how the FUCK can 3d women even ATTEMPT to compete?
Atelier Ryza thread
Peak performance
by being real
The game isn't even released and her murder count is already at the million scale...
>get real stds
>get real children
Ryza is one of the lewdest vidya designs ever created, she’s pure sex
They can't
I wonder what the softest part of her is
She really is. She’s literally got something for everyone
Imagine cuddling Ryza and using every part of her as a pillow.
Stop oogling my wife
I wasn't ready for this feel right before bed
Fuck sake bros, i'd be happy just having her nuzzling my neck, no lewd required
thigh pusy
I just fapped user
Ass pussy
based coomer jannies
I wonder what her butt tastes like haha just asking out of curiosity
Why don’t you find out?
It's a pretty big meal
I just started playing Rorona DX 1 on PC, I see that Koei still can't make a PC port to save their life. Stuttering during cutscenes and menus. That'll be $40 + tip. I'm guessing the PS3 version can't be emulates yet either.
Save room for dessert
I love my wife Reisalin!
The most important question
Hat on or off durings sex?
I would give anything to
Hat off, hairband on.
>*cums inside of ryza*
Doesn’t matter. She’s got so many places to put your hands you won’t need to pull her hair.
I love her so much
It's what you call an "all you can eat buffet ass", so get stuck in
KT are retarded when it comes to pc senpai, you can emulate the ps3 ones yes but I wouldn't expect better performance unless you have a very strong cpu
bros oh ffffffffffffffffffffffffffuck
She’s so smug
She knows where your eyes are looking
On, same with her boots
she should have pretty much everything on during sex
My eyes are staring straight back in to her beautiful golden pupils. I love my wife so much.
This game will have literally zero (0) gameplay discussion on Yea Forums.
Just like every other game, what's new?
I havent' really enjoyed the past few Ateliers but Ryza's game is really catching my attention.
Her GF is way hotter.
What’s catching your attention about it
In before this character and game are completely irrelevant and forgotten a week after release.
Would still murder millions of my children for those legs tho
you're not wrong, but I do like how the gameplay looks
I might play it for the mc, but the gameplay will be the icing on top
I wonder
That's a cute pic
Your wrong
Reminder that only men who can handle two minutes of clothed paizuri are permitted to have vaginal, anal or oral sex with Ryza!
>Tfw she will never leglock you with those boots on
>listening to annoying Japanese screeching for hours on end.
Yeah, no thanks
ms new booty
it's okay user, I respect your opinion
She’s definitely the poster girl for coomers. And that’s ok
Is she a virgin?
Maybe it's the discussions about time management?
That's one really pronounced tuck!
how the FUCK can ryza even ATTEMPT to compete?
You, Sir, are a man of taste. Also challenge accepted.
Is COOMING once a day okay?
Wait is time back in?
Fuck that bullshit, I'm out of here.
Does this body look sinful to you?
Patrician taste
I'm glad my wife exists.
just like clockwork, the anorexicfag turns up. nobody cares about your ugly stick insect with a boy body, her time is over, make way for a real woman
Totori is a cute girl too. She just appeal to the Lucina crowd.
No, that was a shitpost, did you even look at the picture?
Don't ropey to yourself
>when you enjoy the coomposting AND lewd posting
Bring more of both lads, my brain enjoys the shitty forced meme and my dick enjoys the thick thighs
Oh shit. I think I finally got this joke.
Is Ryza the most waifu'd woman ever before her game has even dropped?
You're literally killing your braincells
Leave it to an ADHD spastic retard that can't even read a simple shitpost right to enable Nu-Atelier
She might be
Why has she assumed that particular position?
>totori is anorexic
this is your brain on thiccoomtardation
If this isn't an unlockable costume in game I will be severely disappointed
Now THATs what im talkin about, God bless this beautiful alchemist!
Sounds to me like its worth it
>Stirrup stockings that also have a toe ring
I'm not even a footfag, but yowza that's good.
These games are never on sale and I'd like to try out the Arland series or something before dropping $100 on this shit. They're not on nyaa either, where can I get them?
>her cute alternate outfit never gets any fanart
You mean purchasable?
Stretching before volleyball
>go in to a thread about a thicc girl
>"Ugh I hate thicc girls guys look at my twig, pay attention to meeeeee!"
She's ready for me to make her a mother after marriage.
