Make sure to buy Wendy's game!
Make sure to buy Wendy's game!
I'll buy Erza's game instead.
I'm genuinely looking forward to this game. I've been a fan of FT for years and even tried one of the shitty Japan only PSP games.
Really hoping the last two playable characters are Mirajane and Levy.
Fuck FT honestly, I watched 150 episodes and it was garbage.
The arc with the metal guy was nice tho.
You are, therefore you am.
My Jewish stepmother is named Wendy.
I concur.
Dress her like Wendy and fuck her
>no character creator
No thanks.
Read it. The anime just drags it out unnecessary and the fanservice is better in the manga too.
Umm... you mean Lucy’s game?
If Brandish doesn't get big or make people smaller in the game I'm gonna lose it.
Reminder to make Wendy your tank.
Honestly, it's better this way. I don't wanna self insert, I wanna play as the gang.
The last two characters are probably the people from Team A and Team B GMG.
Laxus, Mirajane, Elfman, and Cana are candidates.
Hello totally-won't-get-their-model-ripped-for-research-reasons.
I mean, Wendy has almost as much porn as Lucy and Erza and she stands out in the cast as the only loli, I wouldn't be surprised.
They said that the first half of the game is the GMG arc, so it will mostly likely end at Tartaros
What’s the gameplay like? More of a ultimate ninja storm or the one piece dynasty warrior type stuff?
Natsu's a SUPREME faggot for not fucking her already. Hopefully he wises up in the sequel.
It's a RPG game like the Atelier series.
>smallest girl
>has the biggest hips and ass proportionately
That always gets me going.
>more than 10 characters playable
so it's
Who else?
It could have been both. You have a custom character and then the rest of your party is made up of the actual characters. Obviously they couldn't do that though because the game is adapting actual arcs.
Best girl indeed.
Laxus and Mirajane.
But this I'll very much do.
Wendy is probably one of the first anime lolis I ever fapped to.
Does it look like it's going to be trash?
Jellal isn't really a member of the guild except when he pretended to be Mystogan.
If anything, the game not being another arena fighter makes it less trash.
>It could have been both. You have a custom character and then the rest of your party is made up of the actual characters
oh, you're one of those guys
How many anime model ripper faggots actually share? I always see people on deviantart just posting tpose pictures and then saying "no download sorry!"
fuck mirajane
marry erza
kill lucy
Kill Erza
Fuck Lucy
Marry Mira
how did mashima get away with this?
Isn't Fairy Tale utter garbage?
It's an RPG
Not "utter garbage".
The girls and the music are its strongest points.
If you watch it for the story, yes. The fan service is good and the fights before the final arc are good.
Only thing I ever read that was bigger trash than Naruto.
you will have to wait until fairy tail xenoverse gets made
I want to fuck her
Her too
And that one too
The porn.
All the porn this will generate...
I'm ready
All wrong. It will be Juvia's game that I will buy.
More like udder garbage desu
She's a little girl
for you
What school grade is she in?
this fucking webm
She doesn't go to school
Like, she's literally 12. Check the wiki.
That only makes it better, personally.
I love how Yea Forums always makes better threads than Yea Forums
This, I want to pound her child pussy while yelling "I'm fucking an xth grade elementary schoolgirl!"
please let that be an alt costume in the game
I just hope it has some alternate outfits. I won't use Gray if I can't have him be naked.
There's a only a few characters that a healthy adult male will go pedo for.
Marie Rose
Wendy is one of them
Ok, answer me this question
Does this game has Virgo?
I both excited that my wife is getting a new game and maybe some more merch while upset at all the untoward attention she is also receiving
Very likely, yes
All right, then
requesting a pregnant edit of that picture
I have never watched/read Fairy Tail but I might buy the game for the hot girls and I like jrpgs.
I'm still mad.
She also wears high heel shoes....
For me, it's Flare Corona
>Raven Tail hyped up for so long
>Gets soloed by Laxus
>Perfect opportunity to come back during Alvarez
>Just complete forgotten and swept under the rug
Fucking Mashima.
Literally every girl was fuckable in Fairy Tail. Ending sucked though.
Marry Mira
Fuck Erza
Kill Lucy
If you think Mira is imagine then look at Wendy, she's 144 cm and only 37 kg.
