Whats your guys thoughts on classic wow?
Whats your guys thoughts on classic wow?
I'm mostly solo questing without any addons as a fury (2h) warrior.
I love it.
it sucks. its just the same shit you did on private servers
Just as shitty as vanilla wow used to be but now with a worse player base
Feels good to finally be home
Is layering the reason why the economy is such shit right now or was it always like this during vanilla? I'm fucking vendoring my leathers instead of selling them in the AH because no one's buying them.
Lots of guides recommend skinning for some quick bucks while leveling. I assume the market is super over-saturated and demand is low. Layering could be a factor too.
A fun time waste but a time waste nonetheless.
The economy needs to grow it's only been out 3 weeks.
Everyone's levelling and also levelling professions, supply is far exceeding demand.
It was going to be a shit show but layering has msde it far worse
>The economy needs to grow it's only been out 3 weeks.
and everyone is running on epic mounts lol
>misses cold blood eviscerate
is there any worse feeling?
Invite to asmongolid layer.
lil zoom said n word on stream.
why does Slam even exist
It's best for CSGO and trolling Russians.
If everyone has epic mounts then the economy is great, everyone is getting what they want.
See the problem with your shitpost?
its trash
has layering
but still bans people for exploiting it even though they did nothing to make it not-exploitable.
worse bugs than private servers, this is not even a joke.
people are getting 1year bans for layering. which was uspposed to be removed a week after launch and exclusive to starter zones.
WoW is for faggots. not vidya
t. Seething faggot who jumps layers
I dont use layer, as soon as i found out i could switch layers to make ENTIRE CAMPS spawn. i uninstalled fast as lightning.
Uniornically defeats the whole purpose of the game. and retards will not whine about it because it works in their favor and blizzard still hasnt pulled the plug on it for some reason, probably to keep zoomers and streamers in.
Kinda underwhelming so far. Areas are so full that its close to impossible to complete any quest in stranglethorn, layerabusing, turbofags turbofaging which makes it hard to find actual dungeongroups, half the worldchat is just whining about getting ganked on a PVP server and every guild so far pisses me off with their dumb discordfaging.
I don't want an old game . I want a new game with new features, new gameplay mechanics, improvements. Classic is a nostalgia trip. And that is all. People can deny it as much as they want, Blizzard is making retail into a literal mobile game, thinking that Classic will keep the autists busy. It's a matter of time faggots before you realize it's all horsecocks.
youre a faggot
Hopeful for 1.13 and not TBC. Maybe offshoot some servers and open transfers for people who want a pure experience vs people who want new shit without ALL the TBC stuff. Keep class changes, new skills, add Ghostlands and SMC but maybe no Horde Blood Elves.
Lets them do cool shit like Kara, Uldum, Grim Batol and potentially Gilneas way before they would ever get there and doesn't separate high levels from the world or add in flying mounts.
It's great when you are absolutely clueless. Guides actually ruin the game.
>It's a druid doesn't have brez reagents again episode
i appreciate that it's there without the latency i got on private servers from the us west coast to france
i am frustrated with batching on everything from mining to inventory management, leeway making melee really hard to finesse with and layering shiting on the integrity of the realm's world
it's very comfy to casually logon my character and prep by stocking up on consumes to go quest and pvp, put together a party to get some gear and make some friends along the way and having every small advantage be meaningful to me