Attached: 360fx360f.png (360x360, 63K)

Other urls found in this thread:




Seriously, if you use this thing, you are a gigantic fucking pussy.

Attached: 250px-Darwin's_Danger_Shield.png (250x599, 175K)

Hey, they need SOMETHING now that pyro is utter dogshit

seething pyrofag
coping sniperfag


How's that deadringer treating you?


seem to have your insults mixed up there spyfag

just kidding spy is based and needs like 5 buffs please valve fuck

If you use this you are unironically a piece of SHIT.

Attached: Backpack_Sniper_Rifle.png (512x512, 57K)

I agree. True snipers use an actual skill-based weapon.

Attached: Backpack_Huntsman.png (512x512, 35K)

>buff spy
how to kill what's left of your player base in one simple patch

>the delicious asspain this caused when it first came out

Attached: Spy-cicle.png (578x688, 70K)

Attached: playing tf2 on opposite day.webm (1600x900, 1.48M)

>Spy uses this in combination with deadringer to fuck around our spawn
>Gets butthurt when you use the team outlines against him

>blocks your path

Attached: 360fx360f.png (360x360, 30K)

I remember backstabs with the spy cicle not showing the in the kill feed, just like YER. why was it removed when backstabs would leave behind a frozen body?

Still better than when it was the go to crutch item against headshots

>random crits are fair and bal-

Attached: random crits.webm (418x240, 1.43M)


Attached: 1561619541433.png (490x320, 103K)

>not just doing a bodyshot on that cunt

>rare, high moments

Are you from 2008?

>Why yes, I'm fucking shit at TF2, how could you tell?

Attached: 250px-Blackbox[1].png (250x204, 36K)

If pyro is shit why is there at the very least 3 per team?


hold on man you dropped your other crutch

Attached: steamworkshop_webupload_previewfile_303416258_preview.png (640x640, 136K)

>Don't know man, it's just a gut feeling.

Attached: 360fx360f.png (360x360, 61K)

oops, wrong pic

Attached: 228_211_1_0.png (750x786, 208K)


because theyre still fun to play

cope, oh wait haha you already are

They honestly think that the Black Box is the reason they lost the fight.

I love that sound

>t. broken E key

fuck I forgot my picture

Attached: Machina.png (1266x689, 303K)

Any sniper who let's a pyro that close deserves to be killed. Imagine there is a secondary which shuts down soldiers primary, the forums would be flooded and that item would be nerfed with 12 hours.

What are some TF2 moments we can all relate to?

Attached: 000.png (1212x1090, 20K)

t. medic rammed up his ass

Attached: lol.png (1522x1052, 176K)

I had more kills playing with stock than deadringer desu

>mfw causing the enemy medics to rage quit by rushing after them with conch boost

Attached: 1561074314955.jpg (554x554, 25K)


Attached: 000.png (640x731, 235K)

Stay mad and keep walking in straight lines to me, fuckboy.

all the banners are based, its just when combined with the black box that the conch and arguably the backup that it gets really annoying

Hey, Tyler, still clinging into the hopes that Valve hasn't completely forgotten about Half-Life?


Attached: 1452637538836.png (798x599, 187K)

need more shit like this

>pyro top skill

I main pyro and I still think thats horseshit

uh oh.....

>Unironically replying to this

Attached: 1561363204102.gif (500x281, 278K)

>sniper doesn't have highest skill ceiling

Naw, his bars should look more like the Heavy's. Truly decent pyros are very, very rare compared to say, really skilled scouts. Maybe his skill ceiling isn't that low, but 99.9 percent of Pyros are mediocre nuisances at best

>Use Exquisite Rack since ever
>No one likes it
>they remove hat clipping limitations
>everyone fucking wears one
Oh well.

how does this image make you feel

Attached: 1452637538836.png (667x559, 368K)

In my experience by the time my team gets friendly heavies the match has long since been stagnant as fuck anyways.

Meh, nothing


Attached: 000.png (2908x2860, 2.42M)

Im annoyed that I cant tell what map it is just by looking at it

Attached: 1546789448392.jpg (997x995, 204K)

>spy doesnt have the lowest skill ceiling and highest skill floor

I know people get mad at this but I think its rather on point since Pyro is by far the most gutted class next to Spy. They need to put more skill to compensate for the terrible downsides of the classes if they want to get the fancy shit Soldiers, Scouts and Demo can do.
Heavy is bar is too big

90% sure its thunder mountain, but fuck any map that puts pumpkins in it without a fall/halloween theme.
Also thunder mountain is the worst payload map, shit goes on for so fucking long it's unbearable, and the final points of all 3 maps are just terrible to take as the attackers.

>pyro and soldier take the most skill
>scout sniper demoman & spy dont

Attached: 1547809791473.webm (640x360, 380K)

im the medic magnet

>old equalizer
I miss it

might be mountain lab

90% sure its that

It's that one KOTH Halloween map from the Invasion update with exploding little alien things and spaceships

Its not thunder mountain, I don't remember it having pumpkins

does mountain lab have a shutter door? thats whats really throwing me off

if only there was some other thing spies could do to kill someone

Do people really like friendlies?

I kill them every chance I get

yeah on the attacker side in spawn, but thatd be blu team.....

The downside is not being able to use the far superior Razorback, Cozy Camper, Jarate, or SMG.

>other team starts whining because im "aimbotting"
>a faggot on my team decides to start a votekick
>mfw my team kicks me
i hate everyone

Attached: junko3.gif (800x800, 170K)

>shit goes on for so fucking long it's unbearable
I feel this way with Swiftwater

I'm indifferent to them.

I have a general dislike for them because they're never actually "friendly". You can count on most of them to whine it chat when they're killed, even if it's by accident. Even worse, they'll usually request for people to stop capping objectives, stop killing them, have an engineer move his sentry, or have the other team kick the evil "tryhards".

You do realize most hackers/aimbotters are able to hijack other peoples usernames just to confuse people right? You were probably a victim of that. Happened to me more than once.

Any older timers remember the glory days of Dr. Enforcicle?

Actually takes Skill tier:
Takes a bit of skill tier:
Doesn't take much skill tier:
I have severe retardation to the point of being unfit to do very basic activities tier:

Stay mad, this thing is super useful when my team doesn't have a competent medic. Seethe while I kill half your team with a random crit.

Attached: 700.jpg (300x303, 7K)


Every class takes skill.


>Spytard thinks trickstabbing requires skill
I love when you realize they're trying to trickstab you so you sidestep them and they just nope out and cloak away

Except Pyro.

>only competent Soldier is using BB
>wont change to stock/DH destroy the sentry nest


Attached: autism.png (1196x2040, 2.9M)

>stand on the other side of the map and click on people with a hitscan weapon
pick one

you can't /thread your own post faggot

I've been saved a couple of times from afterburn by the thrown sandvich.
I kinda like it desu, I like how 3 dimensional it is, a nice break from the corner at the end of most pl maps like goldrush.

Taking down sentry nests are not meant to be a solo mission. You have to have numbers. Kill 3 or 4 players and take that numbers advantage into the sentry area. Sentry nests go down like a house of cards when there's no frontline to protect it.

Half-life is worse than forgotten, it’s become an in-joke.

Literally none of the old guard except Gabe Newell is left at Valve. There are only newcomers who make Half-Life jokes.

>Degroot Keep has 150 votes

Not going to lie, I have around 2000 hours and can only recall playing Yukon a total of 2 times at max, why the hell is it so rare

Name a more unfair map for attackers. You have a better chance of winning the lottery than making it to Stage 3.

Attached: 000.png (1920x1080, 2.81M)

that's the escape plan

Yeah it was fucking awful and I can't believe it took them like 6 years to finally put it to rest for good. I hope they never touch the dead ringer again because I guarantee they'll fuck it up again if they do, and with the update schedule now it's never getting fixed again

what cosmetics combo well with this

Attached: arachno arsonist.png (360x360, 40K)

old DDS was way worse what are you complaining about

Goldrush map 3 if defense has a single competent spy who understands that he can single handedly win the game by dedicating himself exclusively to destroying teleporters

i was the only sniper on the team, im not a pro but im constantly in the top 3 of the scoreboard on about 70% of all games, i get called hacker from time to time

>tfw using this in conjunction with the Direct Hit
It's great watching people run away from you, especially if you can actually aim with it.

>atleast cancer is better than aids

Attached: 1566872378760.png (1131x1080, 362K)

Im play medic you cunt, I hate you faggots who are scared of running out of a little bit of hp yet you trade a fucking rocket for a crappy heal on hit.
>Taking down sentry nests are not meant to be a solo mission
Of course its not but when the only faggot who is playing soldier wont change weapons I take offense in this kind of shitty attitude

My team despises me but i usually hang out across form the usual choke point on the enemy side so i can heal my enemies with chocolate. Feels prety comfy, also free points

Unless you are consistently good enough to consistently get headshots, you are pretty much inferior to a Direct Hit Soldier in every single way.

