It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made
ctrl+f underrail
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made
>*snort* time to *crunch crunch* hack this box for the 5000th time maybe ill get 1 exp for it *wheeze*
>WHIRRRRRRRRR >+20000exp
Honestly wish there was a combo, where the EXP was just scaled between the two. Could fuck up the balance though.
>repeatedly shitposting about something nobody cares about
Explain to me why I would want to use anything other then a rifle?
>explain to me why I should play anything but easy mode
this is how ARfags actually think
So long as we all agree AR is king you can say whatever you like.
Does this game have 100% loot drops?
Like whatever was on the enemy, you kill them, you get?
Or is this one of those 5% chance to drop rare armor systems.
I honestly cany enjoy the game because my builds at their best barely cut it for tackling situations. Theres no reward. You keep up pace or lose everything.
Whats the best shotgun frame from close-up burst shredding?
>Like whatever was on the enemy, you kill them, you get?
Anything you can get you will get. There are some armor and weapons NPCs have that never drop, but it's not a chance thing.
Pick Pocketing skill on dex characters.
Will I be able to steal fat lutes or total waste?
Is it weird that I think Underrail is a great game and superior in many aspects to Fallout 1&2 but the backtracking, inventory management and general annoyances and impressive lenght of the game make me have 0 desires of ever replaying it again?
Swiming in deus ex useless tier
side note, can you stealth + pickpocket weapons away from enemies or stealth + put poison/nade into enemies inventory to kill them?
Some cunt drugged me, took all my weapons but didn't know that me and the lads had been drinking all day. Knocked that bitch the fuck out. Bottom line, I like punching people to death.
Probably won't work out well later in life, but it's my first time through.
>Swiming in deus ex
Hey putting 1 point into it was useful that one time where you could skip a tiny segment by swimming!
Fuck off Sseth, no one cares about your slav life simulator.
fallout: SOUL
underrail: SOULLESS
>pure psi, psi hybrid, or some kind of burst build are the only viable builds
>social skills are newbie traps
>crafting is mandatory
sure is some role playing game
you have shit taste and possibly never played fallout 1 and 2
or this game
No to both. You can steal their spare ammo, but you can't strip them or steal their weapons.
It's not though senpai. It's a combat game with heavy story elements.
at that point i was just able to tank damage dealt by no oxygen by regeneratiom
>3 points away from crafting a beastly set of tichrome for my stormtrooper cosplay
>no one in the entire fucking underrail is selling pie
fuck this pie2win game
Thanks for playing but I forgot to specify no replies for retards.
Well then it really is swimming in deus ex tier.
Why even have the skill if you can't do anything fun with it.
Do more sidequests, I was picking off those ironsheads 1 by 1 with my silenced 5mm and it feels pretty rewarding. Maybe you're build hasn't hit it's power spike yet.
Bout to go kill this guy in jail, wish me luck.
That screencap isn't from Chrono Trigger.
nothing lewd in this game
imagine hellmoo with underrail grpahics
>throwing nets on orphans
You can get anything from quest key items, oddities, ammo, weapons, components or meds.
you probably shouldn't do that but you do you
>finally got the drill parts
>check steam
>44 hours played
can you take grenades? or are they equipped in a quickslot for enemies?
Easy money, free ammo, a few keys, and sometimes oddities. It's pretty good, especially with DOMINATING sale prices, but it's not invaluable.
*blocks your path*
Is there anything in the sormibaeren temple proper worth getting? I killed everything in there sans the acid snakes, those bastards are giving me grief.
Sounds good maybe I will get my thief on.
Called me?
wrong one, user
What you should be able to do, and this is probably an oversight on behalf of the devs, is yank the pins on enemy grenades still attached to them.
>lacks underground jetski combat
the fact that you can respond to the raiders in GMS compound with Adahn when they ask your name, and that the hostages immediately after run away saying "I'm out of here! I am gone!" made me forever hear the I am gone part in his voice
updated my journal
>pure magic is the only viable build
>crafting skills are newbie traps
>dog is mandatory
sure is some role playing game
>not going full tank
The ironheads or killing the guy? I'll break him out if I can, but it seemed like I was supposed to kill him if I couldn't get him out.
Unfortunately the latter- You can't take anything they have equipped. It's a small miracle that at least drugs you don't have to equip.
Is Shotgun/Assassult rifle burst + Heavy armor without psibullshit a viable built?
if you kill him, you lock yourself out of a breddy cool questline
get him out if you can.
It's effectively the only martial build that isn't annoying or suboptimal at some point.
yes, burst builds are the only viable non psi because burst does not benefit from cool down reduction
shotgun+AR requires too many feats though pick one or the other
Do crit hits also trigger weapons % on hit effects?
why do baby damage with an AR when you can OHKO multiple enemies with a sniper rifle?
To be precise. Does a build made around tanking shit so i can rush right in the enemy's face and unload a whole magazine of shotgun in a single turn viable? I intented to take AR as a backup weapon.
If you're a tankbro, you're going to be seriously hurting for movement points. Hiding around corners and mulching anyone who comes around is a better idea.
im not sure if its proper or not but combining the 5 shot burst shotgun and the feat that gives you a stacking damage bonus making your 6th shot do +100% damage, and swapping to a secondary big single hit shotgun to trigger this, is probably more optimal and lugging around an ar in your other hand.
But this is just theory. Mixing weapon types however is degenerate.
Will sprint feat help mitigate that?
Check the action point cost for sniperino
-items sold are worth 10% their regular price, quest rewards 25% of normal
-carrying capacity reduced by 50%
-all skill checks increased by 20%
-crit power doesnt exist
-LoC only breaks stun/etc
-can't drop items from your inventory for free (can still drop equipped weapons for free)
-grenade cooldowns +1 turn
-w2c does 90% damage
-high efficiency energy converters nerfed to regenerating x% of energy lost to damage, at y% per round
-toxic gas simply deals bio damage each round/if moved through; no damage multiplication
-using psi abilities from 1 school will increase the action point cost of psi abilities from other schools
-many psi abilities must hit vs evasion now (or reduced by it), use psi skill at 70% for THC
-forcefield functions as an energy shield against ranged attacks, has a certain amount of hp against melee attacks before failing (dependent on skill)
-all npc's have 30% greater detection & trap detection (bosses have 50% greater)
-bear traps dont function if they deal no damage, stronger enemies have shorter durations, and spotted traps use your traps skill vs their dodge
-some enemies will have black dragon throwing knives/crossbow bolts, and such traps can also be found
-randomized traps/locations
-randomized enemy placement
-npc's that spot traps or corpses will turn orange, holler, and search the map (and pull alarms, if any)
-if spotted, all hostile npc's on that map will never turn back to green; yellow minimum
-npc's will not enter dangerous terrain (such as gas, fire, or traps) unless they have a clear path to you
-most hostile npc's, if they can't attack you on their current turn, will instead head for cover or distance
-if you are seen entering stealth in a controlled or partially controlled map, npc's will turn hostile
-gladiators past master exploder have improved builds with more feats, especially carnifex
this game was insanely boring trying to get into.
what's the secret?
yup, sprint gives you free move regardless of how ridiculous your armor penalty is. the other option is time magic but if you aren't taking the psi pill that one's out.
the "secret" is probably that it's not your type of game, and that's fine. just accept it and move on to something you like.
