>Death stranding is confirmed a walking simulator
I am fine with that since it's actually pretty in depth based on pic related. Based on gameplay trailers and tgs demo, we know there are numerous ways to traverse the environment, such as ladders, climbing ropes, vehicles, various hiking equipment, or even just your own hands. We've also seen numerous environments such as Mars like terrain, forests, snowy areas, Iceland type terrain, rivers and lakes, crater voidouts and they've only shown a little. I'm pretty hyped not gonna lie.
Death stranding is confirmed a walking simulator
Go to bed Kojimbo.
And the inventory system is full blown autism. I love it.
Walking simulator was a term created to define shit like Dear Esther where all you do is press W to walk forward at a pre-determined speed while a story unfolds around you. Why the fuck did it develop into bitching about walking in an open world game? I'm not even defending Death Stranding, it may very well be the biggest pile of shit to ever grace the genre, but why is walking in an open world game bad now? Spending a lot of time walking from point A to point B used to be the norm in these games.
I hope the menu looks as aesthetic with english text as it does in japanese.
You even get to pick where to store what equipment.
Personally, I feel like walking in open world games is added bloat. I know that's not a popular opinion.
>but why is walking in an open world game bad now? Spending a lot of time walking from point A to point B used to be the norm in these games.
exactly because the worlds are empty and they just take up time
the complaints about Death Stranding are likely just shitposts though, because of kojimbo
I never thought I'd be exited to play a fucking walking simulator of all things, this game is either going to be really good or complete dogshit. I don't see there being much inbetween
Honestly, I agree with you. I'd rather play a linear game with good level design since to me it feels like the actual meat of the gameplay is better spread out.
I just don't understand why something that's always been perfectly normal for the genre is suddenly not okay when Death Stranding does it.
and change the arrangement of items on your back plate.
I have an acquaintance who is currently claiming to have worked with a Kojima Productions location scout in North Carolina to create a 1:1 depiction of a very large portion of the appalachian trail.
Do you guys think it'll even be possible to visit any portion of the United Cities of America that are already in the network?
So do we think this is part of the main map that we've seen or will the game have multiple maps? The moon is semi-confirmed as being part of the game, what we saw in the 50 minute demo was the Icelandic looking place, I've assumed that that location and the mars looking one are part of the same big map, but now I'm thinking that maybe we travel beyond "America"
Can't wait for the game to come out and there be thousands of videos that are something like "Finished in 3 minutes" or some crazy shit. It's going to be another AAA Gone Home.
what if this scene is mars?
>world are empty
Not him but I never really understood the 'empty open world argument'. I can understand being applied to games like gta 5 since they're set in urban places where tons of shit should be happening in every corner but to shit on games like MGSV or red dead 2 for having empty worlds is stupid as fuck.
Sure, criticize the level design but do you expect thousands of people or tons of in the middle of a fucking desert or wilderness? Go to a forest in real life and you will see its fucking EMPTY
Nah it's a pretty common opinion. Most games do it poorly. Gears 5 being a recent example. It's complete fuck all nothingness that you drive through to continue the story segment.
**Tons of shit to do
I am looking forward to Yong Yea trying to defend this "game"
>Sure, criticize the level design but do you expect thousands of people or tons of in the middle of a fucking desert or wilderness?
I suppose that's the problem. What's the point of accurately and realistically recreating places like that if you can't translate them into something that's actually fun to traverse in a game?
Looks like he's carrying some cylinders on his back here. Wonder what they are
What do you mean? The whole map of America appears to be in the game from footage.
There is literally nothing wrong with Death Stranding being a game primarily about walking assuming the player actually gets to make interesting choices.
Balancing cargo, paying attention to weather, traversing around dangerous terrain; the problem with walking simulators was never the actual walking, its the fact that the players actions are incredibly minimal. If Death Stranding can make players pay attention to the game, its gonna be fun.
they're barrels full of those little gold circles that cover sci-fi armour
I'm excited.