No. People see Ryza as a piece of fuck meat they want to jam their cock in and cum endlessly. That isn't a "waifu." You should have more than carnal lust for your waifu, you should love her as a person.
If it means I can use it straight away, I don't mind spending a buck or two on it
>ywn get to hug Ryza from behind like this
Skidrow/reloaded/codex or something? probably?
I do love her as a person, as does everyone else here, you have no idea what you're talking about. Your personal opinion on Ryza does not reflect everyone else's.
melvy's judgement is pretty bad
literally everyone wants to fuck totori, from her teacher to her sister
user... dont go breaking my heart with this cruel reality.
This guy FUCKS. And he does so lovingly.
This. Everyone should want a happy alchemist wife whose smile can make you smile as well no matter how bad a day you're having.
>I do love her as a person, as does everyone else here
you literally can't do that because her game isn't even out and you have no way to judge her character for what it is
please shut the fuck up you secondary ironic weeb nigger piece of shit and get the FUCK out of here
>Tfw everyones lining up for Ryza so I get Klaudia all to myself
>I love her as a person
>Hasn't played her game, has no idea what's she's like on it
No. He has a small dick. Just look how big is his sword.
based and true
Just looking at a picture of her gives me more happiness and peace than any woman that I dated could. Fuck you and your 3DPD bullshit.
Hear me out here:
Ryza in nylons
You are literally retarded, there are several trailers, cutscene clips and gameplay videos that detail exactly who Ryza is. You are just mad for the sake of being mad and trying to cause trouble in a thread that nobody wants you in. Go shitpost elsewhere.
by being real
The other girls are great too.
Literal retards "stop liking what I don't like REEEEEEEE"
Pics. Now.
I've gained a lot of respect for lolifags since they actually managed to discuss the fucking game in Atelier threads unlike you gamer tourists literally only here to dump your FOTM jerkoff material.
That'd never work, she's a really outdoorsy person, so her legs would get so sweaty in nylons
That just makes it better. I'd gladly drink her sweat
you literally have no context nor reference as to who ryza's character is outside a few general snippets that, at best, merely depict a small part of her character
please stop justifying and enabling secondary badnwagoning, you're literally looking for excuses because you know I'm right
not that there's anything wrong with a man falling in love with both his creation and the act of creating itself, you can make your own wife if you will it so, but pretending a general character that at this point in time is at best a nebulous concept can be easily accepted as a ""waifu"" is just allowing the ironic weeb secondary niggerfaggots to run rampant in their vapid degeneracy and as long as that is the case I WILL take a stand against it
To be fair, the game isn't out yet so gameplay remains mostly mysterious, pun intended from what the previews show.
Aaaaaaaa fuuuuuck i COOOOM
We did discuss the game a few days ago during the TGS stream. But the OP was a literal shitpost so the rest of the thread following suit isn't a surprise.
>muh sekrit weeb club
>you aren't a true connoisseur of japanese anime girls
jesus fucking christ
You tell him, autismfag!
I like a lot of characters, and some of them do things to my dick that I can't reasonably take a hold of. But to me "A Waifu is for Laifu" is more than just a few characters on a Nepalese Image-rating website! It's a confident belief in who I was before, the tastes of the past, and the truth of the future.
My Waifu will never have a good game other than the one she comes from, which came out over thirteen years ago. But no Ryza, no Nyotengu, no Ann nor Juri will make me call them in this all too common way.
waifu is a dead word mate just give up on it. It's meant 'anime girl I would fuck' for years now.
Stop killing my seed, Ryza.
>hurr durr why aren’t you discussing a game that isn’t out yet?????
Lolifags are literally retarded, what a surprise
Has real sex
shit like this is making me seriously believe these faggots deserve all this gamer/coomer shit, faggots can't go five seconds without spamming /v about MUH DICK UGHH THICC MOMMY SHE KILLED MILLIONS MOMMY I NEED TO CUM
have sex
To add to this: by being able to interact with them and fuck.
>wah real women suck, they are/were mean to me
So would anime and vidya women if they could interact with you in any meaningful way. Not to mention, you're all cucks since "loving" these whores means you ignore the fact that millions of men the world over love them as much as you, and imagine way more deprived shit than you do.
>clothed paizuri
That's all I'd ever want from her
wrong, everyone has their own instance of their waifu, not everyone is a BLACKED cuck autist like you
t. unironically buttravaged for being outed as the culture murdering tourist you really are
it's still a concept that transcends just the word, and that status quo came to be due to the general indifference of autists who could've changed the future, why repeat the same mistake once more?
