Is Yuji Hori a pandering asshole or did the English translators of Dragon Quest XI take enormous liberties with everything involving Sylvando? Like, get this grotesque cliche and his minions the fuck outta my JRPG, please.

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>did the English translators of Dragon Quest[...]take enormous liberties with everything

Quick rundown? Or link?

He was like that in the JP version. His name was Slyvia and even used female pronouns.

flamboyant gay characters are a staple of JRPGs user
You're just a /pol/fag looking for something to complain about.
Even if you mute the audio and never read his dialogue you can tell he was always intended as a gay character based on his mannerisms and entire movelist.
But i guess slapping your teammates like a twink seemed manly to you? Idk

He's the standard flaming faggot joke character

Well, fuck. Was it played for laughs or was it the constant "BOY, LIFE SURE WAS DRAB UNTIL THE GAY BOY PARADE CAME TO TOWN" political needling of the English version?

There's no evidence that he is sexually attracted to males and only males.

He's certainly flamboyant, though.

japan loves flamboyant gay guys.


Every kind of faggotry is treated as either a joke or a phase in Nipland.

>flamboyant gay characters are a staple of JRPGs
I think you're projecting.
>he was always intended as a gay character
Yes, but context matters and I have to assume that the English translation involved much more validation of/fawning over the character from NPCs, etc.

The quick rundown is that he called himself Sylvia, not Sylvando, in Japanese. That's it.
Bisexual/flamboyant people existing isn't pandering, you whiny bitch. Sylvando is one of the best party members and if you can't deal with that just because he likes dick as well as pussy that's on you.

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Maybe in the same way that Midwestern moms loved the gay guy from Bewitched in the 1970s...

Not even slightly. He's literally based on a combination of old notions of chivalry, jesters, and old Japanese archetypes.

He's a showman. The ladies love him because he's confident and kind and sexy and skilled. The men want to be him. He makes a fool of himself to support the people around him and he makes a scene to lift people's spirits. That's the entire fucking point. He lives his life to support people. That's why he's *THE SUPPORT PARTY MEMBER*.

The only thing inaccurate about the DQXI translation is the gimmicks (which fuck with certain dialogue like the haiku town), a few extremely minor party chat changes, and the name changes. The intent is 100% accurate.

No, he actually he sucks and I have to assume that gay people who aren't completely degenerated retards find him repugnant.

He wants to build a theater. He loves dressing up, speaks as a woman and you should probably stop trying to read into it so much. Sylvando is more of a quirky character than anything "agenda" driven. The English dub changed a lot of dialogue to give character's colorful accents, but the same message is mostly being conveyed otherwise.

>He sucks because I say so.
You didn't even finish Act 2, did you? Sylvando is a lot more than just "lol gay."

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imagine being this bad at dq11 holy shit lmao

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lol he is even gayer in japanese

Very cool, user. Very deep. Was your favorite part the homosexual mardi gras parade? Or maybe when they recycled the homosexual mardi gras parade and made you do it a second time?

Japan sees flamboyantly gay characters are comedic relief an a joke.


>Was your favorite part the homosexual mardi gras parade?
Nah, it was probably the stealth section when Jasper kidnaps Erik, of all things.
>Or maybe when they recycled the homosexual mardi gras parade and made you do it a second time?
That was pretty good, yeah.

I platinum'd the game, amigo. And please tell me you're not so hungry for representation that you were moved by the wayward son trope.

OP is a way bigger faggot than Sylvando will ever be.

Who gives a fuck about representation? I give a fuck that Sylvando was entertaining and his chemistry with the cast was on point the whole way through. Damn good performance by the VA too, I was surprised.


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I played without voices and the music turned down to 2.

Literally impossible.

I'd understand muting on the overworld after hour 80, but the rest I can't really abide by.

>Flamboyant dude is actually a massive bro and a chill dude
Take fucking notes western game devs, the fucking nippons write better characters than your generic stereotype trash

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I found it funny how people in town were scared of the troupe's almost aggressive cheerfulness.
It's also funny how that innocuous part somehow offends extreme prudes like you

>Think Dave is a gay joke.
>Random book explains he's actually a gigachad.
There are western games that have done this, the problem is it's more profitable to make your gays a statement instead of people.

And then they say sjws see politics in everything.

Better yet, don't shoehorn gay characters into video games at all!

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>*dances vigorously*

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The fact that Sylvando is gay shows up exactly nowhere except him saying the hero and Erik are kinda hot in some minor dialogue. Everything else is just him being a clown.

He's more alpha than 85% of Yea Forums

I very sincerely hope your kids don't end up as party favors for Netflix executives because you're a chill centrist who thinks gay pride is totally fucking rad.

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OP is like a parody of those people that has to prove their super masculine heteresexuality constantly, even to the point where he goes to an anonymous image board to do it.

We all know you're a big sissy at heart.

I don't know what most of that sentence means, but I don't live in USA so I will most likely avoid any Netflix executive related problems

Oh, user...