Stay in the save room a while, relax and lets have a good old Resident Evil Thread

Stay in the save room a while, relax and lets have a good old Resident Evil Thread

Who would you like to see return in the next game? I want Sheva and Jill back.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm going to be a contrarian and say I want Ark Thompson to come back. The series is filled with too many meat head special operatives. I'd like to see a private investigator take on bio-terrorism.

Save rooms are peaceful rooms. These games are more stressful than they are scary.

>jill feels the warm light from the lamp on her skin

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Are the Outbreak games worth playing solo?

Jill, Claire, and Sherry

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I just want another fixed camera RE, the game could take place between the time of RE1 and 2.

Reminder to all that Rebecca is best girl.

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I feel like RE2 remake was a really good in between of the newer over the shoulder mechanics and the older tank controls. Though it would be nice to have a complete throwback at somepoint.

yea shes pretty great

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they might add it to remake 1 and 3.
they said they were gonna allow you to switch in remake 2, but didnt have time or something

claire has cute knees

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I think it's stupid that no nemesis type enemy breaks into one. The save room is unironically too safe.

I never managed to get very far on my last playthrough, I didn't even fight Yawn. I wanted to play through it this October, but I really think that I should give the original 3 games a playthrough first. It just seems like the best way to experience the series. I want to appreciate the games not just play them at random.

Should I start with Jill or Chris? I know that Chris can take more damage, but Jill's inventory space just seems too good to pass up.

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>remake 3 comes out
>get to the 3rd safe room
>nemesis breaks in and destroys typewriter

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jill is better at storing items and can lockpick

chris takes more damage and has better defense items
also ammo is easier to manage because he doesn't have grenade launcher and shotgun, just shotgun

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>Jill gets the rocket launcher
Good to know.

i want them to stop doing adaptive difficulty

God lads i miss survival horror so much
The comfyness of these games is unmatched for me, at least we got RE:2 this year but still, this drought is killing me

I might even go through the absolute cancer of setting up silent hill 2 and 3 on my PC just to quench my thirst

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Chris can take more damage and seems to get better headshot chances and he has the lighter, but he has less inventory space and has to use old keys to get through some doors which take up inventory space.

Jill has the lockpick, more inventory space, gets the grenade launcher and has Barry who will occasionally "help out". But she takes more damnage and has to find the lighter which takes up an inventory space.

I'd go with Jill for a first time play through cause I think it is the easier of the two.

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and irons

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font forget Becca's "free heals"

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I pray for this every day.

Based. Would love her in Revelations 3 or something.

Silent Hill 3 is probably the easiest to get working 2 can be a bit of a pain but the enhanced edition patch should sort out most stuff.

Theres usually an user who post links and stuff in SH threads if you don't have them already.

Oh yeah, I only used the free heals after the plant 42 fight. I forgot you can do it earlier in the game too.

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Me too bro. I really took for granted how many great survival horror games we got in the fifth and sixth generations. I fucking miss them.

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>that big mole on her back
elbows too pointy 2/10 would not fuck

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Code Veronica had a pretty nice save room theme.

Don't worry she wouldn't fuck you either, you're safe.

And eyes
CVX, 0, and Dead Aim are my top 3 for the series

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I could have her if I wanted, I chose not to

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indie dev hack here, I'm conceptualising my own RE clone

Provided you had classic inventory manipulation and the ability to examine objects like in RE and point n click adventure games, would you think a first person perspective would work?

I want Jill to all on my face by accident

I unironically want this to be in the game.

It probably could but why not make it tank controls? It'd be different in the modern day and people would play it for "muh nostalgia" alone. I think with first person you'd struggle to make yourself stand out from the other million and one indie horror titles.

Fixed camera or bust, dude.

>Said I would play REmake 2 at some point
>Own it already
>Just end up playing REmake 1 instead

I'll be doing it in low poly realtime 3D and I'll be spending a lot of time blocking out the layout of rooms and their contents. Having to contemplate camera composition adds another layer of problems to deal with. Imagine the outcome as RE: Survivor but with a way better world design more like the original trilogy instead of a linear piece of crap.

I guess I could try, but I'm afraid I'll make it suck by accidentally producing bad camera positions. I'll definitely have to make use of panning/tracking in some instances, kinda like in Code Veronica and Dino Crisis.

I still don't even know what my setting or enemies will be, just that I will be working on a prototype made of cubes and cylinders.

