4chang needs a /ytb/ - eceleb board. Prove me wrong.
4chang needs a /ytb/ - eceleb board. Prove me wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
dead nigger storage
technically Yea Forums is also for video game culture so e-celebs that are related to vidya are on-topic :^)
it should be called /incel/ - internet celebrities
dead nigger storage haha he wrote his own character saying the n-word lol
I disagree OP, e-celeb threads on Yea Forums contain the finest gamer tears.
People aren't video games.
but we already have /trash/ and /mlp/
Hey, if it gets them the fuck off of /pol/ I'm all for it.
nah it should be /ec/ or /cel/
/etika/ - e-celeb and dead nikka storage
>Yea Forums - Video Games
>All posts should pertain to video games, their consoles, and video game culture.
um sorry sweetie but maybe read the rules sometime okayyy
It also needs a Smash containment board, perhaps /vs/- Video games (Smash)
Read this
>grabs nuts
It's /incel/ for internet celebrities.
Why does it say "Property of Tyrone" om your balls user?
just make /vn/ or /ni/, /vs/ or /so/ and /vx/ or /xb/ for the consoles at that point
No, they should just get banned.
Every eceleb has their own subreddit, so anyone who wants to discuss them can just go there.
>e-celebs that are related to vidya
They literally just play video games. It's not like they're actually involved in the industry or make their own games.
It's also /aut/ for the autists shitposting.
But aren’t they part of video game culture?
I'd rather have a /ytp/ board myself
/yt/ would be good, kinda weird how we have boards for shit like mlp which went out of flavor like a decade ago but one of the biggest media platforms in the world doesn't get one..
Video game and culture don't belong in the same sentence
Why not?
Tell that to the mods that wrote the rules of this board
No. Begging for donations/subs/likes/etc is part of vidya culture.
I think Yea Forums should be the designated board for youtube threads. It makes the most sense to include internet videos in the tv/film board. Plus new content would be good for that shiposting wasteland
I've been saying this for a few years now. The mediums for entertainment are evolving, and Yea Forums refuses to change along with it. The site needs an alternate broadcasting board. It would cover youtube, streaming, podcasts, and radio. All forms of untraditional broadcast entertainment.
wrong,youtube fags need to be gassed,"containment boards" have been proven already to only make things worse
deceased african american containment
>Tell that to the mods
Also, you guys don't discuss video games in eceleb threads. You just gossip about their personal lives like a bunch of women.
how long until /v2k/ so we can have the late millenial /vr/ equivalent?
But Smash is a video game.
>these game reviews/articles aren't related to vidya, but lets talk about how they're problematic to easily triggered /pol/tards anyway
wow so you’re saying that e-celeb discussion on the video game board has to relate to video game culture specifically and not non-vidya topics? You sure got me there
>"Lol, delicious tears over E-Celebs"
>Seethes about use of "Nigger" in a movie in previous sentence.
Only acceptable answer. fuck trannies fuck jannies
>e-celeb discussion on the video game board has to relate to video game culture specifically and not non-vidya topics?
Yeah, and that's why eceleb threads are banned, because they're aren't vidya discussion
>eceleb board
Is there a sign on this website that says dead career storage?
It does actually.
BUT FIRST, lets us have a Smash board. The latter is a much older problem that need to be prioritized and addressed first.
Make /av/ instead
We can send them there but also have a board that isn't totally shit
>eceleb threads are banned
Show me where it says that. Talking about e-celebs playing games is vidya discussion. I’ve seen threads with that exact topic stay untouched on this board.
And MLP is a cartoon.
This. It's the only way I'd be on board.
Expired Blacks Repository
It won't matter.
There is /lgbt/ and /soc/ yet over half of Yea Forums is still flooded with their degeneracy.
Even /mlp/fags know to stay in the lane. Faggots confirmed to be worse than bronies.
I think you misunderstood my post friend, I have nothing against saying nigger. I just thought it was funny that Quentin said it hahahaha
>giving them a place to stay
A containment board would breed to biggest cesspool of cancer since they are left alone without any of us telling them to fuck off
yet some NIGGER no ones ever heard of or cares about kills himself and the tranny mods cry over it and sticky a thread.
luckily they are eating their words and finally deleting his spam threads
This thread is going to get archived user.
How blind do you have to be to not see how bad the smash thread cancer is? Smash literally has a general up at all times on Yea Forums. /vg/ was created exactly to solve the general thread problem, but since the mods are all smashfags they don't enforce the rules on it. Smash's special status on Yea Forums highlights what's really wrong with this place: the moderation. The mods don't give a fuck and they haven't for years.
>"No! Don't clean the river from the trash. Leave them inside so that we don't have to make a dumpster to throw them in."
Neat logic.
Look at how /pol/ metastasized its' autism, the same thing will happen with an eceleb board.
I will be interesting to see. I reported the Etika thread like an hour ago when there was only 8 replies.
But I didn't report this thread, despite it being off-topic.(Because I agree with OP) I wonder which thread will get deleted faster.
At least Smash is a video game.
Look at . Every time that stupid thread gets posted it reaches like 300 replies before it's deleted.
In /pol/'s case, it only attracts people who want to argue, and push narratives, and use Yea Forums as their turf for their political camp. Conversely, I don't care if people come to the site to talk about their interests. If they're interested in e-celebs, fine. At least they're not some politically charged faggot making everything about politics.
