Why does most of Yea Forums consider this one of the worst games ever made?
Why does most of Yea Forums consider this one of the worst games ever made?
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It's goty and PlayStation exclusive. Of course, it will trigger many on Yea Forums, especially one fanbase.
Terrible gameplay and 99% of the game is cutscene
>99% of the game is cutscene
Are you retarded?
Ape Escape fanboys
The cultural marxism (aka jewish propaganda designed to serve their interests) in the game is what we don't appreciate.
Its a decent game especially considering it came out during peak zombie saturation but its massively overrated and Dead Rising is better
Not even a game
Play the game
What is it, then?
>Why does most of Yea Forums consider this one of the worst games ever made?
Source? Most people consider it one of the most overrated.
Player driven narritive
Animation porn
I did. Why are you seething so much?
its a playstation exclusive and is considered one of the greatest video games ever..you dont think the nincels and the contrarians on Yea Forums are gunna be triggered? When Tlou2 drops, Yea Forums is gunna have rectal bleeding the likes of which we haven't seen in a while
go back tranny
/vee/ is full of angry nintenkidz that haven't learned to cope with Sony's success yet.
Same happened with GoW4. Nincels are minority though.
TLoU is tranny repellent.
because the story is the dumbest shit ever
>these two 1 dimensional characters go from set piece to set piece until the game just ends
this was the most overrated shit ive ever played. gameplay was decent.
same happened with gow, spider-man and same will happen with death stranding and tlou2
>one dimensional characters
Pretentious and wrong.
Funny how those things always seem to go together.
I think it's a mechanically solid game, has a decent enough story, but suffers from the Uncharted issue of ZERO replayibility.
>1 dimensional
are you fucking retarded?
you are play a """game""" that is so linear and full of scenic cutscenes it might as well be a movie
>$40 japanese game
>100 hours of content and replayability
>$60 sony game
>20 hour game with 90% of the content being cinematic storytelling narrative driven garbage with no replayability
that's why. i'd rather buy a switch lite and DQXI definitive edition than a ps4 slim and tlou remastered
Excuse me?
People who say it's "not a game" are absolute retards, of course it is a game. Games don't stop being games just because you don't like them.
The reason TLOU is so fucking overrated is because, while it's story is excellent, it's gameplay is subpar. All of the shooting and crafting mechanics I can find better versions of, in other third person shooters. Hell, I have infinitely more fun with Resident Evil 4.
TLOU is a subpar game with a great story. Unfortunately I think many people feel that a game's, you know, gameplay should come first, and TLOU's gameplay is only serviceable.
Really the same can be said for most of Sony's exclusives. Spider-Man and Horizon: Zero Dawn come to mind. Great art direction, story, all that shit, but the games just aren't very fun.
It’s like 20% cutscenes
>20 hour game with 90% of the content being cinematic storytelling narrative driven garbage with no replayability
You just described Metal Gear Solid.
There is way more gameplay than cutscenes.
You haven't played it and no one is forcing you to, why are you mad?
It's ok to be wrong, just don't be a fag about it homo.
mgs is a sony game historically so it checks out. sony games and kojima games both suck dick.
It's less than 10% not counting multiplayer. Nincels are so funny
Hey now, figuring out how to transport Ellie on the pallets is really difficult
Even if the game tells you what to do if it takes you more than a minute
You just don't understand good puzzle design
For me is source filmmaker.
>He fell for the 'Kojima games are bad' meme
You shouldn't be so angry that sony exclusive won goty user. It's only video games.
I think it's mostly contrarian backlash. TLOU was a decent game with solid gameplay and presentation, but it was by no means "10/10 game of the decade".
As balance must be maintained, it falls to shitposters of Yea Forums to regard it as a 0/10 "the worst game ever" to counter the established opinion
I've never played it but it's literally everything I hate in one game. Zombie shit, "cinematic" shit and developed by Naughty Dog who made my least favorite franchise of last gen. Not touching this shit with a 10ft pole.
>one game is considered one of greatest games of all time, the other is great within its genre
You can stop posting this image now
>videogame has story and cutscenes
The horror.
here's a hint: if there are people in motion capture suits, it's a movie.
fuck walking dead and fuck tlou
also fuck naughty "we love gay people and tannies" dog
Nice hyperbole user. Great stuff
>implying nobody answers this question
You can stop posting this image now
>100 hours of content and replayability
>grinding and nothing happening is gameplay
Good to know.