I bet you're the kind of medic who complains about Soldiers rocket jumping away when you uber them, not realizing that we do that in order to make the most out of your shitty uber. Follow us in, goddamn it. Rockets have bad damage falloff at long range, so we need to close the gap in order to actually do anything. You can always drop back out when there's a second or two left in the uber.

Good thing I found an actual server to play on so I don't have to deal with shit like this or the garbage matchmaking.

Attached: [Oppressive Laughter].jpg (491x488, 19K)

Press Z+2 to thank Medic mains for all their hard work!

Attached: 000.png (786x1017, 458K)

>The Medic is a Spy!

Imagine wasting your uber on a soldier and not a scout to get through a nest

>Not binding "voicemenu 1 2" to a key for easy Thanks! access


Attached: Uwyb1R3.gif (400x400, 107K)

fuck it's actually voicemenu 0 1

>Yea Forums will defend this

Attached: 400px-Controlpoint.png (400x176, 72K)

No, I bet Yea Forums actually wont, they'll be too busy trying to rush spawn while a scout caps it

no i wont lol

*The medic is a* AUUUHHHHAHA AOU HAHA!

Attached: demo red.jpg (237x214, 14K)

Fix the sprays valve

>enemy sniper lobbing arrows fuckwhere, rounding any corner at all leads to an arrow to the face through what can only be described as ivan's patented sixth sense .dll
>right click while rounding corner
>reflect headshot kill

Attached: 1409995791262.png (493x276, 37K)

does anyone have that webm of the fat fempyro doing the thermal thruster taunt and crashing the dude's game?

This is a really badly designed graph.

I always say "Thanks" when a medic is healing me, it's like a mental tic that I have to do.

Attached: IMG_0423.png (999x657, 882K)


Heavy should have backpack items like soldier that build charge by taking damage. It makes more sense for a class that is going to be focused almost entirely on taking and dealing a lot of damage and staying near his team to have an AOE buff secondary instead of soldiers who often pop banner and then rocketjump away to get frags instead of staying near their team on a push.
Give Heavy the concheror and battalions backup. let soldiers keep the buff banner

Attached: 1561383941976.png (1192x680, 1.05M)

Here ya go.

Attached: game-crashing brap.webm (720x404, 1.81M)

>keeps attempting to shoot even when out of ammo

Well, I saw that more than once...

Attached: 1529788814714.jpg (536x479, 54K)

No I just hate fags who got skills to pull the job yet fuck arround and have the balls to nag at the end of the match when we get stomped

ha ha
>duplicate file

thanks guys

>Medic doesn't take much skill

Attached: 1561486357163.jpg (682x600, 225K)

fuck you now my stomach hurts

Attached: mike pleased.jpg (562x518, 37K)

Why is only one of them using the Tomislav when it's objectively the best heavy primary?

>teammate activates speed boost buff
>fucks up your aim until it ends

Attached: file.png (369x368, 201K)

so did the pyro's

Attached: 1369034966312.jpg (624x448, 25K)

Just burst damage him, you're not bad are you

>has not left his base all game
Why is it almost always Soldiers who refuse to leave their front door on 2fort? Even most Engineers get brave enough to venture out to invent a new frontline

>whipping teammates at the start of the game
>Demo puts down a sticky out of the gate
>whip him right before he jumps
>fuck up his rollout

Attached: 1.png (837x956, 325K)

Movable buildings was one of the best additions to the game. No greater feeling as an Engineer on offense as moving your level three sentry to cover the capture point.

Because between shooting across the map, shooting down the rocketjump grate and shooting into the main courtyard, there's no reason to put yourself in danger for easy kills

>Imagine there is a secondary which shuts down soldiers primary, the forums would be flooded and that item would be nerfed with 12 hours.
Short circuit fucking newfag

You fucker, now I've got the giggle-hiccups.

Attached: 1564873918382.png (423x414, 152K)

literally wrong, it makes sense for Soldier to have these things, he's a soldier.
Give me a good in universe reason why a Russian Muscle man who wields a minigun would ever use a War Bugle to inspire his country men to fight harder.


I dont really care about the scorch shot, im more of a detonator type of guy because I really hate scunts.

Attached: genocide.jpg (342x328, 13K)

I'm the Soldier that basically jumps around the main area from battlement to battlement and keeps it safe for my teammates to hopefully be able to forge a capture.

Is there a more based item in the game?

Attached: batta.jpg (840x1018, 217K)

This would be awesome

Attached: 250px-Axe_IMG.png (250x202, 32K)

Attached: observer.jpg (453x734, 74K)

>Their medic activates the kritz

Attached: 1496085766642.jpg (512x341, 12K)

better than the jiggle-hiccups

>he needs passives

Attached: banner.jpg (225x225, 4K)

Attached: 1553587256988.jpg (750x1083, 98K)

>there are actually people still playing TF2 in 2019
Literally fucking how

No. Maybe i would if the sight of them didn't remind me of how low we have fallen. Videogames alone are (usually) waste of time and to think that some guy is playing 2 hours holding crouch and looking at almost nothing. It's literally better to look at drying paint, at least you don't damage your eyes so much.

Played the game since 2011

Reminder that you can build up a full charge with Black Box/Conch, change your loadout to Stock/Buff Banner before going back to spawn, and come out with a full, guaranteed Buff Banner charge.

>will shake the mouse like they have Parkinson's to kill the one Scout leaping around them
Literally me, but as every class against everything


For me, it's the Detonator. The best flare gun.

Attached: 250px-Detonator_RED.png (250x187, 59K)

remind me why the conch requires only 4/5ths of the damage of the other banners yet gives just as strong of an effect and has arguably a better passive than the backup

I remember when the grenade launcher had 6/30 ammo and sticky launcher had 8/40.

Did you forget all the nerfs and changes?

>Imagine there is a secondary which shuts down soldiers primary
Like the airblast? Wait, chat is always filled with crying soldiers whenever a pyro enters that knows to click m2


Attached: 1531835120595.gif (500x463, 1.4M)

>point and clicking takes actual skill

I gotta agree with you there, detonator is patrician tastes in both mobility and offensive capabilities.

Attached: scunt bat.jpg (1000x810, 149K)

>being able to remove falloff damage from your teammates is a bad thing
doot doot near a tommy heavy and feel the power

Give it to me straight, Yea Forums.

What's the most OP loadout in the game?

Attached: 300px-demoman1.png (772x598, 760K)

I'm surprised no one in this thread is talking about this piece of shit of a weapon.

Attached: Backpack_Vaccinator.png (512x512, 47K)

Beta Demoman.

Build up 4 heads as Demoknight and switch to stock GL, stock Stickybomb Launcher, and keep the Eyelander.

Result: 210 HP Demoman who's almost as fast as a Scout

Attached: 000.png (1280x720, 607K)

the issue is that you've spent so much time trying to get heads that you've probably been mostly useless to your team the rest of the game

>Me and my friend occasionally like to pub stomp
>Notice another pair doing the same on the other team but with kritz
Oh my would you look at the time

Is there any reason to even use this thing when the detonator exists?

I love going to the 100% crits server with this weapon.

Attached: 1558220925882.jpg (960x639, 77K)

>Pyro gets a FUCKING JETPACK because valve is sliding away from having blast jumping classes actually having counters
>Detonator+Surfing is still infinitely more mobile and reliable than the jetpack

Attached: 214.png (253x229, 125K)

>Detonator+Surfing is still infinitely more mobile and reliable than the jetpack
This is flat out wrong, you cant get the hight needed for alot of jumps with the detonator

Why though? If you're playing on A/D you're better off sticking with the Banner and just keeping healthy/stocked with your engineer/medic/packs and actually contributing rather then wasting time heading all the way back to spawn to switch banners, and on 5cp the trip back would take WAY too long to be worthwhile in most cases.

Sniper should not crit on headshot unless his charge is at 100%.

If one professional Sniper is on the enemy team and gets 120+ points in a game where the average is ~40, the team with this guy will always always win.

>Just countersnipe.
That not only FORCES you to play a class you're disinterested in playing as, but you'll have to basically be able to outplay the guy that devoted himself to playing as him for 6k hours. If you don't have another Sniper main in your team to take him on, well, you better be ready to use see that loss screen.

>What do then?
The problem with Sniper is that, if he peaks at you for a half second, you take 150 damage no buts no ifs. There is NOTHING you can do to react to this class, and it's quite bad that he's the only one that has this matchup perk.

Now, if Sniper could only headshot when fully charged, then he would still be the long-range class-picker he is, and it would severely make him more interesting to play; Do you go for the secured bodyshot damage and hope your team picks your target off, or do you expose yourself a little longer and risk being seen to go for the guaranteed kill?

Then, Sniper would be perfectly fair to fight against in all scenarios, given that since he could only instakill you if and only IF he hid from your gaze for a minimum of three seconds, he has the right to pick you off given that he genuinely outplayed you. This is another problem of Sniper; he is a direct upgrade to Spy. Where Spy has to risk himself to get a clean pick, Sniper can currently do the job immediately and from a secure distance with absolutely no risk. The keyword is that: RISK. Spy is high reward, high risk, but current Sniper is high reward, low risk.

