Can't get in the mood for vidya because the thought that nobody knows for sure how and why everything exists is...

Can't get in the mood for vidya because the thought that nobody knows for sure how and why everything exists is bothering me too much.

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Consider russian roulette, you'll like it

The exhaustion of the passions is the beginning of wisdom.

Well, nobody's going to work it out while you're sitting here shitposting. Go get philosophizing and fix your own problems.

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2,000 years of human inquiry and we do not have any clearer answer

Let it go

go to your local christian Eastern Orthodox Church

2,400 years I meant

Sometimes.....sometimes. ive yet to meet man who can outsmart bullet!

nobody really knows and even if humanity manages to figure it out then it sure won't be during our lifetimes
because everything exists, no real reason behind it
Just try to enjoy life

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>everything exists just because

everything exists because it was possible for it to exist
not everything has a hidden meaning or intention behind it

>everything exists because it just werkz

>Just try to enjoy life
That's horrible advice.

Much better advice:
Seek truth and fight evil.

Good and evil do not exist while the dude you replied to is spot on, stop being a lowIQ fag trying to justify himself in an illogical existence.

If there was an objective, correct point, then you wouldn't be able to make your own purpose. Free will is better than being given a purpose, isn't it?

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>he thinks there is free will

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Throughout my travels on the shores of time and space, the question of perfection frequently comes up. So many possibilities, but to what end? Most lose themselves wondering. My advice is to not worry so much. It all comes back around, you'll get it right eventually.

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For me, its Sneed.

Reality is an ecosystem that has bubbled up from the infinite formless chaos that encompasses us. Life is an accident, base chemicals and matter given volition over their form. Naturally, order grows out of chaos. The older things are, the more ordered and complex they become (in a metaphorical sense). So life became more complex until conscious arose in the first humans. Everything we experience is but another stepping on an ever churning Ouroboros of creation and destruction. We exist because even in the most pure chaos, patterns will inevitably emerge. You are just another pattern. And when you die, your ego will be stripped and consumed, your soul launched into the aether to find another form, your body to decompose and give back the materials it used to exist.

Existence exists. It's the one concrete truth. "How" or "why" are irrelevant.

How do I get god to speak to me? I've begged for His help but He will not touch me with His presence

Shut up and start caring for yourself.
You are real and that alone should give you the drive to keep living.
If you need answers, find them yourself.

Then go play some existential videogames. Play Silent Hill, The Void, Lisa. I dunno.


yes you're a thin veneer reality has propped up, you are your senses and memories and that's all

so accept that, move on, and enjoy it.

if you can't enjoy it, you have depression and should see a therapist and psychiatrist to get anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds because that thin veneer of existence is awfully fragile

avoid alcohol, maybe smoke some weed or do a tiny dose of shrooms, live a little, and play good videogames man. we're all in the same boat, so love yourself, love each other, and try to make it less terrible.

>what are jews

yea OP, this has bothered me for quite some time. If you throw in the mystery of why we're conscious, you will find yourself even more confused by this set of circumstances we're in.

>problem of future contingents
>uncaused causes
user, there are just too many problems with free will for it to be real.

why is there something instead of nothing?

DMT or depending on just how deep you want to go

why not this the new Pathologic thread...?

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if order for there to be nothing there has to be something otherwise nothing wouldn't mean anything.

Why do we roll the rock up the hill, user?
What is the point? Can we know the point?
No. And, there probably isn't a point. In the face of the absurd, the act of the true man is to rebel against it and impose their own order.
If one is doomed to pointlessly roll a rock up the hill with no meaning or purpose, shake your fists at the gods and defy them by loving your life and create meaning yourself, thus becoming your own god.

The thing that comforts me most when my mind wanders to thoughts like this is knoiwing that eventually I'll slip into oblivion

I prefer to think that after death you get to play life new game +
and get points to add to your starting character based on how you did before.
it's almost certainly not true, but it feels nice