When the game comes out you'll still be posting the same shit just like in every other release where 90% of the discussion was spamming ecchi and ERPing. Of course once the next FOTM normalfag """"waifu"""" gets revealed you'll jump ship and maybe we can have normal Atelier threads again.
Relax dude. They'll shitpost about how much they "love" Ryza, and how she is their "waifu", for about a month tops, then the next sexy anime girl comes out and it's "Ryza who?" These jizzskulls have no loyalty.
Just keep looking at her pictures until the succubus loses her power over you
lmao so much delusion ^
She needs to take responsibility for her crimes.
Everything off except the leggings.
Keep coping, cuck. Your waifu is just as bad as the the 3DPDs you hate so much. You give her time, you give her money, MILLIONS of men cum thanks to her, and she is never yours.
Hahaha, I can't believe you actually used your autistic headcanon proclivities to defend why your waifu is only "yours" hahaha weebfags are pathetic as they are stupid.
Not him but lets be honest here, degeneracy of any kind isn't culture and you know it
Get in line
>fap to the porn
>don't give a single cent to the devs because i won't buy the game
thanks for the free porn, retards
ok. i get it. i'll masturbate. i can't fight you all. here i go
>being this autistic over Japanese cartoons
>having a delusional superiority complex over liking one anime girl more than another
What about the original, literal use of "my waifu" as somebody's literal wife, as per Azumanga Daioh's episode?
You're claiming to be the keeper of the original meaning of the word but the truth is that this meaning you love so much is already a bastardization. You're just like a boomer telling kids they should enjoy rock music rather than video games because that's what was cool and fun back in their days.
Meruru a top qt tho.
you might not like it but it is culture though
>satania poster
>being a retard
Like cuckwork
They aren't real, therefore they will act exactly how you imagine them to in your head. The fact that you believe (and want) them to act callously towards you shows just how brain poisoned you are. Yikes my dude.
Calm down, my dude, and keep posting more Atelier cuties
arlandfag mad as usual
Right looks mega cute
>Reisalin in sexy lingerie with a look that says she wants it
Well I have to go lie down for a bit
I want to cultivate Meruru's throat.
>"back in my day atelier girls looked like this and you're tastes are wrong!"
>gatekeeping a word you didn't even make up and are using incorrectly yourself
>What about the original, literal use of "my waifu" as somebody's literal wife, as per Azumanga Daioh's episode?
I'm not arguing semantics, I'm arguing in favor of the very real concept of affection towards a 2D character that, again, transcends the word "waifu" in the first place, that's just a linguistic reference to make the point clearer since at one point in time it did actually represent that concept in particular
and, if you had read the reply chain in the first place, you'd realize the point isn't the usage of the word waifu, but the affection people feel towards ryza as a hypothetical character and how said affection is mostly fueled by lust and otherwise is an empty, meaningless factor of discussion since the game isn't out yet and no one has real tangible reference for what "ryza as a person" even means in the first place
mimi is megacute yeah
Stop lewding Reisalin Stout!!!
Wtf bros... when I realized suddenly Atelier became a porn generating series...
She's my wife!
Did anyone here decide to get the game only after seeing the gameplay footage? Looks comfy and I needed something nice to play over the winter.
Lila is actually my favorite while I ship Ryza and Klaudia. More fanart would be nice.
Hey I like gay Japanese cartoons as much as the next guy, but I don't act like it's some amazing culture that anyone who doesn't like it is to low IQ to understand.
it's been that way for years
stop replying to the gatekeeping autist who doesn't even understand the origin of the word he holds so dear
>game not even out yet
>already has more fan art than the entire series so far
its over the normies and the weeb normies got to it
>muh headcanon overrides how they would act
Autism is a hell of a drug. And yeah, women hate you, so she'd hate you as well. Nevermind when you actually cared about women, now that you don't she has all the reason in the world to. But I guess when you're as pathetic as you are you never realize why the masturbatory image you hold in your head of people is not only pathetic, but also nothing but a let down for you.
>buff ginger showing off his midriff
He's gay.
Okay but why does Ryza dress like a prostitute?
>weeb normies
They finally made an appealing girl
Because she's out in a mission to depopulate the world.
They AREN'T REAL. What part of theat don't you get? Stop projecting so damn hard you pathetic incel.