Not to mention it would be a light nerf to all aimbot hacks.

Attached: 350px-Snipertaunt2.png (350x481, 168K)

>joins a random casual server alone
>find out a group of two - four people are constantly buffed from the vaccinator at all times
>near impossible to counter with as my team is doing shit elsewhere, and they always try to counter the vacc team alone
Yep, a real fun weapon to fucking deal with.
At least the old Danger Shield exclusively had one damage type to resist to one single class, meanwhile you can be as much of a killjoy to anyone with any worst kind of combos immaginable with this turd of a medigun (Natascha Heavy, Conch + Black Box Soldier, etc.)

Would Pyro be balanced if his jetpack got its own 4th slot?

Attached: 1452637538836.png (250x259, 87K)

>he doesn't know about self-detonation jumps
You can get enough height/distance to get pretty much anywhere with the detonator

If you can’t aim flares and want to be a stupid fucking ugly retard nuisance

like how targe got nerfed?

That's because it's a really good weapon if you use it effectively, you win every single 1 v 2 with it.
It's amazing if the other team is stacking heavies or demos too.

Yeah you can, use the first shot to get momentum and surf up then fire off a second and detonate it to double jump.

the jetpack still sucks to use because you can't switch off to your flame thrower for a year once you jump
It makes dive bombing useless unless you go practically straight up. The jet pack in its current state is just for skipping stairs

Demoman is easily the class with the highest skill ceiling. Here's why:
placing your aim on someone's head and shooting isn't "High Skill Ceiling" it's just the most basic of FPS skills. Anyone who says sniper takes insane amounts of skill is a butthurt sniper main

More so than Sniper but spy is really just knowing how to manipulate and goad other players into doing something that you can take advantage of. Definitely up there, but you only need to master one skill and then you're done.

no one says heavy has a high skill ceiling

same as heavy but shitposters will try to bait otherwise

Like spy but less so since you don't need to rely on having to take advantage of successful manipulations, just throw them off enough to point blank them

Above the rest so far. Projectile based classes are inherently harder to play than hitscan, and soldier is probably right below demo, but there's a reason he isn't number one

Pseudo-intellectuals will say otherwise but he really doesn't take much to max out on skill-wise.

Right below soldier. It takes tons of skill to get good at but the only reason he gets third is because he doesn't actually have to worry about outcompeting anyone other than the other medic

Unlike the others, Demoman has so many variables to take into consideration. Retards think otherwise cause "MUH DEMOSPAM!!!" but are honestly just mad that they can't compete with a good demo. He uses projectiles, but also has to deal with trajectory calculation, slower projectiles, learning how to sticky jump which is harder than rocket jumping, and where to place stickies.

A soldier with a medic can increase the chances of winning by a lot. A demo with a medic can singlehandedly win the game. Even without a medic, a good demo can wipe the floor with the enemy team.

To summarize, from highest skill ceiling to least:


It gives nowhere near the same height with detonator jumps. Theres fuck loads of 2nd floor balconies you cant jump up to with the detonator.

i stuck with this for the longest time. wish i switched to the detonator sooner

If it takes more than two tries to get 4-5 heads than you aren't playing a good demoknight at all.

only if the jetpack taunt is made available separately

Change the DDS so that it makes you immune to afterburn but remove the flame resistance entirely.


Attached: 1538269148291.jpg (480x360, 15K)

A well executed detonator jump can reach the height that most balconies are at

It should be baseline, remove that flying but replace it with dashing.

This, unless you use huntsman, this weapon is complete bullshit.

>miss your shot
>get hit by scorch shot
>can still easilly live and can tank another shot if you just find a med kit in time
>b-but now I have to treat pyros like a normal engagement with far more forgiving stakes

Scorch shot equalises the playing field and that makes sniper mains furious.

Attached: hakase.jpg (340x424, 33K)

No fall off, ability to snipe turtlers, and you can one shot any heavy.

Its got a really solid niche above DH. but its more a defensive utility than something you can push with.

Are you crouch tapping?

Any set of a hat and a cosmetic that are considered a set, maybe even just a random misc and then some googly eyes.

>blocks your path

Attached: 360fx360f.png (360x360, 45K)

>demo skill ceiling that low
>pyros that high
This has to be cope
Against good players if you don't play perfect as demo you will get mulched even for the littlest shit like being 1 foot ahead of the safe area
pyros one thing that isn't braindead spamming flares at range or flamethrower
is airblast and that basically auto aims for you

What the fuck, last time I checked, detonator jumps were complete shit at gaining height. What did they change in the Gun Mettle update?

The problem isn't the healing, its the fact that you negate self damage and the health you gain from a single hit effectively you above 200 hp. you're essentially a heavy in a ton of encounters.

I would be fine if the black box healed soldiers more, but it was a regeneration over time.

Attached: pp,550x550.u2[1].jpg (550x546, 35K)

>learning how to sticky jump which is harder than rocket jumping

Attached: 1566929539642.jpg (360x394, 135K)

>Yea Forums will attack this

Attached: BLU Control Point.png (400x219, 96K)

They made them work more like rocket jumps I think. The closer you are to the explosion the more you get launched. So if you detonate them immediately you can get a pretty good amount of height/distance at a slightly higher HP cost

The crosshair is blatantly not on the Soldier at all.

post weapons that make Reddit seethe

Attached: 1560183193592.png (360x360, 51K)

>team has like 4 heavies
>pop this
>sniper mains start screaming in chat

Attached: 1445968153240[1].png (250x237, 67K)

Attached: zxcxz.jpg (250x186, 4K)









I like them. TF2 feels like the only game where the characters have so much charm and personality that you can tell when they're being friendly. In any other game you'd think a crouched or prone guy is just camping.

It's too overpowered for what it is.
>Constant 25% resistance to ANY damage type of your choosing when healing (except melee, but good luck killing the medic or their partner with it)
>Uber ramps up the resistance to 75% AND makes you invincible from crits
>And to add the cherry on top of the shit cake, the medigun's uber usage doesn't work like any other medigun (with one single 8 second charge that can only be used when it reaches 100%), oh no no no, it has 4 mini ubers that each last 2 seconds! And they charge up REALLY fast!

Dumb soldier main.

Reddit loves Soldier though

a long jump that uses primary ammo so it doesn't step on scouts foot too much and its good

The passive resistance is 10% you big baby.

i get it, you have no proper response so you complain about a non-issue


my bad i mean

Attached: cvxzc.png (250x195, 37K)

Vaccinator is based though. Bullet resist destroys aimbotters.


Attached: sad_pyro_by_qatarz-d2y9rby (1).jpg (640x480, 43K)

god remember when it gave a passive crit blocker too?
Just walk around with bullet resist and dab on the snipers


>kills you with a single bodyshot form 69 gorillion meters away
Nothing personnel mate

Attached: 1510608785638.jpg (512x512, 72K)

He's not just Russian, he's Soviet
>Come, comrades! We must push kart for motherland!
>For mother Russia, we must defend this point!

I play as a sniper with the machina, gibus, pyrovision goggles, and bronze dueling badge, and I taunt after every kill

b-b-but it takes so much SKILL
I have basic aiming abilities I should be able to instantly kill you from anywhere with line-of-sight in this otherwise close quarters combat focused game

Can everyone tell me why people still use the og rocket launcher when cow mangler exist?
>infinity ammos
>can charge the weapon
>no debuff
>identical reload speed
Can anyone explain this to me please

Gunboats should lower your max loaded ammo by one.

>can jump
>shoot shoot
>and escape

you should either shoot twice or shoot once and escape dealing self damage. being able to suicide bomb shit and get away is absurd.

My point still stands, that obnoxious medigun needs to be nerfed.
Removing this "Mini-Uber" shit and making its uber usage work like the other mediguns (one single 8 second uber that only works when it hits 100%) would at the very least be the only change that it needs to be a tolerable weapon.

thats the retarded shit taht made tf2 bad
it makes no sense for boots to randomly make you have less ammo in your gun
just lower the number to like 45%

its a silly game but shit should make sense in its own world at a single glance

Nothing in this game comes CLOSE to getting angry messages in chat after waving to a killcam.

>no debuff
>sentries exist

just make the detonator launch you as high as it did in beta

Stop walking in straight lines and I'll stop punishing you for having shit movement and zero game awareness.

no, demoman has a class with high skill ceiling, but your post makes people with that opinion look like reddit spacing glue munchers
cut that shit out

>does nothing to buildings
>no random crit rockets

>it makes no sense for boots to randomly make you have less ammo in your gun

its for balance mate.
I also think gunboats and mantreads should be stuck together.

but it is

any heavy weapon that modifies his core playstyle in any way gives "pro" players bitch fits because they don't know how to counter it. even the sandvich being a small heal for himself sends them into a seething rage.

Attached: 550px-Meet_the_Heavy_SFM.png (550x309, 178K)

you are giving up shotgun for it, thats enough

original is objectively the best rocket launcher

>>no random crit rockets
no crit boosted rockets either.

