Other urls found in this thread:
didn't you hear user, it can't possibly be judged by normal sales standards because it was responsible for HUGE $2 game pass sales which will definitely lead to the 6+ months of subscription fee required to offset the box price loss
It sold well, though, Euronigger, it's not our fault you guys are faggots there and like Sony's trash because you don't have money and get locked up for calling a tranny a man.
and on top of that, FH4, which was also in gamepass day one, was actually the best SELLING forza game to date.
even sold 400k copies in the UK alone in 3 months. Gears 5 however only sold 25k in 1 week, which is when games sell the most. so even if the game would sell 25k every week for 4 months, it'd still sell less than FH4.
>xbots are /pol/tards
It is always funny how marketing shitters try to spin those high budget fails so the shareholders do not sell their stocks.
Gears 5?
More like QUEERS 5
The UK is irrelevant.
If you care so much, execute those that wear them.
How is it a fail? Do you think microsoft made it free on gamepass on accident or something?
>It sold well, though
lol no it didn't it was shilled hard af and it fell flat
I mean they are advertising this during prime time NFL games as a gamepass game. Apparently it's the most downloaded glass game and minions played it.
No, they did it to market their game pass since they knew the game won't sell at full price in the long run after they saw the negative reaction online. They pay people to lurk 24/7.
>Microsoft entirely marketed this game as a gamepass game
>People buy gamepass in droves to play it
Microsoft achieved what they set out to do
>Microsoft achieved what they set out to do
being retarded, killing the franchise for good and making no money ?
>negative reaction online
The chans don't actually matter, no matter what you think.
There really isnt a negative reaction. Most non Microsoft seething haters actually agree that it's a good high quality game. Why do fags here have to lie? Physical sales are down across the board everywhere.
>and making no money ?
>He thinks Gamepass isn't an enormous part of Microsoft's new strategy
They don't care where you play their games as long as you're paying them something to play them. They have been going fucking hard on everything Gamepass since its announcement
This place is literally full of retarded subhumans that don't play games and just regurgitate the same bullshit info.
>Numbers don't matter because I said so
>Microsoft keeps telling investors how much money they make
> "How many subscribers do you have?"
>Microsoft tells investors they have 100 billion in offshore accounts
>Jesus fucking christ, just push Gamepass as hard as possible.
More than you think. Maybe I know a lot more than you, maybe not. Maybe we even met in the office ;) Do they still pay extra because of dead week?
Yea Forums isn't the same anymore. All the hardcore autist that actually appreciate gaming have moved to /vg/ threads or fucked off. Post 2009 Yea Forums is not somewhere you should get your reviews.
Seriously don't listen to anyone's opinion about games here. Shits like Reddit 2.0 these days.
I said it in the other thread and il say it in ever thread. Microsoft will make more money selling data than selling copies of the game.
Still blows my mind how much money advertising makes.
They're actually building an entire strategy around quantity over quality in their first party titles now, it's the only smart move if you're trying to prioritize a subscription service over individual game sales. This is what the gamepass loving retards don't comprehend, a subscription service incentivizes the service provider to have 'the most' rather than 'the best' and when that service provider is also making content then that content will inevitably slide massively in quality over time. 'The netflix of gaming' will lead to the game equivalent adam sandler movies becoming the norm for games on that service in the long term.
>Build game series up as the ultimate dudebro “NFL players vs Uruk-hai with guns” power fantasy
>Market the latest entry as a SJW wankfest, including the obligatory pride flags (because that’s important for some reason), and replace the established MC with some random dyke-looking side character who just sort of elbows her way into the MC spot, and starts ordering all the character you like around
I liked the game more than I expected to, but it deserved to flop.
Honestly I'm ok with Microsoft doing this. I've been an Xcuck for like 4 years now and their first party shit has been non-existent.
They need to just shit out stuff at this point. Waiting years for Sea of Thieves, Crackdown 3, and State of Decay 2 wasn't worth it.
Plus gamepass is fucking sick. Been playing Slay the Spire and Dead Cells on my Pc with it and I'm having a blast.
