what is a video game where i can pet cats?
i don't care about genre i just want to pet cats
What is a video game where i can pet cats?
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No More Heroes
You have Nintendogs + Cats on your 3DS.
that doesn't count
I thought cats hated having their whiskers touched.
Post art of vidya cats getting petted
Wouldnt touching their whiskers really hurt? Theres tons of nerve endings in those.
No. If you're gentle like in OP'S webm they love it. It relaxes them
Sorry, all I got is real cats.
they love it. especially going against the grain. in fact it's kind embarrassing that you didn't know cats paws twitch as a sign of enjoyment
Why are cats so cute, bros? How is this even possible?
I guess I should stop pulling them out of my 13 week old kitten then, haha my bad
They're rather loving when they wish to be.
why not just get a cat irl
Pets are pretty expensive.
Man, those are big catz
they're not cute they use their mind control parasites to manipulate you into thinking they are.
>control+f Monster Hunter
>0 results
The Seliana Gathering hub even has foot baths, hotsprings, and a sauna for you and your kitty to relax with
Imagine being so fucking poor and pathetic you had to subject yourself to playing runeshit at any time during it's life span
They're scientifically engineered to make brain cells shut down as you shout "LOOK AT THE FLUFFY KITTY!!!" and rush to pet it.
>big cat handlers are almost always hotties
I wish I was that lion
That just means they can show you even more love.
Postal 2
>ywn be this comfy
got a doggo 2 weeks ago
The Game of the Decade allows you to pet cats: Red Dead Redemption 2.
It also allows you to pet dogs! Over 5 kinds! Wow!
Those are LIES engineered by dog lovers
here is my cat
pokemon sun& moon
Not ugly. Hope it doesn't die horribly or anytime soon.
i want to PET that CAT
i want to PET that DOG
Cute squirrel.
Why not?
>people actually fucking do this
t. toxo host
Sun did chips too?
>cats paws twitch as a sign of enjoyment
I've never heard that. The kitten in the OP is obviously enjoying it, though, because it's kneading; which is a sign of relaxation.
>not being a pet idort
Pepe isn't a real person, user.
Big cats respond positively to masculinity.
That looks like a good cat.
I hope you give it all the love and attention it deserves
I know, right? Who the fuck is still a faggot frogposter in 2019?
What a cutie. Hope you both have a long and happy time together.
I try to pet khajiit players in eso but a lot do not respond well to being pet
So Yea Forums is the new /an/.
I am okay with this.
She likes being pet and I show her love and respect
They're Frito-Lay whole grain
Get to know them a little bit first, user.
/an/ is a pretty shit board anyway
What are some video games with animals in them?
>Fluffy tail cat
Based Michiganon.
I tried to pet a khajiit playing the lute in stonefalls today but they were very confused and alarmed
Tokyo Jungle, Tekken, and Diddy Kong Racing.
user I will pay you 200 for that kitten double if it's vaccinated
>Productive discussion on how to eradicate bothersome shitbulls
I fail to see the issue here.
Reminder no cat will ever alert you, much less defend your house from invaders
seems pretty damn based
That's a cute image.
Sounds like you need to get a bigger cat, user.
Best new feature.
My cat woke me up when the kitchen was burning.
Little fucker saved my ass.
Despite what people believe, cats are super affectionate for the most part/ They love pets and belly rubs.
Except mine has, get better cats or treat them better you little shit.
Look at that Darth Maul of a puss.
AC origin
Nintendogs+Cats is entirely about that though I think you have to get the puppy first and the cats unlock later.
>tfw my arm has been that fish a few times
that shit hurts
bless your cat
You can pet a cat in Shenmue 1, feed it and pet it until a part of the game(i think he is gone the moment Ryo starts working)
It will grow up a bit for like the 5 or 6 months the game allows to play until the bad ending,
Worth mentioning that, despite this, you should always always ALWAYS keep an eye on their attitude and body language, especially their tails. Cats are super affectionate when they want to be, but continuing when they're done with it is a good way to get scratched. They tend to fling up plenty of "Ok Im done, stop" warning signs before doing anything though.
I wish I could be that happy...
I remember a game on PS2, you play as a dog.
Funny concept, too bad we don't get games like this anymore.
Forgot to show it youtube.com
>never alert you
Thats a good thing, because most of the time its fucking nothing
Youre more likely to get hurt, have your things stolen or be killed by i would think just about any thing else
I love dogs, and while they are useful, i bet the very vast majority of people don't do that
>needing an animal to defend yourself
What kind of pussy are you, incel?
Mice, snakes and bugs are invaders. Cats are useful because they slay that kind of shit hard.
I was under the impression that big cats didn't purr.
That's cute
Oh no I can't believe my cat is fucking dead.
>tfw my arm has been that fish a few times
I'm pretty sure every new cat owner has had their arm be that fish at least once.
if you ignore the few cringeworthy political posts it's a nice account. Needs a cat variation.
They evolved to look extremely symetric so humans would have the urge to pet them.
>defend your house
But I'm not a poorfag and live in a good neighborhood.
Everything Pumas and smaller can purr if I remember right.
