You finally show the villain how strong you are

>you finally show the villain how strong you are

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I don't know what game is that but I love fang.

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Raping your villains is wrong.

Now that Senran Kagura is dead, can we expect more Evenicle titles?

More games need to end with the villain getting a good dicking desu.

Seems like it will but the new Alicesoft flagship series now that Rance is over so we will get more regardless.

I should get over the tentacle thing and reinstall Evenicle one of these days.

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Second is already released.

How many more years until Evenicle 2 is translated? Three? Four?

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Say what you will about DmC 5 but Nero's devil form reveal even without Yamato was awesome

how many years until i can play doctor dick's game in english

Now we just have to wait 2 years for Mangagamer to solve their payment processor issues and then it'll only be another year for the translation and then another 4 years of waiting because they only release 1 game a month.

Is Yea Forums pro or against Hanny genocide?

Hannies deserve death

Be like Colpis

Use your life experience to make bank.

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im gonna say it
other than sengoku rance is not that good

Based. Hanny Genocide Now

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I want Alicesoft's Heartful Maman to get translated.

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>there are people who skip the sex scenes

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I skipped that one. She did not deserve that and I'm glad those fuckers got butchered.

not even the best MILFge by alicesoft