September 2019.... I am forgotten

September 2019.... I am forgotten

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Other urls found in this thread:


Literally no games have been remembered since Bloodborne in 2015.

You remembered to make a thread about it, didn't you?

Thank god it was so boring to play after the second playthrough

Sekiro was a fun game, but didn't have build variety or any online features. It is unsurprising that people aren't still talking about it as frequently.

suck dick op

>get rid of character customization, which was one of the main selling points of the souls games

All modern games... forgotten a month or less after their release.
Gaming is dead. Dead.

Timed blocks or die in 3 hits makes for a shit game-play so everyone dropped this shit once they realize difficulty is the only thing it has going for it.

Best game since Bloodborne. Dark Souls can suck a cock, literally meme tier stream bait at this point. Baby mode shielders in this thread

they tried something different and to so extent it was a success

Literally one of the most boring games I've played this year.

I still remember the orgasm I got playing Ace Combat 7

There was a thread about Genichiro just yesterday fuck off with this shitty meme get a life fag

they got lazy as fuck because other games still attempt to give customization and try to balance an online multiplayer game mode, even if it takes work to do so.

I'm still remembering Baba is You because I still haven't fucking beaten it

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Maybe if you're an autistic tranny

Imagine if you could only play as the knight class with a long sword in dark souls 3 and your only way to defend is rolling, that's sekiro.

please acquire taste

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It was just a side project to get some money in and do develope new ideas for future titles

now imagine the same faggots who profited off making youtube videos about dark souls are suddenly touting the sekiro dumbed down system as morally superior to DS

It's a great game, but there's not much to discuss. There's one way to play the game, no dlc, no online component, no lore, no interesting ng+, and barely any optional content. It's the most barebones Soulkiro game.

The best things about Dark Souls are the atmosphere, the level design, the boss fights, the visual design and the interest online implementation. Dress up is at the bottom of the list.

No, that's what MMOs and Elder Scrolls games are for. Everyone goes hard as FUCK in selling the games on their difficulty, even since DeS.

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...if you're a fucking casul maybe
out of the 500h I have in DS1 about 400 of them were pvping and doing build challenges based around a single weapon.

OP destroyed

>soulsfags still seething because Sekino deviated even a little bit from their gay dress up PvP rollfest

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Autistic tranny as previously highlighted

Imagine thinking that character customization is the main selling point of a souls game. Retard.

It's not a Souls game you retard.

see this is why people say Yea Forums has no taste in videogames.

not really, was about to start my second playthrough

If you haven't noticed by now OP is using reverse psychology as he has been for the many months he's been making the same threads.

with how they butchered it? yeah it's not

which is why it's so forgettable.

>Only 500 hours
And you're calling other people casuals? Kill yourself.

>judging a game by something it never marketed itself to be

Dark Souls was a shit game because it wasn't an RTS.

and people still play nioh. suck it soulfags

playing it right now, great game

getting my entire ass handed to me by a Headless, though

>butchered it
Nah it was pretty great. You're just a cynical cunt with no friends.

filtered by the chained ogre

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Now it is a gay linear parry spamfest

I can't wait till Sekiro wins GOTY. The only reason people hated it was because they were either shit or demanded some elements from it that were never promised in the first place.

>get past chained ogre with relatively little muss or fuss
>get shit-stomped by the generic samurai general right after
my brain does weird things

not this shit again

>games not released near Christmas holiday getting GOTY

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Seethe more faggot, Sekiro has always been an action adventure game first and foremost. Go tug on your little pecker over Elden Ring.

>get rid of 'customization'
>end up with the most balanced, focused, challenging PvE than Souls and BB by far
Made me realize how interesting things can get when you don't have to balance it around tons of weapons, spells, and player counts.
Either way, there's Nioh and Nioh 2 coming soon. They're both perfectly polar opposite of each other.

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seriously nigga
yeah when there are no options then it's perfectly balanced you mong

The latest good game of the decade was Dark Souls 3 prove me wrong.

>haha I'm good at all video games first try do I fit in yet Yea Forums

Witcher 3 released in May
Overwatch released in May
BotW released in March
Dad of Boy released in April

I finished the game and love it, but when people are like ''dude Sekiro is easy as shit''
Yeah fucking right. Journos shat on it because it was too hard, yes they suck, but they also praise DaS because DUDE PREPARE TO DIE LMAO

>seriously nigga
Objectively more challenging and complicated than any previous Souls game, absofuckinglutely.
>yeah when there are no options then it's perfectly balanced you mong
Yeah it's pretty neat. It's a good contrast compared to the previous decade of Souls games.

