Grand Prix is halfway finished
She looks like she only fucks human men
Bump for Brio
>tfw bought and unlocked everything from this GP and farmed 120k coins from lab basement ready for the next couple
who cares
tell me when it's over so the online isn't 90% Spyro
also why didn't the add Ripto, Gnorc is based but why Hunter
Beats me user, I started playing but got tired of playing pretty quickly.
hahaha, remember when you guys said this game won't have any micro transactions?
reeeee inject the nitro squad into N. Sane trilogy already
We said it didn't have any. Not that it wouldn't.
>jannies deleted the last thread i created
They do this shit for free. They arent paid to hate Coot Crew Racin’ on a daily basis.
Reminder that bing bing wahoo man is coming to CTR.
>playable platforming Liz
I want it to be real.
>fires .38 rounds from the tip of her umbrella
>can also hover with it
Wish it would hurry up i'm getting sick of playing.
We need to fund this asap.
I haven't played this game in a month, but I made $100 by scalping Sour Patch Kids codes
Good times
This shit's getting boring
No it's already gotten there
These guys when
I'm fucking done with the challenges, not even gonna bother with them since I already got everything in the GP. I'm just gonna make sure I'm still in the Top 5%. I'm only gonna be farming coins from now on.
I was kinda hoping the Spyro GP would be great, but I feel like the character selection, the pretty boring level, and dull vehicle designs hurt it a lot. The first GP was almost perfect. Great level, the Nitro Squad and the vehicles are great. The 2nd GP had Baby T and the best new level.
I'm really hoping the Nina GP doesn't disappoint, especially if Brio and Moe are tagging with.
>Top 5%
I would like this to not be a thing so I don't have to worry about not playing. I'd skip entire gp's if I could.
>2nd GP
>Best new level
the items and turbo pad make it one of the worst. I would like the track otherwise but those decisions are retarded.