Female twitch streamer

>female twitch streamer
>room is filled with soulless disgusting funko pops of capeshit, star wars and shit like game of thrones that literally look like oversized mcdonalds happy meal toys
>random pokemon plushies
>cringe anime posters of reddit tier shows
>talks about peronal life situations all the time
>never actually plays video games
>if they actually do play a game its always just whats popular right now
>their facecam is as big as the rest of the screen

what the fuck is wrong with female """gamers""""? Are they literally all just npcs? Its like they are all the same and only pretend to like any of the stuff that they do/showcase and dont actually give a single fuck.

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Attached: fred fuckstone.jpg (640x480, 46K)

honestly it’s the retards who donate to female streamers that are the real npcs


>if you complain literally everyone will label you an incel and spam the trainwrecks emote
Fuck this cuck society


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incels, have sex

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What is your room filled with?

Basically this. The only reason why people like the OP is complaining about exist is because retards enable them to.

they don't give a fuck
but they vaguely pretend they do so that chumps will donate a couple hundred bucks to them

Sounds like the average anonymous poster on Yea Forums minus the facecam and money.

>What is your room filled with?

seethe npc soiboy

Attached: soyboy(34).gif (480x360, 82K)

>I sent you a big 100 but you missed it DDD: so here's some more
from that alone it seems he doesn't really care about summit he just wants his attention most likely some loner faggot who has too much money

>room is filled with soulless disgusting funko pops of capeshit, star wars and shit like game of thrones
that's men with beards though

mama mia

Attached: 1556750132638.jpg (1200x1200, 206K)

>posts NPCs
>posts wojaks
>posts pepes
>complains about NPCs

Attached: no thanks.jpg (824x720, 77K)

>your room
Want to know how I know you still live with your parents you fucking manchild?

Attached: HIghsoyim.jpg (1534x924, 1.8M)

>Calling anyone NPC while spamming the most impersonal newfag meme possible
So what are your oh, so special interests and talents, let's hear them.

Why is it so hard to answer a question?

why are you avoiding the question?

>t. tier 3 pokiname sub
End yourself neckbeard

>Are they literally all just npcs?

That is true for all women

>fuck then run tier
Funko pops
likes basic entry level normie shit like Borderlands and Attack On Titan

>marriage tier
no tattoos
likes good hidden gems like Noein and Pandora's Tower

>watching twitch streams

Attached: NPC.png (430x441, 86K)

how lonely do you have to be to write something like that to a stranger while giving him money?

Replace female with male and tell me why that's any better?
Also you had to look up some 1 in 100 female streamer in the most normie of games on twitch to complain they exist and you think you're not an NPC of a different game?

Physical PS2 games, one movie poster, ordinary furniture, and Calvin and Hobbes books I got 15 years ago.

A dresser, bed, bedside tables, bookshelf with BOOKS, and a couple of paintings because I'm not mentally stuck in my teenage years.

>maximum projection

Attached: laughinggirls.gif (700x285, 3.38M)



I'm actually the boyfriend to your favorite twitch girl. Thanks for paying for our dates, bro.

You will die alone with no other companion than your misplaced elitism.


Attached: meeen.png (549x421, 251K)

Beta males need to be shot

>"Why can't I find a girl version of myself"


Besides furniture?

Books. that's it.

Your presence here heavily suggests otherwise.


I’m not proud to admit that I almost fell in to this shit

>sub to Patreon girl because custom videos
>no reply
>cancel sub, state lack of communication
>Inbox suddenly has an apology for not having notifications on, rates, etc

It wasn’t until I put my dick away that I realized how fucking stupid it is to pay just for the ability to send a message. Didn’t respond to anything after that. Just cut my loss and learned a lesson

Hoes mad

Nigga, even if this is your own fucking house, you still have a room or at least some hobby place that you decorate.
I have my own place and I have a gaming room.


>people unironically disagreeing with OP just to be contratian

Your spell is no match for match for my potions

Attached: 1567989373935.jpg (700x544, 54K)

user, there are "people" here who unironically defend lootboxes.