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Is this the only way to start sekiro threads

You honestly think Dark Souls and Bloodborne are more difficult than sekiro?
>yeah when there are no options then it's perfectly balanced you mong
Who gives a shit when all of those options are garbage? I much prefer the one actually fun playstyle in sekiro than the bloated bullshit in souls.

Resident Evil 2, Devil May Cry 5, and Sekiro all came out after DS3

No, DeS=BB=Sekiro rest is shit

we had a really nice thread last night, although it was about action games in general not just Sekiro

Should i get this or rdr2? Asking for a friend


no, but there are games that not only have multiple possible builds and an online competitive mode that are also balanced and challenging.
Sekiro was a lazy game.

Fuck off

DeS=BB=Sekiro=>DS1 imo

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>September 2019
>better playing alternative comes out to help us forget this shit even more
While I don't think it will be a direct replacement for Souls, I think Code Vein is actually going to be pretty fun based on the demo.

RDR2 if you want a nice simple movie game with a big pretty open world tacked on
Sekiro if you want a challenging Metroidvania-ish action game with fun exploration and combat

Sekiro is an action game, not an RPG. You are complaining because you want an RPG when Sekiro was never that and was never going to be that.

What do his feet smell like, Yea Forumsros?

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>filtered by ogre macho man
no way

>Sekiro was a lazy game.
Yeah it doesn't even have racing minigames or rice restaurant management mode. Go away.

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milk and coins

no day without this thread...
you guys can't stop thinking about this game

RDR2 has awful controls and a mediocre combat system, but its a fun sandbox and has a good story. Sekiro has a great story and amazing combat, but its only singleplayer. So if he likes multiplayer get Redemption, otherwise sekiro.

it has no endgame and no replayability, it is incredibly forgettable and more of a games journalist tailored movie.

>good story

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It's kinda sad how people are blind to this game's genius.

>it has no endgame and no replayability
Just like Silent Hill and Zelda games, completely forgettable experiences.

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>a game ends at the end
what a radical concept

they got filtered by El Ogro de las Cadenas and are still butthurt about it

More to the point, the flame vent neutralizes him like crazy.

like sweet rice balls

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My favorite FromSoft game, maybe tied with DS1.
But what else is there to say? It came and went, and with no DLC in the horizon, the discussion has run its course.

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Unironically the clouds from the Divine Realm probably considering his blood comes from the Sakura Dragon.

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>a 60 dollar product should provide me with hundreds of hours of entertainment

How fucking poor are some of you??? I spend a minimum of 100 bucks every weekend on booze and food with my friends and that's only for a single night of fun most of the time. For fuck sake, you spend 40 bucks at theater for two people these days so whats the problem? 40-50 hours of gameplay is more than your money's worth.

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I fucking loved it. Currently on my NG+3.

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Probably the most japanese game into existence.

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>which was one of the main selling points of the souls games

Only for retarded zoomerfags like you. I literally do not give a single fuck about gay RPG elements. It's nothing more than a waste of time.

Seeing every Sekiro thread die before hitting 40 replies saddens me greatly.

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The issue is that it's good until you figure it out.
Learning the rhythm of the game makes the difficulty plummet. All you have to do is know the parry timing and press R1 over and over mindlessly.

Where's the dlc nobody will give a fuck by the time it comes out.

game doesn't really need DLC

understanding how the game works and consequently being able to play it well makes it easier? wtf i hate sekiro now

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>It's nothing more than a waste of time.

Games in general are complete waste of time, any hobby is so that's not a good argument. I loved Sekiro and the only reason these autists seem to hate it is because it dared to deviate from Dark Souls even slightly which shouldn't even matter in the first place as its a completely new title. They think any game that is not frivolously to their liking is shit and unplayable. I don't consider anyone who plays only one genre or series a gamer.

The point is that it's just a learning curve of letting go of Dark Souls muscle memory.
Once you do that, the game is utterly uninteresting.

>I got gud
>the game is now easy
cleared with Demon Bell and without Kuro's Charm?

best area aesthetic wise
functionality wise its fucking dogshit
way too linear and way too many forced encounters for being a stealth area

shut the fuck up

how am I supposed to post in this thread if their are no anime tiddies?

delete your thread and try again OP

why are you so eager to support cancerous practices?