His entire head is jawline wtf
She dresses comfortably
This is my favorite pic of Ryza, it’s so comfy and cute to look at, imagine waking up to this everyday
>being this mad your stick insect was dethroned
She seems popular with the boys.
I never even considered waifuing an Atelier until Reisalin. She is perfection.
Have you considered the fact that most art comes from the Japanese side?
Can’t imagine why
I never said that, though? I'll say shit like actually learning how to appreciate it in its full extent through years of personal interest and exploration of the sociocultural context and its evolution since the inception of this particular flavor of otaku culture, even before that term was a thing in the first place is kind of rewarding, but I'll never say you need a super high IQ to understand it
If anything what I'm denouncing is a negative and all too new factor in this current era of the culture itself, one that both western and eastern individuals alike are equally guilty of
stop trying to draw actual strawmen that weren't there in the first place to prove your shitty ""point"" just because your brain is too fried to read and comprehend a small paragraph in the first place
>complains about someone elses headcanon while expressing his own headcanon
Seeing this actually makes me realize how shit this guy's artstyle is
>muh japanese cartoon culture
>muh "no new members allowed" boomer weeb club
>tfw no tomboy alchemist gf to go on adventures with, then come home after a long day of exploring to lick her sweaty body
I like the bodies, I just think he only has the same chipmunk face for every single girl.
Would you make homonculi with her?
>muh /pol/ buzzword
back to your shithole you go newfag
Fair enough dude, I just think trying to explain the intricacies of "otaku culture" to people who don't necessarily care is a lost cause. No matter what, it is seen as degeneracy and a waste of time to partake in no matter where you are in the world especially if you're an adult.
wow look at this low iq non culture, wojak edits and pepes tho
completely misses the point of pic related
I wanna fuck that statue
I-is that a boy?
From the outside, sure, but this thread is about so called degenerate anime shit, you (general you, not (you)) can't act like you're above it while engaging in it directly.
not like what they think really matters though
I'll still keep on loving cute anime girls without a hint of irony because I'm neither afraid nor ashamed of who I am
and I will call out tourists trying to fuck everything up even if they're the majority just because I can
I wanna fuck this one
wow sexy women, so degenerate low iq non culture
retarded memer kid
I'm above you, newfag election tourist trash
I hope the threads aren't a ghost town a month or two after the game releases, because having people to talk about gameplay with would be nice.
She even has a gap between her thighs for you to stick your dick, holy shit
Pokémon comes out 2 weeks later so that’ll take away a lot of people
When is it coming out in English again?
What the fuck are you talking about? Are you illiterate?
no, she's a cute, sexy and universally loved girl
I'm pretty sure by the time the PC port is out all the retards posting "lolryzakilledmillionsxdxd" will fuck off to newer horizons, probably something more fitting like the KFC ad or pokemon, never to come back
he's falseflagging dude
Nobody here has real sex.
user that's not the same guy. You're being baited
I just saw "degenerate anime trash" and reacted accordingly
For me, it's Rorona. She comes in all sizes.
cant stand his faces
October 29th
Please make sure you've read the entire post and understood it before chimping out at me user.
Wrong, she only comes in stick size
How are her feet?
There’s a little meat on that chest
Are those anorexic things supposed to prove me wrong?
I’d love to be in the middle of that sandwich
Did nothing wrong.
Will Ryza be a good entry point for a total stranger to the series?
Yep, you don’t need to play other Atelier games to play Ryza
>could be censored by snoy
>or might run like shit on switch
>or have to deal with a koei tecmo pc port
There will be no way to enjoy this, will there?
I want to become Reisalin hotpants!
>PC can easily run shit like Witcher 3 and FFXV
>struggled to run Blue Reflection
I’m fucked, let’s just hope they do a good job on Ryza’s game
By having actual faces interesting to look at, nicer tits with features, better every body part really, accurate anatomy, capable of offering more than visual stimulation.
I have a 960, and last time I tried a KT pc port it wouldn't even launch.
But user, they probably get all sweaty
You want to be grated by those cheese boards?
There's a bigger chance it will be censored on Switch and PC than on PS4.
I'm using a 680/3570k combo from 2012 and I can run every Atelier port on PC flawlessly with no issues, I don't know what you guys are doing wrong
>Pirated Sophie to try it
>The version I pirated didnt have the patch that stopped it overheating my CPU
>Couldnt be bothered finding an updated crack and just bought it
And it still has super bad facial glitches
>There's a bigger chance it will be censored on Switch and PC than on PS4.