That's the illusion of Mara the Evil One, user, or some shit like that. Feel free to ignore it.

None of these things speak class and maturity over funkopops. I really don't care that you ready books, its all about the attitude, which you are lacking.

Mostly plants

We can see that you're very secure in your taste.

>marriage tier
>has figs
>likes games at all

Turbo-omega yikes. Find a woman with a passion for cooking or housemaking. You don't want an even lazier and more pathetic version of yourself dragging you down.

pop cans and chip bags

>defending funkochink shit
Kill yourself, you fucking child.

Blame OP for unironically watching streamers and thinking he isn't an NPC

>>female twitch streamer
>>room is filled with soulless disgusting funko pops of capeshit, star wars and shit like game of thrones that literally look like oversized mcdonalds happy meal toys
that's the vast majority of the retards trying to become online personalities through streaming and youtube "creators". they walk into a gamestop and just buy a ton of "gamer" shit because they need to look credible to their audience.

who cares

>not cooking together
>not making a house together
>not dating/marrying someone who has the same interests but different enough tastes to where you both experience new things

lmao, dating someone who isn't interested in anything you are is like arranged marriage tier

>Find a woman with a passion for cooking or housemaking
Based and tradpilled
Roasties GET OUT

So how are you more mature exactly?

>why is a person sitting around doing nothing and getting paid for it doing everything she can to do that

If I was even a mildly attractive female, I'd stream on twitch all day talking about my life and day every day for those sweet beta orbiter dollars. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

My special talent is that I don't donate to twitch thots

My friend, you have posted a terrible, terrible thread. But honestly I don't blame you much for it. After all, if it hadn't been you, it would just have been someone else. In fact, it reminds me of that day I was shitposting on Yea Forums with my good friend Orville. I was making this bait thread that wasn't really about video games, because you- You know, Yea Forums doesn't have to ALWAYS be about video games, right? That's what I said to Orville, and he looked at me like I was crazy. "But Yea Forums is the board for video games, you're supposed to post video games in it!", Orville said to me. And yes, indeed, he was right, but I still- I said to him "Orville, not every thread on Yea Forums has to be about video games. If everyone followed the rules, the site would be- it would be just like Reddit, wouldn't it?". Orville didn't quite seem to understand. Perhaps I should have phrased that differently, it wouldn't be just like Reddit, because the site still wouldn't have upvotes and the like, but you- You know, it does have "based" and "cringe" and uh...and (you)s, which, honestly might as well serve as upvotes of their own sort. Anyways, where was I? Oh yes, so I was attaching a wojak to my post. I made it myself, I was very proud of it. Orville looked at it and said "Why do you post wojak instead of posting OC?" and, honestly I didn't know how to respond. I considered my wojak OC, after all I did make it. But I guess it's more about the idea, the concept, than the actual drawing. Perhaps it's for the best, ideas should be valued above technical execution, otherwise the site would be filled with just...HD renditions of pepes and wojaks and golden faces...but in any case, I posted my wojak thread and it got deleted. What a fine day it was.

Attached: think.jpg (1280x720, 85K)

All twitch is, is it is a hub of NPCs, reddit coomers, coomers, boomers, and zoomers giving their hard earned 45 dollars a week to their favorite streamer.

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those fags always did it. even since the old youtube times all reviewers had shit behind them to affirm their gaming affinity. personally I don't mind, but then I think of the people who watch it. Do you think the average normie also has shit like that in their house? that's litter and one that looks like its for kids and not for grown adults. I would need to hide it every time my family would visit, and there's no point in showing off a fucking megaman plushie to some 30-40 year old fucks. what the fuck for? there's literally no fun in that.

Attached: file.png (1156x636, 856K)

Strangely using the NPC meme actually makes you an NPC too. Kind of like non conformist people who all end up having the same ideas.

Not that user, but personally I am not amused by cheap pieces of plastic and haven't been since I was a literal child.

Because I don't own any funkopop shit, that's how.

Attached: best girl.jpg (1024x1024, 55K)

Oh look, it's the Wojak-schizo again.

>watching video game streams
No, user. You are the NPCs.

