
>legate (ˈlɛɡJt). noun. 1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a messenger, envoy, or delegate.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Magic > Technical > Melee

>everybody speaks english
>but with an accent OI
Not exactly what I was expecting when they said that.

What exactly is your ranking criteria

You can't just leak the cover of the expansion already.

>melee last place

No regrets and yet every regret.
I'm sorry, Siora, but your husbando is a Naut now.

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Installing now.
What am I in for?

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Unless they change the name to the much superior Creedfall, I'm not buying it.

Introducing yourself.

I hope if they make a sequel each gets their own language and accents., at least something that suggests they didn't recently balkanize.


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technically the natives do use their own language at times and not having siora around means you won't know what they're saying, specifically if you're spying on them which is a cool aspect


How many times did those VAs have to recite that introduction? Do you think they just re-used a couple of takes or did they have to say it for each encounter?

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>no De Sardet, you are the demons
>and the natives
>and the pirates

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Does Ai play RPGs or just those wacky youtuber games + fps where she sucks?

Imagine their faces when reading the script.

I bet the entire meme was just born out of frugality. VA probably needed several attempts to really get it right, so they just decided to recycle all of them in the game.

Please allow to introduce myself. My name is Sardine, Legate of the Merchant Congregation.

>De Sardet isnt 1 / 2 Native, 1 / 2 Merchant, 1 / 2 Naut, 1 / 2 RENOUNCE, 1 / 2 Arab
Missed opportunity to surpass Ichigo right here.

I am the sardine, legit of the happy merchant conglomerate

i am sardine, congregation of the legates of merchants

she's a chink now

Things getting dicey

>talk to companion
>turn gay
wtf game, warn me first

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there are cute little hearts by the dialogue option, what did you expect? kawaii platonic vasco?

>"Oh you look SO much like the natives!"
>bitch wtf
>realize hours later that it's because of the mark on my face

He's probably talking about Kurt saying you're not his type

Excuse me, it seems I forgot to introduce myself.

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oh yeah lol
I just brushed that one off

Does it matter if I do A Cure for Malichor before the coup and the reveal about Constantin's condition?

>talking to people of the same sex
fucking homo demons

And that's exactly why the mod which allows you to use Siora's face is so authentic.

>not pressing flirt options
>people don't want to fuck me
wtf really

I'd never heard of this until seeing it in Steam's new releases. Is it even good or is it more janky shit like Technomancer?

>only dialogue option is Leave
"I have to go"

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fun jank

Fuck glad I am not the only one.

The game is garbage, i´m already thinking to drop it, barelly got to the island and already felt bored.
Does it get better later on?

they actually did it the madmen

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I want to know this too. Just got to the island.

Introducing yourself to lots of people and also creatures
You level up your charisma so you can introduce yourself harder and you wear fancy hats to talk even better

janky like Technomancer but it actually got rid of a lot of gripes I had about Technomancer

>pre-order and Marquis coats are effay af
>have shitty stats and no upgrades

I just cheated and maxed out my attributes and talents
game feels better this way


>More Talents on capes

>Minimalist HUD

>Better stores and all gold/purple equip is now available at blacksmith's shop

>Play as anyone, adds tons of new faces, especially helpful for people hating Sardine's mark

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Do you like introducing yourself to people and explaining who you are?

If not
Drop it

its so fucking broken that its not worth using

>most useful mods

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Who is the main character of this game again?

I don't know why this isn't a thing in the base game. I mean, it sure as hell can't be because of clipping issues...

Allow me to [INSIST] myself...

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What happens if you hire the healers from Theleme or the Alliance instead of Catasach? I'm guessing that the game railroads you into getting Catasach anyway


It does. You just get an additional line from Constantine that they didn't do shit.

>I'm guessing that the game railroads you into getting Catasach anyway
Yup they cant do shit.
What surprised me is, didnt Vasco also say they would contribute a healer?
Didnt see anything from him.

There are four. Legate, De Sardine, Dear Cousin, and Greenblood. What a bunch of misfits.

>talking to Siora's sister while Siora is in the party
>"Tell me more about your sister"

>Ask him about his relations with the natives
>Ask him about his mission with the natives (INTUITION)

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No. When he and Kurt chime in they both just say that the native healer sounds like the best option, since the natives are the only ones not dying from malichor.

>What surprised me is, didnt Vasco also say they would contribute a healer?
He says it'll be a good idea to get a healer from those who are immune to the Malichor, and Kurt supports this statement. Basically 3 votes for natives.