I pay for DLC as long as its a respectable price but that's rarely ever the case so I see your point.

That's additional content not base content.

It needs something to make it memorable. What would Dark souls be without the Artorias Dlc.

a great game?

What is getting it in a sale.

You sir, have class.

because it's a good game and im willing to pay for it as long as it has the same quality the other fromsoft DLCs had

still supporting cancerous practices. DLC is DLC regardless of how much you pay for it.

Literally too hard

Still the GOTY so far

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What's the difference between paying a little for a lot of hours of content in a game you like vs paying 60 for a new game.

Dark Souls was memorable way before that you fucking retard.

Do you play the Dark souls dlc or not.

man what are some other classy girls in vidya?
she's so pretty and captivating despite the simple design. i love her.

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Yes? That doesn't change anything. It wasn't a necessary addition. It was decent content, but it was fine without it.

Good now trace backwards. Sekiro needs something to make it stand out that's my point.

Sekiro stands out on its own.

Sekiro stands out by not being another Dark Souls entry retard. It has an entirely different set of mechanics and a new environment to traverse.

Nah it's copy pasted pagodas and caves. It needs something off the wall.

nigga you haven't even played the fuckin thing

Go work for gearbox if you want to make "off the wall" meme garbage, peasant.

>Nah it's copy pasted pagodas and caves
Like DS1's castles and caves - another game that stood well on its own (but got nerfed through patches)? Sekiro is fine as is.

Elden Ring gameplay when

not him but can't a man wish for a little bit more of something he likes? fuck all of you and fuck fromsoft. elden ring better be really fucking good.

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FUCKING BASED chained Ogre filtering out the casuals once again!

Lol ok.

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The game doesn't need multiplayer. 1v1 or 2v2 pvp but not multiplayer.

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>not him but can't a man wish for a little bit more of something he likes?
That's fine but he's suggesting the game 'needs' it, just like DS1 'needed' it. They're both solid games without. Of course Sekiro DLC would be great, but it's understandable if they don't want to fuck with it. They already didn't fuck with any online or 'builds' so I'm willing to humor them so more with them considering it "complete".

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I'm glad my loli tendencies motivated me to go through all of her chat options ending up with the best ending that sets up the sequel.

Fromdrones are in every thread. Every game is literally perfect to them.

DS2 and 3 suck

>DS1 'needed' it.
>Sekiro DLC would be great

Stop arguing with yourself.

you're a small child

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>The game is copy pasted!
>No it isn't
>Why are you victimizing him?!!
If he's allowed to not like it why aren't I allowed to like it

there is NO WAY you got the loli ending in the first playthrough without looking it up.

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What's this proving.


nothing really

i did everything related to the snake just for completion curiosity reasons before even seeing her, then the girl popped up and I kept visiting that little tease.

Quotations imply sarcasm, fucking idiot

That moment when you realize that ALL of the rejuvenating water comes from the little pond where this chick is sitting.

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not him but i got close, got one of the viscera and did everything up to the second holy chapter before seeing the ending reqs on Yea Forums because i couldn't resist going on this shithole while i was playing. spoiled ape for myself too.

is that tomoe?

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>Play Sekiro
>now can't play Dark Souls without feeling bored

What is that chick suppose to symbolize?

Hes just saying it lacks some of the replayability of dark souls. Meaning people dont talk about it as much because the campaign has been discussed to death

Hesitation is _______

You don't like rolling instead of parrying.

No, tomoe and her lord are buried near the everbloom, remember the two grave stones?

There's some graves in front of where the tree near the castle was, but I wasn't able to find how she died. She tried to kill herself but it was unsuccessful. Maybe it's a ceremonial grave?

>Genichiro - Way of Tomoe Bathwater

I still find it disturbing that no review i read or watched of this game ever mentions it has the best swordplay combat of all time.

That being said i still go back to DS and BB more often because theyre longer games and my build changes my entire playthrough

you can if you explore the entire map and talk to npcs
the return ending isn't that hard to get
the purification on the other hand is the hardest one since nobody tells you to eavesdrop on kuro

>NO WAY loli ending first playthough
Speak for your self fag, i somehow used every rice given to old ladies the needed more than me and did everything i could before even tackling ashina's castle.

btw post sekiro related pics, i almost don't have any.