Cute feet.
Why the hell did Wendy have childbearing hips as a child?
Yes, but Mira has these tits and those hips/ass and that amazing housewife skill for her.
Because she's built for breeding. Also she's not a child, she's a young lady.
Was Gray a homo?
Marie is 18
Still pedo
Don't forget Shinobu
>that height
>those hips
We don't have "hunterchad" ruining any shonen thread here
I wanna make Wendy the healslut of my team!
I hope there is a quest to impregnate Kagura or at least to make your own guild of babes
Ketchup or Mustard anons?
Can we lewd Mavis?
Mavis was pretty hot
>Anime with romance shit.
>No one gets kissed on the mouth.
Girls don't have cooties, calm down Japan.
Can’t wait to buy Erza’s game and all the hundreds of DLC costumes, only hers of course.
At least Levy got that metal seed.
Fuck Mira
Marry Erza
Befriend Lucy
I like fairy tail, I understand why people don't like it. But at the end of the day I just want to watch 2 people slug eachother while a good rustic OST plays in the background
Yea Forums call it the worst thing next to hitler. But in reality it's on the same level as anyone of the big 3, mindless drivel you watch because its fun.
wait is this official or a doujin? If it's a doujin give me the fucking sauce
Mikan too
Non-virgin slut who fucked a guy she wasn’t even in a relationship with, literally scum of the world
You just need to have suspension of disbelief in order to enjoy it.
Tail butt plugs
Look at their butthole muscles twitching the tails around god i wish those were my dick
>absolutely fucking love Erza as a character
>hate her bullshit fights
>because it's Erza
I wish she stayed a bit longer and showed up after the 1-year timeskip.
No character creation, no buy.
It's the official sequel.
Same tbqh
That was played as a joke though, Yea Forums will bitch and moan about it because they didn't watch the fucking anime. We got an entire arc dedicated to learning about why shes powerful and how she got that way.
>could’ve banged Ultear
>could’ve banged chocolate goddess from avatar guild
>picks shitty stalker
Didn't watch the anime. Did it actually explain how someone with all their senses fucked was still able to fight?
Erza unlocked a 6th sense because she’s a Mary Sue.
As much as think that character creation shouldn't be in everything, having one in Mashima's style is an opportunity that CANNOT be missed.
Because she’s Erza, no really that’s all there is to it, she’s Erza so she always win in the end
Is Edens Zero any good?
The only good fight was against that emo fuck.
>You could make your own loli in Mashima's style
Wasted potential
It does explain it
For me, it's Carla.
So how'd that go then?
i'd fuck her in any form she takes, god DAMN
Also who the fuck spells it "Charle" but pronounces it "Carla"
Hunterfags seething that big anime tiddies getting a new game over boring gay shotas.
Pretty good. Have you ever read Rave? It's closer to Rave in quality. You can tell he's actually trying this time.
Pretty well, thanks for asking
So it wasn't really explained?
I’ll be waiting on this to get the recognition it deserves. Being the creator of Naruto’s twin brother didn’t do this guy any favors
Of course
It was explained in the Tower of Heaven arc ya dingus. She literally becomes powerful because she hates being weak and not being able to save anyone, when she sees her best friend literally die in front of her she becomes a weak mess who can't do shit and starts breaking down from all the stress and shit she's been through to grit her teeth.
Her character is being powerful enough to defend her friends so she will never have to watch them die. In that fight that references that, she's literally gritting her teeth and fighting through the pain because everyone else is either dead or knocked the fuck out.
This fucker has not one but two timeskips better than shippuden
So >muh friendship makes her strong like Fire Dragon dude?
nah, more like friendship makes her strong like Gohan
That’s far from an explanation
Wish I could create my own shonen series bros
But how does that make her "see" in that fight?
I'd rather make an isekai
You can.
In the same way Gohan can produce a Kamehameha with one arm despite it needing 2 to function properly.
Mostly bullshit and magic
> Be villain 100 lvl over hero
> Rekt hero like a ragfag
> Nakaaaamaaaaaa powwaaaaah
> Wtf wins
> Cue Lucy and Erza flipping boobs
Should have made this series a hentai instead of a serious shonen. Also Natsu is a fig.
Yeah, technically...