You know, I just picked Technomancer as an example of another WRPG that was janky, I didn't even realise it was the same dev.

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Vasco tells you to speak to those who don't suffer from the plague (the natives).

Ah hmm guess I kind of misinterpreted his statement though.
Thought that he was also referring to Nauts there since they are also immune.

Why not make a silent protag?
God dam retard with opinions i dont have.

What the fuck seriously?

All the companions will say something to that effect if you ask their boss about them while they're in the party.

Ex-fucking-cuse you?
Do you even know who I am?!

Do Nauts even have healers or the sea protects them from STDs too?

this is some Cole Phelps tier shit

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>tfw bought this last night and have been playing it all morning

Anyone else think the combat in this game is amazing? I went melee/firearms and feel so powerful in fights. I put all my points into firearms and unlocked rifle ASAP so the first boss fight was just me dodging the shit he throws and shooting. Melee is really good because you can hit Q to knock the enemy down and then just beat the shit out of them. I plan on unlocking 2 handed swords next.

This game is potentially my GOTY. There's not long left in 2019 so it'll either be my favourite game or second favourite if something turns out to be better.

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[Charisma] [INSIST] Do you even fucking know who he is?

the plague only spreads on land

I imagine the Nauts don't get it because it's basically the earth telling humans who are exploiting it to fuck off, and the Nauts don't do any mining or logging or anything, they just sail

Oh if only you knew what high level magic feels like

>npcs and party members in conversations cross their arms, put their hands behind their back, and do other shit

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I wasn't talking about Malichor, dudes.


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Good things Nauts havent figured out how to hunt Whales or something like that or they would also get fucked I guess.


>fighting the beast in the harbour, doing low dmg with my sword
>finally figure out how to bind the pistol to a key
>shoot the living shit out of the angry tree

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bro bear with me here but I've got a crazy idea

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>*tips +1 INT hat* Allow me to introduce myself
>*taps +1 CHA cape* I AM THE LEGATE
>*puts hands on hips* OF THE MERCHANT CONGREGATION
>[INSIST] And you better tell me everything now
>[Allow Kurt to speak] Or else

>there are people who skilled necklaces


>[Allow someone else to speak]
why would I ever do that if I have the ability to INSIST?

user please no bulli

>[Allow Kurt to speak]
>Everyone in 10 meter radius suddenly turns hostile

Guns + magic feels absolutely amazing since they complement each other well.

It feels like your summoning a gun on your left hand most of the time. Stasis + gun is devastating

stasis plus literally anything you mean

Every time

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It's not that effective with melee really.

Things are about to get die-cy!

I hear the rest of Spiders' games are pretty janky and this is by far the most polished one.

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Why was Arpha so irrelevant?
Kurt has a super relevant quest line, a deep involvement with sardine, and actual consequences.
Siora and Petrus both provide a lot insight dialogue and have many interactions.
Vasco is also pretty irrelevant but theres the joining the Nauts thing which kind of redeems him.
But Arpha? What does she have going for her?
Just being an alternate romancing partner?

Isn't mage boring as fuck? You always only have 3 attacks but at least you have to move around more as melee

>can't read a legal document, even get bullied by Siora for it
Was Sardine skipping sensei's classes? Is your murder prowess the only reason you were given the position that you flaunt so much?

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>literally doesn't even have a line to support de sardet after nauts' revelation

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>But Arpha? What does she have going for her?
Protects the studio from being racist.

The truth is much simpler than that, user. The game will tell you later.

Literally all I am doing is walking back and forth introducing myself and then kill some mutated moles or whatever they are along the way but I can't help but like it

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>tfw cant introduce yourself to mutated moles and then kill some people

Is it an actual game? The title and the fact id never heard about it made me think it was some kinda appstore shovleware

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>there's already a mod that turns off combat banter
Absolutely haram.jpg


No poison on my blade :(

Magic has melee attacks that do more damage than magic missiles and they are actually way cooler than melee itself because you learn to quickstep your magic punches right into the enemy faces. As for moving around, lighting dash gives you absolutely MAD movement.
Eventually you just stagger and slow down entire battlefield, debuffing their defenses, all while quickstepping around like an absolute maniac. Add guns to it when you're low on mana and you get an absolutely cuhrayzee playstyle.

>id never heard about it
Not surprising. It's from a studio that has never made a successful game before.

>Magic has melee attacks
Which one is that

How did your momma make you an anonmenawi? You can do the ritual on sea as well or it's doneigada thing?