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yeah i know, but isn't tomoe immortal? she didn't have the morta blade, how the fuck did she die?

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There is literally nothing wrong with DLC if the development starts after the game goes gold.

No, Sekiro showed me how shallow DaS combat really is

because most reviewers and journos are casuals that got filtered and some probably try to hide it

6'0 vs 5'11

Sekiro is both, plus jumps and mikiris and such; the parrying feels more like active blocking with a great payoff. Sekiro's dodge also sucks cock while locked on as opposed to unlocked, the only major flaw besides not being able to unlock charmless on newgame.

The swordplay blew my mind.
I really didn't think from was able to do anything this good, souls games feel so basic after this, still love them though.

Does FromSoft realize their game is an underrated gem or just thought they fucked up because of difficulty backlash?

Its a good game, nothing more and nothing less. A lot of Souls fans hate it because they're shit tier fans and a lot of action games fans hate it because its quite restrictive/repetitive. I probably fall more into the latter category but still liked the game a lot. Enough for a couple runs at least.

Real problem is From's snail pace progress towards the action genre. Mechanically they are still far behind games that came out years before Sekiro.

Why does he have noodle arms.

it's the best-selling From game, I doubt they think they fucked up

Because he's and old and fragile man in the end of his days. He didn't even want to fight Emma.

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>tear her apart
Loved that line, just shows how much of a save Owl is.

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Owl doesn't give a single fuck. A true shinobi and a massive asshole.

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Why aren't they releasing more stuff then?


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What was your favourite fight?

Why did he only have one arm though?

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Old and fragile? Nah he leaved you with Emma and Isshin while he killed genchiro, maybe even hoped you got yourself killed.

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1) SS Isshin
2) Demon of Hatred
3) Owl in Hirata
4) Owl in Ashina
5) Everlasting Dragon

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Genichiro's 1st theme is my favorite in the game

Unironically the corrupted monk ghost


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>Got completely buttfucked by Drunkard a million times
>Got fucked by Lady Butterfly a few times
>Got buttfucked by Ogre a couple of times
>No other boss gave me a fraction of that much trouble afterwards besides Monk
Did they place these 3 bosses at the start of the game exclusively to fuck casuals and jornalists into dropping the game?

I think Sekiro is better than Dork Souls.
You read that right, fite me IRL fagets.

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Second ape fight. Oh wait, I thought you said OWRST FIGHT IN THE GAME. Fuck that shit. Three playthroughs later and it still tilts me.

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Fuck I meant Divine Dragon. Everlasting Dragon is in Dark Souls.

1 Ashina Spears this raped me in charmless
2 Sword Saint
3 Owl Hirata
4 Owl Ashina
5 Genichiro

Is this a Miyazaki thing?

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>3) Owl in Hirata
Wait what, you can fight him there?

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the spears have a huge blindspot on their left side

strap up, kid

I never do any sort of things like that except for the demon of hatred since I can't parry without taking damage

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wolf is a shinobi
honor doesn't exist in his vocabulary

wait why the fuck did they censor it
i just rewatched it on youtube

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Father Owl

don't do this to me man

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Corrupted monk was every memorable on my charmless run

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Japs are weird with gore. They also "censored" Isshin's beheading.

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i tried popping a snap seed on the monk ghost and it did a billion damage to it

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Cuz she's an illusion and snapseeds are good against them

gosh darn it man
owl was a fucking cunt but a dad is a dad

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its an illusion not a ghost

i dont know man, the damage seemed pretty real to me

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snap seeds don't work on ghost
you know the random ghost mobs that start appearing through out the map the further you progress in the game

I like how I can skip the ghost if I rush monk first

100% completed the game in the first week
No reason to go back to it
No online
No replay value with varied builds
No dlc content

Just, nothing. It's done. I've experienced it all. It was a great game but bloodborne is a game that gets remembered because it's replayable with a lot of variety (no respecs in it so people need to do new playthroughs for trying different builds), it has online pvp and chalice dungeons that are replayable beyond that.