>have to rely on your teammates to take down sentries
hitscan can hit you no matter how spastic your movement is

its just not worth dealing with the zero capability of killing a sentryina pub game
like yeah they might not have one but they might and you have to ready

in comp when that was a alive before ironically the comp update. it was a good weapon that one of your soldiers(mostly pocket since they spam more) had almost 100% of the time when it was unblacklisted
while the other had stock for last push

that doesn't make the new dangershield ok

also take off the trip faggot

Attached: 1531851874461.png (373x498, 237K)

>you are giving up shotgun for it, thats enough

Absolutely No one uses the shotgun unless they're being pocketed. They had to buff the banners because gunboats were so absurdly powerful.

>hitscan can hit you no matter how spastic your movement is
Its not a lazer user, you still need to hit them.

You can shut down sentry by charging the weapon for temporay

Fuck THIS weapon! But not for being overpowered! Nope, this weapon is so incredibly awful that I can't even think of a single reason to use it! It does too little damage and the splash damage radius is too fucking smal!

It's supposed to be good for spamming, but quite frankly if I wanted to spam I could just use the Beggar's Bazooka which also does much more damage. Right now the rockets are just too easy to avoid and even if you land a hit they're super fucking easy to tank. When the fuck is Valve going to buff it?!

Attached: air strike.png (250x215, 40K)

One, Mother Russia was not an invention of the Soviet state

Two, his whole family was incarcerated in a Soviet gulag because his father was a counter-revolutionary

>absolutely no one uses the shotgun

how to spot a pleb in less than 7 words, shotgun on soldier is ridiculous given that all of soldiers weaknesses are based around his rocket launcher yet he can also just have a super consistent hitscan weapon as well

Attached: 1550711655502.jpg (230x255, 17K)

Sorry lad, but my team doesn't have a fucking medic.

and then watch as your completely unaware teammates fail to destroy it
and? My point is that if a sniper is competent enough in a single skill they can instantly kill any class with only line of sight, most classes without a headshot

balance isn't worth the slooppiness of random tacked on stats that make no sense visually.
also no shotgun, and thats a p big downside if you can aim

In all honesty it needs a faster fire rate.
Just so you can jump and shoot with it without the parachute.

Things fun as fuck on payload.

You shouldn't be running out of ammo unless you're lonewolfing.

>Literally has no downsides

Attached: third degree.png (250x394, 62K)

>when there's no medic on your team

Attached: backscratcher.png (250x176, 36K)

Sorry didnt mean to turn that 450 into a 38

Attached: 250px-RED_Vaccinator.png (250x212, 48K)

There’s one downside.
It doesn’t have the fire axe aesthetic

how do I crouch jump

when people say ammo in tf2 they usally mean the ammo in the clip not your reserve retard
i played pocket 6's solider for 4+ years and the ability to have 6 more shots after your measly 4 rockets to equal 10 shots is a godsend when you have floods of people running in.
it also helps you finish scouts thinking there going to dab on you
kill spies thinking they can invis jump away with a quick 2 shot while their still fading
fuck over pyros

>weapon that requires actual coordinated team play is completely unused

Attached: Backpack_Sun-on-a-Stick.png (512x512, 27K)

>people want to nerf it because it has no downsides
>dude if we don't nerf it no one will use the base axe!

>equip it
>medic/engineer/payload joins your team

The downside is your IQ if you think that or the stock axe is good to use as pyro

What are some good weapon names?
Sniper "The JFK Experience"
Scout "The Boston massacre"

the downside is it's not the powerjack, back scratcher, or homewrecker
you literally just jump and crouch at the same time

>when there is a medic on your team but you haven't seen him in half an hour because you're behind the entire enemy team

it's actually great for building uber and medic can just crossbow you to heal you

>when people say ammo in tf2 they usally mean the ammo in the clip not your reserve retard

no fucking shit user, you shouldn't be running out of ammo unless you miss every rocket or take on like 3 guys at once.

>i played pocket 6's solider for 4+ years and the ability to have 6 more shots after your measly 4 rockets to equal 10 shots is a godsend when you have floods of people running in
>I played pocket
See my first post my dude it also helps you finish scouts thinking there going to dab on you
kill spies thinking they can invis jump away with a quick 2 shot while their still fading
fuck over pyros

Honestly the utility only applies for scouts, but if a scout is kicking your ass you can RJ away with gunboats.

"Don't tell them im hacking lol"

I really should name my axtinguisher "SNIPER DOWN" with "How long until you go Danger Shield?" as the desc

>you literally just jump and crouch at the same time
Actually its better to crouch before jumping to jellyhop. gives you slightly more height and its better for rocketjumping.

c-tapping is useless for detonator jumps though because self-detonation exists

>People say it's the worst Scout gun
>It's actually the best
Wtf?! Why don't more people use this gun? It does an incredible amount of burst damage and I often get far more kills with Force-a-Nature than the stock Scout shotgun. All you need to do is practice to consistently get those meaty body shots.

Attached: Force a nature.png (310x233, 32K)

have you never used a projectile in your life

Me and my friends got 1 scorch shot pyro and 3 scouts to all swarm who ever our pyro leader marks for death.

I specifically made mine a professional kill streak just for the joke

>degreaser barely makes axestinguisher viable
>axestinguishers bonus damage is based off of after burn
>degreaser only does 10 damage afterburn

what the fuck

its fun but the soda popper is better in regards to burst damage due to no knockback

Attached: 250px-Soda_Popper.png (250x143, 32K)


Attached: holy mackerel.png (512x512, 62K)

So I have to press two buttons at the same time?

people can't into force jumping while meatshotting.

once you get the timing down, you're spending 90% of the fight in mid air.


Named my scotsman’s Skullcutter “shit, I forgot how to run properly.” It’s stupid but I like it

The knockback is actually great though, especially against heavies. It's hilarious seeing a heavy connected to a medic being thrown a football field away right as he was about to get ubered.

it's quite tough but I'm sure you can manage to figure it out with enough practice user

>Average player skill is enough to play every class effectively
I fucking wish

pretty sure the axe deals the full damage based on duration, not the damage itself

well shit, thought it was remaining damage.

they should buff the gas passer to have like 24 seconds of afterburn to combo with this

dust_something is a trash map, fitting for a map made by a Yea Forumsirgin

comboing with the axe is basically the only use of the gas passer right now and even then its super niche/bad. Axing other pyros with it is still hilarious though.

If Im sniper or spy Ill one shot them, otherwise Id rather ignore them so I dont get caught by an actual player while shooting them. Usually theyll try and start punching you if you get close too, which can be annoying.

oh were talking about trash weapons??


Attached: steamworkshop_guide_1412952684_guide_branding.png (500x500, 200K)

Yeah which is kind of silly because it treats gas passer like a jarate bushwacka, when it feels like its supposed to be thrown on groups of enemies or choke denial.

What are some examples of tf2 weapons being nerfed to uselessness?

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oh, and apparently its ok for the gas passer to pair with the axe but not work with the neon even though both would do around the same 160-ish damage range

>thanks when a medic kills me
>thanks when a pyro spychecks me
>thanks when I use a dispenser
>thanks when someone lets me grab a health kit
>thanks when i kill an enemy player :)
It's muscle memory at this point

>0 damage falloff for you and your team is bad
amby would still be useful if the diamondback wasn't as ridiculously good as it was

I think they did that specifically to counter the jarate mindset for pyro.

Anyone that doesnt and has more than a handful of hours isnt human.

>0 damage falloff for you and your team is bad
90% you die before you fill the meter, and the one time you fill it, your team will probably just waste the buff

>no fucking shit user
then why are you making it sound like 4 shots are so many that someone must be "lonewofling" it to possibly run out
>3 guys at once.
um yes? on defense. its your job to spam rockets at 4+ enemies all trying to fit in a choke hold and on offense its your job to get in there and possibly have several people come at you
with a shotgun its p easy to destroy 3+ zoomers that never learned how to aim.
its a pub, theirs fucking enemies everywhere
i still use it without being pocketed? like obviously having a medic makes everything way easier but thats true for all classes. Don't tell me your a brainlet that can't figure out how to manage their hp to number of rocket jumps.
I can easily sit on top of a health pack room, and deny entrance with spam and a shotgun to finish anyone trying to bumrush in for entire rounds.
just because you can rocket jump doesn't mean you should.

never even mention how much easier it is to destroy heavies when you can hit him for 250 with rockets at mid range and quick swap to shotty for the finish. instead of having to rely on being close and having a wall.
its utility for pyros is insane, stop coping.
it helps way more with spies then you would think.
if a scout is decent enough to kick your ass hes decent enough to finish you while your floating in the air
yes if you play at mid range, you can get away but good scouts know that and get as close as possible. its just much easier to just hit him once for like 40+juggle and then quick swapping to the shotty for the finish instead of predicting wheres he going to double jump

honestly the only thing keeping the stock shotgun from being a overused weapon is peoples refusal to use and practice with it.
its good on engi, soilder, and pyro
ironically the one class its shit on(heavy) is the one class people use it in pubs

>is useless

Attached: eternal reward.png (250x138, 18K)

if you can't deal 600 damage as soldier of all classes without dying then you're not very good at the game

how do we fix spy?

please kill yourself

>Gives free crits

Attached: diamondback.png (250x129, 43K)

Give Spy the grappling hook in his Sapper slot.