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Secondary attack aka kick, but it's fists instead for magic

You aren't linked, it's why you don't have native magic.

I wish this had an Honour mode.
I think it would be doable.

What is the difference between the marked and the linked then?

But being an user menawi means you are bonded tho

>no breast slider
>no body customization at all

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It's called Shadow Impact and it's a part of the Divine Ring's basic moveset
Initially it's just a 2-hit combo but you eventually get Ranged Shadow Impact which allows you to use teleport to punch the enemy from another side of arena.


>mfw realized that an old man who you meet at drums swamp is San Matheus himself
Ahhh holy fuck the details in this game

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Explain your thought process.

Isn't the exact reason why you're so good at magic since your childhood is because you're anonmenawi?

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>what if Judge Dredd was a fish

I was just joking, but now I'm kinda concerned about the Prince's 4d chess.

he would have to be several centuries old at least tho

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>Oh De Sardet, my son...
>You have the same alluring lips as your dear mother!
fuck off Petrus

And then you get a taste of your own medicine and realize how all those people you've insisted on felt.

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He was granted an eternal life since he bound himself to the local god.

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Has anyone found any sort of way to reset quests if you've already finished them?

Deepest lore.

>Constantin is one year older than De Sardet. Which explains why they were raised together.

too bad it didnt come with better memory

The Legate or Technomancer?

How many cocks the sardine can suck.

Ourgirl Jehanne said that they're working on patches

prepare for things to get dicey

i hope modders readd the cut sex scenes

So then who was his waifu that got turned into a guardian?

can you change your appearance post-tutorial?

i do hate my green tattoo but i'm about to end new serene

Some local doneigada.

Nah, you can't.

Now De Sardet isn't completely incompetent and actually should be going on a mission! You'd think he/she would know something and not just be a completely useless person given their upper class heritage and since they've supposedly been training with Kurt for years. One point has been added to each talent at the default level.
is Don Sardine the lamest hero in bioware's history?

imagine bringing him to San Matheas and announcing him as their saint
Aloysius would have a stroke

nothing tops firearms for dps


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My fucking sides.

just another in a long line of black female characters that have no endearing qualities because they have to be strong womyn that need no (wo)man

At this point I bet even San Matheus is a sea-born.

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his Siora

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Is it anything like Dragon Age when it comes to companions and gameplay?

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She doesn't seem that bad once you get past her introduction. And her first quest that makes everyone condemn you.

It's better.

Gameplay yes, companions, not so much. It's shallower in that aspect.

>Bridge Alliance randomly attacks Natives
>defend Natives
>get negative rep
>Bridge governor claims to have had no idea
Really makes you think, doesn't it?


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it's so much shallower interaction wise but I honestly like these companions a lot better and there are so many unique lines
I just had some siora/petrus banter while investigating the nervous man's house

Is this the best eurojank since Gothic?

>Bridge Alliance finances Egon's thieving and smuggling operation in New Serene to get the natives drunk because uhhhh science
>the governor claims he had no idea that he was financing bandits
Why's he gotta be like this?

he is the equivalent the New Serene coin guard quartermaster
except as a governor

So just did the fighting tutorial.
Wasnt expecting the tactical pause in the game , will need to switch the dodge button , too used to spacebar being dodge i guess.

How do I get bridge alliance quests? I'm pretty sure I'm near the end as I just saved cousin from a crazy guy. I have friendly with literally everyone except bridge alliance.

Truth be told, New Serene coin guard quartermaster really doesn't know shit.

that's not even mentioning that Asili, their top scientist, is the one who made the drink that sets the whole end of the world scenario.

The quartermaster at least has the excuse of not being high enough up the chain of command to really do anything about the corruption all around him - nor low enough to be anyone's target.

Is this game worth 40$ ? Do the choices matter ? Is it short ? This game reminds of earlier Bioware titles.

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i did the same thing
honestly the only time you really need to pause is to use some potion that you don't have hotkeyed

What town is Bridge Alliance governor?

Hikmet. You meet him in one of the first main quests.

did 99% on normal using guns aka easy mode, took me 30hrs. i'm trying extreme with magic, it's a lot more challenging. choices can get mentioned in the ending wrap up, but will generally decide how the last mission gets played out

From fucking where?

Its a decent enough game. Too linear with choices, in that I have very few if any. Combat is pretty good, but it gets boring fighting the same fucking beasts over and over. Combat being a bit of a drag is fine in big RPGs like this but I can't really do much with quests.