Sekiro is a fantastic souls game but by design it's less memorable and has less to talk about

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>100% completed the game in the first week
Dam son, you don't have responsabilities or shit to do?

im on my third week and i still have like 10 achievements ahead of me. how the fuck did you manage that

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they don't feel the need to

I really want to replay this game with no replay value

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it only takes about twenty hours
less if youre good

You should be glad it doesn't get subject to this cesspool.

in that it's all a big Berserk reference, yes

now you're just straight up lying

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Ogre and Drunkard are the shit check, Genichiro is the "git gud" boss

>inability to respec adds a sort of forced replayability
Never thought of it that way
Good thing FROM didn't implement respeccing like they almost did

How many times do you poorfags need to be told to shut the fuck up. See;


Sure thing buddy

Yeah i was

I'mma gonna bait, post hours played faggot

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>normalfag doesnt understand Yea Forums autism
What a surprise

Juzo is considered hard? I had more trouble with the spear guy before him

Reminds me of yayirobe for some reason.

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you DID spirit him away right? i really hope you didn't sent him to his demise

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Charmless changed my opinions on some minibosses since I did shura ending first

I think Juzo gets a bit overblown because losing to him means you need to clear out all the other cunts with him, while the spear guy has like four minions total

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fuck that guy
"mikiri counter or die, faggot"

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>not sending him to aoyama to get the discount charm

prolly just the orange

I spirited him away after completeing his questline and spirited him away without, just to see if it was different. He doesn't talk if I don't do his quest tho

>tfw first time you spirit him away, not knowing if you did the right choice

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that motherfuckers screams as his dying
i got scared too


Did you realize you are responsible for the fall of Ashina

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They existed in real life too

as if he's dying**
brain fart

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>enemy can hits you beyond range

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it was going to happen regardless if you save kuro or not
isshin didn't give a shit and genichiro is a bitch

i dont know man i think Isshin is at least as much to blame

Minikiro...I kind of like it.

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>enemy is ESL

>mikiri stomp their FUCKING LEG

best enemy design

>that one asshole that spots you from a mile away and interrupts the fight if you don't deal with him

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wow that's pretty cool

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Idk those defenses would not have stood up to ministry anaways.
I mean, lighting a cow on fire? 5 or 6 old generals? hastily done centipede science?
The Demon would have killed the ministry tho

I do but whenever a souls game comes out I just end up playing it exclusively, whenever I have the time for it.
I did the same for das2 and 3, pre-ordering it and completing it all in around the first week
holy shit dark souls 3 was a fucking pain to 100% when the darkmoon invasions didn't work and you had to farm the ears from the silver knights with extremely low droprate instead

I also decided to 100% both versions of souls 1 and 2 for some reason, so I have every single souls game completed 100% that isn't demon's souls and bloodborne des because it's cancer to plat and bloodborne because I don't actually own a ps4
are you retarded?

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No way you can do that

Why is it that everytime someone wants to start a Sekiro thread they use this stupid ass title?

But you can, cause its still a thrusting attack

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>Tell me, do you mikiri counter?

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Well shit I better try that

>which was one of the main selling points of the souls games

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>Genichiro is the "git gud" boss
For me he was easier than Drunkard. Maybe I had already got used to blocking and dodging at that point and his lightining mode was pretty meh.

the only hard part of drunkard is all the other enemies that aren't him

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I did. Much of it was by accident though, just fucking about and looking for secrets.

I have money to buy any games I want and I’m still not buying this nonsouls piece of shit movie

I think I'm going to watch Shigurui again.
Fujiki VA is the same who made the voice of Wolf

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lets assume that genichiro got his wish with the immortal army
everyone that isn't immortal would have gotten sick of dragonrot and the die off because the dragon blood immortality works like that

imagine putting his whole foot in your mouth and nom nom'n hahahaha

It’s trash they made it too hard.

Can’t wait to play Elden Ring on easy mode and collect it 80 trillion horses. I got filtered by albino Ape poo flinger.

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did you guys try jumping as old Wolf? that's pretty cool for something that will only happen once if you fuck up really hard

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>they've resorted to calling it a movie game

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You got pretty far user.
Just glitch through the arena walls like some speed runners and grab the flower.

Sekiro only has one way to play, there is no variety and no replay value.

Souls and bloodborne have a huge amount of variety in how you can play. This lends itself perfectly to how once you know how the world of a souls game work, that you can casually speedrun through the game in a few hours. Go there early, grab this one item, bam you got a unique build going that gives you a way different experience compared to your previous playthroughs. Now you can also tackle bosses out of order, join different covenants etc.

For example in dark souls 2, after beating it once I started a new playthrough where I went through the game with dual cestus only. It was a fun and unique way of playing the game. Not just because it was more challenging but because these weapons give you a very different playstyle compared to everything else in the game.