24 AP + big dick damage > 9 AP + baby weewee damage
Difficulty. Nothing else.
I took it real late to get the last few oddities without violence.
You don't need many points to be good at it, but I've never found it to be necessary.
Pick a psi or tin can build to reduce the amount of time spent reloading saves, invest heavily in caltrops and molotovs to earn a small amount of power over the mobs of CC-happy asshats you're bound to encounter.
>Let's try a spear build
>Get to Depot A
>Mutant Dogs ignore spear guard and come in packs of like fucking five
>The only thing managing to keep me afloat is a shitload of mollies
I have 11 Strength, I feel like this thing should be poking harder
smgs outdo all other guns in per-round damage
snipers do the most per bullet
crossbows are quiet and have special bolts
pistols, well they have gunslinger at least
I heard that psi eventually becomes broken as fuck so i dropped it And i have a hateboner towards magic in any form. I tend to go out of my way to fuck up wizard's shit etc in most of games i play
Buddy, it's time you stop shilling your meme difficulty. Give it up.
Any crafting feats worth boosting int above 7 for?
>can't figure out what the fuck is up with dude's console
>turns out I missed a set of hint
Certified 3 INT here.
fellow spearbro here, i had a hell of a time also with depot A. wait till you get impale, a big dick tungsten energy spear, and you'll be hitting real hard consistently.
best advice is just the ol' depot a crutch of molotovs and caltrops and avoiding enemies as much as possible, acid blob entanglement fucked me up real bad due to zero evasion. once you get through it things start looking up. are you hoplite shield spear or just pure spear?
Getting both dex and agility to 6 spreads you too thin and grenadier i think will help you more than sprint would.
Id much rather get rewarded for exploration than for murdering as much shit as humanely possible. Also, the oddities have interesting flavor text and roleplaying value.
you only need 6 agility
And i have throwing at 0 anyway
I'm trying to go hoplite but shields don't seem to exist prior to a certain point. In addition, investing in spear throw seems to be kind of foolish in hindsight, the accuracy is pretty shoddy and I have to carry a backup as a result.
Ironman run going pretty well.
Level 10 now. Exploring all possible places and gathering oddities before going to depot A.
I really wanted to like this game the writing was even decent, but holy fuck it has the worst mechanics of any rpg I've ever played.
I'm playing on oddity and while doing the Gas the Kikes mission I discovered the chemical friends are holding the Long Rubber Gloves oddity, but if I kill them for it I'll anger the Protectorate
Will I be able to get them later on or kill them later on?
Is it even possible to get all the oddities?
because pure PSI is more fun and stronger
there are more oddities than you need to get max level
its possible to get all the oddities
the only one Im missing on my guy is the acid cyclopean eye, which is a random find
you need pickpocket to get it from them without hostility
but consider that its your final quest; the gloves give 3xp, what does the quest give?
do you have any crafting? i made myself some psi beetle riot gear as early as the cave hopper roundup quest. spear throw also scales off throwing skill, so if your throw is trash it's gonna be pretty ass. you pretty much want a dedicated throwing spear anyway.
>Will I be able to get them later on or kill them later on?
No, they will leave and never return. You could have killed them as a Free Drone.
>Is it even possible to get all the oddities?
Yes, with some metagaming.
So do I murder them just for the gloves? Won't that ruin my ENDING? It is my first playthrough... But... I do want to fill the oddity catalog... Mmmh...
You'll never have as much on-demand utility as you can with PSI, but you can string some feats together that give you a decent facsimile. The energy+chem pistol build I had may not have been PSI levels, but powerful grenades and CC with guns is pretty great
Ahhh, genocide complete.
Now, to eradicate locusts...
I love playing a knife build, but I wont lie. Its easily the most underpowered weapon class in the game. The first HALF of the game is quite difficult with a knife. It also has absolutely zero wiggle room for the build.
The reason I enjoy it so much is that its an underdog build. Your bringing a knife to a gun fight. You have to make great use of traps, grenades, throwing knives, and stealth to overcome the self imposed disadvantage. Its a roleplayer heavy build I think.
if you care about the ending, dont do it
if you want all oddities more than you care about the ending, do it
You'd want their suits more than the gloves, it helps a lot in the blacked sea.
>Siding with the cans
Styggy diggy
is a naked run possible? as in no armor no headgear
I dunno man. Knife ninja was one of my easiest times in the early game.
Considering the bonuses to stealth you get from gear, you'd be gimping even the most obvious route to victory
>finish the arena after a lot of fun and horrible ammounts of save scumming agaisnt carnifex
>oh man that was great time to give the glauntet a try, maybe it will be like the Saw movies or like a maze full of traps while fighting the other competitors haha
>dimly lit room
>4 boxes with meds
>0 points in biology so never even seem them before
>complete silence and no hints or comments
>spend 30 minutes moving things around the boxes
>eventually I'm just sitting there waiting to die hoping that the other competitors win so I can at least get to see myself die and be freed from the pain of being a brainlet
I don't know if I even want to go back to it, how do you even solve it, I still don't know.
the colors, nigga. the combinations make colors
it's okay, i gave up too
The only way to not end the quest line prematurely is to get him released from jail rather than broken out or killed.
>You have to make great use of traps, grenades, throwing knives, and stealth
at this point you can just move knives from the equation and do a throwing run
I didn't have the persuasion to get the SGS to help out in junkyard so I thought, hey if Im giving these guys junkyard, might as well give them all right?
Is full trap run viable?
What level on oddity should i have before going to old junkyard?
Can I go in and kill the drones without using the Mutagen tank? Will that affect the dialogue and quest ending?
Get some acid-resistant gear. You'll thank me later.
you can and it wont
>try to go full firearm pistol build
>make energy pistols that are just plain better
>tfw wasted feats on gunslinger and rapid fire
>tfw only 6 int and don't want to revamp into full energy build at level 15
>Ironman run
In my vanilla playthrough, the character got stuck on a doorway and couldn't click on anything. I was well past Depot A by then. I would have flew straight to whatever eastern european hell hole where the dev lives and raped him if that happened to me on Ironman.
Redpill me on chemical pistols. Are they fun and when is the earliest you can craft acid, flame, and ice chem pistols?
yes junkyard
That would really fuck my shit up if it happened to me. Do you remember where it happened so I can be careful around there?
they're the most fun i've had so far, and whenever you get to junkyard. acid > ice > fire would be my recommendation but some people may dispute the ice > fire bit. but first priority is acid.
fixer is your new best friend, and later quinton after depot a.
Do they scale in damage with perception/gun skill or are they locked in at that damage?
really? when i went to junkyard i could only see acid vials and the tools to make acid pistols. i couldnt see pyro or cyro pistol stuff anywhere
Near Rathound King's lair, the big cavern with a flare + traps. That fucking double door. There was another one around the rails proper, another double door. Around double doors, never relax. I always open both doors now before going through it.
junk sellers sometimes have cryo and incendiary, they can be hard to find super early on.
Walking is too fucking slow in this game
Use the speed up
press + 4 times and never look back
The build doesnt really start doing damage until you get a few mid game feats working in synergy with eachother. Also, your primary defense mechanism isn't armor, but dodge. So when/if you run into enemies who out-level you, your dodge becomes much less effective.