>20 hour game with 90% of the content being cinematic
>storytelling narrative
>no replayability
How do you get through those """"""100"""""" hours in muh weeb game if there is no story?
Sounds pretty autistic to say the least.
Also it is infinitely repayable especially if you like the story.
By this logic, every Sony exclusive is a movie.
joel was nothing more than "angry man with a dead daughter"
and ellie was just rambunctious teen girl. these characters are shallow, lame, DUMB, and SHIT.
No problem, you are zoomer so you wouldn't be able to appreciate that. Stick to mario or fortnite.
That's not definition of movie user, you should finish elementary school before trying to describe something.
>suddenly starts talking about nintendo
Weird flex but ok
you're coping so hard over a ps3 game right now.
convenient that none of the in game dialogue walking around parts with no gameplay don’t count
>By this logic, every Sony exclusive is a movie
He wasn't angry. He was a guy trying to survive.
Not an argument.
>inb4 retarded reply
BTFO, but not yet ready to accept defeat?
answer me this - (how) does the player playing the last of us affect the ending?
The eternal summer
>videogame ends
>black screen before credits
My dear user, what the literal fuck is your point?
>no arguments
>hurr coping
Retard got btfo
Even if you count those, SH2 still has a higher cutscene to gameplay ratio.
I'm a P4chad and this movie was a waste of my time
>if you add voice acting it's not gameplay anymore
I just can't stop laughing at coping retards
Don’t forget the “gameplay” segments where you are just walking with someone while exposition is spewed at you.
Anyway the answer to your question OP is that it’s taking games in a direction that people who actually want to play a video game and not an ‘interactive experience’ don’t like
Do you have the actual numbers? Curious
the game has been polled by over 3000 people and the longest average time taken is literally just over 20 hours. it sucks. you're paying $60 for a game you can finish so quickly you could return it and get all your money back if you really wanted to (with companies who offer a 48 hour return policy). at least those japanese games actually focus on the gameplay and have actual character progression and levelling.
>>movie ends
>>black screen before credits
it's video game and you never played it.
Who are you quoting?
Where did you learn to read, your ass?
>looks like I have no arguments
>h-haha, but he used a wojak
>and now he's using the stuttering
>c-check mate
Is that Logic and Dan Harmon?
Moving character is gameplay you idiot. Or when I'm walking in Silent Hill it's not gameplay but cutscene?
Then why does Yea Forums fawn over other movie game garbage like Metal Gear, Persona, Yakuza, and so on?
The gameplay is really fun. The story is really silly yet engaging.
>mfw I get to play another movie
>disliking a game i like means he never even played it!
Explain to me how moving character without voice acting is gameplay, but with added voice acting it's not?
Name 16 japanese games where you affect the ending.
And if they have sequels, the first game has to affect the second/third/etc game with your choices. Otherwise it's just linear moviegames.
Probably because the GAMEplay is more enjoyable/engaging than generic 3rd person schlock
>and now he's using the stuttering
But I didn't. Are you ok?
are you implying Yea Forums is one person? Those games get tons of shit
This, Yakuza has 10/10 gameplay.
Because it is? /thread
It’s not gameplay, you aren’t making any critical decisions or overcoming a challenge you are just walking with someone while they talk about the plot, you might be actually retarded if you can’t distinguish that shit from actual gameplay.
Because none of those other games pretends to be the GOAT GOTY chart topping masterpiece, but TLOU does. It's reputation precedes it.
Speedrun is fun, shit on the game etc.
Live now - twitch.tv
>I will call gameplay bad so it's movie
TLOU is hardly generic zoomer. Not many third-person survival horrors with limited resources and real time crafting.
persona is at least a lengthy game and keeps you immersed for a long period of time like 100+ hours. if tlou was also a 50+ hour game i'm sure more people would enjoy it more because the story will be fully fleshed out and detailed. if you're going to make a game which is as cinematic as a tv show then at least make it as long as a good tv show story wise.
Nobody implied that. Stop being obtuse
You just described MGS too
Hey you leave my boy Ant out of these shitty threads
the last of us was not survival horror. it was an action game.
>Not many third-person survival horrors with limited resources and real time crafting.
Are you daft
>hah, he didn't count on me doing a merely pretending
>and now I'll do the classic I now what you are but what am I
Dude, legit wondering: Are you twelve?
And not like the memes you love where you ask rhetorically, but literally: Are you twelve?
