Who would you main in a Yea Forums fighting game?

Who would you main in a Yea Forums fighting game?

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Where's Pepe and Wojak?


/m/, obviously

I wont play


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/ck/ obviously

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Which one would be the annoying fireball spammer?


I want /biz/ to peg me

/i/ for cute and funny
/trv/ for playing as a big fat hobo
Yea Forums because I actually go there

>he doesn't main /fit/
>not wanting to have retard damage and superarmor on every move
Enjoy losing fags

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/d/ would probably deal mostly in status effects, she’d probably be pretty fun

My board jaypee

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/i/ because I only play games for cute and funny characters

he'd take triple damage from all the female (and "female") fighters though

>Yea Forums has backwards arms for legs
what fucked up book is that from

/d/ would give you a lot of variety simply from the use of fetishes

/m/ or /k/


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Yea Forums for me
>Jack of all trades
>Uses moves from different anime
>Fullscreen beams
>Asspull transformation installs
>Stando power
>And to top it all it's a qt girl (male)
Why don't you main Yea Forums user?

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>implying Yea Forums plays video games

>mfw Yea Forums has a rage meter

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/k/ with their guns or /mlp/ throwing cumjars, fluffies or ponies

>rage meter has no limit
>the angrier he is, the more its filled and thus the more powerful he is

Yea Forums-tan would curb stomp the majority of the fighters until /mlp/ tricks him with the unicorn and he gets pathetically killed

/jp/ for bullet hell spam, get fucked grapplerfags

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/jp/ has a lot of variety if anything. Its got the potpouri down unlike Yea Forums

man these board tans fucking suck, too western styled and it feels the artist just drew something random they came up with for most of them

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/m/ would have a mecha mode and a toku hero mode.

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I'll be honest, I wouldn't play it.

>all western styled
Half of them have anime references, how would you improve them?

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>anime reference is the same as artstyle
I wouldnt drawn them western styled for a start and stay true to their og designs or more oldfag tans
/jp/ tan is notably changed

But honestly board tans have been shit for a while last year there was a board tan thread on /bant/ or something and every design submitted seemed straight out of tumblr with progressive lgtb rep and whatnot. and you see the same it in this collage. Might have been a raid, a successful one at that

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>charizard representing /vp/
Fucking end your life

You know Cultist-chan would be an annoying as fuck Xaioyu-alike.

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/sci/ or Yea Forums

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oh and also I would include the removed and secret boards
But I wouldnt make this in the first place, maybe 8 years ago it was worth it

/an/ is the most powerful board

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>Fast and strong as fuck
>Progressively gets stronger as the battle goes on and health gets lower
>Can change forms
>Can sacrifice health for even more damaging specials and supers
>Stylish as fuck
Easy SS tier, this is a fact

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/m/ OP plz nerf

Yea Forums - once decent char reduced to banned status cus all people do is spam the Sneed move to victory. They made it use meter though so it's a less abusable and people use the Kinoplex Robert summon a lot more than they did. Has 'le fils du masque', a counter very few use but know is the redeeming factor of the char. Pretty strong against Yea Forums and Yea Forums mains, a good tag partner with /pol/ - following up 'I am Jazz' with a quick tag in '40%" is a good strategy.

/cgl/ no doubt about it

/m/. Good ruck everybody else.

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/x/ would be very fun, a zoner with a shit ton of magic gimmick specials, like poison, slow, time stop, hit stun extension, assists from demons, etc

>pick /n/egro
>nobody knows how to counter you because you are so rare

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When will they buff /trv/? Jetlag mode is unplayable and once it's gone the match is literally over.

why can't i find /tg/ in this...

The containment boards for maximum effectiveness.
Tanky, not as offensive after the nerfs but can easily stall the enemy with cum jar throws.
The technical character, useful for the most part. Ironically has the least varied moveset
Glass cannon. Has a good offense and a high skill ceiling but it takes a while to master its zoning capabilities.

Come on guys what's this grampa boomer shit? Where's the wojak version??????

I finna play a mean Yea Forums

>pick /fa/
>everyone kills themselves just to get away from me

/tg/ took the picture

the most obvious patrician choice
>regular spammy attacks
>chance to steal the show and reverse another characters ultimate attacks (gets)
>genre breaking playstyle where defeat is sumo-based, rather than a true fighter, reminiscent of how the board was when first introduced

/fit/, /k/, and /x/


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Wasn't someone making a Yea Forums fighting game awhile ago? What happened to it?


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Yea Forums and /pol/ would be the Ryu and Ken

Yea Forums and Yea Forums would be the Chun and Cammy

Yea Forums, /r9k/, and /trash/ would be the joke characters

/his/, Yea Forums, and /g/ would be the tryhard combo characters that are still lower tier than Yea Forums and /pol/