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Still probably my GotY desu. Only issue is the total lack of replayability unless you hate yourself enough for charmless.

>didn't read that it was a thrust attack until i was done with the game so just kind of awkwardly dodged all over the place every time i had to fight one of them

But charmless is the way its meant to be played

It’s a c-team garbage movie publish by activision

Good now it just needs to go on sale and I'll scoop it up and stop playing halfway through because most games aren't interesting enough to complete.


This thread is literally a "DAE remember x?" thread, reworded. As if there were any doubt this site has been overrun by reddit and normalfags.

no, it's a thread that started out shitting on Sekiro as a way to bait people into talking about Sekiro

because he's you

I lost interest after everything got too ridiculous, finished the game just to get it out of my backlog

>used to think these guys were part of some one-armed order of ninjas (sent specifically to troll Sekiro now that he had only one arm?)
>turns out they're just hiding the other arm beneath their cloak

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saddly it's the only way to have a sekiro thread

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only way to have a lot of threads

>mfw they hide their arm to mock sekiro

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why not wait for elden ring

Unironically this.

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>Look, guys. Guys! I'm sekiro.
>HAHAHAHA! Look! I'm Sekiro too!
>Hey. Hey, Sekiro! Look! I'm you! HAHAHAA
>sekiro's reaction

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If you merge the purples shinobis with the Sekiro one, that ninjas has one hand black for some reason.

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I can’t believe I spent money on this piece of shit

The skins. You switch the skins and you can see that.
Also according to the lore, they are all brothers.

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So their parents were fucking for 20 years?

Fuck the camera in that fight by the way. Got me killed almost as many times as the suit of armour and the door in the Owl fight.

any games I should play if I have finished all the souls games?

Exactly hahahahaha. Imagine the jutsus to conceive.

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fuck the stinky fingers one

its almost as if making a game with zero build options means your die hard community of fans probably won't care for the game much

>Owl seems to be affiliated or at least make regular use of the lone shadows
>yfw Owl specifically hired a group of ninjas that look like they have only one arm to beat up Sekiro now that he had lost his arm

Truly the biggest asshole in sekiro

actually if you hack the camera after you kill emma and isshin it's shown he assassinated genichiro while you were fighting, he didn't just fuck off.

poor genichiro, the poor bastard can't win
>it's real

so that's how he had the black mortal blade at the end

how are you even supposed to know that happened?

i used to think that they were remnants of wolf each time when he dies

RDR2 is a far superior game. don't let the retards trick you into buying a terrible weeb simulator. it's worse than every other From game by a fucking mile, including DaS3. the gameplay is far too simple and easy, you will die repeatedly because timing is super tight and stupidly specific not because you're lacking skill or knowledge. Difficulty is precisely two things: "hit the right counter button to dodge/hop/parry or get one shot" and "pop an Adderall so you can parry the hyperfast anime faggot" repeated over and over. there's nothing new in ng+ and no build variety at all, so there's no reason to replay. you can only use one attack skill at a time and most of them are utter trash, this one hurts the most because we know From can make awesome movesets and instead they cut away moves and made them skills. the claw skills are hilariously awful except in the cases where they completely trivialize the content - I don't mean make it easier, I mean cheat engine levels of "just disable the enemy and he can't do anything LUL". there are like FIFTEEN fucking copy pasted samurai bosses.

I have thousands of hours and platinum in ever other souls and soulslike game, except sekiro. I just got so fucking bored halfway through ng+ and never touched it again.

what RDR2 aims to do, it does well. what sekiro aims to do, it does in a lazy, uninspired, and ultimately boring and forgettable way. don't get sekiro

i bet that dumbass tried using a thrust attack

Well I beat the whole thing in 20 seconds with my eyes closed, so actually I'M superior to you.

>20 seconds
filthy casual

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Owl Father, probably my favorite soulsbornekiro fight actually
>the flute at 2:10
So good

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I was also distracted because I was fucking my harem of supermodels with my 18 inch dick at the same time.

If I actually tried I could do it in one plank second.

>can't even spell Planck right
lmaoing at your life

This massive faggot fakes his attacks. What a fucking son of a bitch.

>what a fucking son of a bitch
I think that was the point user

Thats actually my own new term I discovered because I have a 400 IQ too.