Are Contracts worth to do it? Some can be a pain in the ass from what I've read.

yeah the biggest failure of the game is linearity with regards to pretty much all quests

Early on I was thinking how much potential there was, how many tough decisions I would have to make and thinking already to other runs of the game. That was all shattered after a few hours.



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fuck the bridge alliance

So do you get any major choices in this or nah?

How's this compare to Elex?

>Grab vests for disguises
>Siora in continental clothes
Bros, my dick

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>actually manage to trigger Kurt's romance
>starting to think I'd rather Siora
The native temptress is trying to sway me away from daddy...


Those are some sad boobies

>been on top sellers on steam for like a week straight
Did spiders finally make a good game?

little boobies and tight booty
this is justice

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lmao. i loved this, especially after ending the conversation on good terms. why is his goodbye so butthurt towards me

>magical kung fu

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AA games are godsend.

This is pretty much how I felt during the coup. THE GOVERNORS, KURT, WE HAVE TO PROTECT THE GOVERNORS.

Eurojank is growing stronger.


Why does the Theleme city look so soulless?

they're a british allegory

Because it's run by a cult that will burn people at the stake for acting suspicious in any way.

It's definitely the Spanish allegory. Bridge Alliance is the British allegory.

San Matheus > New Serene > Hikmet.
That's a fact.

is she asian?


all cities look dead, only a few NPCs can talk to you and most of them are merchants

honestly besides one of the female de Sardet options I don't think I've seen any asiatic peoples in this game at all

Pretty sure they're invisible to mobs

New Serene = Hikmet > San Matheus

Should I let dedre take the crown?


we wuz doneigada an shiet


Renounce this God.

>angry inquisition noises
Do you have to blackmail Aloysius later on if you do this?

nah his beard in the mural is long, this guy has short beard

he's just some old native

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I renounced just out of spite, don't even have an opinion formed about it.

I think it's a neat touch that non-natives fuck up the pronunciation of native babble. Though I think I've heard at least a couple of natives do the same thing.


I really wanted to pick that option just to fuck with him too, but sadly the inquisitor absolutely needs to know who the Legate of the Congregation of Merchants is.

reminder that kurt only likes you because of the large paychecks



His services are PRICEY

Hooray, now 2/3s of my face are covered in degeneracy

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>spec entirely into guns and traps
>spend game chucking elemental molotovs and bombs at savages and shooting any left standing

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Kurt "if you want dicey, things are gonna get pricey" Kurt

I hope there's a sequel and you get to continue ranking up and doing great feats in the nauts with your best bro and/or lover. Nauts are, by far, the coolest faction.

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inb4 they tack on Black Flag naval combat

>he got INKED
>mission objective: get a tattoo

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if there's a sequel I hope it follows the godhood ending, even though it makes little sense
>find vasco in naut island, an old man looking to drown in a bottle of liquor, entertaining the youngsters with his old stories
>convince him to lead you to the new land in hopes of trying to colonize it again
>find old lady siora, terribly heartbroken (if romanced) or angry (if not romanced)
>try to save/purify or something like that the legate

On it, boss

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Maybe as expansions. Sequel would probably have you play a different person and De Sardet being an important side-character or significant time-skip.
Either way I really want some continuation because the story and setting is great

Probably the one you kill right there next to him that he then freaks out about.

The question is who she was before becoming a swamp MOMMY

Attached: swamp MOMMY.webm (1200x674, 2.93M)

This seems to be the case unfortunately, but I'm still rolling around hitting shit with fire swords like an idiot

it's funny because in what colonial world would telling a noble 'you look like a native' not be an immediate death duel insult

the only ones that say that are your cousin, some natives, the turban governor and some guys that you kill

well it sounds like 'you look like a native' actually translates to 'sick tribal tattoo bro' - so that's an even worse insult

fuck... the diagnosis scene is literally heartbreaking... I haven't been attached to a video game character this much in years.

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>You're linked to the sea gods.
>Greedfall 2 about Atlantis and deep sea monsters.

Do you only need the MC to wear a matching suit to fool the guards?

Mandatory cousincest

Unless stated otherwise, yes.

About half the jank of it, which is still a lot

Is the Arena reward in New Serene random or there are Arenas in every city or i need to redo last challenge for the other weapons?

All cities share the same arena, which is stupid. Once you complete all of the challenges in one arena, then that's it.

can I play as an inquisitor and gas all native shits for not converting

i want to finish the game today
looking for the high king-- how far off am i?

Taking down Egon S3 when

So there is only a Longsword as reward from it?