>It’s not gameplay, you aren’t making any critical decisions
I can say the same about moving character in Silent Hill, Zelda, MGS, Yakuza, Persona etc. unless you say only combat counts as gameplay part, but that would make you even bigger laughing stock.
>keeps you immersed for a long period of time like 100+ hours.
Now this but with TLOU's walking simulator
No, action games don't have limited resources and slower approach.
You did though, You say that section with voice acting are not gameplay.
GOW was basically just a fatherhood simulator for neutered numales
this whole webm is the length of all the gameplay in tlou so the jokes on you fatty
This is amazing gameplay for Yea Forums autists. TLOU can't even hold a candle.
>GoW was pure so-
Holy fucking stuttering.
>No, action games don't have limited resources and slower approach.
lol that's not tlou. it was an action game
>t. just bought a ps4 pro a few weeks ago and played the last of us for the first time
beat that game in a couple of days and it was an action game.
Really? Post source on that.
The difference is that generally (GENERALLY) speaking in games where you are walking around with no combat, you are given a degree of freedom for exploration. Walking in a straight line with no options while a character dumps exposition into you isn’t gameplay. It’s like in half life 2 where characters vomit dialogue at you. Technically you have control but you are locked in a room while it happens.
How is this good?
Contrarianism. It does have some pretty serious issues, though.
That’s an in-depth combat system that takes a lot of intelligence and planning to conquer. TLoU is just hold x to win.
>source!? you got a source? lol can't link to a kotaku article like i can? hahahahah looks like i win another argument, strangerino
>lol that's not tlou
But it is lol. Good luck with going blindly and trying to shoot everything even on normal difficulty. Why are you talking about games you never played?
>literally the same combat as every ps2 hack and slash japanese game
so much innovation woahhhhh
>holding a single button down is gameplay
>you are given a degree of freedom for exploration.
Keep in mind, this is the final dungeon.
>all the enemies just waiting their turn
Nice "trial of the Gods".
>you are given a degree of freedom for exploration
yeah, especially when I move through silent hill or persona corridor. I guess this is cutscene too.
>walking in straight line
How can you walk in straight line in 3D game? Do you even read yourself?
i had no trouble beating the game shooting everything in sight.
because Yea Forums is full of niggers who can't afford a good pc and a console. too much for their low paying wagie nigger jobs to afford
>FEAR is a movie
What timeline is this?
>Yakuza, Persona
Yes, the non-combat/fusion parts of those games are essentially visual novels
It’s a stealth game, moving around while avoiding combat is kinda the idea
Movement is often blocked by puzzles you must overcome, this is gameplay
>Silent Hill
Never played this so can’t comment, it does sound like an ‘interactive horror experience’ though
I know you aren’t disingenuous enough to know that when you have literally zero input besides walking and listening to the dialogue then it’s straight up a cutscene disguised as gameplay, please stop pretending to be retarded
You used argument. Why do you have problem with backing it up? What happened?
you now realise hitman 2 (that low budget game with a 10th of the budget of tlou) has more replayability than tlou with nearly 100 hours to be a completionist
>How can you walk in straight line in 3D game? Do you even read yourself?
Grow up you pedantic fuck. You know exactly what I mean and you’re desperately clinging to terminology.
the fuck I did
actually it's impossible because you will run out of ammo even in the beginning. Why do you talk about games you never played?
Most older games have more content than new ones desu
>It’s a stealth game, moving around while avoiding combat is kinda the idea
So this is suddenly excuse? TLOU is stealth game.
>Movement is often blocked by puzzles
No, most of the time you are moving there are no puzzles. Must be movie.
Go post more wojaks you pathetic summer faggot
>successfully stealth through an entire area
>turns out you’re supposed to kill everyone before you can advance
>wreck shit and kill everyone in an area
>Joel leaves the area and closes the way behind him, letting you know you could’ve stealthed through
Happened way too fucking often.
JRPG dungeons peaked with Tales of Phantasia, prove me wrong.
>You did though, You say that section with voice acting are not gameplay.
>continues to play dumb
You aren't worth my time.
hitman 2 came out in 2018 and was a last ditch effort to keep the company from completely dying and they still managed to make a game in a shorter time with more content than tlou
My first and only experience of “Nu-Fun”.
I was literally only playing it and pretending to like it because then I would seem cool.
Once I was able to tell myself “No, I am not having fun. This game is boring me. I need to stop.” I became an adult with taste and no-longer just another participant of hype culture.
you're retarded. i literally just played this game last week. i bet you have not played it in years.
