Grand Prix is halfway finished

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She looks like she only fucks human men

Bump for Brio

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>tfw bought and unlocked everything from this GP and farmed 120k coins from lab basement ready for the next couple

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who cares
tell me when it's over so the online isn't 90% Spyro
also why didn't the add Ripto, Gnorc is based but why Hunter

Beats me user, I started playing but got tired of playing pretty quickly.

hahaha, remember when you guys said this game won't have any micro transactions?

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reeeee inject the nitro squad into N. Sane trilogy already

We said it didn't have any. Not that it wouldn't.

>jannies deleted the last thread i created
They do this shit for free. They arent paid to hate Coot Crew Racin’ on a daily basis.

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Reminder that bing bing wahoo man is coming to CTR.

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>playable platforming Liz
I want it to be real.

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>fires .38 rounds from the tip of her umbrella
>can also hover with it


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Wish it would hurry up i'm getting sick of playing.

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We need to fund this asap.

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I haven't played this game in a month, but I made $100 by scalping Sour Patch Kids codes
Good times

This shit's getting boring

No it's already gotten there

These guys when

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I'm fucking done with the challenges, not even gonna bother with them since I already got everything in the GP. I'm just gonna make sure I'm still in the Top 5%. I'm only gonna be farming coins from now on.

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I was kinda hoping the Spyro GP would be great, but I feel like the character selection, the pretty boring level, and dull vehicle designs hurt it a lot. The first GP was almost perfect. Great level, the Nitro Squad and the vehicles are great. The 2nd GP had Baby T and the best new level.

I'm really hoping the Nina GP doesn't disappoint, especially if Brio and Moe are tagging with.

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>Top 5%
I would like this to not be a thing so I don't have to worry about not playing. I'd skip entire gp's if I could.

>2nd GP
>Best new level
the items and turbo pad make it one of the worst. I would like the track otherwise but those decisions are retarded.

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