Why did and does Spirit tracks continue to get so much hate? It’s easily one of the best Zelda games. I would argue it’s criminally underrated.
Why did and does Spirit tracks continue to get so much hate? It’s easily one of the best Zelda games...
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i don't know. never finished it. that hourglass thing was more interesting to me
i liked it, hated hourglass temple
It's the most lighthearted entry of a series with a fanbase of cringeworthy edgelords
Reminder the "Fedora's Mask" meme is purely a ZU thing.
It should be Majora's Fedora
when did it become hip to shit on mujura
Spirit Tracks is great. Improved upon every aspect of PH and did an interesting spin on "what if Zelda was playable." Overworld theme is peak Zeldakino.
It is. It's just that, it came out before the NEEERRRRDD culture came around. It was too early. It wasn't until around 2014 that we started seeing the soiboy/girrrllll gaymer bullshit start to dominate everything. That's what made BoTW so successful, despite being so mediocre.
The game is amazing, the fans are awful
It's just cucks who can't handle a change of pace.
>playing it on a dstwo
>spirit flute has occasional issues that make it frustrating to perform songs but bearable
>get to the last flute duet after the sand dungeon
>its literally not possible due to some issue with it registering my blowing
Pretty fucking epic, but oh well.
I really don't understand the issue as its fine when I whip out the flute during standard gameplay but during the duet it just fucks up. I've tried countless times with no luck.
Spirit Tracks is just an improved Phantom Hourglass, taking the criticisms of that game and streamlining it all into a better game
>Tetra is kidnapped until the end of PH
>So Zelda accompanies you throughout all of ST
>Ship parts are hell to collect them all
>Train parts are much easier to collect
>Have to redelve into the Temple of the Ocean King every time you need to go deeper, plus on a timer and with generic cave music
>Tower of Spirits thus has checkpoints and no need for backtracking, plus a very good dungeon track
My only main criticism with it is that Malladus is kind of generic and lame while Bellum is mysterious and cool, but whatever.
...What the hell are you talking about?
what the fuck
Yeah right, any sort of edge always gets whines about for being childish.
The last portion of the game is pure kino. The sacred duet is great, I never had problems with the flute.
As it should, but the fact is the edgelords have a further reach an influence over how the games are perceived
Me neither. People get confused because the flute cares about your timing when playing the songs instead of hammering the inputs like other instruments
>hard bad! easy good!
How so? The games haven’t been edgy in a long time. Since TP, probably. None of the games since then can really be seen as edgy.
Like we got TP because of the fanbase whining about WW and then they did a complete 180.
>The games haven’t been edgy in a long time.
And you act as though there isn't tons of bitching every time a game does something anti-edge. Just look at the recent response to the LA visuals
Don't hate it, but have restarted it at least 3 times since release and could never get into it. Definitely preferred Phantom Hourglass.
There really aren’t enough dark zelda games
You're getting BotW 2, but the dark Zelda games are the most overrated
It's not even hard, just tedious. Very tedious. The tedium was cut down significantly.
Dat OST tho
Don’t be retarded, that art style isn’t whined about for not being edgy.
Nobody would complain if it got a dark makeover no matter how unfitting it was
I always liked how they fake you out and throw in the 5th dungeon. Even though the map gives it away, I liked how the Sand Realm just startles the Ocean and Mountain Realms.
Spirit Tracks and Phantom Hourglass are just decent. Link Between Worlds is the underrated one.
>Link Between Worlds is the underrated one.
It got a GotY from Gamespot
The reaction towards TP says otherwise. Stop being disingenuous
>The reaction towards TP says otherwise
Almost everyone I know irl and here likes ALBW, I rarely see anyone talk shit about it.
Link's Awakening's visuals are disliked for looking generic. It uses cartoony visuals, but also some more complex lighting effects that don't fit this direction at all. Overall it just looks unfocused and unmemorable.
But if it was a dark style, people would be tripping over themselves to defend it. There may be legitimate criticisms but the root of the issue is that it's an anti-edgy style
yes, that’s totally why we got that edgy style for generations after right
oh wait
It corrected a lot of wrong from Phantom Hourglass and has amazing music, probably some of the best in series history. Also has some good bosses fights too. Spirit Tracks Zelda is still my favorite take on the character because not only is she told to get off her ghostly ass and help Link, but she actually does and proves useful to him throughout the game.