>but it deserved to flop.
Except it didn't actually flop
I think for gears 5 they dont care if it flops its like anthem type deal they want people in on the games passs o the can sell microtransactions
this is sadly all going according to plan
shhh let them pretend, this is all they have in their lives.
>Been playing Slay the Spire and Dead Cells on my Pc with it and I'm having a blast.
subscription services can be great for third party titles, sure, they're just bad for first party quality
Well, what's wrong with it? What was wrong with Gears 4? Didn't play either
gear 4 was lootbox hell 5 is mictransaction hell with shotgun spam
>The marketing exec told me it was considered a 'great success internally' so it must be true! I believe corporations over my own common sense and critical thinking skills!
Xbox Gold already gave shitty garbage ass free games. It started with shit like Undertow and Aegis Wing. This was like 12 years ago, so I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
>being a console faggot in the first place
>Microsoft keeps being one of the most profitable and successful companies in the world
>Try to inject feminism into what was a comfy dude-bro series just because dude-bro series aren't allowed to exist anymore
Not surprising
>>The marketing exec told me it was considered a 'great success internally' so it must be true!
More like 'every fucking advertisement was a promotion of Gamepass so if they saw a heavy uptick in Gamepass subscriptions and usage it was a success.' Also for what it's worth Gears 5 was the most popular Microsoft Studios game for the Xbone, according to them netting 3 million players through opening weekend
>Microsoft says it was a success with no hard numbers
>Has to be fake!
>Randy says borderlands 3 is a success with no hard numbers
>gamepass loving retards
I love it now because omg playing lots games I enjoy for cheap. How does that make me a retard? If it goes to shit, I'll drop it. Gamepass is good right now.
>game lets you exclusively target and hunt trannies
>not based
>its so confortable to not play videogames and just let Yea Forums form my opinion about everything that its released
>he doesn't ironically equip the tr*Noid or faggot flag
lmaoing @ ur life
I mean I bought Forza 4 but now that game pass is on PC I will just use game pass to play gears
I know, it sold SO MANY $2 Gamepass subscriptions that people are going to turn around and cancel as soon as they finish it!
>Xcucks trying to hawk three million players as a big deal when FH4 and SoT did two million with less Game Pass promotion
>that people are going to turn around and cancel as soon as they finish it!
Yeah you don't know how a lot of subscription services work
movie game
Gaming died around the time Gears 3 was released so it was the last good game.
>Gaming died around the time Gears 3 was released
Found the child who grew up in the seventh gen, arguably the worst fucking gen in modern times
There's a woman in the game and Yea Forums in 2019 is 30% incels and 65% shitposters trying to trigger incels
Halo to this day is the only game where the media mass reported people skipping work to play it 2 times with Halo 2 & 3
>Actually making the argument for popularity = quality
Burn this board down
not an argument
I fucking hope. I can't wait until the new CoD comes out and all these FOTM shitters leave versus. God I hate Gears multi at launch, just a bunch of retarded niggers who have never played Gears before clogging up matches. Like, WHY ARE YOU IN EXECUTION NIGGER!? Go ruin TDM or KOTH, or some other pussy mode.
considering the playerbase for gears are probably all middle aged men now and most of the people who were interested in the series dropped it after 4, the 3m players for the opening weekend is pretty good. i'd like to see the monthly figures though because i feel a lot of people are still holding back from trying out the game cos of 4.
Let the Europoors get this win, they need one since they're always losing to us.
The multiplayer looks like the good fun I used to have in 2 and 3
Has anyone here played it to confirm?
Yeah, its hilarious how at first the narrative here was that no one cared about Gears anymore and the numbers would be pathetic. But now that MS confirmed the initial player count was 3 million suddenly the narrative shifted and now people are trying to downplay this by saying Game Pass subsciptions don't count. Yea Forums will never get tired of being wrong.