>this is what incels actually believe

I never disagreed with OP, I just find his lack of effort in his shitposting to be dissapointing.

they are boring and alive. why? aren't you curious?

Garbage and old books from 20 years ago.

>ITT: Fags that don't know how to market themselves as an entertainer and don't know what it means to set a scene.

Yeah it's cringy as shit but it helps promote your image that your livelihood depends upon.

That's great, you don't have to be. It is someone's own volition whether they want to keep them displayed or not.

Can you describe the physical processes that take place within the human mind to go from mature to immature, once funkpops are purchased?

Cope much?

damn, hes lonely

Don't get me wrong- I'm just humoring that idiot. Your trad-wife is going to be fucking every guy on the block. The only real solution is to walk away entirely. It's not the 60s-80s where you could maybe find a woman with integrity. Mass communication has spoiled that until the end of humanity.

>Item that is meant to appeal to a child
>Displaying proudly it as a grown adult
>"How does that make me immature?"
Big yikes

Yes, but, at one point, you've told someone to fucking die over some dumbshit irrelevant online issue, which kills all your credibility.

I love Chara!!!

Attached: 1551365510186.jpg (1300x1400, 355K)

>coomer donated 100dollars
>Looking beautiful Pokimane!
>she is so cute
>How much is her snapchat premium fellow coomers?
>I can't wait to give Poki some more money at twitch con this year!

Attached: 1568671082581.png (993x1405, 820K)

Yeah, because why should anyone care?
You're a pathetic sack of shit that has nothing better to do than bitch on a korean graphic design website.

>look how I appeal to peer pressure, I'm so mature

Loving every laugh.

>talking about credibility in an anonymous image board
I talk shit, you talk shit, we call each other man children and fags for a bit, then fuck off to a different thread. You'll learn nothing matters in good time, newfriend.

>paying 120 for a g'day.
You could get a decent bj from a pretty good tier escort for that price desu

Uhh... Yea Forumsros?

Attached: 59DC7B52-8430-41B3-BA8B-DACE8704C761.jpg (750x680, 192K)

Nah, you just need to take the godpill and find a fundamentalist christian woman. 50% are still pure enough.

Shitposting? I mean, if you're from retardera, then yeah I'd consider the OP to be shitposting. Otherwise, he's just making a point valid to anyone with at least one functioning eye.

Attached: DuQXcqVU0AAljRN.jpg (1200x900, 189K)

Can we please get an ampharos in this thread?

Why is it so hard for you retards to not respond to bait?

Yes, I agree about funko-pops and nendroids, but could you really resist another session with a full set of Bionicles?

>set a scene
we're not talking about food plate, but plastic garbage that average gamer won't buy because it's literal garbage. shit like that is for women or man childs, and the latter only always focus on one thing rather than all shit. the ones that actually purchase all shit are the lowest percentage of the people who watch the stream for "content." more of them are kids or teens who just want to fantasize about the streamer being actually real. you're a fag who thinks it is something else.

>becoming religious just for virgin pussy
lol no thanks

>watching twitch in the first place

The point being, other people proclivities are of no concern to you, and judgement of character should not be based upon which pieces of plastic they do or do not to display. I would rather judge someone based upon their reaction to people wanting to express themselves, and their subsequent bashing of the person for their own, undeserved amusement.

Basically, shut the fuck up. You aren't that cool.

Stop buying children's toys, you manchild

At least Der Coomer gets a handful of ass for the what hes paying. Twitchcucks will never get that far.

Keep being gay then bro

Attached: Twitch Thot Trying To Cook.webm (1920x1080, 2.94M)

Good luck identifying a single one. That's the woman's game. They hide their true self and intentions until they have you in their grasp. It makes betrayal that much life-ending.


Just curious user, what would you think of someone that displayed pic related in their house? It's related to gaming, is it not?