>several examples of the OPPOSITE happening
Who are you trying to fool here?
Remember Blue Reflection?
I find this aesthetic and the subtle sexiness of the girls far more appealing than the lack of restraint from every single pic with Ryza on it
Is the Dusk DX just the plus editions?
any atelier game with a male protagonist?
Blue reflection wasn't on switch.
Plus versions with all DLC.
>The version I pirated didnt have the patch that stopped it overheating my CPU
You can throttle your components yourself, though if your CPU is overheating at max load you should really get that checked in the first place
That said I ended up buying Lulua because the pirated version I downloaded for some reason just fucking outright refused to change the language to japanese
Mana Khemia and Escha&Logy
Yeah, but it was on PC (censored). Switch has XB2 and FE3H, also censored.
Nintendo never censors third party titles though.
Even their censor happy era of wii-u and 3ds, the only games that were censored that was from third parties were their publishers themselves.
Like Bravely Second.
That makes you even more perverted...
Theres more DLC than what was in the plus games?
A lot of the Dusk girls get my dick rock hard. Linca, Ayesha and Wilbell are hot as fuck in E&L and Shallie.
>mfw girls with this body type make me diamonds
>There isn't a tag for it
atelier iris 2 has both
Green Shallie is outright cheating. A hidari girl shouldn't be this fucking hot.
She’s just hot, it’s not really a body type
>"get real children"
>he likes his women infertile
Only a cuck doesn't want offspring. Also:
>not impregnating 2D girls
You mean brunette, short hair and big tits?
I like Stera more
Totori is a bitch ass motherfucker.
you are the bitch ass motherfucker
Rorona is cute tho
>lack of restraint
A number of her appeals are restrained ones. Exposed navel, zettai ryouiki, skindentation, all fetishes of the thinking man. You want lacking restraint, see Lyra's cleavage arrows.
Why is her last name Stout?
She likes Guinness
Those all would be fine in isolation, but when put in a single design they just make it way too busy and give that impression of lack of subtlety.
I suppose, but I see Ryza as a cocktail of minor details that do hit the mind all at once. For me, I don't feel like I'm being beaten over the head with sex appeal so much as experiencing a mixture of subtle shades of sex appeal.
I could understand your point if Ryza didn't also have massive main charm points, her thighs and her tits, drawing all attention in the first place. Rather than a nice cocktail what you end up with is a character that's erotic from all angles, and in every layer of her design. That kind of takes away part of the appeal overall, and really makes her design quite unbalanced and really busy despite the artist's best attempts at preventing it.
Her friend is a better and more competent example on how to do sex appeal right, honestly. At least under the constraints of his art style
I knew Ryza was a top tier girl
>Hate weeb shit
>this year I started playing anime fighitng games, keep getting into VNs, and play weeb coom JRPG like atelier
where did my life go wrong?
its a slippery slope
you should play utawarerumono
Tastes can change. All I played throughout high school was dudebro multiplayer shooters but college onward I got into single-player and anime stuff.
Just play whatever you like and don't give a shit what others think, particularly on an anonymous image board.
Which friend? If we're talking Claudia then sure, I can see that. I prefer Ryza but I get what you're saying. Lyra, though? All bets are off on that design, even I think it goes overboard with some of its details, reminds me a lot of Dahlia from Xenoblade 2.
Ryza’s game will be the best and most successful Atelier game yet, screencap this
>sells 250K units
>is the best selling Gust game ever
Not a high hurdle to jump.
never seen anything lewder than ryza
My dick is telling me to play this, but I have never played any Atelier game. I have played some JRPGs before though. Will I enjoy it?
You know a game will be hollow when the only thing people expect from it is just a female character.
Atelier generally has an emphasis on in-depth item crafting mechanics, in fact it's renowned for them. Maybe give it a shot if that sounds interesting. They also used to have time management elements but that hasn't really been true for quite a few entries at this point.
Her game isnt even out yet and her design is somehow even more overrated than 2B ever was, and that is really saying something.
Fuck no, Ryza has a next to zero chance of breaking a million copies sold, let alone 4+ million like Automata did.
Why the fuck is anyone playing ateliers past Ayesha? There's no well-paced time limit gameplay anymore, so it's all just mindless grinding with shit stories.
