips worth noting. They're all monkeys bro.

The game play is outdated as shit with turn based fucking strategy. You're literally taking turns to let someone beat you up, fucking stupid man.
You're all bitches, every single one of you. Stop turning this website into a scat fetish website, I don't like seeing shit every time I go on.

Hard to say...some of the paralogues give relic weapons, but of course I got by just buying weapons from the merchants. As for just regular sidequests I would say rare beasts ones are definitely worth it due to the material they give when you break their shields. Just plain sidequests that reward gold are dumb since you can make easy gold (and sometimes an entire professor level) just by fishing for a while.

It's a shame both her and Hanneman are shitty units. Solid growths can't save those horrible bases.

Also I hear some of the Lions are shit. If some of them suck, I'll just replace them. Ingrid and Ashe in particular are disappointing me at the moment.

I've been holding it in for a few day but it might be time to fap.

Mayne in maddening, but my Manuela was pretty good and lifted the burden of healing and warping from Marianne and Lysithea

Interesting bait, actually made me think you were 14 for a minute.

They're not that bad. Manuela has one of the best spell lists in the game and Hanneman is no slouch in that department either. Their only problem is that they have to compete with all of the units you've been raising since level 1.

Redpill me on battalions.

All I did for my playthrough(BL) I just finished was increase authority on everyone(Yes even Felix) and give them all their unique battalions from their paralogues, except for Mercie because I didn't recruit Caspar.

>every playthrough make someone learn steal
>every playthrough forget that that doesn't include lockpicking
Good thing I always carry spare keys

Usually personal battalions are the best because of their stats, but the assist battalions can be broken at times. It's a good thing enemies don't use Stride against you

Wyvern Lord
Wyvern Lord until Barbarossa
Wyvern Lord
Wyvern Lord
Wyvern Lord
Wyvern Lord

Just pick the one that gives them the biggest numbers in the stats they want and has a gambit that you like. Generally, high Charm units want an attacking gambit and low Charm units want a utility gambit, It's that simple. You also get your gambits back every map so you might as well use them as often as you can. Put your Stride on units with canto or units who can provide long range support with Physic or siege tomes, or just have a Rescue user if you're into that sort of thing.

It's actually amazing how underplayed Flayn's boy craze is by both the game and fandom. There's a lot that could be said about Flayn and her situation.

I just wished she had a couple more female supports just to get more insight on how she really fits in with the students. I also wished Seteth's dialogue changed depending on how high your support with Flayn was.

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Find a flaw.

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Wrong. Those are Wyvern Lords
You also forgot

>been in FE threads for 6 years
>never played them cause only here for the waifus
Did the same with Persona but ended up buying 5.

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Don't listen to this user he has no idea what he's fucking talking about please listen to me instead I am an expert and all of my choices are flawless and perfect and anyone who disagrees is obviously bad at Fire Emblem.

Byleth's Wife.
Mortal Savant

There are two Big arguments going on for her.

>Sothis will never be anything more than an extremely deadly spinal cord
Feels bad man.

>Byleth's wife

There's hope with the dlc

OCD to an annoying degree.
Too short
Body not thick enough
Daddy issues
Will be a lesbian with Mercedes but not you, meaning her soul is not into you enough to be with you in either body.
Is a footfag that likes man feet. Like how.

She canonically wears granny panties anyway, but as a bisexual I can't imagine her being pure enough to avoid black panties

Best (s)RPG of the decade is Shadowrun Dragonfall, you only like Fire Emblem because of girls
Don't @ me

>game features the cutest girl in the series
>character so strong that people can't resist the urge to smell her
I love my wife Bernadetta!

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Dragonfall was the strongest of the shadowrun games, but it's hardly the best one.

Where's that last one come from?

There's a sexy Mommy Sothis in the opening video, I want that route.

Where’s the lamb SAUCE

sauce pls

Rance X?

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It's something you just read on Yea Forums's Yea Forums image board. You are obligated to believe it and you are obligated to be angry about it.