>>continues to play dumb
I don't know why you continue to play dumb. aybe mom didn't buy you PS3 and you were upset?
>its the retarded ESL who tries to argue entirely on technicalities and nothing else
>Dynasty Warriors with particle effects
Strange Journey exists.
I ended my very first run with a backpack full of ammo and trinkets. Only the hardest difficulty limits items and still there's plenty. This is a very well known fact.
Show me single gameplay when guy managed to beat it by only shooting every enemy you idiot.
>So this is suddenly excuse? TLOU is stealth game.
Yeah somehow I get the idea if the characters are loudly talking to each other about their cucksheds then there is no stealth going on
>No, most of the time you are moving there are no puzzles. Must be movie.
In the non zoomer Zeldas (eg. not botw) you are constantly blocked by puzzles
Yes, the non-combat parts of those games are essentially walking cutscenes
It can be a stealth game, moving around while avoiding combat is kinda the idea
Movement is sometimes blocked by puzzles you must overcome, this is gameplay
I played this so can comment, if TLoU is a movie game so is every single Silent Hill and Resident Evil.
I know you can't fathom emotions and that videogames can be more than grinding and jacking off to underage girls, but please stop being retarded.
I don't care how you ended it. I said it's impossible to beat it like shooter without melee or stealth. You are moving goalposts now.
>Yeah somehow I get the idea if the characters are loudly talking to each other about their cucksheds then there is no stealth going on
what the fuck are you talking about? I guess codec talking is ok suddenly?
>you are constantly blocked by puzzles
no, most of the time when you walk there are no puzzles.
Well, whatever you do in that game doesn't effect the ending, so nice movie there pal.
kek saved
You have no argument, and can't even answer basic questions.
The worst part is that you're probably older than me and believe me, it does NOT help your case.
Jesus fucking Christ, you people are so fucking sad.
you now realise kingdom hearts 1 (88 hrs), the fucking ps2 game from way back when has more gameplay, longevity, varied locations and content than spiderman, god of onions, tlou remastered and horizon zero dawn. the 1.5 + 2.5 collection has more game than all of sony's exclusives this gen combined even if you only count kh1 and kh2.
>still fishing for a reply
>TLOU is stealth game
>posts wojaks
>insists he interested in serious bait
Are you 12? Is this your first summer on Yea Forums
you realise that everything you said is wrong and you are retarded manchild playing casual mashing button weeb game?
Because it tries to mesh non-interactable story with gameplay. If you want to make your game into a movie, make it into a movie, but don't try to peddle it as an interactive experience. Half Life / Dark Souls / Morrowind / Metro / Stalker / Bioshock, Talos Principle, all these games tell their story by environmental details or short uninterrupted expositions that can be toggled off if you want to only focus on the gameplay.
TLoU is bad not because is isn't a game, it's bad because it says it is and isn't. Like a porn magazine that features only fully clothed women.
>not Grounded
but yeah the detection is stupidly lenient
>shows stealth with dumb AI
>it's not stealth
This is basically Splinter Cell but without enemy-autoaim.
>kh is casual
>god of s.oy, spiderman, horizon zero dyke and tlou aren't casual
jesus christ
Showing story directly as interaction between characters and voice acting is much better and harder to do than reading text like in some visual novel, sorry.
Of course that dosen't make gameplay worse by bit despite what seething nincels trying to push.
>GoW is casua-
More like Splinter Cell without any fucking effort.
yes, they aren't casual. KH is.
Is that supposed to be fucking surprising? The amount of time that goes into making AAA-tier graphics and cinematic means less content. Games WILL become shorter and shorter with less content.
Holy fuck, people are still seething about this game? This is one of the best games of the last generation hands down, no contest, just because of this.
cope. your game sucks.
cope shill.
based sony bringing less games but more movies!
See that's how you answer questions.
>insists he interested in serious bait
>posts wojaks
I'm so sick and fucking tired of you omega faggots, you're just following the latest trend of "this week we say incel", "this week we say dilate", "this week we love the joker", "this week we hate the joker".
How fucking pathetic do you have to be as a person to not even be yourself on an ANONYMOUS forum for videogames.
I mean really, seek fucking help with your (and don't take this as another retarded meme you goddamn moron) insecurity.
it's a mediocre game with an Emo atmosphere so emo kids, which became "early zoomers" and are now in charge of videogame media, put it in an enormous pedestal.