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For what he pays its not that better desu

>hurr durr have sex goyim
>twitch whores deserve money because they exist

Attached: 1568672434316.png (1968x988, 198K)

Attached: Twitch Thot Trying To Cook2.webm (1920x1080, 2.92M)

this is a man, it stands like a man, it gestures like a man, it even has the jawline of a man. the breasts literally just look like a padded bra with an orange inside of it

>Are they literally all just npcs? Its like they are all the same and only pretend to like any of the stuff that they do/showcase and dont actually give a single fuck.
That sounds more like Yea Forums overall. I mean look at this thread: it all retarded 12 year olds whining about stuff that has nothing to do with video games.

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On the contrary you should be proud. You realized what you were doing wrong and righted it.

See, your trying to slipper slope me. It's not going to happen. So let's rationalize in a way you might understand

bib = bad
pop = good

gamer here
don't fucking put me in this, I think people who donate money to these whores should be put in concentration camps

i wish i was a female twitch streamer to make free money

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I heard about this game one time years ago and was never able to figure out its name until today, nice

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figurines and life-size plushies of my pony gf

when their torso is shaped like a V and their waist doesn't even make it to the inside of their shoulders - how is anyone even pretending this is a woman?

Ah, so now we begin to nitpick what is "good" for someone to display versus what is "bad" or "immature". Glad we've established the hypocrisy

this pic is 96% of Yea Forums

It is?

Twitch is for attentionwhores. For both men and women.
What do you expect?

>openly showing the boobs and ass
>stream is all about their "assets"
>stream whatever is popular to get the highest amount of viewers

>stream for their own ego
>the entire room is filled with geek/nerd shit to show how big they are into gaming
>got no sexappeal so they try to be funny instead and get followers by making people laugh

All the same shit. A bunch of prostitutes and bad actors.

Wow man you're so badass and cool and mature I wish I could be like you

>not a tranny but you also cut onions this way

Attached: 1562752406510.jpg (960x960, 43K)

>janny mad cause he got outed as a manchild for owning funkopop shit

>you’re gay if you don’t pretend to believe in god just to get a girl!

fuck e-thots but more importantly the stupid npc niggers donating to anyone saying "twitch prime" if u are one of this i wish u the worst skin cancer ever

>Not getting Twitch Prime for the various free shit in games and donating the sub to a literal who with no facecam

Id you honestly believe the way you cut vegetables makes you a tranny you have worse mental problems than them

you are now aware of what a coomer is good job

These people are just sad.

A picture of Misaka Imouto #10034 drawn by my sister, an iron cross navy flag from my grandfather, 2 sleeping Pokemon teddies from gen 2, a signed poster of a wrestler and some amiibos of characters I like, like Ridley, Samus and the Metroid. Otherwise basic shit.

I'm just poor and only own steak knives.

Eternal reminder that the only streamers worth watching have 1-2 K average viewers
Toddlers not included for obvious reasons

>yfw jannies and mods are a bunch of beta manchildren donating to whores just to get a thank you

They do it because their socially retarded fans let them, user. It's a sad cycle that ends poorly for everyone -- even the prostitute streamer.

Bottles full of cum.

Attached: look at this dude.jpg (728x1024, 183K)

>It's poetry. The poetry of war.

Just my gf

Attached: 1568628862120.webm (800x424, 2.93M)

Having clicked on maybe 300 200-4k viewer streams at this point, I think the range of viewability is actually outside that range. 0-299 and 4k+ are the kino realms, and anything between is pathetic "malding" 35+ year olds trying to build a stream job to support their wife's second child. They all use that shitty race car chair, neon lights, and nerd crew shit all around the set behind them. Also, whenever something goes wrong in-game, they act worse than DSP in their scripted freak outs.

>hidden gems
Were you born gay or did years of molestation turn you into this?

>Yea Forums
>board is filled with shitty threads about ecelebs and other garbage
You're part of the problem, OP.

Aw, jeez.

Attached: 57472.jpg (1980x2499, 1.04M)


You learned, hundreds of thousands of other pathetic betas will never.

I like this guy. He panders to no one and has minimal interaction with chat aside from "Thanks for the good luck". He's like the autistic kid from The Wizard, but with a nice cowboy aesthetic.

Attached: C7QwElUU8AE0GLu.jpg (721x694, 67K)

good lord just look at that manly iliac furrow. pp very soft.