Here's what I did for my GD run:

Hilda: Wyvern Rider/Wyvern Lord (you can do this for any physical unit if you really wanted)

Raphael: War Master, have him focus on brawling and axes with a bit of heavy armor maybe

Ignatz: Assassin is great, though sniper is fine too. You can eventually go down the bow knight path if you want as well.

Lorenz: Dark Knigh, magic Lorenz is a lot bettern then physical Lorenz

Hilda: Wyvern, if you're going to want anyone to abuse the wyvern class its her.

Marianne: Can go a lot of ways. Bishop for best heals, Holy Knight for large range healing, and Gremory for mixed offensive and support healing.

Leonie: Have her focus on bows. She's a godly physical unit, you can have her be a bow knight, pegasus knight, or bow knight depending on what growths you want. One of the best units in the game.

Lysithea: Gremory, no question.

That's the church route.

How's the difficulty on Maddening?
The one thing that warded me off was how easy the game was universally seen, so I waited until it came out to decide
Now NO ONE is talking about it, so I either have to assume it fixed everything or nothing at all. Which is it?

But Conquest came out a good while ago.

Go the fuck to /vg/ already.

No it isn't, it doesn't let me marry goddess form adult Sothis with a hourglass waist and hue booty

You must like really Hilda

Pretty much every enemy doubles you in the beginning except your fastest character or those slightly fast with unequipped weapons.
Also a few enemies have pass so they can fuck up your backline.
Your exp is fucked, but that's mostly it aside from a few super bosses move now

It's harder but low effort. Same turn reinforcements a plenty, moving bosses (though this one isn't all that bad desu), and stat inflation. I guess they can't play much with weapon variety and enemy placement since the triangle is gone but it's kinda eh. It doesn't really fix the problems with bad and repetitive maps either.

Nah, it's just that Hilda is objectively one of the strongest units in the game so you might as well abuse those gorilla stats.

I just wanted to point out that you mentioned her twice. Gorhilda is a retardly strong unit though.

Hey user do you have a screenshot of the epilogue text with her? i was a fool and forgot to take it, I'm close to just doing the last boss again. I like the family portrait part

Who doesn't like Hilda?

Rhea is literally Sothis.

>OCD to an annoying degree.
She graduated from both a magic and officers school. Her womb is built for high IQ offspring.
>Too short
Are you gay? You don't like picking up your women with ease?
>Body not thick enough
Fair enough.
>Daddy issues
Except she adores her father and just wants him to come home. Meanwhile Marriane, Mercedes, Ingrid, Bernadetta all bitch about their father/ step father while Leonie wants to fuck your father more than of you.
>Will be a lesbian with Mercedes but not you, meaning her soul is not into you enough to be with you in either body.
Can you blame her? Mercedes looks way better than FemByleth.
>Is a footfag that likes man feet. Like how
Wait...explain that one user?

I hear ya, thanks for the feedback.
I'll get it if it's really challenging like you say, I'll just prep for the bullshit like I did in Awakening

Fuck, I'm retarded and didn't even mention that, started the reply and went to do something and forgot I guess.

No she's not, she's Seiros

>I love my wife Bernadetta!

You really should thank her dad for that. He tied her to a chair after all. Not really sure why though, the game never went into any kind of in depth motivation for what that would have accomplished. Seems kind of weak but, hey, it worked.

No. Rhea is Seiros. Sothis is the god loli in your head.

>user cannot read

I havent paid much attention to th emulation scene in a while, is there a good one for the switch? game looks fun, but there's no way im getting a switch.

that shoulder looks kinda retarded

Yuzu, not sure how good it is though.

isnt sitting on me

I can reload my save and get it possibly.

>She graduated from both a magic and officers school. Her womb is built for high IQ offspring.