It will return to its place as an "ok" game in about a decade or less
great argument, I thought summer ended here.
Ah, Conviction then.
What's your problem now? Not only you described yourself as fat neckbeard loving KH but now typing like angry retard.
fucking halo 3 had a more thrilling story than this and that's not even remotely close to a single player focused game
>I'm so sick and fucking tired of you omega faggots, you're just following the latest trend of "this week we say incel", "this week we say dilate", "this week we love the joker", "this week we hate the joker".
>How fucking pathetic do you have to be as a person to not even be yourself on an ANONYMOUS forum for videogames.
>I mean really, seek fucking help with your (and don't take this as another retarded meme you goddamn moron) insecurity.
>based sony bringing less games but more movies!
Yeah but what I said goes for pretty much every game you dingus. It's a problem for videogames as a whole.
>what the fuck are you talking about? I guess codec talking is ok suddenly?
Nope they are also cutscenes, I’m glad you are admitting that’s essentially what walking and talking in TLOU is though
>no, most of the time when you walk there are no puzzles.
Go play ALttP or basically any Zelda besides BOTW and tell me how far you get before you have to solve a puzzle or hit something, I guarantee it’s shorter than the intro to TLOU
You're welcome.
>but more movies!
even article you posted said it's video games.
You must be over 12 to post here mentally challenged toddler.
>I’m glad you are admitting that’s essentially what walking and talking in TLOU is though
I never said that because it's not true. Are you retarded or pretending now? You said TLOU is not stealth game because character talk during these sections which was dumb as hell.
>Go play ALttP or basically any Zelda besides BOTW and tell me how far you get before you have to solve a puzzle or hit something
In every Zelda game most of the time you are walking or running.
Its alright.
Infamous 2 is objectively better in story and gameplay.
imagine being this much in denial. cope harder. even nintendo games like botw which sucks balls has more gameplay than tlou and it's designed for a fucking tablet.
So cool to press buttons to watch motion capture animation play
it's a low 8/10. decent third person shooter with good production values.
Sorry but 12yr old autist who said KH has better gameplay than GoW or TLOU is not in any position to talk about anything.
>now imagine this, but you're a fourteen year old cartoon girl, and the enemies are all in a line waiting their turn and you press x to attack, or x to evade, or x to drink potion, and after the fight instead of you walking and talking and getting immersed in the world you get a wall of text for 3 hours
>now doesn't that sound more fun and more gameplay like than this linear storydriven [muh] moviegame with no gameplay?
The internet sucks. One day all of you will be dead. It'll be a good day.
Keep seething.
Absolutely obsessed.
yeah, it's called video game.
prove it pajeet
see Specifically
>press x to attack, or x to evade, or x to drink potion
prove what? That you are 12? It's pretty obvious.
stay mad. you can't even prove your claims lmao
You'd be harder pressed to name a worse game than KH3.
So you guy don't actually like gameplay then. Just 'press X for awesome'
by the way botw is action rpg which always have more gameplay time than survival horror/action or stealth games in non open world. Neck yourself zoomer.
>push button
>Kratos glides and locks onto enemy and then WOAH LOOK AT THIS COOL MOVE WITH PARTICLE EFFECTS
Every GoW webm ever posted
It's almost like weebs and/or muh moviesgame fags are completely fucking retarded.
>pressing buttons to make character do stuff is not gameplay
What retard does mean by this?
Everyone know KH is causal user. I don't know what are you trying to prove, your coping?
>push button
>things happened
>ugh every x webm posted
That isn't what I wrote
>push button
>anime hero "attacks" and starts 8 minute cutscene showing the "attack"
Every fucking weeb game ever made.
wow, so even attacking enemy is movie now? Holy shit, based seething nintendo retard
>Death Stranding is going to be another Sony movie gam-
not him, but yes you did. You complained that he has to use buttons to attack an enemy and shout with capslock like some sperg having meltdown man.
It's almost like all action games are for braindead edgelord faggots
So the leaks say Ellie dies at the end right?
>What retard does mean by this?
Ayo this guys started crying so hard he can't speak English
>reading comprehension
Learn it.
so you can't say what did you mean by this?
based crying retard.
I wouldn't call weeb games action games, but I get your point. It's the cümbrain genre.
Not him, but no he didn't. He implied all GoW combat is bamham glidelock with flashy effects because that is factually true.
just because you said retarded things dosen't mean you have to move goalposts now nincel.