Oh my god I can't believe my cat has rabies.
Why do people have joy looking at obese animals?
My cat did, he suddenly jumped and looked at the back porch door when I had my headphones on. I grabbed my gun and found a Mexican trying to break in. Now he's a Mexicant.
Cheetahs and pumas are actually capable of purring. It's leopards, jaguars, lions, and tigers that can't.
Doges are only useful for blind people. And for the police.
>cat thread with only a single toxo shitpost
Have the newfags finally fucked off back to Yea Forums, /r9k/, and /pol/?
Because they're adorable.
no, summer is over and school is back in (at least here in the states)
them and cougars aren't technically "big cats" which is generally used just to describe panthera which includes lions, tigers, jaguars, leopards, and snow leopards. They are the cats that roar.
smacking shitbulls seems based, but the cat stuff is pretty fucked up. just get some oven mitts, pick it up, and put it in someone else's yard.
That dude has balls of steel for not reacting to a lion snarling like that.
Post a picture of your pet, and name a video game you really like.
Star Fox 64.
Astral Chain has a shitload of cats for some reason
Literally me
Nintendogs 3DS has cats
Cheetahs don't even really make normal cat noises usually. They make a weird chirping noise that sounds more like a bird call than something you'd hear from a cat. My cat did something like that once while watching some sparrows outside, but I've never seen her do it again.
Dwarf Fortress
>cat species that looks like kitten forever
Love retards like you who are literal NPCs and have never touched an advanced bio class
Sometimes cats are upset about something, but that doesn't always mean they're upset with you.
It's like they are trying to replicate the sound of the bird to get them close. But those flying bastards are too smart for these taunts
>keeps batting with his gimpy paw
daww ;_;
you dumbass
do you cook your cat everytime it re-enters your home?
*some cats
if your cat was a stray, it's gonna hate you forever if you do this.
if a human has had it since it was 0 days old, then yes, do this and they'll love you forever
Ah, OK. Cheetas/pumas/cougars/etc are just "large cats," and not biologically "big cats." I assumed they were part of the same family.
Have we reached peak cat?
I want a cat but can't because my fucking neighboor is one of those fags that have 5 cats outside the house and they kept shitting on our front garden. Now my parents think all cats are just dirty smelly fur balls that shit everywhere.
I love this webm, I'm 90% sure this move was born from practice and not just luck. That big boi knows the dangerous bits and how to quickly get to the neck while its being charged.
like a fuckin pro
>The only reason to have a pet is for tower defense
I've adopted multiple strays and it only takes a few months of getting comfortable for them to act like any other cat. Stop tryin to talk out your ass.
IT chapter 3
you broke him, congrats
>Top right arrow never lights up
I've only had one pet, a Maine coon cat. A massive 20 pound beast of a kitten who was little more than a throw pillow. His name was Samson
That was near two decades ago. I miss him
what an adorable little bastard
That's the coolest shit ive seen in a while
Yeah, you don't want to show your throat like that. Big cats like to get a good grip on it and then use their body weight to pull the prey down. Hard for prey to breathe when their jugular's bleeding and their windpipe's being crushed.
It ends up in their feces and spread like that brainlet. Even ignoring that 30% of the world population is already a carrier. Cats are a very, very small spreader by comparison and the effects of toxo are well overblown by alt right retards like yourself.
My cat doesn't need to do that. The C4 will notify me.
Palicoes are fucking obnoxious though.
if you know where it comes from why are you letting it into your home? have your ever dared getting yourself checked out?
i bet not because youll believe anything the internet tells you
30% indeed
Good on you for being a braindead retard, your 2 cats are definitely indicative of a rule that should be applied to all individuals of a species
fucking off yourself
>have bunk bed
>let cat sleep on top bunk
>wake up at 4 in the morning to hear her having what sounds like 3 hairballs
>go to look on my top bunk
>only see two
why don't khajiit players like being pet???????
You have entire academic journals at your fingertips to go verify my (correct) claims. God I hate shitposters like you.
Oh Giles
Deep Rock Galactic.
>losing the battle to anxiety and depression
Best thread on Yea Forums
There's frames missing from the gif.
yea bro youre surely not a carrier
continue to believe what you want until you have certified proof youre just sqawking and making noise
>can be fully covered by fallen leaves fully grown
cute as hell
>still not the deadliest little kitty ever
60% kill rate doesn't sound like a lot, but it's the highest successful hunt rate of basically any wild cat in the world.
Black Footed Cat if anyone's curious.
Your post was just as anecdotal as mine which was the entire point of my post you stupid fucking faggot. If you want to be anecdotal all you are going to get in response is anecdotal that counters it. Cite sources or get on your knees and get to sucking.
ayo felines
Yeah, my house cat can be upset at something and I won't even react but not when it's a 500 pound predator, no matter how domesticated he might be.
Someone just mentioned them, actually.
>tfw no pet-based tower defense game
>You will never be as happy as that puppy was when he reunited with his cat friend
How the fuck can cats ever recover from this humliation
Warframe has kavats (space cats) you can pet.
Also based catloving OP.
