Is there anything more pathetic than people that report others for having fun?
Is there anything more pathetic than people that report others for having fun?
Yeah, people who go on Yea Forums to whine when they get owned.
Haha droopy cock
Serves you right for playing a game full of trannies and faggots
>Is there anything more pathetic than people that report others for having fun?
yes, if that's your idea of fun
going from wow to ff14 really was a shock. the tranny meme gets thrown around in mmo circles but in ff14 it's actually the biggest safe space i've ever seen. in classic wow I see guild names like "boat phaggots" pretty often and no one cares.
That's what you're doing right now
>not playing mmo in pirate servers
>report kid with dumb names
>watch him sperg out
Yep, that's going in the fun times collection.
>haha actually getting people censored is what is epic xD
lmao faggots, soon enough this shit will be used against you and you'll be crying about it too.
I'm not a manchild so I doubt I will be affected in anyway.
reporting others for nontoxic behavior is pretty pathetic, yea. screeching autistically on Yea Forums because they made you change your meme name is also really pathetic.
>being proud of being militarized against your own peers
>not ruining the enjoyment of others who are ruining the enjoyment of others
Only difference is the rules are on my side.
Go read that big ToS that you checked agree on and didn't read, autismo.
this game is filled to the brim with unstable women in loveless marriages and trannies
The system is the tool. I hate you retarded faggots. I don't care how awful the future is as long as I can make it more awful for everyone else. Fuck off nigger.
spite is poisoning yourself
how does this ruin the enjoyment of others?
From hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee.
>my rights to not be censored have been compromised on a videogame
1 simple trick to figure out if user is still in Highschool
This is understandable, seeing as it's a multiplayer game for children.
What I don't get is when this kind of shit happens in M-rated games where you graphically kill each other with guns and knives. Oh sure there's heads being decapitated and blood flying everywhere but YOU TOLD SOMEONE TO GET FUCKED YOU'RE BANNED!
imagine actually reporting drewpeacock
thats like having a fit over ben dover as a user name
how can anyone be so autistic?
If this is leading to,
>muh furst uh-mendments
You are sorely mistaken if you think this applies to a privately owned game network.
You corporate bootlickers will defend this in other threads. You reap what you sow.
first post best fucking post
>Your idea of fun is not my idea of fun!
>Permanently ban you from playing the game you bought!
Libtards: not even once. I can't wait until the real lawsuits start coming out over this blatant theft by SJW corporations. Then they'll reverse course on this so fast it will make heads spin.
I suggest you read through the user agreement before you make a fool of yourself.
I wish all rich people and their bootlickers would die, what a stain on this world, it's already ban enough, but you faggots make it even worse.
Remind us what it's like being 12 years old? That was a magical time and I miss it.
Why not just ignore it or use the mute button?
>it's already ban enough
Rent free.
>Remind us what it's like being 12 years old?
Is this supposed to be a question? Do they even teach English in school anymore or did you drop out?
Anyone who reports anything is an autistic child
The 12-year-old doesn't understand questions. Man public school has continued to decline.
Corporate bootlickers like you deserve to get your head bashed in.
Yeah, it's very sad and super weird that he's projecting about being 12.
>corporation makes you sign agreement to play game
>break agreement
lmao it doesn't get more bootlicker than voluntarily signing a no bad words agreement.
holy shit thats cucked as hell
no fucking way i am ever playing this shitty game
No you're 12 I'm adult age.
>implying anyone ever claimed 6 million jews were shoved into ovens
lol dummy
You're an adult and don't understand basic punctuation? I guess that answers my question.
>a 12 year old is smarter than an adult
Have you ever considered that the people who report you are doing it for their own enjoyment?
>his idea of fun is saying penis
Conservatives: Not even once
boomer mentality will die off eventually
>your honor, they wouldnt let me scream nigger over the mic
>trolling is onions
God damn, who knew the salt-white would become so sensitive lmao
Aww, the trumpledyte can't handle the bantz!
>I'm grown up now. I responsibly enjoy socially aware comedy
>butts and farts and other such vulgarities no longer make me laugh
t. Your average 14 year old
fpbp, get fucked op
Going to tell your mom is the absolute opposite of bantz. At least put some effort in your bait.
Toxic behaviour is banter.
Elaborate please
Yeah, people who watch people play video games instead of playing them; worse is discussing people that you watch play video games.
For me, its this user: intelligent, nihilistic, and with a based sense of humor.
Or you could shut your mouth and not say nigger in some game you know?
Reporting someone is the equivalent of calling your mom over when another kid calls you mean names on the playground. Actually handling the bantz means verbally responding in the same manner or laughing it off.
You can't bitch out and then act like you're cool.
i'm going to proscribe to you a healthy dose of vagina.
op acted like a retarded vulgar child and got treated like one
Meh 9/10 times a guy using such a name is shit anyway. And while I'm not autistic enough to report someone for it, I'm not exactly crying a river for him either. I'd say good riddance. Meme names aren't actually funny most of the time and when I see 1 I usually just cringe at it instead.
My chocobo's name is Buttplug and has been since the dawn of time. Still not a single report.
Nope, I'm pretty sure I'm laughing my ass off every time I get a thank you note from a developer telling me the salt-white spaz I reported got banned LMAO
cope and seethe, incel
>troll whiny children by harassing them, insulting them, attacking teammates
>troll whiny children by reporting them and getting them banned
You would think people who constantly attack others for entertainment would have thicker skin themselves.
Get off of this website and seek help, I mean it.
You sound like a nigger
Not the guy you were arguing with but not everyone has a silver tongue. Not everyone has a way with words and since using your fists instead is usually forbidden and looked down upon reporting someone and/or "calling your mom" in this case is the only way they can fight back.
Pretty much. When I'm asshat I wonder how much longer I can keep it up before risking a ban. There are also better ways to fuck with people that reach the same effect as calling them retarded niggers than just straight up calling them ones.
You probably don't belong here
Trumpledytes live in glass houses. Well technically, their parents glass basements.
you literally pulled the 'no u' off yourself
You don't need to be mentally unstable to "belong" here, buddy.
shitposting on a mongolian basket weaving forum
I'm aware, just saying it's the cowards way out. Can't have the local authority fight your battles forever, and you really can't get smug about it.
I'll also remind you that we're talking about someone having a swearword as an username in their anime videogame. It's a pretty pathetic thing to get mad about, let alone bother to report.
You really kinda do. You're on a site with people who unironically cheer on terrorists and revel in the idea of children being slaughtered
And you sound like you were noogied all the way to college you absolute brown-noser.
Niggers who want to use their fists for everything end up lying on the ground wondering how they're dying from gunshot wounds
>children being slaughtered
>Population control on an already overcrowded planet is somehow wrong.
Let me guess, you're pro-life?