PC Gaming is an Expensive MEME

$2000 computer
$500 monitor
$600 annual gfx card update
$200 special gaming mouse and keyboard

muh muh muh steam sales STFU scam.

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not even gonna adress the points
weak bait thread that will still get tons of replies, because Yea Forums is full of underageb& who rely on an allowance and are equally as technically ignorant as OP fakes to be

Check my 8.

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nb4 300 replies

tfw I just bought a laptop thats already stronger than the ps5 will be

I can hide my weed from mommy inside my pc case. Your argument is invalid.

It is expensive. Poorfags should stick to consoles

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This is why only pay pigs buy games.

Imagine paying for all your games and playing them on a GTX 970 when you could just pirate everything and play them all on a 2070 Super. You'd have to be pretty retarded to buy games desu. Plus when you pirate them you don't have to do mental gymnastics to get your moneys worth and convince yourself you enjoyed it. If it's bad you just stop playing

You forgot $100 for poptarts

gr8 b8 m8 8/8

I bought a console because PCs have shit exclusives. Enjoying RDR2 at the moment, looks great in native 4K

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>$200 special gaming mouse and keyboard
fuck you, I'm still using my dad's Model M

>cost of 55 console games for a machine you can effortlessly pirate anything on if you're a poorfag and will last you years and can still be sold on for hundreds

>$600 annual gfx card update
kek maybe in 2015

Attached: 2080ti-price.jpg (3158x1105, 247K)

>console gaming is not exp-

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True, GFX card prices and models didnt move of one inch in the last two years.
My modest RX 470 is still able to run pretty much anything in full HD @ high quality.

Console gaming is so fucking expensive

>Have to get 3 xbox ones and special order the Cross SLI console cable connector just to be able to play games at 60fps in 720
>Have to buy a 8000$ 8k TV just so I can see the graphics
>75$ per xbox per year (the premium you have to pay for crosslinking consoles for that extra horsepower) for xbox live PLATINUM
>300$ for an Xbox controllers not made in china that will withstand basic gameplay movements without breaking
>200$ for the Gold plated HDMI cable with built in anti virus to make sure no virus's get to my TV as well as semi perfect audio and visual performance
>Dont even get me started on the astronomical costs of the poptarts
How you console fags do this every 2-3 years is beyond me

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Ok console fags do all these things while playing a game using your pc only:
Send an email
Call someone without leaving the game (no dashboard use silly)
Plug in an external device and use it (no no, not a controller or head set silly)
Change to a different playlist
Write part of your screen play

I’ll wait.

Don't forget a $20000 car to get to and from gamestop

I didnt want to add the extra costs that I could eliminate. I assumed some of them just had the 2000$ performance mountain bike and just peddled. My mistake

>$400-$5000 computer
>$100-$1500 monitor
>gfx card update whenever you feel like it
>$10-$300 dollar peripherals depending on what you want
>can pirate and emulate every game in existence that's worth playing
fixed that for you fag

>weak bait 2001
my 2012 not even 1k$ PC that still runs new games on ultra begs to differ all your points, fager

2080ti bros ww@???

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the heat will ruin the weed

>Which now has a confirmed PC port
Top lel

this video is hot as fuck

>founders edition
>buying a graphics card each year
just neck yourselves, normies

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who gives a fuck
>3gb vram
>16gb ram ddr3 1.6k mhz
>i5 core
>some medium-range mb
>sd os hdd shit
who gives a fuck it runs everything you need since 2011

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>Only if you really want it otherwise meme

we should thank steve jobs every day for beautiful computers!

>comparing driving a Honda civic to driving a Lamborghini
Why do poorfags do this?
Yes, both get you from point A to point B but one is a much more enjoyable and superior experience.

Time to prove you're not a poorfag Yea Forums

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>so fat and dirty that the pores on your hands are visible

>shitting on civic
it's a comfortable car desu

such an awful post.