4k streamers start doing the stupid twitch lingo to act mainstream, thats why i say 2k max is the best, being small enough to focussing on the game and some miner commentary instead of POGGERS IN THE CHAT others do


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Realdolls talk now

Yeah, I used to watch Arcus back when he was running Zelda 1, but his theme got old real fast. He's similar to Bob Ross (hence his chat memes), but I can only fall asleep to the same voice so many times. Actually watching the guy is a chore and very repetitive.

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It's just women trying to exploit men for wealth and interest. They do the same shit on dating sites. No guy who has ever been on one can tell you how often the line "I'm not like other girls..." comes up right as they start listing things they think make them unique, completely failing to realize that not only are their interests common, that line is quite literally the same, and more over their interests are basically just a tailor made list to attract the local dudes they're after. They're not really into mudding, camping, four wheeling, hunting, and fishing. Most of the time they've literally only done those things like once and it was under ideal circumstances with a remarkably sheltered version of any of the above.

I used to think this cynicism of women was unjustified but it isn't.

Minor, got to stop playing terraria, its starting to affect me

Now just imagine if more people did this. Patreon as a whole would be fucked.

Literal sociopath.

I have a patreon and the system is really shit, it's really hard to see if someone sends you a message. I only notice it when it pops up in my e-mails as a notification.

How much does it set you back now with the chat function? I remember just a standard one will cost you an easy 10k starting.

Based druid bro

The one in that vid was $17,000


>Literal sociopath.

Attached: angry soyboy 164.png (1080x1020, 459K)

>forced /pol/ wojakshit
I don't consider op to be human desu

The only 4k+ streamer I watch is Elajjaz. He doesn't do lingo, and isn't always entertaining, but I haven't seen anyone else past the 200 viewer mark worth watching. Streamers have to try very hard to pretend to be endearing and human when faced with such an onslaught of attention from people they don't know. Only an extreme few can handle it in a way that make them appear nice.

Women are not exactly the same but genetically they're a lot more similar to each other than men are to other men. You see evidence of this in literally every metric. Behavior, intelligence, height, weight, even genetic disorders.

There are evolutionary benefits for this. Women are also more predictable and reliable for rote tasks. Men will often push themselves too far or cause conflicts as a result of trying to overachieve.

If you need something simple done reliably, get a woman to do it.

If you're willing to undertake a bigger risk for a potentially higher payoff, enlist a man.

Damn so does it have set lines or can you program in your own? Besides I thought petitions were going around to get these things banned?

>eyes can't blink out of sync
C'mon that's one of the earliest things they teach you in animation about creating life-like characters.

reddit spacing incel spreading le redpills

You let your girlfriend pay for dates?

unbased basedboy

For that price you'd want basic QoL for your shit desu.

t. 16 year old who just discovered kiwifarms

>OP makes a statement about twitch sluts that is 100% accurate
>Proceed to rant about gamr grls as a whole and call them NPC unironically.
>Whilst posting normalfag forced wojack memes
>People itt point out the irony
>OP actually goes into an NPC autistic fit and keep posting pepes and throwaway buzzphrases like "seethe and dilate" or "incels have sex" in response to everyone who mock him for being a generic Yea Forums NPC.

If you can't see the irony, nobody can save you.

Hey I'm just making sure nobody forgets where they are. It happens sometimes.

What a chad

>implying all of them are like that

Don't you have a tier-3 sub bomb to be dropping on a "worthy" twitch thot?

>nowhere to put 40 magazines you never will open
how can men live like this


Why does everything have to suck Yea Forums...why can't we have nice things?

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Well, if you want to go full cat-mom, the floor is readily available. Plenty of space for mags the cat can puke and shit on when you don't want to clean the litter box or take them to the vet.

But it dosent affect you in anyway? Who cares how people spent they free time and their money.

And these are the times when I check if my janitor application got accepted, because the current mods sure as hell don't do their jobs.

Fuck jannies and fuck you. Applying for a janny position in 2019 should result in a live execution outside you favella.

