God tier story...

>God tier story, literally encapsulates most of human history and dozens of mythologies while exploring deep characters like Solomon and Mashu
>Gameplay that can be cleared with bronze units through sheer skill due to how well designed it is
>Writing by some of the most well known and acclaimed Japanese authors (Gen Urobuchi, Kinoko Nasu, etc)
>Always pushing the bar higher and expanding its lore, scale, and mechanics

If you don't play FGO you're either an out of touch boomer or a retard with no self control to avoid paying for quartz

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Other urls found in this thread:


fucking cope

literally wrong on all points, nice bait


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Babylonia was the only good part of your shitty montage, and you can read a loot summary of it or watch the anime.


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None of these gachafags give a shit about fate, only the porn and that sorry excuse for a cookie clicker.
Tell me, how do you feel knowing that your franchise will never see a proper game where you can access the 7 classes each with a route? The last shit you got was CCC and even now it's not translated.
to be honest I'm just an assblasted fag wishing for a real fate game without cancer

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Listen, fgo is nice and all but this copy pasta has got to stop

>He's only heard of Babylonia because it's getting an anime
>He doesn't actually play the game and will never get to see Nasu's grand tapestry of cosmic lore finally unfold the way he always wanted, tying together all of his works into one enormous story that has compelling stories on all scales from small-town murders to multidimensional elder gods, in the ultimate conclusion to his entire life's work

That's okay though, you do you.

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You can stop shilling now user

And yet after gathering all this talent and lore only Camelot and Babylonia were actually good.

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>literally encapsulates most of human history and dozens of mythologies while exploring deep characters like Solomon and Mashu
Yeah with fucking terrible generic designs meant purely for fapbait.
There are other games that handle mythology and history far better. e.g. SMT

Imagine thinking that this absolute kusoge remotely lives up to ANY previous Nasu VN.
Keep eating shit retard.

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CCC was pretty good.

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Yeah, but here's the thing:

Mash is a goddamn SLUT.

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>God tier story
By gacha standard maybe, but there's a lot of phone game out there that have better story

i'll just watch the story bits on youtube if its that good


I played but now I just check out the story bits on youtube to keep me up to date.
Would roll new account for Muramasa tho

>Angra Mainyu is supposed to be the weakest Servant, period
>In the game, both Boudica and COOOOOL are worse than him

How did they fuck up this bad?

>Aokofags buttmad she'll never be a servant.

Attached: Warc0.png (512x512, 130K)

>but there's a lot of phone game out there that have better story
Like what?

Tried playing it
>Shit gameplay
>Horrendious graphics
>2deep4U jap story
>Roll rates are thievery

I like the concept behind Fate but this is garbage and fate grand order IS A LITERAL GAME FOR KEKS
>beta get surrounded by beautiful women and send them on """support""" to other masters
seach NTR and Fate on sadpanda, it's everywhere

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>But there's a lot of phone game out there that have better story
I dare you to name just 1, you fucking liar

Nah, user
Is trash, but a lovely piece of trash desu

I prefer Extella to be quite honest.

Not him but by what metric are we judging?
Personally I think it's silly to claim one story is better than another if both are free of things that break the plot.

>its impossible to save Altera from THAT timeline

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why do i have no motivation to play this game?

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>5 out of 8 Singularities are garbage
>Doesn't even include Part 2 or even EoR in this
Shit pasta

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improve it then

Play Priconne!

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So people can shitpost with it more? Fuck that

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Not enough time ya weirdo.

I love Mash!

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but user, think of all the (yous)!

I like this pasta

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I'm not a pathetic attentionwhore who lives off of (Yous)

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Honestly what is the appeal of anything fate related?


Finally made it to Gawain in Camelot. Strongest Archer is a level 40 Robin Hood. Guess that means I should hold this off for a while.

Get in line.


Level your Euryale or borrow an Atermis/Orion
You've got a handful of cool, bullshit, conceptual things aside from the flood of porn. The former is what keeps me from completely writing the series off as just one big dump of doujins and unfulfilled character design.

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This guy is supposed to be primate murder lol

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Its a feeling you cant quite explain to someone that doesn't have it

OP just posted it. Are you pretending to be retarded?

Euryale + Tamamo support or just a Euryale support if you don't have yournowm. Use cs to charge NP if necesswry

yes of course

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No materials. Literally can't level anything right now. I do have a Euryale, though she's only NP1. No way to strengthen her.

>OP just posted it. Are you pretending to be retarded?
Aren't you with that falseflagging OP?

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agartha sucked ass


Imagine enjoying that Type-Moon DEIGNED to give Tsukihime attention, after 2013, in spite of a NEVER EVER remake that bodes poorly.

Time for you to borrow someone's Orion or Euryale then.
Hope you have some supports

I have a level 55 Hans, but only his NP charge skill is level 4.

So... did she die?


I hope you've been leveling Mash.