I’d gas you, mutt

Yup. Never replayed the final challenges since I assume that you can only get the rewards once.

Lol idiot

not really
regretfully, their are few chances to shit on the natives
ending lets you become their deity by force though


truly a patrican choice

Natives=nauts>>>>>> piss > turd > arabs, inq, coin guard

Talk to da king

Maxed out the tech tree, should I unlock ring now so I can use magic or invest in physical?

The only magic you need if you went heavy on guns is stasis
And using stasis trivilize gunplay way too much

I already get that with traps, phials, and blade coating

U don’t. You already have stasis resine which is most op shit in game

I was similarly bored up until the island, the game legit takes off at that point

Go play cod, shitheads. Rpg is not for u

Siora gave me her quest to find her mom, but she won't let me progress it. If I try talking to her about starting the search, she says that I'm "already busy." What do.

>poisons you and your cousin
>denies your presence in a court of law
>attempts an assassination while playing dumb
>shit talks you when you ask for help in the final fight
>repeatedly puts your image of a diplomat at risk due to ambushing during your parleys
>despite being "objective scientists", treats locals like a fucking boogeyman for all their problems
>ugliest town
>most boring companion

why do people rank them higher than anyone?

Attached: Bridge-Alliance.jpg (109x124, 2K)

Fuck you, Serene is boring as shit just walking through city fucking alleys the whole time. I'm meant to be colonizing and exploiting a new land not taking a Sunday fucking stroll

I WANT TO FUCK the healer woman who looks like d'vorah

You're already doing a companion quest for someone else, you need to finish it

> waaaaah
> i can’t bear tutorial area waaaaaah
Kys zoomer

Because "le science! xd", obviously.

>Waaah you're not allowed to criticize a shitty prologue

Go back to Taris you stupid nigger

They never passed after Serene.

Goddammit. I can't finish Vasco's quest, though, every enemy I run into is skull level and wrecks my shit sideways.

That’s not even criticizm. Just some retarded baby screeching. Wish I knew you little shit irl to beat the fuck out of you, whimp

I think I have not properly introduced myself, I'm Dessa Deh, on ol menawi of Ullan's village.

Which one of Vasco's quests are you doing? I've done some of them and I haven't run into any enemies that strong.

>the absolute fucking state of the coin guard and everyone in it

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> fucking muslim niggers

And the prologue is good because...? Oh right you haven't actually given examples of your own because there are no good parts to defend, suck my dick

They truly are. Spiders should just hire 5 more people at most and then just put all the money they are making with Greedfall in an account for the next fifteen years and just keep making cheap passion projects. If they go AAA now their games will just immediately turn to shit again.

33 hours clocked and finished the game, time to play A Plague's Tale.

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I want to breed the right one

> introduces kurt
> introduces malikor
> shows difference between continent and island
> good quests
> boss fight
Kys zoomer or I’d decapitate you and shit in your throat

They really never explain how the Nauts are immune to the malichor do they?

kawasaki aya

>Good quests
LOL. Almost all the shit in New Serene could've just been done on the fucking boat and spared us a boring as fuck fetchfest in a shitty map. Your taste is shit kiddo, go back to borderlands

Visored burgonet where

Your 3iq is showing zoomer. Every quest in this game is good. You’re just a stupid faggot raised by a bunch of human trash. No wonder your taste is cod tier turd only

They don't stay on land too much.

Attached: Greedfall Screenshot 2019.09.14 - (2560x1080, 2.63M)

Only halfway in and I already want my waifu Sardine to be raped by Kurt, Petrus, Constantin, Siora and random trash mobs of natives and bandits. I would pay to watch it, all of it

i'd kill you for free cuck

waifu has either deteriorated even more as a term, or even more cucks have started posting on Yea Forums

You are the rich heir of royal family sent on a diplomatic mission in noAmerica where you are supposed to find the cure to Mega AIDS
You dress /fa/ as fuck and introduce yourself to plebians shitting themself when you pass the charm check, also acquire delicious native waifu to plow

t. Amerimutt

Are eurofags too puritanical for porn now? Or do you only watch gay trans porn over there these days?

>Plague Doctors :*stares*

We actually have sex

With refugees

Muslim ass is top tier

We all know yours is the ass they're getting.

Which girls is better, Siora or the negress?

Nah,eating shit is for mutts


>Pure on ol menawi waifu
>Lackluster nigger

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Hopefully. I want some Kingdom Come worthy bush on those women.

Same engine, too.

Can i romance Siora as Lady Sardine?