>he wants to do it FOR FREE
Absolute state of this hotpocket-muncher

>make shitposting thred
>come back 1 hour later
>mfw 200 replies

never change Yea Forums

Attached: basedjak.jpg (1024x1024, 54K)


People don't want the sex outright they just want the affection or attention

Nah I don't throw my money at any twitch streamers

Even if you're a loser who's looking at twitch streams because you're lonely, you just need to go to the really small channels. That way you don't need to pay to get personal.


Even real small channels expect viewers to sub ever since the affiliate program came about. You need to go single digit since then, and those guys either stream once a month, or eventually reach affiliate and ignore non-subs. The entire system is corrupt and should be mocked from the top-down. Watch anyone you want and post whatever garbage in their chat you feel like.

I'm watching a Japanese streamer girl who streams every day for an hour or so. She generally gets 100-150 viewers but there's usually only the same 3-4 people talking so she always reads my comments.

Attached: 1563548722744.webm (1280x720, 372K)

Bed, nightstand, drawer, closet, desk with PC, bookshelf with books.

I don't have my physical video games let alone shitty toys of them on display because I'm not a manchild.

Is she that one with the massive milkers that has given up on life?

You will never be a real Japanese. Please tell her that so she can never read your comments again.

No, she's not on twitch though, she's on a Japanese streaming site.
You mad?

Attached: 1561498773561.png (370x320, 14K)

You replied to me. Are you mad?

based and meenpilled

Attached: ohgodohfuck.jpg (458x313, 24K)

If you're watching enough of them to know firsthand that's common, you've forfeit your right to ask what's wrong with them.


you're still fundamentally broken

they're all born again virgins looking for dumbass beta orbiters like you to ensnare

It's a woman.


Attached: Velkhana.png (1168x732, 1.61M)

At least you learned from your autism.

It does affect, you're just too fucking stupid to see how.

Ayo, this is based as fuck.

Anybody got the non-ant resolution pic of that elf ahegao? I need it for research.

nice my drawing is in there


>fuck then run tier

All women over 26
and women of any age who stream games online

love you too no homo

this, next time his cock twitches he will be reaching for the credit card again

>what the fuck is wrong with female """gamers""""?

the real question is what's wrong with white men that donate to them?

Attached: aaaaa.png (748x1770, 1.51M)

Why tho?

based filter raping you into submission

>women can do no wrong, its actually the men who are to blame
white knights are so fucking embarrassing

Attached: you.jpg (768x1024, 175K)

>female twitch streamer
what are you doing watching that shit in the first place faggot
shit thread

>mukbang bullshit

they can both be in the wrong you drooling retard. how can you even defend the smoothbrained men who enable twitch thots?

a bed, a bunch of trash on the floor and beer bottles decorating every shelf

thats a man baby!

spotted the incel

>he thinks female streamer = female gamer
look, i also failed to find a woman that would fuck me willingly but not all of them are cancerous or dumb as dirt approximately 20% of females are kinda ok

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You could remove any mention of gamers, gaming or video games from what you said and it would be the same case.

Fuck streamers
and fuck paypigs

Attached: Boomer saving the day.webm (720x480, 1.74M)

Is Velkana aggressive or like Kushala?

I wish I had money I could just throw away.

cool strawman, retard.

Attached: 251d07a50f7e14d09f7c6f04c7ded7dc8.jpg (603x603, 87K)

I'm positive she'd let you hug her

Bed, couch, warchest, coffee table, bookshelf with books, bookshelf with games and movie collection, desktop computer (gaming pc), desk filled with books, entertainment center, tv, switch, playstation, mini-fridge, multiple posters of artwork I like, gf.

My living situation's pretty great, just bought a couple more throw pillows for the couch.

Attached: OXs9ZCV.jpg (235x214, 9K)

Based I.M Meen

Based beach grandpa

A collection of leatherbound books, such as The Great Gatsby (one of my favourites), sophisticated pieces of chinese calligraphy, and water.

Based TriHard raider

How does that fat fuck have $1,000 to throw around like that? He looks like he should be digging in his couch for loose change to go hit up the dollar menu.

the only video game thing related i have donated money to was when extine sent the two american tf2 teams to their big lan finals in europe. The final game? USA vs USA.

worth it.