It will never not be funny
First time I've heard on meowing actually. Holy shit that's hilarious. Sounds like a cat half it's size.
__ _ ___ ___ ___ __
Stop being an edgy cunt, if you're actually serious do the right thing and give the kitten to someone who'll love it. It did nothing wrong and didn't ask to be abused. If you're just shitposting, still do some introspection and wonder why you think that's remotely funny.
I'll still be worried about it's natural instincts kicking in and you'll have owl burger on the menu.
My mother in law had a dog who would nurse kittens. Never killed one, shocking enough.
It's very easy to fool cat's maternal instincts. That's why you see all those "this cat adopted [small animal]" videos because the cat found the small animal after it had just given birth when it was flooded with hormones.
Jesus fuck. Pitbulls I agree with but not the rest of it.
My cat does this. When petting him, he'll vibrate his back paws while kneading with his front
Are you retarded?
Well, some guys are just a little harder to rattle like that.
>does one small dab at the end
Is he having an orgasm?
It's just not summer anymore, enjoy it while it lasts.
Yeah, took me a while to find a decent gif. Just gonna save that one for later.
Why do you live in a place where that's something you need to worry about?
That's the most adorable angry look I've seen.
I'm not a pussy so I don't need an animal to protect me, faggot. I'm the protector.
nice fanfic, Stanley
is this a meme or reference
I never said there wasn't a chance I wasn't infected. You likely are too but it's symptomless in most people. Also I'll literally spoonfeed you. The top 2 are Australia and Austria respectively. Please go back to /pol/ where people will applaud your stupidity.
looks like a fucking idiot
I had a Maine Coon named Moochy
Literally was a better friend and companion than any of my 3 previous dogs, and only just now being surpassed by my 3 y/o terrier mix that I take to the park with me.
Fucker used to see me through the window coming home from school, run behind the couch, and run out meowing to say hello. I'd wake up in the morning and he'd usually be either near my head in which case I'd wrap my arm around him, or he'd be at the other end and I'd stretch my legs only to feel him attacking my feet through the blanket.
Fucking loved that guy man it's been a year since we put him down (18 years old, major reoccurring liver problems), I still wanna cry thinking about him
Because you haven't proven you're up to the job.
you save them too
user, I think your birb is broke
Does Frontline work on metroids?
Does it work on anything anymore?
My cats growl and hiss at anyone that's not me
[Rawr! nom nom nom nom] Wth? Why isn't this food? Dyamnit, be food! [gnaw gnaw gnaw]; maybe if I bite faster it will become more foody [nibble nibble]; grrrh I command you to become food neow!
what shit filled hole did you crawl out of
You can pet cat Pokemon in gen 6 and 7 games.
The one where false advertising is allowed.
Apparently they drool, as well.
It's possible. We DID have another cat that's use felt blankets to jack off
>have the same cat for 17 years, since I was a kid
>take him to college, instantly make friends with the whole floor because of him
>graduate college, get a gf
>she hated cats, even mine even though he never did anything to provoke her
>she moves into my place after about a year of dating
>after a few months cat goes missing
>gf tells me that I must've left the door open
>weeks pass, I'm legit heartbroken
>about to head to work one day when my neighbor waves me over
>he tells me he saw my gf taking my cat into her car and driving off a few weeks ago
That was a few days ago and I don't know what to do.
You know exactly what to do you spineless faggot.
I call bullshit. You don't spend seventeen years of your life with a loved pet then go "hurr what do i do" when presented with that kind of information.
1. Confront her, retard.
2. Dump her. She clearly can't be trusted with anything. There are other bitches out there who won't lie to you about killing/injuring your childhood pets. Kick her ass to the curb just like she did to your cat.
The fact that she isn't dead to you right now speaks volumes of your intellect.
kill her. It would be justified.
Euthanize her like she euthanized your cat
>few days ago and she still lives at your place
>haven't yet interrogated her, found out where she dumped him, gone to the location and tried to find him/ask around about him
you're too much of a tampon to deserve him, he's probably better off alone/dead.
to be fair, she could've just taken it to a shelter
but still, I wouldn't cry if she got into a terrible accident
rip moochy ;_;
I know what I should do, but I don't know how to approach her. I'm 99% sure she's going to stonewall me and just deny it.
Lies deserve knives
Then stonewall her ass. A relationship is built on TRUST AND HONESTY you fucking retard
You start by asking her "what the fuck did you do to my fucking cat", then end the conversation by saying "get the fuck out of my house, you'll be talking to my lawyers soon".
Adding to this: if she doesn't leave, serve her with an eviction notice and get the police involved.
Cuz cats are the embodiment of being half cute and half "I'll cut off your face if you don't get me food"
They're just awesome
>tfw roommate moved out and took the cat
it was his by paperwork but fucker was barely home to give it any attention
That's a cute one.
Aw that's cute user! What breed?
Cat lovers everyone. Literally pussywhipped.
>relying on pet to defend you from niggers
>living next to niggers in the first place
Fucks sake, your neighbor just told you he was a witness, either confront her with that information, or go a step further and ask him a favor to talk to her with you and she'll get caught lying to him.