Degenerate renaigse

how is that even a choice?
you must be Reifag tier contrarian to go with the negress

Can i?

I was leaning that way but the horns and small tits kind of concern me.


Those both sound like pluses to me, maybe you're just gay

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Nah, I just prefer my gaelic women to be stacked.

It's the canon choice user

Fuck that, no way they're pulling another AC Odyssey.

>the male character fits much better, was the original and is much more popular
>lol let's pander to waifufags and make the lesbian female mc canon

You didn't betray your cousin,right?He did it all for you

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I'm sorry user but it seem you have a terminal case of gay

Nah, I'm just not autogynephilic like you.

The game has barely been out for a week you colossal triple fucking giga-nigger cumrag

It's about the journey not the destination user



Haha fortune cookie wisdom and using spoiler tags to make shitty jokes instead of discussing spoilers because i'm a fucking cumslurping reddit tourist

Ullan did nothing wrong

did you just assume my gender?

pssst wanna buy an island?

do any other factions have a moment as memorable?
merchants through insist and towelheads being faggots, maybe

> self inserts as a cunt
Lol the real gay here is you


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Why the FUCK did you faggots suggest magic? There's only like 4 spells and 3 of them don't even do damage.

Are amerifags still as gay as usual?

Zoomer? Magic builds were trash since the dawn of ages

>ywn start a family with siora

Is she a virgin?

would the kids be native-raised or colonial

how many endings have we got going in this lads?

first game in ages where I have wanted to earn them all

>her introductory scene on the stairs
Purer than pure


2, decided by a dialogue at the end

Plant Trees.

as the driven snow
aphra is not, she even brings attention to it

Shit is that it? and what, specific endings for characters based on their quests?

Is it true there is a gamebreaking bug tied to a quest or something? What is it?

>aphra is not, she even brings attention to it
Wait, really?

Is it as bad as Cass in DA:I?

How can I tell if I managed to choose the correct flirty dialogue to romance a character? Do I just have to wait until I get to the end like ME?

if you've done all their quests and flirted right they'll proposition you next time you speak

sometimes you get a +2, sometimes there is no indication
big thing is being like them instead of mindlessly flirty

Well fuck. I guess Sardine is going to be a virgin.

Cassandra, iirc, tells you during the scene. Aphra shares it with you in a separate conversation beforehand.

>magic class the worst
This literally should not be allowed, fuck off.

Finishing a certain side quest before another fucks up the main quest progression, I think.

Lame as fuck. It sucks being a purity fag.

>cassandra's was out of love
>aphra's was because she needed to work off an "itch"
desu the latter feels truer for frenchies

Says the BBC loving cuckold

That Bridge Alliance guy who tries to kill you when you're tracking down the Native and have to fight the moose tree.

There are slides like a Fallout game as well that depend on what you did with certain characters and factions. Not sure how the math checks out.

I hope they patch this shit soon because it runs like ass

Update your drivers

>Update nvidia drivers
>Completely breaks drivers because nvidia is a piece of shit and you have to roll back your computer

I did

Your CPU is weak. Change clothing physics to low

Did they push game-ready drivers for GF? Haven't seen in on the list.

>ugliest town
While I agree with the rest this is false

Can someone explain why every climbspot says "impossible to climb" when I have maxed vigor? Wtf

Just too High

>post yfw "ah...what a shame"

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>good night sweet prince

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Nope, got clothing physics set to off. My gpu is only a gtx 960 but the recommended gpu is a 980. I shouldn't have to have everything on low just to get over 30fps.

Where do I recruit Aphra?

I have the leery spanish old man but i found no black people in the ottoman kingdom

If native americans spoke like a whalesian/gaelic mix they would have been genocided twice as hard

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Mine is 970. Shut up and set aniso to x4 and other shit to high

Main quest

>melee builds just learn to hit harder
>technical builds learn to utilize rifles and all sorts of bombs and traps
>mage starts as a magic missile spamming weakling and evolves into a teleporting time controlling kung fu master

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if the natives had been celts the entire american continent would have an average IQ of 100

But how else would you know when things are about to get dicey

>ever having af below x16
Yeah it's shit

I don't drink potions until someone orders me to do so.

does the mc get some funky druid powers later on or do they just do literally nothing with the druid birthmark thing

shadow slam is the best skill if you've got the magic, stun and multiple enemies at the same time

kurt's is kinda useful because he tells me when my character's health is getting lower

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Damn, if only

>mfw the only reason why protag doesn't have horns is because sardine should wear hats

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how can i make my companions betray me?

i'm on an evil run but they keep taking my shit

-100 whoops

Oh yes you can.

t. seething savage

But I'm not a celt


Any way to teleport or roll with a single button tap?