I would go with a fixed camera if I were you. Having a fixed camera and tank controls alone would draw positive attention from fans who have wanted the style to come back for years, good luck with your game user.

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Chris has the shotgun and old keys and is also canon

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Fixed camera angles require thinking like a film director. You need to make the player see what you want them to see. You're controlling the scene. Go play around in REmake for a bit and just look at the details and what the cameras are trying to show you.

Hypothetically, would the "dollhouse" effect where you can see the unused space outside of the room boundary like in pic related put you off the game?

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Nah, I like that, too.

I don't mind it, I think something like Dino Crisis would be perfect though.

Thanks for letting me know that. I'm playing as him first then.

>he enjoys re4

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Hold on I'm retarded and was thinking about RE2 with the shotgun being exclusive to Leon, I still think needing to actually get the broken shotgun and old keys is more fun than just grabbing the shotgun and lockpicking everything.

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Cool, thanks. I'll try to avoid though. I have no idea what the setting is going to be but I'm thinking it should be a short game where I can re-use the assets and no more than three enemy types.

Camera angles or not, one things for certain and that's the fact I'm going to be dividing the game into transitionable rooms built around a main hub like in RE1&2. If real life doesn't get in the way I'll probably post progress here.

I want Hunk or Moira as a lead. I also wouldn't mind Ada getting a shot either.

I want to get Claire pregnant

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My african american brother

Why? They've been doing it for like 15 years and have it balanced so perfectly now. You are always scraping by by the skin of your teeth on hard mode

Anyone play any of the fanmade total conversions for original RE2 on pc? Are any good?

I enjoyed 7

The problem is enemies get too tanky at a point. It stops being about beating enemies and becomes about beating the adaptive system. They're just not fun at that point. They should just limit your ammo than add an adaptive difficulty.

Glad there's someone else that likes her. I think she's good character once you look past the excessive swearing. I hope she comes back if they continue where Rev2 left off.

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I did too desu

I love Jill, but I hope they take it somewhere new (maybe not as new as RE7).

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RER2 was probably the best-written game in the entire series. If that's worth anything.

re8 is gonna be becca exclusive

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because i can play like shit and get rewarded for it or play well and get punished for it. lazy design

You are just complaining that the games get too hard if you are playing really well. You picked the hard difficulty, do you not want it to be a hard experience or what? It just tries to best-match to your skill level (within the limits of the chosen difficulty setting), and sometimes that means forcing you to play differently. IE the enemies are made too tanky to just outright kill every time, with the game thereby denying you your preferred "comfy" strategy that has so-far made the game too easy and instead forcing you to find alternative ways forward. It's good for a horror game

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God damn I just want to tear off that mole.

Claire and Jill!
I got a chance to play that new RE6 port and its really bad

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>play well and get punished for it
You don't get punished, you get rewarded with a more challenging experience that actually matches your skill level and lets the chosen difficulty level live up to its name

>They managed to make RE6 worse somehow
Does it run as bad as people said it did?

I got a chance to play it after the Witcher 3 port.
It looks like it runs at a lower resolution and lower framerate than Witcher 3 in portable.

Hello, I'm user.
I am the only person on Yea Forums who is genuinely interested in Project Resistance.
Ask me anything

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dont even think about it

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That's not true, I'm also user and I'm also interested in project resistance because it reminds me of zombie master

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That's because you have good taste.

That actually doesn't seem too bad, I expect almost all third party titles to run at lower resolution and framerates at this point. I just hope it doesn't dip too hard when things get more crazy.

Witcher 3 runs at 720p docked and 540p portable at a targeted 30fps on Switch dropping in intense areas
RE6 in docked looks like it would top out at 900p but look like its 720p docked and with an unknown lower res in portable with a target of 30fps that drops when zombies are on screen.
RER2 is 1080p in docked 720p in portable and has an unlocked framerate that can jump between 40-60
I have no idea how Capcom works.

Irons not invited!

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Claire is the woman I love.

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>tfw buying portable RE games sound great
>capcom dragging their feet with each release making each one worse than the last
I would legit take an extremely downgraded port of RE2 or 7 over what they are doing now.

There is no way to move the series forward. No one wants to see Chris Redfield punch a boulder open anymore. The only thing they can do now is remake the older games. Maybe they should come out with more prequels.

Or something with new characters, such as you play as a nobody scientiest in a deep underground Umbrella base when shit goes wrong. Whole game would be a sandbox kinda game that took place entirely underground, your mission: to escape.