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I spent £830 on a PC last month, Vega 56 Pulse, Ryzen 5 3600, 16GB RAM, B450 Tomahawk MAX and a 500GB SSD
can't even run DS3 at 1080p 60fps ultra, and pic related, GPU is running at half the speed it should and the CPU is absolutely fucked beyond belief to the point it's in the 0th percentile of performance

PCs are a meme

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>effortlessly pirate anything
except console exclusive :^)

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all my games are free though.

Hey i have that case :D


Decent PC that plays most games at 1080 is like $500-$600 total.

just report the baiting faggot and hide the thread

Vape in your room, that'll make it moist.

Buying an Xbox for exclusives

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>native 4k

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>pc gaming has always been for enthusiasts and wealthier people
>pc gaming is expensive

I really hope this is a joke and there isn't a real person out there like this

This. Console plebs only complaint is the price which for PChads is never a problem.

>w-what are you p-poor? xd

>he cant play on 4K and 240fps en every new title

consoles are unironically more expensive while offering less.
a proper nigger trap.


And it perform like on shit on 2015games
Cant barrly play on 4K/60fps a 2017 stabdar
Neck yourself poorfag may as well play on console you dirty pleb

you're unironically paying for netplay.

Idk I just bought an alienware. Runs great but I didnt spend quite that much.

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Lol what's it like being poor?

Kill yourself poor fag

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$150 Dell i5 Optiplex Tower
$150 Video card
$40 PSU upgrade
$5 Keyboard and mouse at a thrift store
$10 lets get a chair too, while we're there
$20 Buy a controller on Amazon
$0 spend time cleaning the mouse, keyboard, chair you got while you wait for the parts to be delivered
$0 Hook it up to your TV
$0 Pirate games

Imagine being poor

Lolololo i can do the same on ebay for $500

You can get a PC thats the same power as any current gen consol for no more than a 25% price markup even at the end of a consoles lifespan. Its not a significant expanse.

There's only two or three that I really want and I'm not buying TWO different consoles just to play them.

Imagine spending $1000 to not be able to play Bloodborne.

>Imagine spending $1000 to not be able to play Bloodborne.
Its already on PC though...

I would venture a guess that a lot of people that own gaming pcs can also afford an Bloodborne machine. kek. Imagine only owning a PS4 though.

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I have a $3000 setup, litterally. My tower alone is $2000+.

Best money I've spent on gaming. Everything runs smooth, loads fast, and looks amazing.

my life is a joke user and it is very real, if you know why my shit's all fucked please enlighten me and end my torture

>Implying 3,300$ is a lot of money

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There's any one of a million things you could have fucked up or you might have just gotten a bad component, you should take it to a repair shop or something and have them look at it

None of which I'm interested in or are that good, maybe the last of us 2.. but that's it


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>TFW Im just using Amazon Basics and some logitech mouse

Who are you fuckers that need thse 1ms response time on things. Why do you fall for such a stupid statistic.

Are you a esports guy? Do you really think if you fired that much sooner you would be getting all the kills?

I get using a good graphics card and having cool looking shit but technically speaking keyboard switches sound like a shill thing.

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2600K is still laughing at you nearly 9 years later. Paired it with a 560 TI and then a RX 480 which is still going strong. I use a 40'' television as a monitor that cost like 150 or something dumb on sale and just push VSR for 1440P when I want it. Total system cost over nearly 9 years has been

Since we're memeing about computers; I've socked away about $2000 to replace my last build which I lost to a power surge. I know that's way overkill, but I need some headroom because I work on big Photoshop/Illustrator and video files.

What's the best system I can put together for that much? I may end up being lazy and just using an SI too.

Guessing you bought shitty ram with shitty timings for one which is a serious bottleneck for AMD. Second guess is you have not tweaked your cards voltage and variables which is essentially mandatory for AMD cards to not thermal throttle like crazy and drop frames.