If I were a bitch I would be creaming myself at the thought of being ravished by Kurt, who has known Sardine since they were children. I hope this is the ship that hambeasts on tumblr latch on to and produce hundreds of fapfics for, and not the STD ridden ass pirate Vasco

>>A bit of poison on my blade and...

Its aphra x petrus I'm sorry

x16 on 960 in 2k19 is veeery delusional shit, nigga

Too bad, most of the girls playing the game are falling for Vasco. No one needs an old geezer.

I just tested it out to be sure and as expected it only made a 1-2fps difference. AF should always be x16

Let me stack fury

>Siora - 2.1%
>Vasco - 1.6%
>Aphra - 0.5%
>Kurt - 0.4%

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When is Siora's second personal quest?

Kurt if going lady sardine is the best pick
Siora if Lord Sardine
Fuck people

incest, lots of incest feeling

Before trials of water

Kurt is a baby, just because I didn't do his quest he betrays me?


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He exists for friendzoning. Besides, he's the only person that hits on other party members (Siora).

Why are both of the female romance options fucking ugly? Why can't I romance some arrogant and classy noblewoman that would spit on peasants with me?

>kill massive nigdig
>single bridge spy thinks he's gonna kill me right after
>not even stronger than average bandit
????? What was he thinking.

i want to plunder Vasco's hairy anus

[Intuition] I AM A LEGATE

This one is successful? It looked like shit, jankier than the gothic games

Bridge alliance members manage to be bigger retards than the fucking Inquisition.
I guess it''s the 20 Int/7 Wis meme in action

Successful as in selling a lot, not being a great game.

What the fuck did you just say about my wife

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Homosexuality is punished by Saint Thelmo and the Bridge Alliance threat it as a disease

It makes sense that only the natives are ignorant enough to see gayness as sort of ok

>natives and jews are the least evil retarded factions

De Sardine?

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>who are nauts

Com is only nonretarded faction, and also effay af

I must leave you

Brainwashing faggots, also backstabber

The nauts and the merchants themselves are the only good factions

The natives are also midly ok but they have backstabbing niggers like Ullan, goddamn he pissed me off

siora newd mod is out

they didn't fuck the land

No u

Natives are ok, sure some tribes are more warmoggering than others and there are greedy figures, but you can negotiate for the most


kill yourself

your opinions are shit

I'm actually a bit blown away by the graphics. I'm running it at 3440x1400 ultra and what I like the most is the sense of scale everything has. I look to a building and it actually feels realistic with matching proportions. Compare this to Witcher 3, where everything feels like a shitty toy miniature. Why does this happen?

How do i get the path where sardine fights and kills the frightman, allowing humanity to deal with their own consequences naturally; without the intervention of some magic pozzers chimping out that people are cutting trees.

You haven't seen landscapes yet. Some are just breathtaking.

they get curvy and fugly tattoos instead

So this is how romance works for the average frenchman? You either pick a nigress or a dike-looking girl?

>Nauts are good
t. Bridge boys who were taken by force and debt collection when they were infants and indoctrinated into their role

You pick femSardine and waifu her.

And that's a good thing.

Sorry Thelemefags, you're the only ones who love indoctrination. Don't project this shit to others.

>short hair means dyke

Good luck finding a dyke these days. Hope you enjoy your chimps.

And if anyone says otherwise we are taking them out for night training

I wish the whole native born magic thing was a bit more expanded on, like getting a quest that would let you temporarily transform into one of those big dick spear chucking monsters.
Would really spice up my __male Sardine and Vasco fanfic.

Converting pagans isn't indoctrination bro

>oh this kid D'arcy had debts, so that means getting assraped as a boy in the cabins was worth it
I love Vasco's stockholm syndrome

Absolutely based.

That hasn't stopped Spiders before.

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Never stated, fag

How was this game?

The Kurt relationship is so wrong, he probably had to watch your caretaker change your diapers or did it himself

How is mars war logs? It has pretty good rating on steam.

Got it on the steam sale but not sure if its worth my time currently.

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Hot garbage, not going to lie.

did you do his personal quest?

He basically says that word for word, "being part of the nobility is too complicated so i guess I prefer being a low class peasant with no debts but no personal propierty either"


not incest if its not blood relation

Exactly. And flirt lines are absolutely cringeworthy.