They can't do world-shattering stories anymore.

Neither can you. Never make a dumb ass suggestion like that again.

Yeah I don't want any old characters if they're literally gonna be old people saying "not this shit again." I liked RE7 for not featuring any of them but Chris. They just need to focus on new characters. They have hardly even introduced any good ones since 1998, except Sheva and maybe Jake + adult Sherry, but they aren't on the level of Chris, Claire, Jill and Leon

It's the burden of having one of the most profitable series in gaming, ever. It's too huge.

I would be so happy if they made a low budget, fixed camera classic RE game again. But it will never, ever happen because of suits and investors.

Claire is lovely

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What do you think shes up to now bros?

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Fucking younger men.

It's easier to criticize an idea than come up with one on your own. So no, you sir are the one who needs to shut the fuck up while grown folks are talking.

>already beat this game once
>was gonna do it again
>remembered the invisible enemy sections
fuck no

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A Silent Hill type cam could happen in a spin-off series. Just not a AAA release. They were willing to make games like Dead Aim / Gun Survivor, Darkside Chronicles and were willing design Rev1 as a handheld game, so they do experiment with different things.
I say SH cam because nobody in their right mind wants true fixed-cam as it's extremely limiting. Tracking-cinematic SH cam is a good compromise

The bottle weapons make them trivial.

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I want it to where there is a chance I can fuck myself over and not be able to finish the game.

That's textbook bad game design though. Is dying a thousand times before you make it through not enough?

What a great ass she has

it was always one of her strong points

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What idea did you come up with. You just tossed in the word sandbox and called it a day. Not to mention the fact that Capcom is already heading towards a direction where they're steering away from having the original cast the main characters. RE7 was entirely new cast, Project Resistance is a new set of characters, and both of those games tackle entirely different scenarios. Hell, RE has been trying to constantly reinvent itself starting with RE4. You're presenting a problem that isn't present in the newer titles. It's easy to criticize ideas, but don't pretend that yours had any thought process put into it.

say cheese

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holy shit why was this game so cheesy

I just beat the director's cut yesterday with Chris on beginner, shut up I'm playing the real thing now and am halfway through Jill's game. I tried playing REmake a few times but never got the hang of it. Now, I can see it is definitely intended for people who beat the original. The original is more streamlined and there are fewer things you need to worry about. Chris having less item slots sounds awful but on my first time I was running back and forth to the save room anyways so it wasn't a major problem, though I can see that being a massive pain on repeat.

RE1, and REmake had my favorite save room themes, what are your favorites?

original RE2's is my favorite

CV and Dead Aim is mine. I like REmake's as well. Especially the orchestral version.

0,1,2,CV are all pretty equally good imo

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I want the Ashfords back.

Isn't it past your bedtime, lil zoom. Go upstairs and I'll be up in a few minutes to tuck you in and read a story.
No buts. Go. NOW.

>tfw directors cut dual shock save room is your favorite

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They have multiple storylines they can continue from. There's the family, Natalia Wesker, Nu Umbrella and the connections. Even that one hot beaner chick from Vendetta could have her own game.

they were the only creepy humans in the series

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can we all agree that vendetta becca is the best character?

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Found this in the REmake 2 game files. Who are these people? I just know the STARS team picture and Jill's dog

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Is that nu Jill?

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That is why we need a RE8 be a Jill game i want to know.

Jill is 23 in 1998 and that woman looks like late 20s to early 30s

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Decided to replay through most of the series. Beat the first game yesterday, Rebirth mode was interesting. Knife fights got old pretty damn quick though. On to the second today. Anyone tried out that seamless HD project?

did anyone post swimsuit sherry file yet?

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How can you even discern a 5-7 year age difference when it's so grainy? She could be anywhere from 20-30. And Jill's face has always looked mature

too old for jill

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I disagree

>not playing the original ps1 games.

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You know, since Capcom kinda stole the Ashford twins’ whole shtick and applied it to the Weskers (male and female siblings* genetically modified for a grand purpose who ultimately end up betraying their father figure), why not steal a plot line back? Boom, Alfred has a daughter he didn’t know about, like Jake with Wesker. It would be an interesting way to bring the Ashfords back, so to speak.

*yes, I know Alex and Albert weren’t blood related, but the Wesker children were called siblings either way

Claire bear

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jill obviously. i can't imagine playing REmake any other way.

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4's is very underrated

i want to toss claire around in the mud until she gets very stinky!