Westerners were obsessed with 2B too. It's just the japanese and us weebs who know about Ryza.
Could you name some games with similar gameplay?
Official wife!
Closest I can think of offhand is Recettear, and even that's not EXACTLY the same, plus it would be closer in style to a game like Rorona, with its strict objectives and time limits, than Ryza probably will be.
How much semen have you spilled to Ms. Stout?
I wonder how long the blonde will last before she gives in to the urges and pushes down Ryza to fingerblast her.
I'll see if I can find one of the older Atelier games cheap to try the gameplay. I don't really want to spend $60 just because my dick is telling me to.
Arland DX should run on your potato PC with Intel HD graphics.
[sound of devs frantically making new outfits to capitalize on the hype before it inevitably fades (see Hestia) intensifies]
Hello, sirs. I exist too, you know.
She'd be best girl in any game where Reisalin didn't hold that spot.
amazing totori body
I suggest either looking at the Arland DX games for a look at classic Atelier gameplay, or wait for the Dusk DX releases to see how the series shifted from classic to modern style in real time. Both trilogies will be on PS4/Switch/PC, though again Dusk DX hasn't happened yet as it basically got announced yesterday. Also, best of luck finding these games on sale. Atelierfags know this pain well.
Alpha face
cute couple
Prototype face
but muh tifa
>natural child bearing body vs regular body
At last, I see the truth!
If you're still here, know that I respect you greatly.
Piss off loser this thread is for real weebs
One of the many independent existences of Pamela Ibis, a Libral, who oversees the many worlds of Atelier games to prevent disaster. It's probable that, like previous Atelier protagonists, that one of Ryza's ancestors made a contract with a Libral. A condition of such a contract would be to get teleported to an alternate universe (like Nelke's world) to help prevent disaster in that world.
God bless japan...
Do you think Gust expected Ryza to get this popular?
Canon futa?
I'm sure they hoped for it but didn't expect it. I doubt it'll translate to sales though.
They've been upping the sexiness with Nelke and Lulua, so they finally turned it up to 11 with Ryza. But given the past reception of Ateliers, there's no way they expected this.
No, that's the beast girl's role
Ryza's warm steamy armpits and crotch!
Seriously, a girl who dresses like this can’t be pure, she may even be a virgin but she’s a dirty whore on the inside.
It''ll be my first Atelier since the PS3 ones.
Same and it's not even the character design. The last few games just looked like psp games
I tried Sophie and Firis on PC, both were boring as fuck, let’s see if Ryza’s game will be different.
>Why yes, I only fuck curvaceous farm girls, how did you know?
Whats this body type called?
I can actually fuck a 3D woman
stop fucking farm girls and fix your sword
No, you can’t
The only real thing about 3D whores is their STDs, irrational drama, eating disorders, and substance abuse issues.
Cute slut
Imagine taking a forced kiwifarms meme as valid medical advice. BTW according to the nofap understanding of brain chemistry anything that activates the pleasure reward circuits of the brain would burn you out like heroin abuse. This would include things like eating, drinking to relieve thirst, restful sleep, laughter, general happiness, and especially coitus with the opposite sex.
So if you really want to avoid the doom of coom stop eating and drinking before you get hooked on living and burn out your dopamine receptors. Better yet protect your precious and fragile receptors by ending your life right now. Your receptors will keep their low mileage and have an incredible resale value.
Is this the same team that's doing the fairy tail game? If so fucking how?
Gust has been stretched to the breaking point for so long now that they no longer know what it is to develop a game normally.
You obviously cannot because you are here posting coombrain memes and getting mad at weebs jerking off instead of having sex.
The alchemist needs to have a meeting with the architect.
Seth Rollins?
Looks soft, would cuddle
She doesn’t seem to mind it that much
Holy fucking cringe @ this e-drone simp
I doubt any alchemist looks anywhere near as good as Ryza
>weeb civil war
I just noticed how lewd that first panel is. She's alchemising a ribbed dildo, while wearing a vibrator, and that $50 service may look like a globe but it's definitely something else.
>having a gf who doesn't mind your enjoyment of 2d girls in vidya
>just got back from akihabara
>all the marketing for this game is just giant life sized posters of her ass next to the game boxes
God, I want to lick all her feet and take off that toering with my mouth
Hey I'm wanting an atelier game on switch. I've played meruru totori and rorona.
Which of the new games is worth getting?
