Why yes, I do prefer Puyo Puyo to Tetris, how did you know?
Why yes, I do prefer Puyo Puyo to Tetris, how did you know?
>that pic
>he doesn't think Puyos look fucking delicious
They probably have brains though, imagine drinking a smoothie and then feeling a giant raisin hit your throat
The only reason Puyo couldn't stand up to Tetris at higher levels (on average, at least) was because longer combos worked slower than long Tetris combos.
Postin' Arles in a Puyo Thread
Have you been practicing your chains lately?
Yea Forums puyopuyo threads sure are a lot more dark than /vr/ puyopuyo threads.
Puyo is better at multiplayer while Tetris is better at Singleplayer, but has multiplayer not as good as Puyo.
Singleplayer Puyo is fun for the characters, but the AI is too retarded.
thats the chewy center
>tfw too dumb to play puyo
I'm hitting 10 chains in practice but I'm getting around 7-8 for battle.
Can't really seem to nail down sending small chains while building my larger one during mid-battle. I can always send a 2 chain or so in the beginning, but I need to do better.
That's pearl tea, and it's delicious.
The soft gooey balls are the best part!
>thread archived due to lack of activity
That's /vr/ for you, such an upbeat board isn't it?
Yeah, now that you mention it /vr/'s moderation is probably the worst on the site. There's just no winning anymore.
motherfuck these are complex
How the fuck do you learn all these and pull them off on command
I just toss shit on one side without intentionally popping then pop the bottom row and hope for the best.
god, imagine girls
Just pile up Puyos of vaguely similar colors next to each other and hope for the best.
trying too hard, man.
If you can learn to at least seven chain off of GTR then everything else comes easy.
I mean it's a pain in the butt still but GTR is the method to go by before doing anything else.
I think I need some turn-based mode to pull that off. The second something unexpected falls down I freak out and mess up.
me on the tp
Which is the best puyo game and why is it sun?
>not 20th