Dead Aim's version is very underrated.

claire is cute

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I don't know but I miss her a lot.

So can we all agree that the first half of 7 is a fantastic return to form while the second half drops the ball bigtime?

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Lol RE 1.5 don't temped them.

I want Jill, Chris, and Sheva back.

0 would have been better had it doubled the length of the train segment and set the second half inside the actual mansion.

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Most RE titles suffer this problem but it hurts 7 the most because the first half was just that good.

... Nobody want Billy back? It be cool if he and Rebecca team up again!

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Removing the safe room from RE2 was a big mistake in my opinion.

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They should fired that faggot who said there should be a boat level.

>im sure to win because my speed is superior >:)

Eh it was fine. The Boat was a little uninteresting compared to the rest, but it was still Resident Evil. The salt mines were way too fucking action oriented though.

That's true though thanks to the dodge mechanic.

>Jill is 23 in 1998
Jill is 44 now.

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Realistically, Jill would be around 30 given that she's in a special tactics outfit, but being that it's Japan and fiction, in the game she's probably early 20s.

They've got that fetish or something for young prodigies and Rebecca is supposed to be something like 18.

When is she gonna rape Chris?

Would be a neat image if they stuck with the games

Why would she want Chris when she can choose between Kevin Ryman, George Hamilton, Bruce McGivern, Ark Thompson or Ethan Winters?
Hell, also Leon could be with her if they had ever met, even after meeting Ada.

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god me too

dam this is from like 10 years ago lol

What would Leon think of Fong Ling?

I used to have a 24 hour loop of save room music that I would start playing when I left for work, so that when I came back, I would open my door to the comforting sound of safe room music.

I had the volume set just right so that I wouldn't hear the music from outside my door while jiggling with my keys, but once I opened the door, it would kick in just like in the video games. It was a very soothing practice, but I had to knock it off because the neighbours complained about the constant "creepy" music.

I'm moving soon though, I might do it again. And it occurred to me after I stopped that I didn't need to have the music running for hours, I could just set an alarm so that it starts shortly before I arrived home.

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These images make me wish Capcom greenlighted a campy Re anime.

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the main thing dragging it down is the last factory section. btwdoes anyone have any more pages from this manga?

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Is there a mod that fixes REmake for Steam to make it closer to the Gamecube version?

She likes his new face job.

But can he compete with Bill Murray?

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I want to marry Claire Redfield!

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Looks like one of those random computer generated faces

Why the fuck did Joseph bring his shotgun?

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Based. I always let the hunter slit her throat.

>blue shorts

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All those artworks of them in civilian clothes express such intense feelings of blooming hope.
And not only regarding the events of the game between the peaceful life in Raccoon City and the monsters, but also between the prosperous zeitgeist of the 90s and the shitty clown world we are today.

I don't really want any of the old characters to make a return as the later games ruined them for me. Rather Id like to see a resurgence of the classic gameplay.

Get out

Who even is that?

You alright there buddy?

What about Flash Thompson instead?

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Praying for a new Revelations game just for Raid Mode.

Also I just finished 4 again and man, that is one amazing game, I don't even understand how or why it's so good, I just love it.

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I'm fine

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Thanks for the music to fall asleep to, OP. Going to bed now, have a good one anons. Hope you have a great night. Unless your waifu isn't Jill, in which case I hope you go to jail.

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I want more of two things

The first is I want more Sheva because she is BEST girl!

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is there a name for this ass so fat you can see it through the gap thing? it is the most effective at make my pp hard

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Honestly I'd like a VR Re game where the main character is supposed to be yourself and Jill falls in love with you

I've seen people refer to it as "ass fangs".

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Fuck off.

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The second is I want interactions between The first daughter bride and the second daughter bride

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>Ah yes! I remember! I was told to come to this island by my friend! Reon S Kennedy! I remember!
>It's still alive!
>Don't worry, we can keep flying as long as we have fuel...
Man, Survivor was shit but it was fun shit.

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I want the franchsie to go back to the times were it didn't take itself seriousy. And the atmospheric music to be back. REmake2 has way too little of that.

Why the long face?

>is there a name for this

Some hussy is grabbing her mother wife

Maybe it's the crystal disease?

that is not claire what the fuck delete that idiot

I'm currently playing REmake 1 and I fucking love the atmosphere of the game so much.

acid rounds from the grenade launcher fuck up Yawn and Tyrant