>Warcraft 3: Reforged to be retconned to polish politically incorrect dialogue
What does Yea Forums think of Christie Golden being the lead writer for this?
>Warcraft 3: Reforged to be retconned to polish politically incorrect dialogue
What does Yea Forums think of Christie Golden being the lead writer for this?
Couldn't give a fuck tbqh, warcraft's writing was already atrocious
Remember when Uther called Arthas a faggot?
Me neither.
imagine buying a Blizzard game post-acquisition by Activision.
God I want her to suck my dick and eat my cum
I would put her to breed if you know what I mean
>to polish politically incorrect dialogue
so we'll get kurwa instead of nigger?
me fuck her cute
Arthas called Sylvannas a bitch. Sylvannas called Arthas a son of a bitch.
>retconned to polish
What does that mean, dude?
this guy gets it
Now Arthas gets to call Sylvannas a son of a bitch en Sylvannas gets to call Arthas a bitch.
just fucking show me the maiev and sylv models
and add a whitemane model/scarlet crusade campaign
i´d love to see a story mode with "what ifs" i remembre one dragon ball game did it and it was a very interesting concept.
Is that a man or a woman?
>hat if Arthas didn't betray his people
>what if Illidan had killed Arthas
>What if Thrall picked up Frostmourne, with Arthas and Grom allying in Kalimdor
La goblina
I'm so desperate for sex that i'd fuck this blobby amount of flesh.
She ran WoW into the ground, and she'll run their best rts' remake into the ground.
she looks like a goblin, but not the good ones.
lol at you being a minute man
Can we count all the ways Christie retconned Arthas to be a manchild? I remember her changing how he and Jaina broke up
>Original lore was that their duties split them apart
>Changed in the book to be Arthas getting cold feet for some reason
>Even though bearing responsibility, even when no one else will, defines his pre-corruption character
the horse part is the worst
I tried to guess that she was in her 40s when that picture was taken but nope, I was off about a year. She was 50 and now she's 55.
>I want a gamer girl
>Pic related
>I don't want a gamer girl
I thought the act of killing the horse was okay. It's basically foreshadowing for what the rest of his life is gonna be like: having to make the hard decision even if it kills him inside.
Does it get worse after that? I heard he basically runs to raise the horse from the dead after killing his dad, which sounded stupid to me
She looks very good for a 55 year old. I would play WoW Classic with her, smoke weed, and fuck
Making Arthas rip his heart out was pretty lame too
I'm guessing that Jaina will get the Blizzard standard Mary sue-ing whilst Arthas will be downgraded to be a retard In similar ways as WoW's. Maybe even make Uther a bleeding heart. I would of hoped they would stick to the original dialogues, honestly.
That's a gamer milf
What the fuck are you even saying, OP? She basically writes the novels and storylines that are butchered by the WoW team. Only 15-30% of the content makes it into the actual game. All we see are select cutscenes.
As far as inclusion, as long as it doesn't include shoehorned Thrall, I could care less.
A milf cat lady in charge of my favorite childhood video game? I’m ok with that
i want to feel her canines lightly scrape against the sides of my cock
>desperate faggots actually lusting after golden
Ah, a fellow thinker and man of leisure
>retconned to polish politically incorrect dialogue
the first budokai game. Good shit.
>Christie Golden has posts on twitter where she lusts after men who wouldn't even look at her
>probably faps to Anduin and ERPs with other losers in WoW
dude she is a childless husbandless old bitch. Something has warded men away from her and I think you'd fine out very shortly what it was.
Grind rep for what feels like forever. Can finally make a Kul Tiran after that awful quest chain. Create a druid twink with the most powerful heirloom enchants and gems. Killed in seconds by hunters and warriors.
this bitch drinks boxed wine
Creates novels for a dying game. I would imagine that it would be autism powerlevels.
Her fucking fat ugly was face is my source.
Honestly, I really liked Golden's earlier works (Lord of the Clans, Rise of the Horde, and even Before the Storm had some good nuggets)
But her work on BfA has been quite frankly dogshit.
I'm only slightly nervous about reforged and only realistically expect reworks of maps to look like what they are in WoW and remove some of the unsavory stuff that wouldn't survive in this day's climate (Blademaster's fake asian voice)