It seems as though there are some people trying to get into the franchise for the first time, and with all of the games available on Xbox Game Pass these people are playing through every single campaign and burning out by the time they get to 3 or 4. Gears 4 especially because of how safe that game was. It's only a matter of time until they drop the numbers for the Gears games like Halo so the latest Gears game will be more approachable and newcomers can enjoy the newest game without playing previous entries in the series.
Lmao gears 5 low tier? What a fucking joke
>Gears 5
>Lower than fucking Recore
Nah man
You're acting like AAA games used to be good. Gears 4 was worse than 5 but it wasn't a gamepass game at first.
how the fuck is gears 4 higher than gears 5
how the FUCK is horizon 4 and MCC not god tier
Horde is still buggy when I select a character then someone else picks the character I wanted to play, then I'm forced to play a different character than what I wanted.
At least Dave Bautista is in Gears that's what's really important for this game. Gotta be sure to play during lauch month to get the Terminator Dark Fate character skins! baka
Can you please kill yourself.
quite possibly the worst box art of all time
i heard the best strategy was making good games, i could be wrong though
I don't know how I'm only getting 50% of the collectibles each act. Fucking WHERE? Like holy shit this is some Donkey Kong bullshit.
Where’s Project Spark? I liked that game
Isn't there an issue in the campaign where the collectibles weren't saving properly even after you collected them? Or did they fix it now?
>SJW wankfest
There's literally nothing SJW about the game. No social politics come up. No man vs woman. The only time Kait made an attempt to show she was better than a guy was when she didn't flinch at a pin prick compared to Del. In fact, the whole controversy that comes up and defines the game surrounds the use of the Hammer of Dawn but you wouldn't know that because you didn't play the game.
>Rockstar cans look dope as fuck and that's our cover art
Fucking how
Nickelback is the most popular metal band of all time, and they're still dog shit. Just because something is popular, doesn't mean it's good.
>3 million players first weekend
OP is a retard as usual
that's a feature that no one wanted.
I think putting crackdown 3 in mid tier is being too nice, user.
I feel that 7 might deserve a higher ranking after getting rid of loot boxes. Also
>Gears 4 over 5
Crackdown 3 was okay. These videos of game journalists playing the game show them walking on the ground and shooting, when the game fucking gives you triple jump. So I'm assuming the people who played it and didn't like it are retards who don't know how to bunny hop.
I'm still dissapointed even though I actually enjoyed CD3. CD1 is one of my favorite time waster games of all time. I wish they could have gotten some people who worked on Prototype to work on CD3 and make it more like that. I miss Prototype.
Gears 4 campaign was mediocre but the online is goat to me. Still 5 should be top tier
Hows the wing suit? I beat it and uninstalled before they added. Looks fun tho
Why is FH4 worse than 3?
Why do people care about the campaigns for these games? They don't need to play the older ones since Gears 5 has a recap at the beginning.
>Previously, on Gears...
It's like they're taking a page out of Telltale's book. Schlocky soap opera. The choice you have to make during act 4 of Gears 5 is lame. Choice here won't matter, just like a Telltale game or the Deus Ex Human Revolution endings or the color options for Mass Effect 3.
>4 better than 5
You have to ask? Bruh
Because the MCC is shit with less than 1,000 players online during peak hours
It'd argue the same, but FH3 has the best dlc in the series and gets a point more for it. FH4 is fine too desu.
>>Jesus fucking christ, just push Gamepass as hard as possible.
Part of the reason for this is because they want to get as many people front-loaded onto the service and paid up for several years in order to keep them invested as a means of trying to get out ahead of the potential for competition from streaming. It shows a stunning lack of confidence in their own Azure streaming service, and since they're also running Sony's streaming servers in the future - they probably don't really care on that front too much. Like it's been most of this generation, Sony isn't MS's primary motivating competition. It's Apple and Google.
They're more than willing to take a loss in the short term, if it means getting a lead time on getting those people into their ecosystem and getting them invested so that they're less likely to switch. Extend, Embrace, Extinguish.
>GaaS-tier "seasons" made getting rare cars a pain in the ass because they made you grind the piss out of races until they finally overhauled it.