Attached: 000.png (1280x720, 408K)

Im still mad

Attached: cactus asteroid.png (1920x1080, 2.18M)

throwable sapper that has a short cooldown
hologram cloak
can mimic class actions
enforcer pierces sapper armor

its a start

I miss asteroid. Underwater engineering was so much fucking fun.

>original is objectively the best rocket launcher
based and quadpilled

So what's even the point of this thing?
>takes forever to charge, especially without secondary to rack up afterburn damage
>lingers for barely any time
>ability is significantly worse than jarate and milk
>can't even ignite the gas cloud with your flamethrower
so much missed potential

Attached: 1544689582769.png (250x399, 89K)

Let him toss his sapper across the floor like in Meet the Spy

>There's a huge fucking sentry nest and the engineers break your sapper too quickly to do enough damage!

Say no more

Attached: red tape.png (250x227, 68K)

>can mimic class actions
desu i dont think you can salvage disguise, spy checking is too ingrained in the playerbase

i sometimes still think of that old rumor that spy was gonna get an item to disguise into a prop

i usually kill any friendly that isn't playing heavy. something about the sight of this big russian dope with his fists out makes it a little harder to shoot them

>not ubering the Demo for mass destruction

eyelander when using pipes
righteous bison
eviction notice
dragons fury
reserve shooter
baby face blaster
Soldier half-zatoichi

>arguably useless
quickfix and vac
buffallo steak
southern hospitality
sydney sleeper
base jumper
red tape recorder

Attached: i miss my chinese parents.gif (500x281, 992K)

Yeah, I can't think of a good reason to use this at all. If it at least let you light that cloud on fire it would be something, but as it is it's pretty useless.

"I just whiffed six scattergun shots" for the pistol. People comment on it occasionally, if that counts.

i miss launching 8 stickies and jumping into space

Attached: 250px-Sticky_Jumper.png (250x187, 49K)

>not ubering the enemy spy

nothing, its the worst fucking weapon in the game and there are 20 different ways they can buff it
>make it a giant explosion when flamed
>increase the range/duration
>make it combo with the neon
>atleast double the charge rate
>make it so the afterburn can't be extinguished

I'm shocked they didn't touch it at all in blue moon

Shit the day they added it and then they forgot it exists

Attached: 360fx360f.png (360x360, 51K)

Knife disarms enemies, hitting a spy with a melee weapon within .5 seconds while they swing blocks their attacks, same for spy.

Spies can now even most fights if the enemy turns around randomly.
Face stabs no longer exist if you melee a spy when he "backstabs" you.

this evens the randomness out to be fair and dramatically improves spy. it also fits with his character.

Attached: tumblr_pmyiuc3MTP1uo9cd8_540[1].png (540x540, 258K)

>I'm shocked they didn't touch it at all in blue moon

they never do sudden buffs only nerfs.

What's your go-to watch? Personally I prefer using the cloak and dagger because otherwise I often get spotted and killed before I even make it to the sentry nest.

Attached: spy watches.jpg (437x598, 37K)

genuinely think they don't buff them because they look bad and they're tied to a nearly dead game.

You just have to walk backwards. No one suspects a man walking backwards in to their own base

Fix it, not break it even further numb nuts.

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give the dead ringer a less loud cloak, seriously I don't understand why it sounds like a freight train when the entire point of the weapon is to trick the enemy into thinking they killed you and then surprising them, instead its just this dumb get out of jail free-card where the spy just runs away when he gets hit and then waits 15 seconds before running in again where the exact same shit happens

stock as long as the map isn't retardedly stingy with ammo packs


invis watch when I want to play spy and not be shit.

Cloak and dagger when our team is winning and I want to piss off someone.

Deadringer on a map full of choak points. disguise as an ally, get shot, cloak behind and disguise as an enemy. Its so absurdly easy, it bothers me how few people do this.

tell me how does it break him?
The disarm doesn't remove the weapon from them, it just immediately switches them to melee.

breaking every class is the only way to fix TF2

Cloak and dagger so I can see how long it takes for me to break an engineer or sniper and they become a pyro


Dragons Fury is in its own weird catagory because despite it being out for almost 2 years I still have no idea what to feel about it

This is the objectively best Pyro flamethrower. W + M1 ftw

Attached: Phlogistinator.png (635x481, 169K)

Activating it is neither W or M1

i started spy checking players who walk backwards because of this.

Odds are they bump into me because they can't see where they're going, then gun fight ensues.
Or they chicken out and start walking away, then gun fight ensues.

Also spies who bunny hop constantly while running around is fucking hilarious, especially as a scout. it's a dead give away you can spot miles away. Always on HK servers for some reason because CSGO players.

I'm convinced most spies are just retarded and then cope with dead ringers in the end for free kills.

Attached: 1522634844934.png (127x122, 14K)

dragons fury was based on release month, before any nerfs

>not nostromo napalmer

Backburner because doing weird flank shit to get behind the enemy team and causing mass chaos is the funnest thing. It also makes people mad.

>activating it

Dragonfury is amazing on offense. the zoning and range on it makes you extremely flexible. You can hard counter heavies and sentries by peaking and firing. If you have a difficult target, shoot them with scorch and then combo in with the dragons fury. this basically one shots scouts and any other 125 class. anything else should be slow enough to hit normally.

Flamethrower on defense is nice when you want to protect shit and reflect airblasts.
paired with scorch shots and you can throw attrition on the enemy team, softening them up when they finally come for you.

backburner on payload offense or defense. on offense you don't have to worry about ammo so you can reflect shit off the cart with BB. and on defense you always know where the enemy will be moving and where they're looking.

phlog if I want to goof around.

I never used degreaser because its boring.

Dragonsfury is probably the best.
Best utility and flexibility. Super powerful burst.

getting the meter filled is stupid easy with detonator, but the actual charge feels a little underwhelming. Most situations I'd rather just have the backburner

Maybe the guy who made this graph has gotten ass rammed by a pyro market gardening, once. Y'know airblast up, det jump, axtinguish. I doubt many could do that.

any spy that tries to use their disguise is retarded.
The only time you should consider acting is when you running for a backstab. Don't stare at the target, just run forward parallel to them and turn and stab them. add in some back and forths to check corners for spies and it will fool nearly everyone.

the difference this makes is so fucking massive.

>despite it being out for almost 2 years I still have no idea what to feel about it
As someone who compulsively air blasts, I fucking hate it.

whats the most based loadout for the most absed class?

Attached: soldier tf2.jpg (231x219, 7K)

>doesnt count as "wet"
Its the worse by far

god i fucking miss classic deathmatch bros
literally more fun than quake champions and overwatch

do we have a rerelease date?

Attached: vads.jpg (979x539, 53K)

>new heavy shooting at the floor and ceiling for no reason

didnt this mod die because of petty drama, or was it another mod

Its pretty fucking good for Mini sentries, you force the engie to save his disposable sentry and waste metal or get stuck for a long time without minisentry support

baby face blaster bonk and sandman.

going so freakishly fast that you avoid all fire is the rush I love. I just wish the cap to get full meter was lower.

Escape Plan
Gentle Manne's Service Medal

i like it too user

you're likely right because you described nearly every mod in existance.

You could just spam knife hits next to heavies to disarm them and they can't even rev or aim the minigun.
And no, not every heavy uses a shotgun.
By the time they start landing the first punch on a spy, heavy would be knifed 2-3 times.

So effectively on a close range scenario heavy would always lose.

This is the weapon you wish pyros would use when you're an engineer and half the enemy team are spys.

Attached: homewrecker.png (250x190, 29K)

im pretty sure it got splitted into 2 parts because the deathmatch basically killed the classic part
then both went into hiding for a re release and we heard nothing since

Or the neon annihilator.
Because 2fort and water

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Sorry, hardhat. I've gotta go fast.

Attached: file.png (250x182, 46K)

>You could just spam knife hits next to heavies to disarm them and they can't even rev or aim the minigun.

actually thats not how knife works. usually when you're next to a heavy you backstab them and kill them instantly.

>By the time they start landing the first punch on a spy, heavy would be knifed 2-3 times.
>heavy takes 120 damage before spy loses half his health

>So effectively on a close range scenario heavy would always win with a crit punch, or the spy immediately backs off once he loses half his health

Attached: 204AC53237DF57DD8FF122A0D46B3DA55841144A[1].png (512x512, 219K)

if the pyro can't kill the spy and he stabs and saps, spy should get the sentry kill.

Medics shouldn't be able to revive retarded heavies that get sniped or backstabbed.


>it's a spy who fucked with his interp keeps bumping into your face while swinging his knife in hopes that he gets a facestab
fuck off already

Post your spray laddies

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Im just putting a best case scenario for heavy, which is why i didn't say a backstab.

but seriously it's still retarded to have a disarm ability for a spy.
And im legit too lazy to explain hypotheticals and why its even more retarded to have heavy lose half his health because of another cheap trick ability spy would get to go along with the Noob ringer.

