What the fuck happened to video game demos i feel like they died with the last gen some of my favorite games i discovered from demos
What the fuck happened to video game demos i feel like they died with the last gen some of my favorite games i...
Maybe studios figure people will just watch a stream/YT vid to check out a game rather than play a demo? You'd think the digital age would make demos more common.
They evolved into today's form of demos, open betas and early access.
Word on the street is that games having demos actually hurts sales.
>video game demos
Here is the demo repository.
Try the game, if it's good, buy it.
demos are gay
get a job you fucking neet. People with jobs and money don't need demos. They just buy the damn game.
Are all correct.
The stanley parable demo was better than the actual game, it was original content as well so I got rather disappointed when I bought the game. I can't think of any other time a demo actually did something new instead of being small chunks of the game.
>the brutal virgin levend demo
>only last a few minutes of the beggining of the game
>game plays totally different to the demo part, the demo feels like you were lied
>the chad quest XI
>demo last 10 hours of the main game
Basically if you want to play a game and your only option is buy it or go without, consumers will, more often than not, just buy it. Not only that, the people who play demos are almost always people already interested in a game. Very few people look for demos of games they're not already interested in; time is too precious to waste fishing for garbage when you can just read review sites to get ideas on what to play. This means that the only people who will play demos are people who would buy your game anyways. If you give someone a demo and they were already going to buy your game, the best case scenario is they still buy your game. The worst case scenario is they are either sated by your demo and have no reason to buy the full game, or are disappointed by your demo and no longer want to buy it.
I think I read somewhere the Sonic Unleashed demo, which is just 1 single level, clocked up more playtime than the full game ever did.
There's a shitload of demos on Switch what are you on about.
Oddly enough the demos for Pokemon ORAS and SM were really good. They were scenarios meant to show off the new features, and they were unique and made only for the demo. You could even transfer some things from the demo to the full game once you got it. It's actually mind blowing when you consider a company like GameFreak that puts so little work into their product put so much work into their demos.
No one gets hooked on an RPG after a few minutes. Along the same lines though, once you're 10 hours into an RPG, if someone says pay $60 to continues, you're going to fork over the money.
Grandia 2's mechanics hooked me in the first few fights.
and regret wasting money no thanks
>release demo
>full game probably has a day one crack now
>people find out game is shit and don't buy it
Based and piratepilled.
>making a game
>finish the polish on an easy level
>release it as a demo with some other game or the console
>people buy it
Remember when Gamestop wasn't fucking bankrupt?
>finish most of a map
>start selling it at full price as "early access"
How many of you bought some early access shit and didn't report any damned bugs or your "feedback" was fuck all.
>being this invested over chump change
Stop working at a mcjob, you fucking poorfag.
alright enough rping buddy
This. Every time Tomba gets brought up on Yea Forums (outside of GDQ memes), everyone just comments on how much they loved playing the demo of it on the PlayStation demo disc. But no one actually bought it.
Maybe I'm the minority in this, but I knew forza 4 had a demo available and had no idea if it would have been good or not for me. I tried it and liked it enough to buy it. Granted, I may have bought it regardless because of the praise its gotten, but me having played a small taste sealed the deal.
They still exist, a bunch of Switch games have them. Maybe it's just something Nintendo is pushing harder now.
I'll decide when I've had enough, fagola.