>Forcing you to do specific seasonal events for special cars resulted in severe homologation
>Online is ass, at launch they forced you into teams meaning if one of your teammates blew it then you all lost. Even after they introduced FFA, the netcode is still shit
>The much-hyped seasons don't really affect much aside from winter making you slide like a stick of butter
>A massive credit exploit went largely unpatched for months, destroying the auction house
What happened to Microsoft to make them so terrible at cultivating developer talent? The Halo series was incredible, Gears was genre-defining, the Forza game came from nowhere and rivaled Gran Turismo. Then they just totally gave up and stopped trying to make new IPs. Are they just retarded?
Don Mattick fucked shit up so bad. Phil is trying to fix things, but it's was practically scorched earth. Sony is in deep shit now too for this, they really only have like 3 or 4 studios worth a shit and they only put games out once every 4 years.
Phil is trying to get in front of this same problem and buying up studios.
Why did it fail anyway?
It's goddamn amazing that, as terrible as the seventh gen was, Sony and Microsoft were still able to put out a fuckton more games for that generation. The third party publishers and indie devs saved this gen (and made it better than last gen)
Third party and indie really stepped up. Big time.
Sony isn't in as much shit for it because they have the benefit of generous Japanese support, which the Xbox will never have (or at the very least not on that level)
man that sounds like actual cancer
>he doesn't specifically target people using any of these flags so they get mad and join the 40%
cringe and bluepilled
Microsoft doesn't make money from games
they make money from investors
when articles come out saying "GAME PASS HAS A MILLION SUBS" and "GEARS 5 IS THE MOST PLAYED GEARS" their stock goes up
doesn't matter if few people actually bought the game at $60
Well at least the main character was hot her hive mind connection what not.
Kait was cute in 4
you don't really understand how microsoft operates
they're essentially gaming the system
Still can't believe Matt Booty got PSO2 for Xbox first. Dude legit went into Sega and sperged about his old PSO Dreamcast days and Sega actually warmed up to it.
Seriously can't wait to play PSO2.
Naughty Dog has been really successfully for Sony for a long time now. Also they have Sony Santa Monica, Insomniac, and to a lesser extent Sucker Punch. Meanwhile, Xbox made no attempt to buy up good studios when they were making their top franchises.
I too based my entire understanding of the game on that one E3 clip.
>they only put games out once every 4 years.
You know Sony exclusives are made just to impulse console sales right? As long as they can release games as new consoles hit the market, i'm sure Sony is satisfied. Their exclusive are mostly well received. And there's Knack.
>when anyone talks about gears its about how the series went to shit
>this trailer for the gears 5 reveal
legit what are they thinking?
is someone sabotaging the series on purpose?
Gears 5 is not even close to being a flop. Who makes these threads? sony scum?
I genuinely don't think Rod Ferguson is a great leader for the development team making these games. He's not creative so they feel just like the Disney Star Wars movies.
Exclusives don't 100% win the day. Decent marketing and getting the ball rolling early do so it makes a snowball effect is more important.
That seems like a decent way of representing someone dealing with thousands of emotions simultaneously as you become part of a hive mind.
>This denialism
Go spam some more 10 scores on Metacritic
>19 flags to show how fucking gay you are
>No Europe release
>Cuckbox NA only
Destined to flop and it's all thanks to Matt Booty
It was an awful trailer. Shit music, a minute and a half of stupid faces, and no hints about the story of the game. It sucked.
You telling me she's not cute here?
>a decent way of representing someone dealing with thousands of emotions simultaneously as you become part of a hive mind.
sorry but that's not mah gears
It's not a flop. It just isn't. No matter how bad you want it to be, it factually isn't. You're psychotic.
looks like someone made a white girl but really really didn't want to
Exactly. They just want people to buy into the idea that the pass gives you the newest games and then hope that the $2 subscribers are ignorant to stop subbing/or renew anyways. They want this thing to succeed because to them Gamepass is like a Netflix; they can rotate games around to make them seem "new" again and again and keep people interested in keeping the subscription.