That's because TP bombed in Japan, but the western fanbase worshipped TP for years.
I hated the instrument and boring train travel mostly.
People lumped it together with PH that's why.
>Kino train thematic, with an interesting and unique way to explore the overworld.
>Fun as hell minigames using both items and the train.
>5 really well thought out dungeons along with a perfected megadungeon that utilizes every aspect of the game.
>Well written NPCs that offer you sidequests to complete the map and find new train parts, and are overall rewarding to complege just for the interactions.
>2 well intergrated collectathons for shortcuts and a cool outfit.
>Kino Soundtrack
>Kino Overworld with actual trasitional areas that make sense
Neeerrrd culture as you call it began when the Big Bang theory aired and Zimbabwe man spoke the sacred word
You're just making an assumption based on nothing.
It railroads you in the most litral way possible.
Fuck off american.
Good memories of the game, i should replay it, but man i don't want to deliver ice ever again.
The flute fucking sucks, even when you DO manage to get it to work properly.
It's based on the lower standards I've seen any Zelda with a dark aesthetic held to. TP got worshipped on reveal. MM gets a free pass to this day
>zimbabwe man spoke the sacred word
Delivering ice isn't hard. It's delivering dark ore that's hell.
I'd say the dungeon layout was better in ST, but the novelty had worn off. And the train somehow ends up being far worse than the steam boat.
>And the train somehow ends up being far worse than the steam boat.
It's literally the same thing. You map out a course and the train/boat follows the tracks you set until you reach your destination.
I like everything except the train, but the train is so bad that it drags the whole game down.
Thank fuck ALBW went back to a proper overworld instead of vehicle cancer. Now if only it had a properly unique world instead of copying LttP.
TP was hyped pre-release and liked for a short while after, and then everyone started complaining that it was too edgy for like 10 years.
Majora's Mask was the least popular 3D Zelda until around 5 years ago. It's definitely the most underrated 3D Zelda based on the amount of time people ignored it.
With the boat you can go anywhere in the water, whereas with the train you have to go on the tracks. It's a major difference in player freedom. PH also has you discover optional islands.
>t's definitely the most underrated 3D Zelda based on the amount of time people ignored it.
It got popular well over 10 years ago. Roughly 2008
Dungeons/bosses are top tier but the overworld is pure cancer, the absolute nadir of mainline Zelda. I had zero fun anytime I wasn't in a dungeon.
It was worse than Phantom Hourglass. The train gimmick was so annoying.
The only Zelda I didn't finish (excluding obviously those Phillips shit games which I never touched).
I'd rather be in a train that's objectively faster than that fucking boat. Linebeck's great, but his boat is fucking horrible.
The speed of the train is irrelevant. When everything is a billion times farther apart, it takes at least as long to get anywhere.
It certainly didn't feel faster.
That's only for escort quests which only a few are actually mandatory. For the most part you stay within the designated region through out until it's time to go back to the tower.
It always worked for me, you should probably get better at timing.
reminder that you can like something and not be part of the fanbase. for example, you can browse Yea Forums and NOT be an incel.
its so sad that these edits are a thousand times funnier than the actual show
but a thousand times zero is still zero
but that shit actually exist
why the fuck does sheldon looks like the alpha of the group?
Spirit Tracks was great, but I felt that the train was worse than the boat and the duets were picky as shit. The flute on it's own for doing songs and stuff was fine, but the duets were awful to get through and really hamper my willingness to replay through it. The dungeons are great when you finally manage to get to them, the weapons are fun, and I liked the Tower of Spirits and Zelda gimmick.
I'd kill for it and PH to get a port or something. Pretty them up a tiny bit (PH more-so than Spirit Tracks) and give some small mostly QOL changes and I'd eat them up in a heartbeat.
I'm just trying to figure out whether Raj is white or asian here.
Either way, this image is really cursed.
Conceptually it's great, the gameplay is total carpal tunnel-inducing cancer.
They need to remake this shit in HD with normal button control.
>It’s easily one of the best Zelda games.
I like it just fine, but this is a stretch.
It's number 6 on my personal rankings
>Want to collect all the ship/train parts?
>Have fun grinding out parts and treasures with MMO tier drop rates if you don't have people to trade with. :^)
fuck whoever on the dev team made that decision
Nintendo was still in its "handheld gaming is a social experience" phase