Attached: 1554757655792.jpg (424x424, 22K)

its true though. hard counters shouldn't get a harder counter. imagine if spies could block headshots against his allies.

>has zero (0) good skins

interp should really cap at .1

rate my soldier

Attached: soldier lo.png (1920x1080, 302K)

I can't, it's NSFW.

Engineers already have hard enough counters without making it even harder.

>im so bad at fps games
>i dont know how to move unpredictably so i dont get hit
this is how you sound when you cry about random crits

God I hate this shit, it's so unfun to play against, just vomit explosions CONSTANTLY in his general direction. You proud now fucker? You're not getting any kills but you force me to essentially babysit your retard ass


The fuck are these mental gymnastics

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This makes stock useless as bazaar bargain would be far far better. Still think this should be implemented.

what's the point of this thing now?
is there one (1) single use case for the shitty shove that isn't done infinitely better with the FaN?

Attached: 1540056062850.png (250x236, 83K)

>he gets hit in fps games
kys if youre this bad at dodging

>And im legit too lazy to explain hypotheticals and why its even more retarded to have heavy lose half his health because of another cheap trick ability spy would get to go along with the Noob ringer.

heavy would only lose half his health if the spy slapped him with the knife 4 times. Heavy would need to get hit by the knife 8 times before dieing. Spy needs to avoid 7 fist swings before he could butter-knife a heavy down. If you're arguing the heavy is too slow or something, the spy needs to get close enough to melee him.

Spies wouldn't get much from disarming unless his team is with him. (which arguably improves his support toolkit).
If hes alone against two people this would fuck him over. The only reason for this is to even fights, allow spy to escape, and not get punished as hard when people turn around right before hes about to backstab.
It also counters retarded face stabs.

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its actually amazing how far people will defend a literal dice roll on instant kills

To bully losers by constantly pushing them, lol.

How would you feel if demo exploded into homing missiles when you shotgun him down, and they track onto your sentry and destroy it?

Don't you fucking start.

Being honest, i didn't even read your post, the fact you have to use a full wall to explain your "balance" makes me even convinced spy mains are retarded.


I didn't even know the shove does damage until I killed some friendly fag with it

i could care less about random crits
they work in my favor since i stomp hard and the chance goes up on damage
after 2k hours tho they lose that special feeling and its just white noise when one happens

im just saying its actually is amazing on how far people will defend them like their at all important to the game

its better than saying "lol spy should disarm people"

most autists here will freak out and scream if you don't explain it in details, taking immediate leaps in logic.
If you don't want to talk, don't reply lmao.

>he is so bad at dodging enemy eyes he gets spotted at all
fucking disembowel yourself pleb

if you don't care don't respond.

again why are you defending them this hard
literally the second anyone brings them up, you faggots go on full damage control
literally why?

it doesn't do da- oh guess it does exactly 1 damage.

short to medium range effectiveness instead of short range effectiveness.

You know what buddy, you're right, yeah Spy should disarm people. its not at all game breaking.

Go tell valve or whatever. im sure they'll pick the idea up. Im sure if you go right now they'll be excited over it.

Attached: 1530767477796.png (699x768, 372K)

>Go tell valve or whatever. im sure they'll pick the idea up. Im sure if you go right now they'll be excited over it.

well if you really think its a good idea, I'll go tell valve right now. Thanks user!

People still play this game?
I don't mean it derisevely, I sunk like 1000 hours into it.

Just because you want to bitch about random crits doesn't mean people will argue with you.

yeah still get instant games.

im just the guy piggy backing off the guy who said something
what? are random dice rolls half of your kills?

>im just the guy piggy backing off the guy who said something

sounds like you're more of a parasite addicted to the discussion lol.

>Tomislav is 100% better that stock
I dont like this shit, the model is so fucking horrible

i only play with the party van

half of this "conversation" is you getting defensive about me saying people get defensive when it comes to random crits

I like it, its like a tommy gun :c but huge.

Attached: 1566951058054.png (800x600, 14K)

>being this mad about a weapon that has a literal 2 second cooldown

Get fucking shit on, OP.

Playing a demo is fucking easy though, and he is given so many ways to take down a sentry gun that it's not even funny. The Lock N'Load is basically an automatic sentry destroyer. Right now playing as an Engineer is objectively impossible by yourself. You NEED the support of your other teammates.

>friendlys in the game
>whip out the phlog and scorch shot to farm infinite crits

this thing is actually really good for sniper fights for one particular reason, you cannot be second scoped easily

It's like a tommy gun but terrible

This things bullshit mainly because it's abusable when outside its intended use. It's mean to be about helping snipers not be flare-sniped, but due to the fire resist snipers quickly realise they can run at the pyro with their melee and take advantage of the fact that they've got an effective 250hp to tank damage.

For a non-shotgun pyro, your choice is to tediously use airblast to keep the sniper at bay and do bursts of fire damage in between (which will take forever due to the aforementioned effective health), or dare to take a hit from the melee when hoping to burn through the 250 hp at point blank and sods law you're going to get melee critted if you try that.

Nu uh you terrible.

Prove me wrong

Attached: 1567047594038.png (341x318, 210K)

>eyelander when using pipes
>hes never gone hybridknight on hightower
never have to worry about all the bullshit since you have pipes, and there are health packs everywhere making the health debuff rarely matter

Do you understand the arguement is against pyro?
which is the most brain dead class in existance, and can hard counter spies by simply holding down m1 and swiping the mouse.

If the engineer dies, and his sentry gets sapped. Pyros shouldn't just just magically get a final final FINAL counter to spy after failing so much.

>You NEED the support of your other teammates.

If the support exists, its the engineer and pyros fault if one of them dies.

The Soldier, while talking a big game, will hide behind it's allies and inside it's base. They are almost guaranteed to never really leave, only going so far as to venture just outside the doors for a split moment
If the Soldier gets attacked they will immediately call for a medic and rocket jump back inside it's base to taunt itself for no real reason
If a soldier by any case gets a domination then they will certainly stay within the safe confines of their base surrounded by flesh shields their teammates to do all the heavy lifting for them, never leaving and eventually ditching the server after a few minutes of being seemingly afk

Attached: 1564813239252.png (666x432, 288K)

Just melee him you shitter.

Feels like a crappy gun instead of a big minigun. I dont like it

the debuff and all that doesn't matter, its impossible to pipe and swing with the sword.
its a horrible melee weapon, only useful for charges.

I use this just for the fire res in pubs with a lot of pyros. Definitely helps in helping survive long enough to make it to a health pack

>more damage than detonator on direct hits and non directs
>with both hits hitting, it's close to regular flare on burning enemy
>knockback + half second stunlock
>can do a shitty jumps but jumps non the less

unless you have pocket medic for your detonator jumps (it takes far too much HP to be worth it), scorch shot is a broken choice.

>Feels like a crappy
You mean like shooting it?
Or the way it looks?

This more or less. And the things you can do with airblast can be disgusting if you're a robot.

if a sniper crits you with melee that's your fault.
250 health is nothing for a pyro to chew through, especially if the sniper b-lines towards you.

Have you ever fought a demoknight with targe? Demo has even more health than the sniper and longer ranged weapons, and a charge.
Yet hes easy as hell to airblast and kill. If you can't kill a melee sniper with pyro, you need to uninstall right this minute.

>its impossible to pipe and swing with the sword.
>its a horrible melee weapon, only useful for charges.

Attached: 1414406995851.gif (400x400, 1.19M)

Well, your argument is automatically null by the fact the Homewrecker exists in the first place. It's objectively a great way to hard hard counter spys and if your teammate isn't retarded and has the weapon then they should use it, regardless of your stupid "muh honor" argument. Fuck off frenchy.

The look

*blocks your path

Attached: anger sniper.png (482x625, 155K)

As yes, Good ol' "I know very well the sniper i'm healing is aimbotting but that's only because I'm his friend and will only stop if you kick the both of us" healer

i would regularly get 20+ killstreaks as engie putting my sentry on the balcony right over where the b robots are
god i miss it


Seriously how often do you pull your sword out when you're not charging?
With zero crits it's worse than most melee weapons unless you're really good at kiting.

Demo is slower than 6 of the classes, the sword range was meant to alleviate that if anything. shouldn't get a second buff just for the range.

>your arguement why the homewrecker is dumb, is because the homewrecker exists
>"muh honor"

I don't recall saying this, but god damn pyro mains are retarded.

fuck sniperfags

Revert all weapon nerfs
No one in 6's will bother using something that isnt meta and fucking the rest of the playerbase for them was an infinitesimally stupid idea

>and then invite him back to the game, oh wait he was banned

>hit someone with pipe
>all you need is one swing to kill them 90% of the time
it isnt hard getting into melee range when needed, unless youre aganist a twitchy ass scout main, in which case boots arent going to fare much better anyways
learn to movement

>Sydney Sleeper
Yep, I love drinking pee.

Attached: sydney sleeper.png (640x640, 100K)

Very rare that this happens, but that can stack its defense effects with the battalion backup's

Yes, i main spy, how did you know?