As retarted as it sounds I don't think MS cares what happens to their franchises as long as they think it could make them money. The entire goal of Gears 5 was to drive up game pass sales rather than the game sales by itself. Microsoft knew the game was gonna be shit anyhow so they decided to make the most of it.
Believe me though, I'm not happy with the state of the game. I used to love Gears of War and even liked 4. I played all of them but 5 is just plain horrible. MS never cared what we thought about the franchise we loved, they just wanted money. They're probably gonna do the same thing to Halo Infinite.
I am surprised Forza hasn't gone to shit yet though. I play Horizon 4 regularly and still enjoy it, if anything that franchise seems to be getting better, with off-roading being a bigger focus and even character customization now.
They didn't want to show alot prior to release.
Rod is fine, he's known for getting shit done in an efficient way and he knows gears. I think he might have been overzealous and trying too hard with 5 through. Gears 5 was made in basically two and a half years which is insane, but the game could have used another half a year to polish off some rough edges and fix some of the hang ups.
I said “Market it as a SJW wankfest”, not necessarily make the game one. I also said that I liked the game. Learn to reading comprehension.
This place is awfully shilly tonight.
>D4 will never get more episodes
FUCK. Swery makes weird but fantastic games. I'm so fucking mad that it didn't do better. I will never know how the story finishes.
He will get reported you dumbwit if he keeps doing it for long. You know how these literal faggots are.
I also should have added that I'm pretty sure MS first-party games cost a lot less to make than most other "first party" games. Just by looking at one franchise and its sequels you can see all the reused assets. Plus the ones that don't use many reused assets like Crackdown 3 or Sea of Thieves took a long ass time to make as well.
Let's list all the issues with gears 5.
4 Acts in campaign, most of it on a fucking kite sled.
JD or Del choice.
New gang banter is cringeworthy and phoned in.
Lack of characters to pick.
Pride flags
New weapons are shit (mace I frames, GL active is instakill + 3 rockets??).
Maps suck balls
Lack of maps
Lancers are glue.
Glued while rolling AWAY (Gears 2 patched this out because it was so fucking broken to be stopped retreating)
Gnasher buffed for cucksole babbies.
Huge hitboxes that are general RAAM in width.
Aim assist combined with recoiless guns = Stagnant play.
Camp fest playstyle and flash spam meta.
Koth ruined by above meta.
Teamdeathmatch ruined by meta.
Guardian/Dodgeball spawn protection is cancer, again forces meta.
Horde iron man mode kills pub games.
Horde power hoarding ruined.
Escape ruined by glitch.
No content worth unlocking.
Skins for skins we already have.
Iron price for everything.
Didn't really have anything to do with D4 doing well. The second season was already greenlit, they showed a screenshot and everything. Swery "got sick" then left AG shortly after. Reeks of swery not wanting anything to do with AG, and less the game not getting budget.
It wasn't even marketed as that. You faggots complained about it being ''SJW'' because the first trailers and gameplay footage centered around Kate. You all saw that a woman was the main character for once, and INSTANTLY went on a frenzy. Gears 4 literally ends on a cliffhanger, telling you the next game will delve into her lineage, yet you all still cried, moaned and shit yourselves. No one marketed as ''SJW'', you faggots saw it that way.
That sucks. I love D4, but I also liked the stuff Swery's doing besides D4. I just like his games.
>Escape ruined by glitch
what glitch?
Crackdown 3 was such a joke
While that maybe true, you have to realize that todays game developing climate in the West is conflicted and heavily politicized. Every single fucking thing that a company or developer makes is supposed to be some political/agenda/PR statement or something.
Things have became crazy.
Escape is garbage and i can't believe that's what they chose to show at E3 instead of literally any other mode.
So for $1 a month I could blaze through Gears, Metro, and a few other random not worth full price single player games? And then cancel after it?
Doesn't sound so bad. I would never actually stay subbed so such a degenerate way of playing games, but for $1 I could.
How's the writing in the campaign? As retardedly quippy as Gears 4?