Except when you're overburdened (i.e. have collected everything worth selling from a single room). Then the game forces you down to the slowest setting and won't let go until you get under the weight limit.
great build choice:
>area of effect feat
>potential to root lots of enemies at once
>rooted enemies get damage over time
>25% additional damage with opportunist
>catalyst belt gives stackable damage too
>so strong that I can't outheal if I accidentally hit myself
its probably the best pistol build
Thanks for the tips user.
maybe you should take the hint, al fabet
First time playing, I went oddities because it sounded so different and interesting. Did I fuck up? I'm at the GMS compound looking to open the vault door. I think I'm like lvl 4 or 5? Going stealth int build but my dodge and crit rates are apparently very high because of dex and agi, and so far I don't feel like I fucked anything up - I can kill psi beetles and stuff just fine.
Honestly I didn't totally get the puzzle either. I was just testing colors via brute force and got it on my 3rd try.
Making one fast trip every half-hour instead of one long trip to my loot hoard isn't faster, Styg. Maybe if you dealt with the issue that there's no reliable moneysinks until endgame instead of building tedium stopgaps, we wouldn't have to worry about this.
Rate my chempistol build.
Not sure if I can survive with 55 hp, maybe I shouldn't take the pill.
Oddity is great. Especially so for stealth builds. Like another user mentioned, try and hit 8 before doing Depot A.
maybe stop obsessively hoarding everything you find on the ground when you *know* you're not going to be able to sell it all
>find shed snake skin and bone piercing at the foot of the Canine
Did the madman rift' someplace else?
>Carrying your stuff around and not just leaving piles of eligible gear in front of specific vendors
no end slides say people spotted him leaving
Will it piss off the pirates if I sneak into the lemurian health center? I negotiated "peace" with them and don't exactly wanna tick them off.
It's an RPG user. Common.
Then what's your problem with the carry limit? It's an RPG?
0/10 because you're a retard that can't make decisions on your own
thats not me.
>Black Crawlers mission on Hard
>Gorsky dies if I don't move first and attack them
>I die if I move first in one turn
Enemy PSIkers are broken.
Why no gunslinger? Do you plan on using something other then a pistol till chem pistols come online?
You gotta get that vendor trash to the vendors SOMEHOW.
>not dumping trash in front of fast travel points so you can make the rounds for all eligible vendors more quickly
FUCK that's a good idea I was leaving everything on a shelf by the train in SGO
I didn't know there was a build in speed up feature even after finishing the game twice
what the fuck
read nigga read
>plasma pistol crits for 2k damage
we in it now bois
it's good, but if you want it to be GREAT then take the pill and minmax yourself 55 time manip for contraction. get perception up to 10 and then max dex the rest of the way. you'll have tons of leeway for feats so think about getting point shot for even more shots per turn.
the navcom tooltip in the inventory
Well good on him for getting out of that cave, at least. Is there anyway to talk to the pirates again after the initial negotiation? Going through their base to the canine triggers them if I don't stealth it even though I have safe passage, and it's a right pain in the ass not to get spotted. I'm trying not to murder them because their captain seemed like a much cooler guy than that tard briggs.
oh ok, ty chum
Whats the best shotgun frame?
Recommend me a build for my first playthrough
6-7 str.
Max con and perception.
Use a rifle.
Wear good armor.
Kill everything.
>doing the drill circuit quest
>reset like 5 times already at the two turret choke with dogs
>misclick to the end of the small corridor
>successful perception check for a hidden passage
Short Vindicator.
New threads. What do you think?
Is cut throat a meme or actually useful? Because at the very least, it sounds fun to use.
Alright, I'm at the battery recycling plant outside of SGS, I got the remote to control the little robot..... what the fuck am I supposed to do now? He cant cross the electric barriers.
Place your bets
cats will trigger all the traps and you'll be left to face the lunatics without them
Look at your controller options and use your head
>inb4 3INT build
What should I pick for specialization? Recklessness for maximum crit? And is there any points to go 14 dex+?
press the power boxes
there's an alternate use for the remote control
useful for deleting the strongest dude in a pack of dudes. basically guarantees you will kill them
I sprayed the cats down, but got mind raped by the lunatics. Not sure if I can even take this fight
Good but doesn't work on a lot of enemies + late game ability + early game with a stealth'd knife build is hell.
thats penalty's gonna fuck up your dodge/evasion bro
fuck sakes. I feel like a 0 int build right now. thanks bres
>get Todd to the surface
>he gets out, but isn't there when I go out the hatch
>now is apparently waiting for me to find him a new home
Did he glitch some of his dialogue or something? It feels like I should have had the option to discuss that before he reached that state and I didn't agree to anything like that.
So my idea is heavy armor, chem pistol and heavy grenade use.
So far it seems like the stats I need is Strength 8 (for metal armor use), Intelligence 7 (clothier, armor sloping, mad chemist), Dexterity at least 5 (cooked shot) but probably as high as I can get for AP cost reduction... what else? I mean, I'd like to slap in Con 7 for Juggernaut but that seems unlikely to be possible unless I accept less than maximum reduction in pistol AP cost.
Any advice?
When you think of the crafting mechanics, it's probably the best that an RPG has ever accomplished.
>multiple interchangable components to apply different stats
>multiple different styles of equipment to craft
>multiple utilities to craft
>almost every component has an item level that scales to the current zone, meaning that potentially all items are level-scaled and their purpose can be almost always utilized
>Cannot cook food
you're gonna run out of AP. Heavy Armor really limits your options on what you can have for combat. You'll still take damage no matter what, so it's better to find an appropriate balance of offense and defense.
Its fun to use but it for sure is a meme.
Well, there goes my ironman run. Turns out there's a passability glitch in Silent Isle where creatures can walk through water. My force field didn't stop shit.
Fuck this game.
Play as a hammer wizard
After getting far with my shotgun/sniper heavy psi build I think my situation applies to yours as well. I went with 3 con and opted for high quality +health vests for my metal armor and opted for a mid-game investment into Temporal Manip for Contraction, I imagine your early game would be even more painful though since Chem Pistols really are quite rare coupled with your low durability until you can craft yourself a steel armor piece.
Redpill me on the 3 major core city factions lorewise, Im thinkin bout joining the guard cause of my tincan ar build but they seem like larping dictators and the scientist sound interesting but Im mot sure if Im big brain enough for them.
Well that blows. I'm way too attached to the idea to compromise and go for light armor instead, so I might have to just give up.
glorified visual novel
Throw a grenade to kill the cats, then throw a flashbang (separate cooldown) to stun the lunatics and focus them one by one.
you'll need perception to actually hit things, so you're going to be spread rather thin. honestly with chem pistols, grenades become redundant. you can do pretty much anything they can do but better, except maybe mass war crimes for contamination.
you'll have to live without juggernaut but sturdy vests and crafted shields will give you all the tank you need.
This trip was a wild ride, but I miss the badass avatar Dude had when we got to the Grey Army Base. He looked really heroic, in a way, like I helped him get a little bit closer to what he really is.
Funny question: Can I specialize primarily in grenades, or do they have to be a backup option?
Chem pistol is THE mad scientist build. If you want to be a total lunatic, go chem pistol. "Hurrrr I kill everything and nothing can hurt me" chaotic neutral tincan is cool and all, but nothing beats a psychotic mad man in a labcoat melting everyone who upsets him.
All grenades have a cooldown, though regular bombs, flashbangs, and gas grenades have separate cooldown timers. Even with Grenadier speeding things up, those few turns of downtime are gonna fuck you over if you don't have anything to fall back on..