Called Bound by Shame for a reason

Of Orcs and Men and the Mars games are the only ones you should bother with.

You know exactly about which part of your statement I'm talking about, retard. Don't "merely pretend" on me.

It's not great but it has SOUL
Personally I really liked it, the lore is cool and siding against commies is fun.

At least he's not Vasco who is canonically bisexual and can cheat on you with a man if you let your guard down

played through first area, woah it's actually a solid game

>literally refuses to be a commander of the fleet to be with you
Nigga what

Serene is unfortunately the comfiest area. The quality doesn't drop, but the island isn't as cool.

it's okay, way jankier than this though
try technomancer, that one is a better one

Complement each other in what way? Through specific skills? What's the prime examples of guns + magic synergy?

>corpses everywhere
>bandits are attacking you in every cornet
>malichored npcs
>the comfiest area

Stasis hold and increase damage + Guns burst and the Roll Damage from behind tree.

Isnt that just the sequel? It has awful reviews for some reason too.

Stasis/Storm perk that burns armor + gun = dead in seconds.

I’m at “choose future king” quest. How long till the end? 56 hours already

>for some reason too.
TB was the reason. the man did nothing good to pc gaming.
it's a solid 7/10 with an interesting atmosphere. and no it's not a sequel.

Very soon.

~5 story missions left.

It is.

is this actually good then?

Almost there.
Your choice is very important.

It sorta is, it takes place after the events of the first game but it isn't a direct sequel.

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Keith Thompson is not for bulli

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It's okay.

Serene actually speaks to an interesting, well developed city with lots of intrigue and powerplays, the quests are cool as fuck and so are the characters, and you barely even scratch the surface. Obviously it wouldn't be comfy to live there, but a game set in serene and with zones being districts would have made this game god tier.

the comfiest area is Bridge Alliance

Sale when

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It's like dragon age inquisition with a a dryer setting and a worse combat.
And dai is shit to begin with

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you didn't play either.
DAI is a terrible MMO reject. This is a proper single player game.

Sad.. I really liked this game.

The setting is better than dai. The combat is completely incomparable, and greeedfall has better c&c and sidequesting

Is it as linear as greedfall?

Just pirate, you can buy it later.

The setting is a lot better than dragon age.
The combat is also better.

>and greeedfall has better c&c
Greedfall doesn't have C&C.

even more so, levels are pretty small

dragon age origins is superior to this game but dragon age inquisition was (single player) MMO garbage

I’d say they’re both good, but longer quest chains in GF makes you invest more = you gain more satisfaction from killing villains

Is technomancer closer to this or warlogs? Mars warlogs had HORRENDOUS writing.

Meant more in the game sense as dialogue options/choices, quest progression and stuff, actually

press f for the tumor, what an unsung hero.

the writing is decent but prepare for lots of "I'm the legate/emissary of the Congregation of Merchants, De Sardet" and "i should leave"


You're saying like it's a bad thing

No not greedfall, technomancer

what did that guy ever do besides dying?

i think the one to blame is the AVGN, he started the trend of hating on games because morons took him at face value

But that's the best part. You're second highest authority on the island and flailing your title around never gets old, especially if you're against some cocky trash that instantly starts shitting its pants when it learns who you are.

Literally stopped a lot of consumer exploitation practices, basically started the sentiment of not prepurchasing, called out early release glitchyness when it was overlooked by major outlets.

AVGN got his foot in the door early on the youtube pundit game but being angry about videogames in text format predates him by many years. Old Man Murray por ejemplo.

>pick [ask Kurt to talk] option once while asking about the ghost regiment
>-1 to Coin Guard rep

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Rough, but I enjoyed it. Final boss is a shit but good story, fun characters. Greedfall is a big improvement.

>Literally stopped a lot of consumer exploitation practices
lmao, like loot boxes?


Yeah it would be completely fair to say he is the most important/influential single individual in causing the current debates to happen.

user NO

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He makes everything worse, I just wanna break from INSISTING once in awhile, can't always be swinging my big dick title around

where can one see the overall factions reputation?

Your status page, the first tab of the menu

Open your inventory screen, look at the top left corner, and pick first icon

thanks, didn't notice it.

>lets what is essentially an overpaid drill sergeant speak
>expects him to be diplomatic

>He makes everything worse

Vasco's first companion quest?

>finished the game
Any of you faggots actually re-played the whole game? 60$ is too much for this AA game lmao


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Based Nauts

>mfw bought it for $26

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Keysellers are worse than pirating.