Say hello to game of the year 2020

Say hello to game of the year 2020

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>shitting light

>locked into cutscene where your character swivels his head around animatedly while things happen
>five minutes before this on-rails adventure ends and the game begins
>the fighting is for 20 seconds and extraordinarily simple and looks like bethesda gameplay
>as soon as this ends the game locks you back in
>level design is extremely linear
not impressed but I liked the first one so I'll still reserve final judgement until the next trailer where it looks even worse

Fingers crossed they can balance out the lack of outside zombos in the daytime. Maybe make it so you can't just skip night anymore

Weren't the 'gameplay' trailers for the first fairly similar to the finished game?

Wrong pic?

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>first person
Lmao no




How the fuck havnt you learnt to not judge a game before playing it

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console faggot out

based bird of prey and reasoning

>Another generic fantasy first-person game

Yeah zombies aren't that original, but for the most part the whole zombie craze died out. Plus the first Dying Light was great

Alpine parrot eats berries (and sometimes prey)

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>Trials of Mana
>Nioh 2
>Ys 9
>FF7 Remake

gonna get weeb'd on

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>Avellone doing the writing
It's got some potential I'll admit

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Looks boring, aesthetic is ugly, UV lasting for only a few seconds doesn't make sense, main character climbed some electrified metal construction and didn't die, zombies don't seem to pose any threat, Steve's VA is terrible, game looks overdesigned, there appears to be sources of clean water everywhere so I don't buy the whole premise, parkour looks like shit.
Also Matt staged all of this to kill Frank, this shit is too obvious.

I'm really looking forward to this. The improved parkour looks very slick, the way the envorionment changes depending on your choices is something I just love to see in games. Combat seems improved in the sense that human enemies can no longer sustain like 10 good fucking hits with a machete before dying. I'm quite optimistic about this, might seriously be contender for GOTY for me.

>Scorpio is a weapon that basically one shots your enemies
>but it didn't one shot you

What are some other games besides DL 1 that have legitimately stupid protagonists?

Crane is an absolute moron.

Simon from SOMA. Literally brain damaged.

>Avellone doing the writing
So its DOA then.


You know it in your heart.

>UV lasting for only a few seconds doesn't make sense

Did you play the first game?

The fight end for The Following was fucking perfect for Crane's character (and probably the canon ending given how everything's fucked in Dying Light 2)

Wow, dying light completely btfo. Good job user.