She's level 60. 4/4/4
Her skills are expensive, but I figured I should invest in her since she's useful.

Unless you got some solid S-tier servants, Mash is always someone you should level up first regardless of what materials you need since she's not stopped by pesky skill gems. Defense stacking is overpowered

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Well I can't invest in her anymore. Like I said, no mats.

The original VN was a good story about a fundamentally flawed protagonist with the servants mainly being a backdrop. Everything else other than FSN, FHA, and Carnival Phantasm vary from complete and utter garbage (FGO) to eh (Extra)

Is this your first fight against him? If so, you only need to get him to 75% HP to progress.

It's over. Even if such a thing was made now it would still be filled with meme fanservice shit and wouldn't go anywhere remotely controversial or dark like the original and would be primarily for fanservice. The absolute best you can hope for is persona level stuff at this point and even that's unlikely.

The franchise is dead there's no point wanting another real Fate story because it isn't going to happen.

Oh no, I got past that one. It's the second one I can't really do anything about.

>Hyped when extella was announced because I thought it'd hopefully be an RPG where I can choose more servants than the usual

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Sorry, but i only like Nasu's pretentious exposition garbage dumps from the VN's and Extra that can NEVER EVER compete against FGO, Garden of Avalon, and a show about Shirou cooking delicious food.

the first four lostbelts are hot garbage.
the only good sub singularities are shinjuku and japan.

The franchise is dead. FGO is so popular and made TM so much money that they will never make anything original again. Nasu must be in his 50s now and is just trying to milk Fate as much as he can before he retires to a private island filled with hookers and blow. When FGO dies TM will collapse onto itself as the actual creative people would be long gone.

Attached: Never Ever.jpg (1258x600, 315K)

CCC fucking sucks anyway. It was much better in FGO. Ooku, however, is just rehashed shit with worse servants and most likely what lostbelt 4 was before they changed it to karna/arjuna wanking because everyone was already getting tired of sakura wanking.

You know that's because Nasu only got involved at that point right? The other singularities were outsourced shit because nobody expected this adventure quest mobile port to actually make three billion dollars. Once it printed money Nasu took the reigns which is why there's such an enormous quality shift between shit like Septem and everything after Camelot

Play Magia Record

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Lets be honest, Nasu wasn't that talented to begin with considering that Camelot and Babylon was some of the best shit he's ever written.

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Only if you show me some cute blonde girls

Here's 4

Attached: Taboo - Four of a Kind.png (652x990, 272K)

Show me something better

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>Inverted kibisis
>Argon coin
did i miss something
Im still reading heavens feel

Better, but not by much

But it did penetrate

Nah, it's just a fan edited version of the endings screen to include Rider and Caster routes. We'll never get anything related to the original FSN again so that why it's called Never Ever.

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There is also Mami (Navidad)

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They are VN not gacha trash, dumb user

Oh magia record is the madoka gacha isn't it

STOP IT! Have FGO ever done anything wrong to you other than making billion of dollar and very popular both with normal and otaku, and making lotta of doujins and fan art, stop the hatred right now!


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Imagine judging gacha not by the story, gameplay, and art but by how likely you are to get the next mega rare.

>4chin chart make by some salty weeaboo
LMAO what the heck are you trying to prove?

The list goes off an objective basis so it's valid. Enjoyment is variable and subjective to opinion

Yeah and if I rank my video game collection alphabetically that’s also both objective and useless what’s your point?

I feel like it implies that FGO actually has a consistent powercreep and isn't just

I'm honestly sick of both GFL and Azur Lane while I still enjoy FGO.

>posts a gacha list by drop rates
>thread starts to seethe
What could this mean?

>Poster says something stupid
>Gets called stupid

What could it mean?

i once played this but then i deleted the app after like half an hour of gameplay

>tying together all of his works
He literally said that Tsukihime is not canon

>Trying to save face by saying everyone seethe
Internet pride is a one hell of drug

No one wants to admit, but FGO is the most balanced mobile game out of all the gachas. It knows that it is a mobile game, so the gameplay isn't too complicated like action rpgs or too tedious like Azur Lane.
The story is good for a mobile game, where most have non-existing story at all.
And while everyone rags on the gacha rates, it is still the most fair compared to the other gacha, where games like Gundam Wars, you have to roll the same MS 11 times just to max its level. And since it has no PVP, there is no powercreep where characters get sidelined by newer characters so you have to keep rolling the gacha and keep whaling to keep up.

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Oath Under Snow is better than any Fate work since the original VN.

dont @ me

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fgo have good a-

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Though it's a pasta thread- I stopped after finishing Salomon, I enjoyed it for what it was. I mostly just wanted to see where Nasu is going with his stuff since we're never going to see something like Tsukihime ever again.


They are phone game that have better story than fgo, where did I wrong?

They are all PC VN and just received phone port not so long ago, idiot. Meanwhile FGO is originally a fucking phone shit from the get go

sauce on this need it for memes full version if you have it