Security corp headed by a former biocorp security member, Archibald "Archie" Knights, talk big about order through strength but their mooks have the lowest pickpocket threshold of the three making them look like idiots, the only acceptable tin cans, rather hard questline compared to the other two.
Supertech corp, headed by a former biocorp researcher, uncle Rupert (BEAUTIFUL!), often argued to have the best shop due to selling super high quality electronics, Rupert is BFF with Archie, most entertaining questline and uncle Rupert is based.
"Foreign" corp being founded by Edstrom, a north underrail oligarch, responsible for the arena and general broadcasting. Kind of the underdog of the three in popularity but there's a pseudo waifu character in there.
Why not max dodge?
for reference, i'm rolling a energy weapons heavy armor type and it's doing fantastic. early game is rough but hell, it almost always is unless you're a wizard. you'll have to live with slightly less than optimal dex but with the advanced cata belt and time magic you'll be getting 3-4 shots off per turn which is already enough to melt almost anything.
you could try tanking your con down to minimum and getting by on health vests.
try 8 str 8 dex 3 agi 3 con 8 per 3 will 7 int, it'll be ass early game but when you get a shield and some decent armor you'll be good to survive whatever doesn't die in your opening salvo.
Seriously, I'm really fucking mad right now. I did like a dozen failed ironman runs without even managing to reach level 10 and now that I did and finally got gud I died to a fucking glitch. I don't feel rewarded at all.
I need to max tax skills like lockpicking/hacking first
>put the acorn down in the professor's tent
>I'm sorry, sir, but it was nowhere to be found
Fuck the fetid marsh and fuck void creatures. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to have a bunch of invincible ghosts trigger ONLY in the R&D section when you pick the thing up? And why did it even get triggered by the PC touching it anyway?
the game is built around savescumming rng because its shit
Maybe it's like the Robot Party Cube from the warehouse near Rail Crossing and you removing it caused all of the hell it was containing to break loose.
I mean, you do get XP from oddities in classic
just not as much proportionally
>runescape level inventory screen
no thanks
You can't be serious.
>thinking psionic reality warping bugs who spend their lives near underground lakes couldn't walk on water
lmaoing at you right now
the only good pistols are the non-fire arm kinds
shame, because a pistol build could be cool
Zoomers fuck off
Yeah, no, I don't buy it. It was just lying there on the table like a paper weight and the shadowlith is a rock; why the FUCK does it/the serpent cares about it?
Why would a Leviathan let anything good happen to humanity
I know. My very first character years ago was a gunslinger because I love the concept. Me and a few other guys came up with ideas to make pistols better and posted a thread in the suggestions forum, a couple days ago.
It was a very important table.
gib link
Best weapon for 10 con tank character?
Spear for block?
I guess I'm secretly a reality warping bug because I can also walk through these shitty water tiles.
You know what? You're right. It's not worth it. I'll just do normal runs from now on, but no pure psi because it's boring as fuck. Maybe I'll roll a crossbow user or psi monk now that I won't be autistic about the 95% accuracy cap since I can press F9 if things go wrong.
I was 100% serious. Ironman is plenty of fun but really frustrating when you die to dumb shit. All of my deaths so far were solely my fault but dying to a glitch is where I draw the line. I've been wasting days on these failed ironman runs. It's time to stop.
Sell me on combat shotguns.
>Small brain weapon:
Hammer or some other high damage gun
>Big brain weapon:
Become so tanky lobbing grenades at your own feet becomes a viable method of attack
is pic related the glitch? cuz thats not a glitch
you can burst fire with them
Has anyone actually finished the game with swords or, better yet, spears? They both feel really fucking gimmicky.
Aren't ARs far superior for that?
How come it isn't?
I have with swords
>get to gray army base
>all my W2C ammo gone in a single area
>been saving and buying it up for like 20 hours
>but it was worth it
>had to kill 6 dozen heavily armed slavs after all
>get set on the long trek back home
>accidentally waste 9 of the last 20 rounds I got on a stupid goliath psi bug
there are areas that have water on them that you can still walk on; thats just really shallow water
>only riot armor gets shields
But why though?
Does body horror work with Psi?
I'm tempted to take it anyways if it doesn't I want to help the poor bastard experience true death
Any pointers? I dont get how suvivability is supposed to work with the build.
How do you completely wipe out the pirates/natives? Do I just need to go to every location and double-check that every NPC is dead? Like for example, I've cleaned out the entire pirate base (Grim included) but Yahota says pirate activity is unchanged?
At least it's better than the dullest rpg of all time. Each attempt Obsidian makes to create their own universe rather than simply deconstruct a setting made by others, has been more disastrous than the last. Aside from the outdated gameplay and lifeless cities, Pillars of Eternity's only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of combat mechanics, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Sawyer vetoed the idea of making anything at all innovative or original; he made sure the game would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable nostalgia pandering to ageing Baldur's Gate fans. Pillars of Eternity might be anti-casual(or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Divinity series in its refusal of spontaneity, fun and excitement.
>a-at least the writing was good though
The writing is dreadful; the narrative was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time I engaged in dialogue with an NPC the game presented me with a Wiki-page style infodump instead of anything resembling actual human conversation.
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time this was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Sawyer's mind is so governed by obsession with pointless minutiae of the lore that he has no other style of writing.
Later I read a lavish, loving review of Pillars of Eternity by the same David Gaider. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kiddies are playing Obsidian games at 17 or 18, then when they get older they will go on to enjoy Dragon Age II." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Pillars of Eternity" you are, in fact, trained to shill for Bioware.
get dunked on nerd lol
Different tools. No Ar is going to outdamage a 6th shell burst in single target or aoe.
What's a good PSI Monk build for the new expansion? The last time I played it was with a heavy armor sledge guy,
Is a throwing/traps build viable with no other weapons?
Literally any high con tincan can and will do this.
Well I wish it was more obvious that it was shallow water then.
I had temporal manipulation, a little psychokinesis, stealth, throwing, traps, grenadier, quick-tinkering (in hindsight, I should have taken escape artist instead), load of drugs + doctors pouch, sprint, premeditation
crit power spec was overkill
you're late
Throwing is the second most broken combat option behind psi.
>researchers says the naga protector is coming with them
And that's when I murdered all the Aegis troopers.
south of the mushroom, do you see how the water looks different?
Is it worth clearing out the bugs for camp hathor? The dialog makes it seem like this is a fools errand. I'm level 9 and found depot A easy for reference.
then why do people always say you need something else alongside it, and that it's not viable?
Bursts can kill multiple targets and they won't miss, and getting a kill gets you another burst, with temporal psi and adrenaline it's obviously better
For thr same reason they tell you to use traps/psi/throwing with any weapon option.
He actually did a puzzle instead of just killing 5 mutants
Very worth it. Its also stupid easy with even a basic shield.
I'm currently running with Str 3, Dex 10, Agi 9, Con 3, Per 3, Wil 7, Int 5. Max dodge/evasion. Use Psychokinetics and Temporal Manipulation. End goal is Dex 12 for lowest AP per punch with tabi and lightning punches, possibly Agility higher after that.
Force Emission (w/force user) more than makes up for loss of strength-to-damage, and that one feat that enhances psi-haste. Beyond that it's all unarmed and dodging feats.
