Can we agree that having President Shinra appear as a hologram is cooler and makes more sense than him endangering his...

Can we agree that having President Shinra appear as a hologram is cooler and makes more sense than him endangering his own life for no reason to talk to a bunch of terrorists who could very well kill him in person?

Attached: final-fantasy-7-remake-comparison-president-shinra.jpg (672x370, 84K)

Yeah. The only thing is it sets the stage more for a cyberpunk scene than a dieselpunk one which I firmly saw FF7 as. Holograms were more FF8s aesthetic.

Hologram seems a bit too high tech
Projected onto the reactor exterior would look cooler imo

>Chad in person
>Virgin holo gram
Being in person is more impressive because it shows how insignificant he sees the terrorists.

I don't like Shinra's new design, looks more generic.

If you think somebody is insignificant, you don't take time out of your busy day just to go taunt them in person.

No beause holograms didn't exist in 1994

Check. And. Mate.

Really, dude?

Attached: 1568224492508.jpg (852x599, 154K)

>bit too high tech

There guys literally have giant robots like prod clod

>Being in person is more impressive because it shows how insignificant he sees the terrorists.

uhh that's the complete opposite, if you don't care then you don't bother walking your ass out there.

Midgar is Cyberpunk.
Everything OUTSIDE of Midgar is Dieselpunk.
Mako Energy make them skip genres.

>makes more sense
no, that's like saying talking shit to someone on the internet is cooler than talking shit to them in person.

Funny, had the same thought while replaying last week. Gold saucers kind of is cyberpunk though.

How about taking a shit on someone VIA internet?
>press take shit button
>Drone deployed from amazon to your home
>Release a shit on the person's head
>Service only available to Premium Gold Users

Well, yeah.
But it's still Shin-Ra.
Shin-Ra is straight up 100% a cyberpunk corp. Like, the FF7 world's FIRST Cyberpunk Corp. You're playing in the exciting time of a transition between genres in-world.

Hell, after Meteor, FF7's world goes post-apocalyptic too.

if I could project a 50-foot tall hologram of me giving someone a sick burn in public, it would be WAY cooler than doing it in person.

I agree. That makes 100% more sense than him walking in front of Barret, who could just shoot him with his arm-gun instantly.

What I am curious about is how they do the plate-drop in the remake. They mention something about Wutai in the trailer, so I hope the remake plot involves a false-flag terrorist attack by "Wutai" that drives the Shinra-Wutai war onwards.

Wutai war was over before Cloud and Zack met.
A major story point for Cloud is that he missed the war, and his chance for glory and induction into SOLDIER because he got there too late.

Zack, on the other hand, was promoted to SOLDIER 2nd for his deeds in the war.

Yes. It’s also in character because he likes showing off the newest Shinra tech. That’s the only reason he sent out the Airbuster.

True, but that was in the original canon. Why does Shinra himself mention Wutai and '(Avalanche's) role in this' if that country isn't relevant anymore? I think they're going full 9/11 with the plate drop in the remake. It's a government-sponsored false flag to either restart or further the war between Wutai and Shinra.

That would be a huge change in the plot though. But I guess it could be an excuse to make Yuffie and the Wutai section mandatory.

>Can we agree that having President Shinra appear as a hologram is cooler
No. Fuck off zoomer.

Just because the war is over doesn't mean there wont be lingering terrorist cells, I'm sure.

Yup, one of the only changes I completely agree with.

Terrorist cells that Shinra can blame the plate drop on, hence the false-flag. It make sense narrative wise. They use Avalanche as an excuse to restart the Wutai conflict.

because Wu Tang Clan aint nuthin to fuck with