Because it's too violent and not bing bing wahoo enough.
>literal bamham glidelock
>He implied all GoW combat is bamham glidelock with flashy effects because that is factually true.
GoW and Batman combat is nothing alike. Also I thought he was trying to say that it's not gameplay. Probably he and you don't even know what are they talking about anymore.
More like pic related.
>I wouldn't call weeb games action games
>DMC and Bayo and astral chain aren't action games
Please unsmooth your brain
they are movies.
You haven't explained why you hate video games and want them to be movies.
Keep crying!
More like:
Shit wrong pic
you're the one bashing games, better get to explaining yourself
Correct. Movies in the action genre, just like GoW and TLOU
there is no glidelock, you are moving forward a little when you attack, same with DMC, not automatically attacking enemy 20 meters from you.
Cope harder
Regardless of your thoughts on Sony, they are pure söy repellent.
but I never said anything like that. You must learn reading comprehension toddler.
or Zelda and Mario.
>there is no glidelock
Sure sweetie
>they are pure söy repellent.
>completely ignore argument
Based bing bing wahoo autist. Maybe next year you will get GOTY, oh wait no, because TLOU2 will be released.
>or Zelda and Mario
Zelda is adventure and Mario is a platformer. Are you ok?
>He thinks TLoU2 is going to win GOTY
>TLOU2 will be released
Yeah Im sure it will do well at the Oscars LMAO
sure thing mutt
>glidlocking enemies isn't glidelock unless its farther than that
Did you actually expect a rebuttal to this?
>press x to cool stuff and walk walk through forest is gameplay
They are movies.
Nah it'll be Final Fantasy 7, but it'll still get this board seething. Endless sony domination's gotta hurt.
>move forward during attack is glidelock
What the fuck? That means every hack n slash game is glidelock now?
Also how can you compare it to Batman?
I loved this game in 2013, but then the world went insane and I'm pretty sure that if I played it now I would be disgusted.
>TLoU2 is going to have shit gamepla-
no one cares about xbox or pc anymore and you're a fool to pretend otherwise
>DMC and Bayo and astral chain aren't action games
I don't play weeb shit, but I watched a video the other day where they played Devil May Cry 4 (I think?) in the background and it's literally 80% cutscenes and press one button to jump and then another to hit.
It's almost like weebs and/or muh moviesgame fags are completely fucking retarded.
I can't wait for Nintendo analpain when their cartoons will get btfo again.
Uncum your brain, please.
>press X 3 times for 20 seconds of epic motion capture animations
>press X 3 times for 20 seconds
source on that?
>any game where you push a button is a movie
Get your head checked
You know, I bet if I calculated it it would be more like 75%, so no not literally, my apologies.
it's basically 80% cutscenes and press one button to jump and then another to hit.
There you go, sweetie.
>move forward during attack is glidelock
No, glidelock is glidelock. Try reading comprehension some time.
>press x 3 times for 20 seconds for cinematic bing bing wahoo
>not a movie
>p-please be my boodeyman so I can strawman you and post my funnay pics!
Excellent effort. But no
>platformers are action games
Ya lost me bro
And retard is retard, which means you.
How moving character forward during combo is glidelock? You realize every hack n slash game has it? Expand your theory a little.
It's movie.
>And retard is retard, which means you
At what age in what 3rd world country is this considered a moderately well crafted insult?
>GoW was pure so-
>still can't explain
based glidelock retard
Is this a defense mechanism?
>spoonfeed me
no, it's not like my bing bing wahoo
>I don't have argument because I'm retarded baaaw
>literally a 10 second animation when you are supposed to be playing video games
>every hack n slash game has it
Fable, excluding magic abilities, like assassin's rush and the charging ability that left a flame trail behind the character.
Darksouls series excluding jank from shitty internet connections or NPC abilities
T. People who never actually played it and keep parroting false talking points
>more ad homs
I refuse to help you. Do. You. Understand. Words.
Best third person mechanics in years, best pvp on the PS3. Days Gone has been a fun successor with how close the gameplay feels
>dark souls
>hack n slash
Oh god, who let nintendo autists here?
>webm last 12 seconds and more than half he's pressing buttons
>10 second animation
they are here.
no, you just said something retarded and now feel ashamed. I underestand.
Last time replying to you
LotR:Two Towers
>90% pre-rendered footage
something bothering you with that word?