>no character customization
>no builds
>no classes
>no weapon variety
>no gameplay choices beyond melee and itens
>one buttom to kill dumbed down stealth, just a glorified backstabing
>no PvP of any sort
>just slash slash parry slash

Dark Souls can be played 10 times and everytime you can do something different, or play it differently, no wonder it lives on. Sekiro stops being fun after the first, you need to be speedrunning levels of autistic to do it.

>but waaa it's not a souls game
Agreed. It is as much as a souls game as an engine and wheels that makes a platform of metal move forward is a car. It is the most barebones shit ever, and I really can't comprehend what kind of retard believes that a dumbed down and mutilated version of a game is superior.

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God of War won game of the year with one possible character build.

it's a fucking action game, not an RPG

do you complain Devil May Cry doesn't have builds and classes? Or Bayonetta? You're whining that a game isn't the genre you were expecting. It's like saying Dark Souls is shit because it isn't a mech game.

Reinder that Dragon Age Inquisition won game of the year.

It no longer means anything, it is like the oscar.

>I really can't comprehend what kind of retard believes that a dumbed down and mutilated version of a game is superior.
I could see it if the combat was better/had more nuance to it/was more complex. It tries to give you that illusion with the new moves you can learn, but it's just that, an illusion. A boring button smasher is what it is, sadly

>Devil May Cry
Those games have combos, weapons, and movement options that makes the action gameplay more rewarding, and have more variety.

Saying Sekiro is an action game, and comparing it with hack n' slash, is an eve worse disservice for it than my post was. It is saying that this """action game""" have the gameplay standards of an RPG, and still manages to have less content.

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you can call it a shitty action game all you want, but to say it's bad because it's not an RPG despite it not even remotely being intended to be one is the single most retarded criticism of this game in these threads, and it's one of the most popular complaints.

Shitheads like you are just butthurt From didn't want to make another fucking Souls game.

What I'm saying is that don't matter in wich genre you try to put it, it is still a very poor game.

Is it an RPG? It lacks content. Is it an action game? It lacks gameplay variety and options. Is it stealth? There's too much forced combat segments. It is a shitty game at it's basis.

And yeah, I call it "action RPG" because this game didn't drop out of nowhere, made by no name devs. It was made by people who were famous for a series, with combat similar to that series, and "made by the people who made that series" written in the fucking store page. Hell yeah it will going to get compared to Dark Souls, and guess what? It pales in comparison.

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I always felt like bayonetta and dmc had too many options
i found myself accidentally activating weird combos
call me a brainlet if you want but i prefer sekiros simpler approach

Does a game need to have an infinite amount of replayability to be enjoyable? Isn't the fact that it's a well-crafted, fun 20-30 hour experience enough?

I don't know about you but I rarely, if ever, think "wow, that was really worth my money, a solid experience from start to finish" after finishing a 60$ single player game and Sekiro was the first to evoke that kind of emotion in me in a long while

it's outright not an RPG. There's no universe where it resembles an RPG. Refer back to , it's like saying Dark Souls is shit because it's not a mech game.

>character customization
go play the sims fag, and fuck off

Saying any of from's modern games are shit just shows how high the bar is set now.
Some may not be as good as the others, but they are far from being shit games which are not worth playing.

DS2 and 3 are shit and I actively regret playing them for as long as I did

Sekiro is like 3D Ninja Gaiden but instead of upgraded combat it has upgraded level design. And the combat isn't bad but it's simple like original Ninja Gaiden in a way.

desu I got a good 120 out of DQ11 and 500+ out of MH4U

>DaS3 released march 24th
>7 months later it got a dlc on october 26th
>Sekiro released march 22nd
We're almost home lads

Just a month or two before we can fight tomoe, dlc announcement will come any day now

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It's all about playtime for Yea Forumstards. A complete, 30 hour package game without multiplayer means threads die after a few months, which means their ADHD-addled brain won't be able to justify the purchase.

After 2 playthroughs and a half, it's finally time to fight dad. Wish me luck.

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>prepare to die

>shadows die twice


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>Not online
I'm not saying that's bad, it's just that the troglodytes from Yea Forums only care about online games, because it's easier to complain about it.

Just beat Corrupted Monk, heading back to my master in Ashina castle

any butthurt to come aside from Isshin?