Struggles early-game against high-armor enemies like Psi-Beetles and obviously the robots, but TK Punch can make that bearable. Just grab some weapon for those parts or avoid them in GMC.
it's pretty easy and you get a solid high quality weapon of your choice out of it.
bring tnt
Well, based.
I can somewhat see the hint of a floor with the force field's light, prior to that I couldn't see anything with the mushroom's light alone.
Look, I know my death is now easier to blame on me but I still stand by my point that the visual cues should be clearer to the eye, I never had to walk through water before so the lack of knowledge didn't help.
Do any weapons work better with traps? Or is anything good?
Crossbows have a feat that makes all your attacks automatically crit against bear-trapped enemies
you want a short barrel tyranny with either extended mag or tactical grip (i like extended mag casue it gives you 11 shells). You use that tyranny with sixth shell and full-auto. this makes you burst for 5 shells, allowing you to switch to a long barreled tactical grip pump-action shotgun and do a sixth shell powered big shot on the same turn if you are adrenaline up. Shotgun choke is apparently bugged or shitty or something according to /vg/ but i cant test to confirm. you really want leading shot and sixth shell for shotguns at least, the rest of the shotgun feats are sorta iffy.
You're supposed to just press the lever 10 times till robots come out
I think the waves are different too
Just keep playing that save, user. Don't sweat it.
it costs 15 ap and you can only throw every other turn. are you planning on spending that 85ap to stand there wanking while you wait for the next throw?
surprisingly based
Can't you just use firearm pistols with crits
Thanks user.
>leading shot
I dumped dex
>firearm pistols with crits
you can, yeah, but itll sill be worse than energy pistols without
you probably still want it. shotguns need all the accuracy it can get.
>realise tactical suit I made is mediocre or just shit
>equip high freq shield
>some random assbandit with sniper rifle using concentrated shot rips my anus apart in one shot
and maybe some protection from hammer cunts
I dunno prolly spam throwing knives until the cooldown wears off on the grenade
Snipers fuck up everything man. Dont let them shoot you. Abuse corners.
Wait, is this game actually Serbian
Hey man, that's like, not cool to taunt, dude.
yeah I suppose you're right
just figuring out crafting good stuff or rather figuring what components are more useful
Snipers and crossbowmen will be your bane regardless of armor.
>take a break from psi build and make a crossbow stealth character
>keep missing 60%+ shots
Mercantile is so fucking broken. I cant imagine playing without getting it to 105 at least on any character.
okay, this is epic
Unhittable siphoner man
what's special about 105?
If I press button that doesn't work my next solution is to press button that does work
All this thinking shit is too much work
Does anyone know where I could find a list of the minimum needed in each skill for it to reach maximum effectiveness?
see your problem is there are all those squares around you that are currently not on fire or covered in flares
"CRAWLERS could be here" he thought "I've never been in these caves before. There could be CRAWLERS anywhere." The hefty weight of his steel sledgehammer felt good in his bare hands. "I HATE CRAWLERS." He thought. TenseCaves.mp4 was reverberating troughout the tunnels, making it far too scary even as the 700 credit psi beetle brain soup circulated trough his powerful, psychic brain and washed away his (extremely merited) fear of POISONOUS ROOF NIGGERS in the dark. "Play as a hammer wizard, you can go anywhe-" Player enter initiative 23+4-1000=-973 12 mechanical 7 toxic 13 mechanical 12 toxic STUNNED CRITICAL HIT 83 mechanical 112 toxic 40 mechanical 20 toxic YOU ARE DEAD
theres a guide on steam with most of them + the wiki
this is nice OC
>discord tranny spams his ebic hammerwizard memes
based fag
yes, thats how its able to present such an accurate representation of modern day serbia.
>psi cucks experiencing what it's like for everyone else
I came across the escaped prisoner random encounter in one of my runs and my chance to hit was 10%. Ten percent. Why is that allowed. His hands were shackled but he kicked my shit in because I had 10% to hit.
Its when the last merchant inventory gets unlocked. The last check us 140 though, but that just boosts some auest rewards or something.
when I look it up I just see people begging for good builds or asking for advice on making builds
I just wanna make sure I don't put way more points into something than it needs
so is underrail a much better gameplay experience than fallout 1? I just couldn't get into that game, the best way I can describe f1 is that it was slow.
i felt the same as you and i really liked underrail
There are games that do both, I don't understand the motivation behind the system.
go down to the builds section
it definitely has some things that make it faster
for example a button that literally speeds up the game speed
trying to figure out DR% and DT numbers and how they work
Good, because I just bought the game and it's downloading as we speak.
It looks like you're in a wasteland of garbage and shit people with nothing better to do than steal and kill.
So yeah, I can confirm that it's pretty Serbian
community hub > guides > in depth faq
i guess they dont have steam in the drop zone
>I think the waves are different too
I really don't think it's enough of a visual cue, dude. But it's fine. I prefer to stop ironmaning altogether. It's not worth it all these frustrations. I'll just join the F9 crowd.
you literally level up by scavenging in dumpsters
It's really simple. The higher is the one that takes affect.
100 damage
25% DR / 20 DT
You'll take 75 damage. An attack that does 50 will be reduced to 30 because 25% of 50 is 12.5 which is less than 20.
not in the builds section
I was about to say it didn't help me but there's a "Skill thresholds section" that's exactly what I needed
takes effect*
>you feel a mounting pressure inside your skull
>Alright, cool, no sweat
Brains or Brawn
>This is a little annoying but I can manage
Web browsing
Psicological Warfare
Rocky Horror
Electric Funeral
>be the best marksman in the entire south underrail with the highest quality sniper rifle and all the abilities necessary to use it
>still miss a minimum of 1/20th of the time
a knife build is absolutely busted what are you talking about
you don't even need traps or grenades
game would of been better if you could get some followers to even the fights some.
Does that really sound exciting to you? That's my morning routine
So what's so great about this game? Is it a CRPG? I usually can't get into those but I still want to try to find one that clicks.
Man fuck everything to do with the Lemurian medical centre, I hate creepy shit like that.
i felt the same as you, tried fallout hated it but still wanted to play that kind of game. I really like this game though
I didn't enjoy Arcanum or fallout 1&2
I've still already put 50 hours into this game over the course of just a few days
there's something it's doing those don't, even if I'm not sure what that is exactly
people died so hardcore that they didn't actually die
Fucking locustniggers, I hate the horticulture center
Grenades are your companions against large groups.
Have you met my girls Molly and Cal?
hearing about super armor grenade drop I think i might just re roll a character.
No that would be boring. Solo all the way. It's just how the protagonist is. One of the characters even acknowledges his solitude.
I'm so goddamn jealous that no milfs took advantage of me when I was a teenager. I didn't get to bang a milf until my late 20s. By then the charm had worn off and the age gap wasn't as significant.
better than "The lone wanderer" or "the lone ranger"
both characters who always had dipshits following them even though their names implied solitude
>super armor grenade drop
I have no idea what that is but Throwing is good for every non-psi build. Psi has metathermics which is their version of grenades but for everyone else, grenades are a life saver. 7 DEX gives you access to Grenadier (lower cooldown on grenades) and three pointer (grenades can crit). That's how you put the hurt on faggots who want to 10v1 you.
You can make yourselve essentially locust proof with biohazard gear + a heavy torso piece with high mecanical DT. After that the main problem is that they act for half an hour each turn, which is honestly a good reason to abuse grenades as much as possible.