Console gaming is an expensive MEME
$300 console
$5000 TV
$1200 couch
$200 cheetos
$100 muh special forces cowadooty controller
$150 muh special forces cowadooty headset

>model average, 19,957
>my CPU score, 6160

I think it's safe to assume my PC is fucked, and that's that

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low latency stuff isnt even expensive wtf.
its the moviegame ripoff shit like 4k thats overpriced as hell.

If you think it's faulty hardware then RMA it

What the other user said, RMA it if you think it's a bad chip. However what kind of ram are you using and what speed and timings is it? 3200 is pretty much minimum with the new chips.

ever just pay for basic online features and have your games censored by sjw filth

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>What's the best system I can put together for that much

What are the optimal** requirements for your programs?
Min/max around that.
and youtube are your friends

the GPU is just as bad and it seems unlikely that both parts are fucked, CPU was new too
RAM is Corsair Vengeance LPX 3200 Mhz x2 8GB, CL16 I think


Japs do not know who to optimize for PCs, they use them for work, not gaming.

>Vega 56 last month
Your fault.

CPU is just as fucked, lesson learned that AMD is total cancer I guess

I've spent less than $500 on my ps4 i got last year, that includes dozens of games. Meanwhile that's not even half the price of a good GPU

you paid too much

Here is your reply for your low quality bait, nice try.

why would you compare a ps4 to a good GPU?
a good gpu is unironically about five time stronger than a ps4.

alright I take it back, it isn't fucked and works perfectly

Congrats, now you have the performance of GPU from 2016 that is currently $70.

The keyswitches thing is more of a personal preference.
I grew up on white alps switches, and STILL HAVE the keyboard I used when I was 6 years old.
Rubber membrane keyboards feel mushy and unpleasant to me.

and what gpu is that

GT 1030.

Console gaming is a meme
>$400 console - burns out every year and needs replacing
>Have to buy $600 4K version of console after two years - also burns out every year and needs replacing
>Need a 4K TV upgrade for $6,000
>8K version of same console comes out for $800
>Need a $22,000 8K TV
>Need to replace default controller with $250 elite pro gaming controller to stay competitive
>Need to pay $50 a year for online service or you can't use any game
>One console costs over $30,000 to own for just 6 years plus games at $60 a piece that never go on sale

oh look its this thread again.jpg

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That's twice as much as a good GPU actually.

Those parts are not working correctly obviously, and AMD needs 3800mhz ram or higher to be decent.

I just got a 3800x last month and it blows every game away @144hz on my monitor.

Switches are a tactile thing, they'll do nothing for your performance. People get them because they like the feeling, anyone thinking it'll make them faster in games is delusional.
Any mouse with a polling rate of 500Hz is good enough and you can easily get some basic "gaming" mouse for like $40 that'll have a good sensor and 3 side buttons(which is about how much you want).

>3800Mhz RAM or higher
No user, that's straight up wrong. The infinity fabric is guaranteed to clock up to 3600Mhz, depending on how lucky you are with your chip it might do 3800Mhz.
For gaming performance you really don't want to be pushing beyond that, 3600Mhz memory is your safest bet for Ryzen gen 3 since it lets you stay 1:1 with the infinity fabric instead of decoupling it.

Just built my PC...

What do I do?

Play mincecraft and watch hentai

Nigga smartphones cost more than building a PC these days

Tell random strangers online to have sex.

>He can't afford a $2000 computer.
Get a job nigger.

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Is it worth 700 dollarydoos?

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fuck no,that was outdated 5 years ago


u can run all the best games with a 50 dollar toaster

580 got replaced by the 1660.
2600 replaced by 3600.
>Paying for windows

Have you checked your temps and clocks? If it's running hot during load it could be underclocking itself massively to safe its life.

You don't have to pay for Windows. I'm not talking about piracy either - it's free legally.

have fun when it overheats daily in a month and sounds like a vacuum cleaner when you game on it.

not even true

Well that applies to consoles too.