Lulua is Arland 4 so maybe give that one a go? I haven't played anything past Ayesha myself.
Might make a quick hop over to Japan and grab some stuff there.
That isn't on switch I don't think.
Lydie and Suelle
I was thinking about that.
I heard some of the old 2 character ateloer games were good.
It’s coming to the Switch too, it’s just not out yet
Traps can't even compete with Ryza
It comes out next month.
Oooh maybe I'll wait then. But I have like 3 rpgs coming out then I wanna play! Digimon, little town hero and this game.
Life is hard lads.
Zoom in, nigger, its a picture of a blowjob, it also says that you can't cum in her mouth nor in her face.
shut the FUCK up onsokumaru
I'm pretty sure he knows user.
Is lulua any good?
I bought Rorona yesterday and cleared the first year today. It's pretty fun so far. I want to fuck all the girls except Astrid.
How heavily does it rely on "member this"?
And how is the crafting? That's the most important thing imo
By not being a creepy masterbation aids? Seems obvious to me.
"member this?" is why I never played Lulua. I was worried it would be all over the place and I don't remember shit from Arland.
Korean, Japanese, Chinese and Hispanic girls are literally walking masterbation aids.
>Korean, Japanese, Chinese and Hispanic girls are literally walking masterbation aids
This is some Omega tier incel shit right here.
You know I'm really sick of every single thread on this site devolving into people calling each other incels.
It'll definitely be the most successful yet. It'll manage that from just the publicity Ryza's design is giving them.
Best is possible, but it remains to be seen. It's looking good so far, at least.
Imagine liking 3D whores when girls like Ryza exist
Same. I wonder why people so many people that dislike Japanese media even came here to begin with.
Ryza doesn't exist though, user. Maybe you should take your meds.
To be honest I didn't even know the game was coming out. Maybe it's big in Japan? But I doubt this will be a HUGE switch hit in the states.
Don't forget Sophie.
Cute friends waiting for their boyfriends*
you don't blush at your friends like that m8
>I've literally never read a shoujo manga ever
Reading you loud and clear.
I thought this was a video game not a shoujo manga
pre-order cancelled
>there's no overlap between manga, anime and video game designs and cliches in Japan
You might be the dumbest "otaku expert" in the thread.
calm down maverick, it's a joke
Jokes are supposed to be funny.
sorry, I'll work on my comedic skills (and otaku expert skills, despite never claiming to be one)
have some Ryza
Not him, but I thought it was funny. I heard autism makes people bad a detecting that kind of stuff though.
How angry are you going to be when the game is /ss/? Are you just going to ignore it and post gay shipping fanart?
That makes sense. Your sense of humor is as lacking as his is.
nah, I'm buying the game because I liked what I've seen from the character designs, atmosphere, and gameplay systems.
what relationships the characters have comes second, thanks for the concern though, you've missed your mark on every assumption you've made about me so far
Thats why you are going to die alome user.
if her tummy were a little bit chubbier she would be perfect
There's no romance in the game. Sorry, user.
I hadn't considered that it wasn't you and could have just been us! Good point! That would also explain why we are the ones acting like edgy little faggots now!
Anime girls are literally an idea of ideal women turned into fictional characters. They are women of peak performance. Not only in looks but also in personality.
3D girls can't compete especially when they decided to have shitty personality.
>and gameplay systems
You need to get better at lying.
Why do you type like a faggot?
Yeah, not enough to make her fat but just enough to make her more proportionate would have been rough on me.
I'm a newcomer to the series so I just take what I see and is described to me from longtime players. I haven't played a crafting-focused game in a long time and certainly not one with cute anime girls, so that's what mainly drew me in. Dunno why that's so hard to believe, I guess you're trying to pry some outrage from me but you're not getting it.
Have you not played Atelier before, user? You should get the Arland trilogy and try those out. Something tells me you'll like them.
>Dunno why that's so hard to believe, I guess you're trying to pry some outrage from me but you're not getting it.
You're still not good at lying.
well, I don't know what else I to tell you buddy. I dunno what I'm lying about but since you know me better than myself I concede.
I wanna lick her French Vanilla scented asshole
Here user. This should help you decide where to start in the series.
Are you okay?
I personally don't have a problem with the Mysterious trilogy, but that is a very unpopular opinion. I wouldn't suggest starting there. The Dusk trilogy is good if you don't like being timed though.