But I am locustproofs, I put on my shiny CAU suit like always, it's just that dealing with all those hives and locusts is a massive drain on resources, I can't even erase the hives with my plasma guns since they are immune to crits, so I have to fill them with tungsten rounds, and then there's spooders, crabbos and whatever fucking else.
had an idea for a challenge scenario, like that one user who talked about a veteran marksman or being darth vader
Arsonist - can only use weapons/attacks that inflict Heat damage and nothing else
>>cant get 100% chance to hit
unrealistic trash
you can
you just have to be a literal psychic
it's fun but terrible
explain to my why i cant 100% hit someone one tile away with an assault rifle
theyre standing still and i am literally right in front of them retard
>actually buying organs in bulk off al fabet for easy blood supplies
i feel dirty, like i'm enabling someone with a serious problem
>aggro natives
>four sea wyrms pop out of the water to play
Fffffuck off.
I'm in agreement with you dumbass
you have to be a literal psychic in game to have a 100% hit chance, which is utterly ridiculous
Because one of the 'inspirations' they took from Fallout was the max 95% hit chance.
>theyre standing still
>calling others retarded when he doesn't realise that only appears to be the case because it's a turn based game
Show me your bare essentials.
who would win in a fight between underrail's protagonist and the chosen one from fallout 2
Should have known they were there.
>using morphine ever and not the vastly superior adrenaline
To be a fucking wizard.
It doesn't matter if I know, I'm a chempistol build so I need to get in their range to kill them after I'm done gassing the humanoids, which mean dropping all my equipment to avoid durability damage and they still occasionally entangle me right outside of my piss poor range.
Morphine has its uses.
Morphine is real useful when paired with last stand, if you're planning on dying anyway might as well make a show of it and get an extra two turns out of it.
How do I initiate combat from stealth instead of trying to talk to them? I've been chucking nades to start combat but I'm pretty sure you're supposed to be able to shank or shoot them at least.
Am I retarded?
You use attack. The ability.
Oh... thanks. I've just been left clicking to attack the entire time
Is there any way to leave this place without finishing the story? I'm just bored out of my mind with this shit and i'd rather go do the expansion instead of this tedious garbage.
Both this and Tchort elevators are inactive, i'm friendly with the Faceless and i've activated the power station(but it couldn't power the elevator or w/e). I feel like i might just make another character if i have to go fetch all that garbage for the gate. The endless keycard marathon with the rogue ai was bad enough.
I'm witnessing alright
Okay so where the fuck is that warehouse Dude told me about?
I did some other things so I forgot directions he gave me but in the journal it was said it's east from the station.
But when I went east I found nothing, eventually I went more east-south and found some warehouse where I picked some weird power core thing but there was no room with traps so I'm assuming that wasn't the one he wanted.
Where the fuck is it?
I just got this game and I'm wondering what to do. Do I play on Classic or Oddity? Do I try and copy some other fag's build or try to come up with my own? I'm playing on normal because easy just sounds like journalist difficulty.
its like 5 steps away from the town. dont travel that far.
>Classic or Oddity
Oddity, like a thinking man.
>copy some other fag's build or try to come up with my own
Nothing wrong with trying to make your own build to understand the game. You will most likely reroll anyway. Just take a look at feats and build your stats around them.
>hand the acorn to best war criminal
>it's a megaproject in a can
>talk to seeger about XR
>it's described as two realities interacting with each other, except with tech instead of ayyy monoliths
>the entirety of the old world Fold-M logs
I'm getting some serious hard scifi vibes now. Hopeful for more of that in the next DLC.
Play as a hammer wizard
Hows the story in this game? Any good at all? I hear mixed things, that its boring or not worth it and some people say its really really good.
When I was doing the Rathound King quest, I disarmed every trap in his lair and it gave an entire levels worth of XP because theres at least a hundred. Oddity cucks don't know that feel. Classic if you don't like suffering and oddity if you do. Imagine being such a cuck that you don't want to be rewarded for doing things.
>oh no i'll pass on that raise
>i don't want to make too much money or my wife's boyfriend might be intimidated by me
The in game story itself is okay, entertaining
The implications and lore, however, if fucking fantastic
The atmosphere is also top notch
It's generic post apocalyptic bullshit.
Some of the dialogue and characters are entertaining though, and its own lingo is pretty funny, not E.Y.E. tier but kinda up there.
I have to do the arena to know who the fuck the acid hunters are? goddamit.
kys discord user
Play as a hammer wizard
play a blender
Dang I missed the sale for this game too. Hope its worth it once the sale comes back around :]
About that
With swords and spears, what you boost, Strenght or Dex?
What's the max for Mercantile for practical purposes?
I think dex is superior with swords, cant speak for spears
play as a dilation wizard
I call them Meme Scorpions because they're a perfect example of meme difficulty.
temporally dilate
Play as a hammer wizard
Well I've finally managed to extract every droplet of oddity cum from the first act, after furious sessions of f9nnery. I found out mutant dog leather armor was a thing literally moments after completing depot A, and I will never not be mad about that.
What's next episode's adventures going to bring our intrepid rogue, Johnny B? Ideas on directions to take him at this point? I'm using Kohlmeier's Lucky knife, ninja tabi, and a galvanized stealth overcoat.
why are you seething so hard?
No Sure Step tho?
it took some save loading as a shotgunner to get past this. i should have invested in forcefield earlier
damn nigga u mad
Any links to an unarmed/fists build?
Play as a hammer wizard
wut hp?
Is throwing basically mandatory on melee builds just to get some decent grenade accuracy? Jesus fuck these things fly wild.
Ain't no one who can contest you in the sea if there ain't no jet skis to do it with.
30 seems like enough, and then you can get the grenadier feat to up your spam
otherwise, 0 throwing's a bitch yeah
even with 150 I flub too damn often
3 CON so that would have been 2 HP
Did you had tungsten pellets vs the nagas?
I remenber pirate shotgunners taking 200 hp of my health with 2 shots
But eventually you want to leave that goddamm area but you cannot take on the waters since pirates keep spawning fucking forever
Not necessarily if you have psi
But yes, specially without psi
I just don't know where I'd find the feats, if it wasn't for my insane crit rate and damage I don't know how I would of shanked those muties I couldn't stealth past. There's so many feats on my backlog, I'm starting to hope the game runs out of good feats for me to select so I can finally justify expose weakness and blitz.
Should i care about armor penalty if i dont level stealth, dodge or evasion at all?
i always have tungsten. it was a bitch, but i managed to get through. its a good thing i also keep some mophine with me
How do I get to the other side of this door?
Not only allows you to ignore caltrops you can spam everywhere and ignore pools of acid, but also allows to basically cheese the AI, the reason of this is that enemies will usually avoid to step on caltrops at all costs, usually will take the long way around a pool of caltrops to get you, you can just move back and forth to each side of the caltrops and basically waste all their turns and never get attacked, this is only applicable to melee attackers anyways
Also this is golden against crawlers, the message of them being damaged by the caltrops will pop out, caltrops will magically disappear, giving away their position, although crawlers are inmune to poision, it still trivializes their fights.
this looks like the outlines of a beastiality porno
If whatever build you're doing isn't movement intensive/you have Sprint then probably not.