Attached: gigachad.jpg (1068x601, 65K)

You're going to either ruin the fight I'm having with someone by either throwing a random sandwich in the mix or going back on what a friendly heavy is and try to taunt kill me, even if no one is fighting but I have my back turned anyway

The Friendly Heavy is a sign that the game might stagnate and lose steam so it's always good to kill them to let them know that people actually want to play the fucking game

Can you think of a balance reason why the Homewrecker shouldn't be used? Nope, you can't. Because objectively it's near impossible for a Engineer to support himself with everything working against him. Your only argument so far has been "muh honor" about whether or not the spy deserves the sentry kill. Spies don't deserve shit.

Honestly you have to be a really patient person to main spy so this is kind of accurate
t. pyro main

>hit pipe
>*enemy hits you*
>let me..
>*get hit again*
>take out...
>my sword...
>and now they're too far away for melee
>alright let me just...
>get my pipes...
>and shoot them...

I feel like you never played with the normal setup, juggling and swinging the sword was a great combo. I never get a sword kill unless I'm chasing some shitter sniper or engineer in a corridor. its retarded to commit to using your sword against anyone with high hp.

Imagine thinking 6's players wanted the caber nerfed lol
blame reddit, my guy. I can still remember the posts
it wasn't until b4nny got in direct contact like 3 years ago that the "comp" community dictated anything
and even then he just got random shit nerfed that no one on either side was asking for like
degreaser airblast ammo

i love this weapon

Why aren't you on fire?

you sound very upset.
Like you think if you fail, your team should just mitigate all your consequences.

you need to learn some self reliance once in a while

Does anyone ANYONE have it harder then pybro's? How has valve not been shut down after the crimes they committed against pic related?

Attached: 1552367854019.png (228x285, 144K)

but why? It's so bad.


>long range weapon increase the rate of recharge for a short range weapon

has anyone actually managed to spam jarate with this thing? Its even more stupid when the SMG is a better combo.

>>point and aim is hard

>you need to learn some self reliance once in a while
If you believed that you wouldn't be playing spy in the first place, considering Spy's only true reason to exist is to be support.

Spies undoubtedly.

>I feel like you never played with the normal setup
been rocking the targe since it came out
>I never get a sword kill unless I'm chasing some shitter sniper or engineer in a corridor
sounds like a you problem. if youre so shit you cant reliably close the distance against the average non heavy/scout, you might want to play spy for a while to get a hang of it
>its retarded to commit to using your sword against anyone with high hp.
which is why you hit them with a pipe first

Dr, Enforcicorder was the best.

>engineer and pyro can't stop a spy from sapping without baby tools
>litterally says the engineer requires his team mates
>w-well actually its the spy that relies on his team, you're the baddy!

lol get fucked egghead.

I hope you get team swapped right after capping you disgusting, dishonest, terrible person.

Attached: 1537811142493.jpg (600x600, 35K)

in a lobby with only good players
soilder, demo, and spy are the hardest to play
sorry you pub faggots can't fathom that after this many years

yep that's what happened, everyone focused on deathmatch over TF2 gameplay and thus it was split into two projects with different teams

i honestly could care less about the classic part
just seems like a joke that will get old in a week also combined that with needing far more players since its team based.
but deathmatch actually worked far better than it should and i wish it was its own full game on steam with battlepasses and shit

The only things Spys deserve is to be set on fire.

Attached: pyro 2.png (250x241, 64K)

Don't bother trying to explain how good the stockgun is, they've grown complacent with the meta and have long forgotten the days when item server crashes were constant.
That said I'm just a casual who swears by the blackbox and I mostly use the shotty to make up for missing shots.

only if you're on offense and the enemy never pushes from their sentry nest. A good demoknight is a nightmare

>if youre so shit you cant reliably close the distance against the average non heavy/scout,

ignoring snipers and engineers.
That leaves the medic with the pocket, pyros who will wreck your shit, soldiers who need 4 sword swings to kill, enemy demos which only lose if they're horrible, spies (another easy kill).

So you're likely full of it user.

>which is why you hit them with a pipe first

you can't combo a pipe into sword swings unless you've got them against a wall. You didn't actually play hybrid knight if you think this is fine.

>Waaah! I can't push the cart by myself!
>Waaah! I can't grab the intel by myself!
>Waaah! I deserve to destroy the sentry!
Get fucked french fry.

A Demo rounds the nearest choke point with his fuse primed for a perfect double donk. How do you counter him, the most based person in the server?

Attached: 250px-Loose_Cannon.png (250x117, 29K)

Attached: 687474703a2f2f77696b692e7465616d666f7274726573732e636f6d2f772f696d616765732f652f65612f5265645f4d696e (584x584, 99K)

Tfw the brand new spy is way more of a threat than the neon trickstabber ebin 6k hour spy because the new player is using the revolver.

>that one soldiers or heavy with the medic pocket gf.

Attached: medic gf.png (749x346, 41K)

>See head
>Click on head
Demoman and Scout should be waaaaaaay higher than Sniper. Scout in particular

I miss fooling people with them on 2fort spawndoors

airblast his slow ass projectiles.

>w-well okay spy is self reliant
>but thats why you're bad!

lol make up your mind

New Heavy is unironically better than 50% of that list because they're at least trying to play the game.Even an ineffective heavy is better than an ineffective sniper, spy, or scout

I really want to play revolver only, camp med packs, and finish off low hp players.

walk into his face.
They can't do anything about this.

>Heavy Update
>"Spy can now disarm enemies with his knife."

>airblasting loose cannon when the demo's good at it
You'll be hitting yourself with the explosion and maybe even double donking yourself. The weapon is literally anti-pyro

How to spot a zoomer episode 10

He complains about tf2 weapon balance

Scorch shot = Detonator > Flare gun > Shotgun/Panic Attack

Stock=Degreaser > Backburner > Phlog > Dragon's Fury post nerf

it was maybe before the nerf, it's now bugged, can't hit sometime even if you are dead center, and projectiles cancel it. It's not worth it unless they revert it.

The spy is wholly reliant on his team to actually do the objectives. If all an engineer had to worry about was a Spy, holding an objective would be a fucking sinche since killing spys is so easy. But a Spy usually waits till his teammates are right around the corner, meaning a Spy is completely reliant on his teammates.

if you airblast half distance the projectile will detonate the moment it hits the demo.

>inb4 basic math is wrong

Yeah, this. They try to make the game about them. It's attention whoring in another form.

if its so easy why does he need a "pybro" and an anti sapper.

>mfw i'm that person
people accuse me of farming my strange, but i've just been using it for ages

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 97K)

>5 hours
>500 replys
>in tf2 thread
>no new update
there is hope for you yet Yea Forums

To deal with the spy while the engineer can focus on the heavy medic pair about to charge through the choke point.

Just give sniper a damage falloff.

A sentry nest without an engy maintaing it is a doomed sentry nest. Killing the engi and damaging his buildings is giving your team a huge opportunity that the engy can do nothing against

for the pyro the average player skill should be at the skill floor, while you can get really good at pyro almost no one is and it take alot of effort getting to be any where decent
t. pyro main, also it is super fucking easy to play well as heavy tho i'd say the skill ceiling should be a little higher

someone should really make a history of updates and their effect. I never played tf2 consistently enough to know.

friendlies I don't kill
>the guy with the high five up in a hidden area
>the guy that runs right at us dodging crits when the game is over
>someone that kills and taunts some guy, turns around and crouches at you
>guy that shakes his head in pre-round and says "heeeeeeeelp" while I juggle airblast them
>people with conscious objectors

friendlies I kill
>people with friendly in their name
>uncreative hoovies
>that guy that is basically living in our spawn as a friendly
>people with conscious objectors

Attached: download.jpg (258x195, 6K)

if the pyro is dealing with the spy, why does he need a home wrecker?

why should 2 people counter 3 people that are working together?

Because they get lots of kills for just camping on 2fort. It's a camper paradise, if you notice the people on 2fort with the best k/d are people who stay in base all game and the people with the worst k/d are the ones attacking and essentially throwing themselves into a meat grinder.

This is just one of the many reasons 2fort is ass.

>that the engy can do nothing against

that's why you don't die to spies.
That's how every fucking class works user.

and their faces sat on ha ha

He said old, you dumbass. It used to be a single weapon that gave both speed and damage buffs before it was split in two for being OP as fuck.

it's actually saying that the opposite, it's just that pyro has a rather good skill ceiling even tho like only 4 or so people have ever reached it it also says demoman is way harder to play with the super short skill floor with the second highest skill cieling as in you can't be effective playing demo if your bad at the game

Point is that spy was complaining his engy pick and sentry sap was worthless because of the homewrecker when it clearly isn't. Just picking the engy is good

Soldier main here. Good Pyro is a fucking nightmare, faggot can reflect everything, even if manage to send him flying by catching him off-guard he reflect the next midair shot, throw a scorch/detonator and then reflect ANOTHER one. Unless i'm taking a shotgun, against those fucking pyros i feel like a toy.
>when that fucking pyro reflect and midair me while i'm trying to bomb the medic

Thank god that most pyros are braindead, but the not-braindead pyros are fucking scary

>>engineer and pyro can't stop a spy from sapping without baby tools
Not him but this point completely ruins your argument. Both of them are going to have a baby tool to fuck over spies for just this reason alone.