It's probably heavily shrunk map of america
This probably isn't mars given that he's not wearing any oxygen masks or anything.
I’m excited to walk in this game.
>Walking simulator was a term created to define shit like Dear Esther where all you do is press W to walk forward at a pre-determined speed while a story unfolds around you
That's just wrong though. Walking simulators are about games where you mostly walk. Adding a couple of game mechanics doesn't change the genre. It's like saying a stealth game becomes an action game because you can use guns
>So more directly, other players can come to my aid if I need it, right? If so, how many can come? An entire army?
>"It really depends on how you play the game, such as how much you have indicated in the UI that you like another player, or how much you have contributed to the online world by creating something. It varies from player to player. Some players do not interact with others at all, and just want to experience the story. That way no one comes to help. The more you interact with other players indirectly, the more often they come to help you. There is an overview of your results after each mission, and here you can find out exactly how connected you are to other players. If you are very connected then Sam will get help during a big boss fight. "
If you ignore the multiplayer and don't bother with it then it won't force itself on you. The more you get into the multiplayer the bigger the multiplayer stuff shows up in your game. So you can just ignore it if you want or have as much of it as you like.
Also void outs only blow up your game. So no having your game world full of craters from other players dying.
>You've stated before, and later shown, that this is a great social experience where other players can visit your home, your private comforts, and leave things behind for you. Do other player´s failed battles against these "Catchers", and thus craters, also show in my game?
>That was the idea at first, but I didn't want people's mistakes to directly affect you. It's a little too negative. It is only your world that you influence - that is, I can see your explosions, but it does not directly affect my world. For example, the things you had with you in battle will be scattered all around in the event of a Void-out. And I could, for example, get across some of these things on my journey.
It isn't wrong, that's the origin of the term. But like many other terms it's just been misused so much that it's morphed into another meaningless buzzword for a game someone doesn't like that happens to feature walking.
>we know there are numerous ways to traverse the environment, such as ladders, climbing ropes, vehicles, various hiking equipment, or even just your own hands. We've also seen numerous environments such as Mars like terrain, forests, snowy areas, Iceland type terrain, rivers and lakes, crater voidouts and they've only shown a little.
I'm laughing so hard reading this.
That's because the genre has evolved. Not every Metroidvania game is gonna ape Super Metroid for example. Walking simulators naturally added more content/mechanics as time went on
I was just about to post this same logic.
Like calling Crazy Taxi a "delivery simulator" despite the whole point being the frantic route you end up taking.
Basically Death Stranding is a AAA walking simulator, done by Kojima, naturally he's arrogant as fuck so he doesn't like the genre walking simulator so he names it something pretentious, everyone naturally ignores it because it's retarded, and he goes on and on about how new all this is when we've seen similar ideas explored in other games years ago. I wonder what Sony thought about all this when they just funded a walking simulator instead of getting the next Metal Gear
No, they're just different genres. The kind of games people are now calling "walking simulators" already existed when Gone Homo and all that other bullshit started coming out and people came up with the term.
>what is terraforming
I know but naturally when a genre becomes popular more games comes out
39 / 11 / 20
itt shills
That's why it's a terrible design choice. It's a big bunch of boring fucking nothing
So have we seen how the Void Out looks in-game? in the TGS gameplay the world gets flooded (i think?) but i don't know if that's the Void.
Also really excited for this game. Looks comfy as fuck, and i always liked weird and unique ways to traverse the open worlds. If the mechanics are good then i can see myself playing until dawn just walking and taking pictures.
I'm gonna miss being able to go prone
>full on autism big budget carry-things-on-back with a fuckton of stats, terrain, and external factors influencing movement
While I did not expect it to be like this, I certainly do welcome it. Still, it's absolutely not for everyone
Games being made for everyone is why they're so fucking boring now. It's a shame that Kojima's one of the few people who has the freedom and balls to make something that's not aiming to appeal to everyone.
Then they wouldn't be fucking open world games you absolute fucking retard. Do you just want fucking fast travel to any location you click on a map, why even fucking play it then?