>implying that dealing with e-celebs and their trivial bullshit is the same as dealing with fascists, jews and conspiracies and have the same effects and weight
There are a lot of Smash threads but they're not really /vg/-style. It's just a very popular game. I'm guessing you weren't around when /vg/ was made, because the little communities popping up for specific games were really something else.
>what is /trash/
This gave me a hearty laugh
>the little communities popping up for specific games were really something else.
Still happens today because of discord shit
Again, this is a problem with the moderation. There's at least 3 other threads up that are off topic or otherwise incredibly shit, but they stay up because mods only do their jobs when they're on Yea Forums long enough to post in smash threads. When they're actually monitoring the board they arbitrarily delete on-topic threads and completely ignore threads that absolutely deserve deletion.
Yea Forums needs a time machine cuz this bitch dead
I was here you dumb faggot, I actively participated in KS and GSG threads before the split and it's exactly why I want smash to be actually moderated on this board. Being popular should not make it above the rules that are being applied to all other games. This should be common sense.
expired melanin archive
Why do nintendo directs get a sticky but tgs doesn't?
>"Where we going sir?"
There was what, 4 dead or alive porn threads up earlier?
Yea Forums and Yea Forums needs a /ag/ - anime games. Prove ME wrong.
____ ____
All the way back
>/incel/ Internet Celebrities
>There are a lot of Smash threads but they're not really /vg/-style
Having a minimum of one smash thread up at almost all times doesn't make it a general? Irregardless, the problem is that it is clearly not moderated harshly enough.
What the fuck was his problem bros?
this is perfect
I did some heavy campaigning for this a year or two ago but gave up on it because no one gives a fucking shit about anything on this dog shit website.
What it needs is non shit mods
Right now we have 3 Smash threads vs 5 e-celeb threads. Those Smash treads will be around for a couple of hours and maybe even days with people discussing silly things about video games like Samus' ass. The e-celeb threads will be full of shit like:
>It's up
>Is he /our guy/?
>Why do we like this guy?
>He's right, you know?
>Was he right?
>Based ______
>Why is he so based?
>What did he meant by this?
>Post your favorite video game streamer.
>Who's your favorite youtuber?
>How's that vidya channel?
And will be reposted over and over again because that's their "job". Learn the difference.
Sounds like it would be another /r9k/ spammed with e-thots.
It probably does.
>mods quit
>whole site turns into Yea Forums only racism is bad
It's reddit
That's what eceleb fags want isn't it? Sexy images of asmongold and dsp
How will it become like Reddit if it becomes Yea Forums, since Reddit is only some steps below Resetera in moderation patrol and madness?
So it's fine that smash doesn't follow the rules because a bunch of other threads don't either?
You're trying to act like these aren't both major problems just to defend smash. Of course those other shit threads need to be fucking handled, they're just as cancerous and probably even worse than smash is right at this moment. I have no problems whatsoever with smash as a topic, I just want it to follow the rules the same as everything else.
The problem isn't the content. The problem is it's virtually permanent presence here on Yea Forums when it clearly belongs on /vg/. Stop ignoring it when threads are blatantly disregarding the rules just because you're interested in the topic, it's just as much part of Yea Forumss problems as shitposters and shitty moderation.
This, 4channel has been going downhill since that newfag moot struck down snacks in cold blood.
There is that guy that never sleeps fueled by his hatred for the board and every series sans the only one he likes.
Saw this movie for the first time recently. God I've been missing out on so much. Ended up watching all his films save one in the span of the last 3 months. /blo
It's like reddit in 2007
>and every series sans
Well, I mean he probably is a nintenbrothat preferred a waluigi reveal instead anyway and I honestly can't blame him.
No one cares, faggot.
Never been there. What was it like?
It also says
>You have to be 18 to post here
and yet I have to argue with you faggot
Damn they sure went to a far degree to filter nin10drone, highly sus.
>every other thread is about some e-celeb
>none of these retards notice themselves spouting factoids about their relationships, including all the different drama aspects they have gone through among their other either more influential e-celeb friends or less influential e-celeb friends, which makes them no different than women aged 24-52 who read and discuss tabloids, TMZ, and the like
just stop being real housewives of Yea Forums, you fucking faggots
>look what he did
That's what is so funny about all of it, it's Keeping Up with the Kardashians Yea Forums edition.
this is the only option
>just stop being real housewives of Yea Forums, you fucking faggots
>not realizing that this is what happens when a generation raised on facebook and twitter starts browsing Yea Forums
You're not wrong. So tired of all the gay youtubers and everyone that apes their opinions. Especially the type of retard that can't even play the game properly yet millions still watches it "hehe he's funny." But when he gets something wrong then it's "just ironic" or "sarcastic." No, they're just shit at the game
oh god
His channel is kinda dead nowadays
Yes and?
You could probably make a general celebrity board for all the bullshit on Yea Forums too.
The only reason I think that hiro wouldn't do it is that it might promote stalking. Also leaking of nudes/personal info/etc. There's some crazy motherfuckers on this site who are extremely dedicated to their obsessions.
lifeless urban youth cache
What am I looking at here exactly?
Victim culture among consolefags. Shouldn't be that surprising when half of them are shitskins