And it's not like you can complain about baby tools, I bet your loadout as an incelcle or a diamondback

>burn someone to death as pyro because switching to secondary is a DPS loss
>lol wm1 xD

>get airblast reflect kills/cuck bonk scouts and DR spies and other such tards with airblast
>wtf dude wm2

why are people so assblasted by pyros and soldier gets a pass despite being just as braindead a class?

>There are people in this thread right now that don't whip heavies getting to the front line and engies getting metal to build

I created a macro that scoped and fired as quickly as the game would do it.

I love macros

I see now, but if the sentry is going to die anyways, why not simply just let it die immediately?

>And it's not like you can complain about baby tools, I bet your loadout as an incelcle or a diamondback
revolver, invis watch, kunai/knife/big earner.

>Both of them are going to have a baby tool to fuck over spies for just this reason alone.
Yes the flamethrower and wrench both counter sappers, why do they need additional weapons?

>why are people so assblasted by pyros
Because it looks easy. The actual mechanics involved are lost on them, all they know is that they died and this isn't their fault somehow.

Bitchy spies are the worst about this, but only because they occasionally catch the retarded soldier off-guard.

I think saying only 4 managed it is a bit dumb

desu regular flare punching is a good burst damage

>kunai/knife/big earner.
>Yes the flamethrower and wrench both counter sappers, why do they need additional weapons?
Why do YOU need additional weapons? Because they are hard counters to you. They get those counters to fuck with you because they're aware that it ruins your day.
Your only option is to play another class or get a baby tool of your own to mitigate their counters.

because playing against m1 pyros used (and arguably still is) a chore.

no matter what you do, you have to deal 175 damage as soon as possible, or the guy holding down m1 will take a huge chunk of your hp.

He doesn't give a shit about his own safety and plays it like a braindead moron. its like cabre demoknights but worse.

People misinterpret this to any w+m1 because they see this in chat a lot. They think its some noob tactic.

If the medic has an uber then the Engineer nest is done regardless of the Spy. Also the Engineer sentry is meant to be able to take on entire groups of enemies since the very beginning. They SHOULD be able to take on at least 3 at the bare minimum. A Spy doesn't deserve the sentry nest.

>Your only option is to play another class or get a baby tool of your own to mitigate their counters.
>S-shit I can't laugh at him for using a a crutch, better tell him to use a crutch

lmao holy shit.

people complaining in chat about me killing them with flamethrower gives me strength

Look at this little baby Spy thinking that just because he plays "honorably" that a pyro shouldn't use a homewrecker if available. Lol. Continue being butthurt.

>get jumped by any other class using their primary and lose a shitload of health
>normal gameplay
>get jumped by the dedicated jumping class using his primary

>Also the Engineer sentry is meant to be able to take on entire groups of enemies since the very beginning.

fuck no
GOD hooooooooly fuck no.

the purpose of sentry is to deter people from lone wolfing into the area of denial. Groups of players should ALWAYS win against sentries. Sentries are not supposed to be stronger against multiple foes, this would be rediculous and compound the more engineers a team has.

> A Spy doesn't deserve the sentry nest.
The engineer doesn't deserve kills with his sentry.

>Waaaaaaaaah I keep getting reamed in the ass and this is the game's fault!
That's you.The equivalent of a DR/Incelcle spy screaming at the enemy pyro to stop checking corners.

Attached: DwO2j5yWoAELFkp.jpg (1080x1072, 65K)

Are you the spy that's bitching about "baby tools"? You sound like him.

>The equivalent of a DR/Incelcle spy screaming at the enemy pyro to stop checking corners
>hes still using adhominems that don't apply

stop lmao.

>that spy trying to convince pyros not to use homewreckers
Lol. I've never seen such butthurt before. I'm going to use homewreckers all the time now.

Attached: 1540751650006.gif (550x550, 305K)

>le epic spy mains who gripe in chat about how there's NO WAY i should have known to check that same corner every spy in history has decided to sit in cloaked

Attached: 1445795391743.gif (350x349, 1.95M)

>unbox new case
>It's another fucking pocket buddy
Is there a worse feeling?

>fuck no
>GOD hooooooooly fuck no.
Cringing at this redditor

>walk into a corridor
>see pyro
>hes a fair distance away
>shoot him, take like 70 health
>hes holding down m1 now and still out of range
>hit him again, take like 80
>start eating flame damage
>hit him again and kill him
>particles still persist and take a fair bit more
>have to deal with the stupid afterburn aswell
>lose like 100 hp because someone held down m1 and walked towards me

its shit user.
You shouldn't defend it.

spy tears giving me life.

Like really, knowing those cute trickstabs and how to avoid them and seeing them crying in chat or just rage quiting is amazing.

>not demo if you dont spam sticky like a queer

I have never seen someone so wrong before that argues about shit hes unaware of, it was the only response I could think of.

>Waaaaaaaaah stoooooooooop
Maybe if that southern hospitality is ruining your asshole so much, then you should just play demoman instead of wasting a slot

>CQC class kills brainlet missing his S key for some reason

ps afterburn was nerfed to appeal to babs like you so this doesnt happen anymore anyway. get good

I feel sorry for all the scouts I kill with natasha.
I mostly do it to fuck with retarded m1 pyros.

Attached: 1554804223934.png (275x183, 22K)

>be bad at the game
>tell people on Yea Forums that you're bad at the game

what would compel a man to do this?

You don't deserve a response, because your entire argument to begin with is to not use a weapon meant to be used for exactly the purpose it was created for because you "deserve it". You're an entitled baby.

you move slower when you press S my dude.
It doesn't take long for the m1 pyro to run into you.
Yes you can counter him if hes out in the open, but if hes 1 second of a distance apart, he'll catch up to you near the second hit.

>close range class shouldnt kill me at close range
This is how you sound

>its okay to use a crutch because I'm okay with being bad
>I also need a pyro to hold my hand or else the scary spy will kill me

at least you admit it.
You're just a shitter, no wonder you play engineer.

>raping epic gamer australium black box conch lime paint Soldier mains so hard as pyro they tunnel vision you the entire game and let themselves get killed just to taunt you
is there a better feeling?

Why yes, I do enjoy making Spys seethe. How could you tell?

Attached: pyro homewrecker.jpg (733x733, 60K)

what fucking class are you even playing?
Pyro is 100 speed, not hard to outrun if you see him coming?
soldier or demo can keep him back with explosive knockback easy

So you think anyone, regardless of their skill level, should get a kill because of their immediate location?

Do you want headshot hitboxes to be larger the further away snipers are?

>get ambushed by the ambushing class
>dude, what the fuck... i cant believe lone wolfing got me killed... im too good for this, it has to be broken...
next you'll start bitching about not being able to outshoot a sniper at range with your secondary because its not fair everything must be equally viable in all situations

>A crutch
Ah, so you're a try hard Spy who believe he's a badass then? Lol, more like a tryhard who gets upset when he's easily countered.

reflecting his rockets to kill his pocket tranny girlfriend medic and then kill him with his own rocket

you got got by the class dedicated solely to getting scrubs like you in this exact situation. git gud

>not hard to outrun if you see him coming?

Unless hes in the open this won't happen. Pyros w+m1 at you in the open isn't a problem. but the one that appears around a corner and then runs right at you is.

With scorch shot Pyro is honestly terrifying even in med-long range

If a Scout did the same thing you will bitch about it too right? I mean he got close and his bullets still fly while he is dead?
>should get a kill because of their immediate location?
If you can defeat a Pyro running at you in a fucking tunnel even when he didnt ever bother to airblast means you are a shitter, plain and simple

>why not simply just let it die immediately?
Why not just let spy sap the enemy's respawn zone to prevent respawns lol

>if you're more skilled than me you're a try hard

At least you admit you're bad.
Keep trying to spin this that you're so "Honorable" for not try harding lmao.

yes, getting caught off-guard by an ambush class can get you killed, what a shock

How many people have to beat it into your retarded head that the CQC ambush class is supposed to kill you in CQC ambushes and the problem is you suck at the game and need to adjust your strategy for the message to get through your thick skull

user you don't get got by a m1 pyro, I think you're starting to project now. You just look a chunk of health because of the pyro simply existing.

see my post.

I don't die to m1 pyros.

thats basically sapping or destroying teleporters

Apparently you do because you're this assblasted about a class excelling in the single situation its designed for even though it's infamously useless in all other scenarios



does the scout have a gun that keeps shooting after death, and has the hitbox of a small barn?

And I actually did point out that cabre demos are similar, but m1 pyros are worse.

>detonating stickies under them as soon as their invulnerability ends

Attached: 123528736253872.jpg (480x360, 15K)

I am good though user, why are you upset people are criticizing unskilled play-styles?

>ride the stickies
>demo kills me, but my crit particles linger and insta kill him