What is Yea Forums's favorite protein

What is Yea Forums's favorite protein

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chicken breast motherfucker, anything else is pussy DYEL shit

freshly squeezed cum from my bf

semen and tarantual smoothies

I get all my proteins from salmon


Your mum

Is hate a protein? I sure have a lot of hate in my diet but I need to know if its healthy or not.

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Drumsticks are better than breasts.

You too much of a pussy for some good steak, son?

pretty sure it's semen.

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Chicken breasts are always a classic.

Cheese > Fish
Prove me wrong

Chicken and fish are the best.

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Cheese is full of fat

>red meat

Fat isn't bad for you. Artificial shit like basedbean oil is.

I like goat but it's hard to find.

all of them

How's that cut going, user?
You are counting your macros, right?

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Penis, dick, cock, semen, cum!

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Take away the legumes, add a chunk of liver and that pic is all you need to live.