>no dress up barby
>no meme builds
>no epic YOU DIED traps
>can't make epic youtube videos about PVP with Linkin Park songs on top
>can't can brag about beating dad's ass

that is why

Those headless shits are a fucking pain in the ass



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>t. didn't pass shirikodama inspection day

>Beat NG+4 because I wanted to see every ending
>STILL had to grind for 20 minutes to get enough xp for all the skills

Why on god's green earth would they make the lategame skills cost so much? The 9 point one is also hilariously useless, the best one you get for free after beating Sword Saint once

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I-It's for the DLC, dummy.

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>DLC adds another tree for lightning-based shit
>it ends with another 9 point ultimate rendering platinum'd accounts locked out of it behind hours of grinding


seeing wolf smile is wholesome as heck

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>implying running around being a deadly shinobi isn't fun in its own right
how fucking boring do you have to be wtf

kill yourself you don't like games you like dressing up as the fag you are

fucking casuals jesus christ

Best game of the year, Resi 2 a close second. Hopefully Kojima saves the second half of 2019 with his kino.

It was the part I most hated in the Soulsgame.

Meanwhile, no one outside of Yea Forums remembers BB either.

are you high?

I'm gonna bump this thread until we hit bump limit.

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that's a lotta bumps

well then I'm gonna bump it until I fall asleep
I gotta wake up early to go to work tomorrow

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are you mentally retarded?

never heard him say the third one

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This is the only fight where I pussied out. I simply parried until he did that *one* attack where I could hit him with a counter, after that it's just parry parry jump jump jump.



Based opinion.

Imagine for like 2 months we had RE2, DMC5, and Sekiro to fill our days.

This won't happen again in a while


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Dmc5 gets like 10 threads a day that max out and has for over a year now. Of course, now even that is being trolled but still

Sekiro released between RE2 and dmc5 and was just sandwiched and forgotten, honestly. Its a great game but just lacks replayability and released between many people's GOTY contenders

That sounds like dark souls 3 to me. Roll r1r1 r1 r1 roll roll roll

Resident Evil 2 actually came out in 1998.

>implying i don't play same build every time in ds
Also yes, i play with long sword(without shield) and use only rolling as my safe options

I still want some DLC so i can see if Lady Tomoe or a young Lady Butterfly are Waifu Material

Great timing bringing this thread up. I finally got to finishing reading the posts in a previous Sekiro thread and am just amazed at how assmad some people get at this game. It's really obvious when people are just terrible at video games and whinging about the most pedantic shit. Fault Sekiro for the puddle deep stealth mechanics, lack of character customization, spirit emblems costing money, reusing bosses, magnetic tracking, lack of story development, and lots more. But bitching that the fights are intentionally tedious in the most forgiving fromsoft action title is stupid. Might as well be that tranny streamer getting called a faggot by his father while he has a tantrum on camera making posts like that.
>can revive on the spot for a free second chance
>you get another second chance for just sweeping up trash mobs
>"there's no other mechanics because I didn't learn how to use anything so just believe me!"
>omg why are there easy enemies it's like I don't understand player psychology at all

I recently fought him again. Holy hell some of those thurst attacks have some very long ass GOTCHA windup animation that messes up my mikiri counter a lot.


>character customizatrion
>main selling point

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Nioh did the samurai man + souls formula better

I heard it was because Japan is sensitive about beheadings and they didn't want to showcase it directly

Game has no replay value, so its easily forgotten.

>you will never go on ninja adventures in china with an immortal loli that is pregnant with your dead master

why even live bros

imagine my surprise when I read this online and actually tried it in the game, like what the fuck that's just crazy

the lack of beheading is actually intentional, beheading during seppuku is considered disrespectful while Wolf's role as an assistant to Isshin's seppuku is merely to sever the spine but not necessarily the head

why does he travel like a retard

>pregnant with your dead master
...what the fuck are you talking about

the only replay value in souls is pvp grinding so it's not a surprise
ill be really sad if there's no direct sequel or something for sekiro, it's setup for a quite a few killer scenarios

>First playthrough
>Get to Kuro after Genichiro
>He asked this
Um, yea haha I totally died only 3 times my lord haha.

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>Mweep mweep mweep mweep mweep
>All the rejuvenating water passes under my ass and feet
>Mweep mweep mweep mweep mweep

One of my favorite games in the series. It's weakest aspect is that it stands among titans.

dark souls isn't replayable either, as soon as you figure out the level layouts and don't have any surprises to look forward to your enjoyment rapidly vanishes. Having a slightly different weapon does nothing for me.

>make literally everyone in ashina immortal
>the rest of japan dies