So thats how a female tin can looks like
And as far as I know, you cannot open the door, but I might be wrong
>There isn't a single knife handle is the entirety of the underground
Go fuck yourself, game.
Not even the engineer dude in SGS or the junkyard vendors?
>the best
>no modding support
He better make a sequel in a new engine and include a remake of the original, and it better support mods.
Oh boy here he goes again
Nothing but machetes for days, man.
Goddamnit, just gathering mutie poochies in front of closed doors, molotoving them, and then closing the door made me feel like an exploit fag. I just want to stab some fucking Pipeworkers, not try to use my 300 IQ to break this Serbian film.
>96.6% damage reduction
How is that even possible without drugs?
If you're running a tincan melee build. You don't need throwing because you're mostly committing self suicide bombs to nuke the enemy cunts near you.
you get 95% from armor, and then further resistance from condition+con, stoicism, lifting belt, and a few other things like certain foods, aegis, morphine
>200% critical damage bonus
Hmmm. Would a shiv playthrough be a fun challenge?
The same way you reach over 900% crit damage on energy guns.
You stack shit, and then you stack other shit, and then you stack more shit on top of the other shit you stacked on the other shit.
I want to make a Psi using Crossbow character how do I go about this and how fucked am I?
>He doesn't completely erase enemies out of existence
imagine never having the real power
It would definitely be an interesting challenge. Though it would be suffering until you got critical power. Maybe run Survival Instincts to maintain a super high crit rate?
I've been doing quests in Core City and I still don't know what the FUCK I'm doing when it comes to crafting. The most I've made are some frag mines that I used to turn Depot A into glass, but there's so much shit. I either don't know where to get the materials for something I want, or don't know what to do with the materials I have. Does anyone have some quick crafting advice. I'm around 40 in every skill
What the hell does zoner even mean?
you can filter by category mate
go look at the mirror, and you will see the answer
bre...what kind of caveman are you?
>I'm around 40 in every skill
You won't be able to do anything of value until you get to 100, outside of mollies I guess.
40 is like junkyard level
Oddity or Classic?
Refunded it. I like FO1/2 but didn't have fun with this.
Crossbow build looks so fun... redpill me on crit feats, what's your highest damage crossbow/sniper crits ever?
>Not using metal armour at all times
More realistic scenario would be me trying to move away from the caves with 8 death stalkers all over me, nibbling my armour for 1 damage with a permanent daze debuff
Shut up tranny
Play as a hammer wizard
Friendly reminder to thank Sseth for funding underrail 2
>Not the second expansion
The story isn't even finished yet my man.
>Underrail 2
Come on man, dont be like this, dont go on and about telling lies
In any case, all of this made Styg consider a new expansion, but that will come way later
I unironically never died to stalkers because I always had metal armor on and was decked out before I went wondering the caves.
I bet people with designated anti-melee builds would just laugh at these dumb scorpions.
What level should I start levelling my craft shit? When will I find components even worth crafting with as opposed to just buying?
just did 2500 on a crossbow crit to a rathound
snipers can kill anything in one shot
You dont get it, 3 int crafting penalty hurted, and Death Crawlers get a massive damage bonus while stinging due Blind siding buff while stealthed, but then they would nibble me for a whopping 0 damage, while poision would slowly chip my health away
The main turn against crawlers were caltrops, electrokinetic imprint, proxy punch, thick skull and shadow visors for my helmets
You faggots told me the game is hard.
>finish gms compound
>time to buy and sell
>end up with 9 molotovs
>10 grenades
>24 health hypos
>196 bullets for main gun
>15 lockpicks
>720 credits left over
>306 charons
Ive heard the junkyard is tough and thats where im headed next, but i feel like i have enough explosives and health hypos to get through ez
>hasn't even passed Depot A
>complaining that the game is too easy
Oh boy
You just wait till you meet Depot A
Doesnt matter if you're playing on Easy tho
Depot A in junkyard is like the end of the tutorial. Pay attention to what fucks you over in there. It will happen (to everyone).
>upcoming user's theme song
you are still in the tutorial
>up to Core City in my shitty tincan sledge build
>brute force my way past the bandit cunts that are guarding the drill
>see faceless bro
>looks like my character
>decide to free him because he seems cool
>he looks at me and I look back at him
>give him an advanced health hypo even though I only have like 4 on me
>he nods and leaves
That fucker better come back to help me or at least give me a good word with the Faceless. Because I kind of felt sad when he left.
Actual spoilers so don't read unless you want a spoiler That's one of the things you need to do to ally with the faceless in the deep caverns.
Good deeds dont go unrewarded, user
You will see the fruits of your good actions, in due time
Ask about a tin can hammer build if you need to
Dude sounds like he's full of shit should I waste him?
You're fucking retarded
He's Ultra Instinct Shaggy, in retirement after spanking Goku like the fag he is.
Yeah so it before he betrays you and locks your ass in a cave full of Crawlers
I had a feeling that you could probably side with them or at least be bros with them, considering how they've been acting weirdly, I'm assuming there's something happening to them and their bizarro homeworld that caused them to go apeshit. Also this game has a bunch of open-ended shit anyways so I would have been more surprised if a faction was completely hostile to you from the getgo. Also my tincan build isn't actually hot garbage, but I feel like I fucked myself with crafting because I'm not sure when I should craft metal armor or just to keep waiting for better materials.
Literally everything he says is right.
The Faceless arent as bad as people make them look to be, in any case they are slightly autistic/only care for their own well being, but they are not hostile for the sakes of being hostile, for the most part at least
user, after you're done with Depot A:
Rush Foundry
Foundry is Tin can heaven, after you completed the last Foundry related questline, you will be granted new metals, that can reach 150 quality
t. hammer wizard
>Locus of Control
>Arena matches
When you stumble opun carni
>Force Field
>Mental breakdown
>Pass turn
Have fun
Is the disassemble blueprint required for any sort of crafting shenanigans? I feel like I can never find anything useful to craft with in stores, it's always really low quality.
does the skill check for disarming traps scale with difficulty? the wiki says you need 10 higher than trap's skill requirement, but im at 45 effective and cant even disarm a basic bear trap.
Disassemble is almost useless except for guns and goggles, and still it would be a long strench to call it an useful feat
ignore it, good shit will eventually come
I dont think it scales, but I'm not sure either
pump your merc skill, remi
it scales with difficulty and depending on the area you are in (the enemy that set them)
Not him, that actualy explains a lot of things
>25 traps just to place down burrower poision bear traps
>Recover that same traps just fine
>Find a random burrower poision laying around
>Attempt to disarm it
>It triggers
>an entire gallon can of gasoline makes one Molotov
fuck this
Not hostile for the sake of being hostile yet shoot people on sight
Have you seen the area a single molotov covers in this game? All that gasoline has to be tightly packed in there.
Too tired, too late, heading to sleep
But as soon as I wake up, I will have some fun
How about you buy the DLC and use the shotguns instead
based and hammerwizardpilled
bullets for main gun
Explain to me why I should play anything other than pure PSI caster?
>Playing on hard
>Trying a 3 con chem pistol
>I took the pill
>Struggling just with the rats at GSM compound
>1v1 fights are close and depend on healing stims
How in the fuck do I make is past early early game?
Once I get all my utility and my real pistol i'l be set but this feels impossible. I just die to the slightest breeze.
>Trying a 3 con chem pistol
>How in the fuck do I make is past early early game?