>Are you gay? You don't like picking up your women with ease?
If you can't pick up the entire female cast with ease then you aren't much a man.
>Except she adores her father and just wants him to come home. Meanwhile Marriane, Mercedes, Ingrid, Bernadetta all bitch about their father/ step father while Leonie wants to fuck your father more than of you.
That is still a daddy issue. Also we aren't talking about those other girls right now. It's like going to the food analogy to buy a food analogy and then complaining that it has too much food analogy, only for the food analogy employee to pipe up and say "Oh yeah? Well the food analogy down the road also has food analogy! So does food analogy, food analogy, and even food analogy! Guess that makes our food analogy nowhere near as bad, huh?"
>Can you blame her? Mercedes looks way better than FemByleth.
That just means she's superficial. Like me. And I sure as shit wouldn't want to date me. I'm horrible.
>Wait...explain that one user?
Did you not see her Azure Moon B rank conversation with Felix that just got changed in the update along with the Bernie stuff? She flat out states that she thinks he has cute feet and always like the aesthetic of a hard working calloused foot. It's right in the game files go fucking look.

I get what your trying to say since they took out the "be a submissive wife" line, but Bernie would make a great wife regardless! Im thankfull that she never has to see her dad again and can spend the rest of her days with minty haired Byleth!

Attached: Bernie35.jpg (700x815, 69K)

Don't worry if it's not convenient

>greatest sRPG of the decade comes at the very end
>comes at the very end
the end of what?

Attached: 1559761664106.png (540x519, 489K)

The decade you doof.

The end of your life

>Did you not see her Azure Moon B rank conversation with Felix that just got changed in the update along with the Bernie stuff?

Yeah I saw her B support with Felix and it was just her trying to bribe Felix about her singing. Did the update straight up change the B support dialogue all together?

Yes. Go check right now.

That user was incorrect, Bernie's B support with Byleth has a line altered in the recent patch. The exact reason is unknown. Some theories relate it to Chris Nisosi and the controvery with his girlfriend but no reason has been officially stated.

Attached: berniebsupportinfographic.png (584x522, 249K)

Not at all, here you go user.

This is Azure Moon btw, might be different for other routes

Attached: 2019091700151200-0DC6ECE91CF3F6F02BAFC002E3FFBAAD.jpg (1280x720, 241K)

I didn't think update change their B support, but they did change Felix's one line in their A support.
It was "You shouldn’t dance up there.
You could fall."
Now it's "Well… Your skill is impressive, I’ll admit."

switch game of the year for sure

Thanks a lot my friend, I did golden deer and I think it was the same

Also here's Felix x Bernie since I've only ever seen Anons post their non-Azure Moon ending.

Attached: 2019091700144900-0DC6ECE91CF3F6F02BAFC002E3FFBAAD.jpg (1280x720, 242K)

Why are they trying to patch support dialogue so late after release?

i farted before looking at this image and it didn't help


All these Manuela threads are just the best. Tried drawing her tonight again, but outlook not so good. I'm just no good when I rush.

Next time.

Attached: d96.jpg (500x500, 43K)

>when you get the final killshot on Lonato with Ashe

Attached: deko cry.gif (344x261, 2.93M)

At least one of them has fetal alcohol syndrome.

Good now, have Sylvain kill his own brother.

Forcing Ashe to strike Lonato down will make him stronger and teach your students about the consequences of going against the church.

"who put this barrel here?"

it also a joke slang when you got no girlfriend

Attached: anon.jpg (1563x909, 166K)

BLbro here again

Since this was my first route, I have a lot of questions regarding Seteth and Flayn, or Cichol and Cethlann as they referred to each other in their A support and what the fuck is going on here.

What route should I play next if I want to learn more about them? I feel like this was something that wasn't touched on enough in the route.

Attached: 2019091700143900-0DC6ECE91CF3F6F02BAFC002E3FFBAAD.jpg (1280x720, 248K)

You learnt more about them in Church route, it split from Black Eagles route if pick Rhea.

Attached: IMG_20170526_040040.jpg (750x733, 39K)