Fucking idiot.
i really hope there's a lot of these abandoned urban locations that you can explore
There's plenty of that in the indie and AA medium-small budget landscape, but yeah the industry needs more madmen and less suits at the helm of modern games, to do whatever the fuck they want be it good or bad
the goal of the game is explicitly stated to be go west. The entire eastern seaboard is already in the chiral network, so I assume trying to go that way will just result in Die Hardman stopping you and saying it's a waste of precious time.
The thing that annoys me about this multiplayer is that it makes no sense. You're Sam in your game, but other people are Sam in their game. And their Sam is helping your Sam. Makes no sense.
In No Man's Sky this sort of multiplayer makes sense because you're completely different spacefarers. In this, it doesn't really make sense.
it’s more like a traveling simulator, with some other shit going on, than a typical walking simulator
I don't think it's feasibly possible, it'll be like near automata where every "portion" of america you travel in is a "world" in and of itself. Sand area, rocky area, forest area, icy area and so on
If the terrain looked more fantastical, then it wouldn't look as monotonous.
I'm sure there will be some meta multiverse bullshit involved in the story.
If this is some sort of Kojima reference then I don't get it because I've never played MGS.
Or if it's a reference to anything else, I don't get it either.
It's probably like Watch Dogs. You play the main guy but in MP you're someone else to the other player. You never have to break character but it isn't a bunch of the same dude always showing up.
Time is convoluted
except it absolutely does change the genre, walking simulator was a term that was originally derogatory, not something that anyone attached to their game willingly. They were called that because the only player input was literally walking, no inventory management, no combat, no player actions, just walking and exploring an environment. Calling this game a walking simulator is like calling Modern Warfare a point n' click.
It's not about the realism, it's about THE ENTERTAINMENT.
Realism is important I personally think, yes. But there's a reason that FPS games sell well, while "real time knitting" games don't. Both can be realistic, but nobody finds knitting so exciting that they want to play a video game where they knit. FPS games allow you to shoot things, which is fun and exciting.
So yes, empty scenery might be realistic, but that doesn't mean it's fun.
As for GTA V, I think that game is pretty realistic about the amount of action it shows going on, whether you're in the city or in the rural countryside. But regardless, what makes that game fun is that there's loads of enjoyable things to do. Shooting people, robbing banks, racing cars, shit like that.
Exactly, the genre has evolved.
Same especially if it's long distances. This is why GTA is great, because you have vehicles pretty much always at your disposal so you can get around quickly. And in a fun way. Driving is fun. Trying to get through the city, navigating all the traffic, in an Infernus, is fun.
I think the only fucking retard here is you. There's a difference between walking short distances, like you might find in GTA, or in something like Kingdom Come Deliverance, and then open world games that have tons of boring walking with nothing to do. In GTA and KCD, you have vehicles/horses to travel long distances.
We've seen a motorbike and a truck in Death Stranding, but it doesn't look like you'll have them very often.
Yeah we saw in the Death Stranding gameplay videos these white figures that emerge from the liquidy depths to throw items at you - I think they're meant to be other players. So they just appear as faceless white figures I think.
Had to look that up because I've never played Dark Souls, but yeah I have heard of those games having a similar sort of multiplayer feature where you can find stuff that's been left behind by other players or some shit.
No it hasn't, it is one very specific type of game. If a walking simulator adds combat or something else it ceases to be a walking simulator because it then fits into one of the other genres that already existed before "walking simulators" were a thing.
>If a walking simulator adds combat or something else it ceases to be a walking simulator
But that's not how genres work
If you take guns out of Quake it goes from FPS to Walking Simulator, so yes that is how genre's work.
You must be the first DS fan to actually understand the walking simulator criticism.
You have my respect.
You don't have a clue what you're talking about. Games like Doom are crazy fast
So another movie game for the PS4? Wow guys so exciting, I cant wait to discuss the cool decisions I can make in game with my wifes boyfriend when they play.