You aren't.
Reroll into a build that isn't bricked you fucking retard.
Hypos, grenades, and ammo is only going to be your stopgap. It's surviving long enough to use them again that will be your biggest issue, especially in Depot A. Which is easy mode compared to some of the other shit you'll deal with even later.
rats scared of flares.
I can't. PSI is god.
Not talking about shotguns.
Shotguns do more dmg then rifles, but have almost no range, hold little ammo and are basically 2-3 range melee weapons.
Real question is why would you use a sledgehammer over a shotgun?
Because it's fun
Use all the fancy powers your psi-aids gives you access to. Alternatively you could've not taken the pill and come back for it later, when you have a few more levels and better equipment.
why is bartering so satisfying in this game ? i can literally spend hours trading shit
That's a good idea. Have to buy out all the flares.
Post your chem pistol build then faggot.
>Because it's fun
>Not theorycrafting the most OP shit and wrecking the game
Just using a Force Field augmented by Force User and throwing a molotov before you do is OP.
>Use all the fancy powers your psi-aids gives you access to. Alternatively you could've not taken the pill and come back for it later, when you have a few more levels and better equipment.
I thought you had to take it early game or lose it forever?
You mean I can just go back any time and get psi powers?
you DID pick sure step as a lvl 1 feat, right?
power through my man, and max out your jew potential to get that first acid pistol by the time you finish cave hopper trapping. make molotovs, tons of em. you did pump chem, right?
hang in there, if i can do it so can you.
forcefield, doors, molotovs, clatrops and flashbangs
>Post your chem pistol build then faggot.
I'm not retarded enough to try out meme builds.
Anyway, what's the cap on crafting skills?
Is 173 enough for "endgame" crafting or do I need more?
Fuck you, chem pistols are fun.
I'm going to cover the map in green shit and kite for days.
And depends on what crafting skill.
Some cap much lower then others.
Different things are fun.
I'm not sure if the offer ever disappears because I never wait that long, but I would presume that it doesn't. You definitely don't have to get it right at the start of the game, particularly on a low-Constitution hybrid it's better not to.
I mean, Oddity is pretty fucking retarded though? You just kill enough enemies to get all the artifacts and then you never have to bother killing anything ever again.
It trivializes the game.
better to buy some EMPs, they give you enough flares to work with from looting around. i dont know how to deal with those sentry bots tho without a bunch of grenades. also, maybe a flashbang or molotov for that 2v1 down the ladder. the rest can be done with autoturret memes. im assuming you are doing a second playthrough if you are starting on hard.
>he sided with the dindu nuffins instead of the based facist regime
Southern rat
what do I name my pure psi character?
because shotguns have spread and burst shot
Will clear an entire room if shot at a good angle
too many skills to fit on skill bar so you have to use the annoying f menu
Yeah I know I don't need as much for chemistry and biology, was wondering for electronics/mechanics/biology. I know you can get ridiculous components with like 180+q, but that's pretty rare from what I understand.
Ok vaggots you are going to like this one
>be me
>CSGO 3K Hours
>veddit daily
>underrail daily
For once you viggers were right about something
you forgot “discord tranny”
>you DID pick sure step as a lvl 1 feat, right?
Took aimed shot + recklessness
Thought I could wait on that.
If only I had/could afford any of those thing
Underrail > Fallout 1 & 2
Change my mind.
Also recommend me games similar to Underrail.
electronics for shield emitter
being a squishy fuck you'll need as good a shield as you can possibly find. bio is nice since caltrops synergize well with sure step and adrenaline is always good, but you don't need to go much past maybe 55 for crawler 'trops
mechanics i think you need a small amount for the chem guns anyway, and you can also craft bitchin sturdy vests to double your tiny health pool.
basically, you're a mad scientist. you might as well pump the crafting skills.
There's a large variety of items to buy and trade, variable merchant demand makes it rewarding to trade items between merchants or buy crafting components to sell later, the interface is simple but intuitive and rewarding. I really enjoy it, too.
>i dont know how to deal with those sentry bots tho without a bunch of grenades
I completely forgot about that part.
Good tip.
i mean you can take it lvl 2 or 4 but i rushed the pistol as fast as humanly possible since early game firearm pistol is absolute ass, and like i said, can't go wrong with caltrops.
shotguns have a bit more range to them, also, they tend not to 'miss' as some damage tends to get through at least. problem is that other than leading shot and sixth shell, shotgun feats are sorta lame.
>he doesn't go full Biology so he can make render incredibly powerful drugs out of mutant fish
>Change my mind.
I cannot, because you are absolutely right.
I don't got the skill points for it though. I put 104 in stealth and 60 in persuasion, cause fuck it I actually like C&C.
My craft skills max out at 173 with benches and +2 int bonus.
Ignoring the fact that you don't seem to even remotely understand how oddity works, surely eventually only needing to kill the enemies stopping you from progressing is the better system.
>surely eventually only needing to kill the enemies stopping you from progressing is the better system.
No because then you might be able to bypass some of the more challenging foes. You can do it on classic too, but then you lose out on exp.
In a game that's focused and which the main hook is the combat
Sure, but on classic you can just make up for it by killing other enemies. On oddities there's no way to replace the unique/rare oddities carried or guarded by powerful enemies.
I'm gonna have a smoke, then I'm gonna shower and have some breakfast.
When I come back I wanna see a new fucking Underrail thread if this one gets archived.
Ya fucking Yea Forumsirgin fags.
Does Dexterity give the same initiative as Agility?
Like, if I put Dex at 3 and add those two points two Agility will I have the same amount of initiative?
>Took weaponsmith too early
What the fuck was I thinking
Yes. It's 1 point of initiative for each point of agility/dexterity. Totally interchangeable.
What level?
Initiative is useless if you invest in sneak and manually enter combat.
Enjoy your meal, bre.
Leba i paštete bajo moj.
if you want initiative trigger happy is a great feat, specially if you pair it with paranoia, that guarantees first turn against 90% of the enemies in the game on dominating as long as you don't have any penalties (changing areas, enemy is using stealth, dumping both dex/agi below 4), and with the initiative increasing food + hearthbreaker tabis you will always have first turn unless you are changing areas
Did you just pick these stats at random? I can't even tell what you're trying to do.
At like 6 or 8. I figured more crit = better crit fishing but I shouldve gotten expose weakness instead.
Psi character, I'm speccing into all three psi skills.
The second you build a weapon it's going to pay off. So like, literally by junkyard at the latest. Even if it's something kind of shitty it's almost certainly going to be better than anything else even without okay I just looked up what weaponsmith was and I thought it was gun nut, yeah maybe you fucked up.
>Trying to wipe out the natives
>Get dwarfed zoning into second area before throne
Am I going to have to brute force through 20 dudes or is there an easier way to approach this?
But why do you have 5 perception? Why don't you have enough intelligence for premeditation? Why is your agility so high? It's very confusing.
stealth isnt a reliable form of initiative because of combat that initiates from dialogues and enemies that spot you by accident. by all means if u enjoy pressing f9 go ahead tho.
by then you should have a brute force option for any build
>But why do you have 5 perception?
So I can see hidden things?
>Why don't you have enough intelligence for premeditation?
First time psi, how much intelligence do I need?
>Why is your agility so high?
Dodge, Evasion, and Initiative.
>It's very confusing.
Well I want some help.