A female character essentially showing up, telling the series mainstays to fuck off and that it was “about her” is not a good look. It definitely reads like a female side character basically hijacked the series, and in a culture that has given us Rey, Ghostbusters ‘16, and Captain Marvel to name but a few, it’s not difficult to assess where their heads were at.
The series is the quintessential dubebro shooter. Why in the fuck would you want that to be centered around some random bitch?
It's like trying to make James Bond a woman. The entire point is that it's an overtly masculine franchise.
That's what I said and then they kept rolling promos and releasing quality games. The day its gonna cost me $9.99 a month, I may cancel but that's not for a while.
"It was never SJW, it's all in your heads!"
Give your head a wobble, gears was a game that for 1+2 was male focused, the interactions between the squad mates was mature, emotion filled and respectful, with 'some' light hearted WOOOOOOOs from Cole train.
Gears 3 added sam and Anya and they were great additions, they added a bit of womanly feel to the game but tastefully.
Gears 4
Bland Nathan drake.
Wooden Kait, it was nothing to do with gender, she was just a negative bitch in act 1 and the player saw this.
Del, the Trevor Noah tier flat comedic prat.
Old man Marcus, the ONLY worthy thing about gears 4 (yes I know Baird, Cole) but it was cameo.
Now Gears 5
Act 1 is JD and Del, JD is still cocky to a fault but wants to impress his father, they finally tweaked him slightly to be self aware of his faults, he gets owned by the HoD and Kait become Lieutenant in Act 2.
Kait and Del sound a minute at one point complaining that JD "isn't the same"..... Really cunt? JD almost got nuked and watched civvies die and you think it's not ok to be shut off?
The test of the game is Del whipping about "it's not just A pounce... it's two of them", "brrrrrr it's so cold, I can't wait to get warm XD"
Act 3 JD turns up like punished snake and I thought "maybe a developed character....... and nope JD is an apologist prat who just tags along with the gang now, Fahz was an annoying cunt and his "banter" was utterly cancer.
Dude here. I like women. She's not annoying or a super feminist. Only literal incels are crying about her.
How many flags are necessary? Jeeze louise
The bug where is someone leave and rejoins, you can literally run through it all with no enemies. Ez win
That's because if people had seen the versus, and the fucking state it's in, it wouldn't have been 3 million
Looks like your shilled previews didn't help, Xcuck.
Keep scraping the barrel, Milgrau cuck.
I really don't understand why they'd put JD as the backseat character when he's fucking great and literally Marcus Fenix's son.
Like what the FUCK.
I understood that monkey reference.
nice, and i could do this in a Custom Escape and it'll count for the rewards?
And Kait is literally the Locust queen's granddaughter? Who is directly connected to the hivemind for a good portion of the game.
> Add pride flag to support LGBTBBQ
> Everyone starts killing players with faggot flags
Everyone hated JD in Gears 4. Honestly, I think Kait wanting to learn more about past is the only decent story point they had to go on from 4, and it wouldn't make sense not to play as Kait in this game when you're searching for her answers.
well yeah, it's literally everything wrong with modern games.
>the adventures of spic and nig against the evil whit male
Making Marcus's son the villain and Marcus guilty by association was so fucking on the nose. You could tell this was made by Canadians.
>fun campaign
>long-lasting horde mode
>solid multiplayer
>passable new "escape" mode
>actually difficult on higher difficulties
That whole third act bugged the shit out of me, with JD basically groveling and kissing Kait’s feet, while she shoots cunty barbs and barks orders at everyone. I wanted someone to say “Bitch, you are aware that everyone here outranks you, right?”
>Randy says borderlands 3 is a success with no hard numbers
literally nobody on the internet said this or believes anything randy says
Agreed and I grew up on the 7th Gen. All the games sort of blend together in that gen.
lol sea of thieves in top tier - sensible_chuckle.gif
>You could tell this was made by Canadians.