He's right though. The women are to blame but men hold just as much of the blame for being beta permavirgin enablers. Titty streamers wouldn't exist to the extent they do if people weren't stupid enough to give them money.

Attached: female twitch streamer.png (1920x1080, 1.99M)


All women are whores

Women only care about popularity and money. They'll throw themselves at anything to secure this.


my stuff
i can see like 3 baseball caps
a old keyboard and mouse
my favorite blanket

I'll take the risk.


Attached: trumps.jpg (2685x1843, 566K)

I can't wait to be a grandpa so I can do this. Except with my dick.

That's why you watch korean and other asian girls. They actually like games.

My room consists of one bookshelf, one closet, one bed, and one desk.

But he's a Volcel though? An incel would just fuck the witch right now out of sheer desperation

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This sure is a great fucking faggot thread. Goddamn, I can't believe that so many fucking faggots care THIS MUCH about some fucking e-whore and that their shitty cumgargling faggot selves actually watch this shit.

This, I can't even get angry about a woman that avoided wageslaving by exploiting an audience of emotionally retarded "men". These women are simply taking advantage of the opportunity, it isn't their fault grown ass men act like faggots. Weebs that fuck onaholes and ignore women are unironically more alpha than the pathetic losers that dump their disposable income on a 6/10 thot on twitch.

>Weebland Yea Forums needs to differentiate even on this

He's right, though. There'e miles of difference between white roasties and yellow qties on this.

Don’t forget to donate $30 to watch me kill one of my friends in Minecraft

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what the fuck do you mean your room is filled with water

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Women are children user. You don't blame the child, you blame the parent. That's normal.

>attack on titan
>entry level normie
bluepilled faggot who only watched one season

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Because idiots keep expecting women to act like adults when it is painfully clear that they are incapable of it. The sooner you start treating women like children and manage your expectations accordingly, the easier your life will be. Talk to a woman as you would talk to a child and everything will be fine.

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never saw gals drinking regular hoegaarden, only hoegaarden grapefruit, it is a dude.

t. idiot who acts like a child.

How do I meet an at least kinda nerdy girl online?


No u

u mad?

Hey buddy the 2010 threads two blocks down.

Nope sorry.
Then get going

>posting boomer-tier relationship advice on a subsection of an Angolan pottery forum dedicated to video games

Large yikes.

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This, that ship sailed for some of us years ago.

This. I've been with a woman for a year now her has her masters and makes a lot of money, but is immature as fuck and can't take any criticisim without losing her shit and chimping out. You learn quick to just treat them like kids except its okay to have sex with them

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so mad

just watch sasha grey streams and forget about the other thots

since sasha already filled herself to the brim with cock she doesnt even try to generate sexual attraction when playing, just pure gameplay

No u and your face

Taking advantage of idiots with money is capitalism.

My name is Van, I'm an artist. I'm a performance artist. I'm hired for people to fulfil their... fantasies. Their deep, dark fantasies. I was gonna be a movie star, with modelling and acting. After a hundred or two auditions and small parts, I decided I had enough. Then I got into escort work. The clientele requested a lot of... fetishes. So I just decided to go full master and change my entire house into a dungeon, dungeon master, with a full dungeon in my house, and its going really well.

Fisting is 300 bucks. Usually the guy gets high on pop, to really get relaxed, and I have this long latex glove that goes all the way up to my armpit. Then I put on a surgical latex glove up to my wrist. Just lube it up. It's a long process to get your whole arm up there. But its an intense feeling for the other person, I think for myself too. You go to places that even though it's physical with your hand, for some reason it's also more emotional. It's more psychological too. We both reach the same place, it's really strange at the same time. And I found with a session like that it's really exhausting.

both are thots that play in underwear, some oversexualized cosplay, or in a costume that is meant to make them look super cute or some shit

go print that tasty pasta and fist yourself with it, fag

A popular saying in Spanish goes "It's not the pig's fault, but of those who feed it"