I lold
I woujldn't normally give a shit about a female lead in vid games. Like, really, no one ever did. Lara Croft is the best example me thinks, She's had one of the most popular series since the mid 90s, Shantae, a colored girl was popular way back in the gameboy days, hell, I even liked the rebooted Lara Croft and think it's better tahn Uncharted, but holy fuck these ESS JAY DUBYAS are annoying today. And this female protag in Gears 5 just looks bad. She's not even attractive. You can't actually believe any of the male (because you know it was primarily guys) developers actually enjoyed developing her. She's fucking hideous. At least MK11 had pretty girls (fuck off, you know you like Cassie, Jade and the milf Elder Goddess chick, forgot her name.)
They just had to fuck everything up. No one ever gave a shit whether a game lead was female or not. Most are male simply because most developers are male, and that's it. There's nothing wrong with that.
>making Marcus son the villain
It’s like you didn’t play the game
JD got demoted I noticed or dropped his rank. If the former then it's even more of a kick in the teeth as he risked his life to save civs, ok a truck was lost, but all of them were fucked including delta squad if he didn't run out as the beacon.
But yeah Kait shooting daggers at JD as if JD was a war criminal was cringey, again gears 3, sam and Anya supported the squad, Anya with Marcus after losing dom/Adam. Sam putting the ball of banter with Bairds wit.
No, they actually showed things during the reveal in 2018. It only makes the 2019 trailer more baffling.
She was very cute in 4. If you disagree, I genuinely believe you're either racist against even slightly non-white people or a weab who likes anime shit. She was pretty.
They made her a bit butcher in this game, but she's still cute.
She looks like a female version of the MC from infamous second son, complete with hat
I thought it was generally accepted that the decline started after 2007 and really accelerated in 2011.
She was cute in 4, but she is still a whiney voiced gloomy cunt in 3 chapters of act 1. Which is odd as in the butterfly cut scene, she is optimistic it seems.
She was objectively pretty
get woke
go broke
I must have misunderstood. They made a point to talk about how chummy he was with Jinn, I thought she had promoted him.
Speaking of Jinn, they’ve got a really weird relationship with her. She spent almost the entire game trying to kill them, despite the fact that Anya was basically their mentor, and in this one, she’s basically their Dumbledore, letting them get away with some crazy shit.
>and really accelerated in 2011.
Whatever decline there was reversed with 2017 and on. Great years all around since then
Jinn is just a plot device.
"I don't want the hammer back!!"
"I was a huge fan of anya"
"JD don't ever do that again, Baird you're out of line"
Later on.....
"Jinn wants to link you to the hive...."
"Arrest her"
They have awful writers at TC
I'd let her flop on my dick.
She looks like she would fucking ruin your life and get outragiously fat if you two ever paired up.
It's basically the Netflix/Spotify model where instead of buying every game individually you pay a flat fee for an entire library. On one hand it lessens the pressure to make every game a bland mush because you're not expected to sell ten gorillion copies, on the other hand the lack of pressure means that developers aren't pushed to put their all into something because they get paid no matter what.
You must have missed the part where "Whoops, JD actually ordered his squad to fire on civilians, going against all his character development thus far!" and "Marcus knew about it and said nothing!", also going against all of Marcus's character development. Stopped playing after that retarded bullshit.
> It shows a stunning lack of confidence in their own Azure streaming service, and since they're also running Sony's streaming servers in the future
No, it means you win no matter what.
>If you get big and clearly win, you get to simultaneously profit off of your competition's dregs, while you make big cash.
>If your competitors gets big and clearly win, you phase your stuff out, so it's zero cost to you. You get to leech 10s of millions per year, and your competitor probably can't switch in a timely manner because it'd take multiple years to separate once they know they're winning.
>If it's not clear who's winning, since you own the infrastructure your competitors run on, and the government's too busy being run by Trump to get anything done, you probably can cut them off based on some bullshit reason. They'll sue you, but lawsuits take years. In the meantime you hemorrhage money and customers while MS gets market control and all the money they'll need to pay a few good lawyers.
>tough decisions make him a villain
What’s it like needing a safe space