Why does /v love talking about

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Other urls found in this thread:

arch.b4k.co/v/search/text/"the true pros have spoken"/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/filename/DMC5 'combat'/page/1/

write that again but in english this time


the true pros have spoken
DMC5 is bad and you should feel bad
Get back to DMC4 or DMC3

>Get back to DMC4 or DMC3
1 is better desu

>Being a "pro" at a single player game

Just about as cringe as speedrunning. At least speedrunners have world records to show for it.


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Nigga, I aint reading all that.

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People get so retarded about this. None of the shit top-tier DMC4 players are capable of doing was doable or even understood by anyone playing DMC4 for the first year.

Why do people immediately get into “it’s different, therefore it’s not as deep” ruts? Eventually the people who actually love the game will pick enough meat off of its bones to reveal ridiculously cool shit that nobody knew was possible and which isn’t possible in 4, but the fact that it isn’t literally DMC4 means it’s worse than DMC4 to the rest of them.

Just run the fucking cheat engine tables to have your guard flying back and shut the fuck up, fucking hell.

people have modded guard flying into dmc5 already?

So while we're here. Let's talk about Dante's styles. Should they have their own dedicated buttons?

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Everyone who's not a Nero dicksucker or a newfag knew this from the very beginning.

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Style Switching is there to stay.

Yes. And bufferless reversals, and no-frame Jump Cancels, and free air trick, and inertia, and turbo mode, and everything else (including DmC’s Must Style Mode, for what it’s worth).

And while they were at it, folks started modding unique DMC5 features into DMC4. Like the fact that style switching is instantaneous in DMC5 with no frame lag or cooldown, or that there’s no air gap limit for air attacks above the ground, etc. Since DMC5 added those improvements, modders have started working on bringing them back to DMC4. They’re also adding co-op mode to DMC4 as well.

Anyone got the DmC Vergil boss webm? With the juggling?

Is this supposed to look impressive? That shit is fucking easy to do especially since most of the enemies just wait around waiting for you to hit them

You can literally do that, right the fuck now, in DMC5. All you need is the PC version so you can rebind your controls to allow two commands from the same input. Bind the appropriate style switch command and a copy of the style action command simultaneously to one button: boom. Style Button. Unlike DMC4 there is no delay between a style select input and it being usable.

Why do people say 4 is a good game again?

DMC4: Look at muh muscle memory, how can I press 187 buttons in 3 minutes! Combos look like janky glitches

DMC5: Understanding of functions and outputs. Understanding of AI patterns and boss fight choreography. Combos look great, emphasize on player creativity and spatial awareness in stringing different functions together rather than execution under obscure bugs/mechanics.

>That shit is fucking easy to do
Post a webm of you doing the same thing.
I'll wait :)

>since most of the enemies just wait around waiting for you to hit them
this is every dmc game

And thats why they are boring

One day, I hope to get to be as good as that. Can’t wait to play some more once I get off work.

Well people bitched about moaned about how bad DMC4 was compared to DMC3. Now that DMC5 is out all of the sudden it's a masterpiece. Then when DMC6 comes out DMC5 will be a masterpiece to them.

My personal opinion I don't really hate any of the games in the franchise except DMC2. DMC4 was truly lack luster upon release. It was obvious that it was rushed. There's too many sections that I truly dread having to go through. Mainly the terrible forest section. It didn't get better until DMC4:SE. My favorite game is still DMC3 but DMC5 is up there. It's a lot of fun to playthrough.

>And bufferless reversals
This is a con btw. Reversal is now wild and unreliable because you cannot restrict the direction and timing manually, unlike DMC4. With DMC5 you're at the mercy of the janky character turn speed because reversals are bufferless.

Mod also allows buffered reversals, it’s an option for this exact reason.

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Beating up on scarecrows for 11 years will do things to your brain, evidently.

pretty cringe

I love all the little touches in this, like juggling Vergil with the DSD swords to be able to get the RI off at 2:45.

Oh shit I'm out of loop then, thanks for the info. Is it still Siyan's community cheat engine?

Why does this one clown try to convince me every day that I hate this game, what is there to gain? I don't understand

Barry, this pasta is stale

>combo wank featuring schizophrenic dante doing the same two moves

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crippling autism

Yes. Siyan’s table is up to either 1.4 or 1.5 at this point

The next big step needs to be executable integration, Cheat Engine is wonky as fuck and resetting the shit constantly is super irritating.

>Urizen: This is true power, the power I have sought for so long...
>Dante: You've been chasing this for an eternity, and its nothing but USELESS SHIT

Why was DMC5s story so underrated?

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Stop liking what I don't like!

people wanted a more concrete conclusion to Dante and Vergil's story despite their ending being literally perfect

I'm telling you, people will learn to appreciate this game more and more as time goes on. There's a lot of nuance in the dialog, even if some of it gets lost in translation.

Dante getting sick of Vergil’s bullshit was great.

Fuck Shadow
Fuck Grriffon
And Fuck V

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Brainlets don't understand. People need things spelt out for them.

>final battle between dante and urizen with their old home as the backdrop that the apple conjured up because that's where vergil felt the safest
>one of the later missions is supposed to represent a mothers womb and king cerb is used to cool down the qliphoth.

I’m gonna say the J word.

The Sparda family is used to living in peoples heads rent free.

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It's more savage in the novel. Dante didn't really want to deal with Vergil again and was willing to off him quickly.

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Because it's gay and for niggers and Yea Forums is full of gay niggers basically

>Nero gets shit talked all game by the bosses for losing his demonic arm
>regrows a human arm, showing his demon traits isn't what gives him strength
pure kino

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Can't the same be said for the actual game?

Yea Forums is full of bitter assholes?

Someone sounds heart broken

Hey, just saying. It feels like this place hates fun nowadays.

Why didn't they just retcon the entirety of DMC2? They already retconned Dante never getting SDT there, so why not retcon the entire game as well?

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It was always like this

>Stylish play is separate from the game design
lol what? there's a style meter...
>piss easy
I can see this point, and I do think it's easier, but it's also more fair. It is easier to beat levels, but harder to get no damage. It is about as hard as 3 would be if 3 didn't have a bullshit camera and bad bossfights like Geryon/Arkham/Gigapede.
>basic technique is extremely easy... harder tech have been removed
I never noticed JC being easier, I understand people being mad that inertia/reversals are gone but that shit was only ever good for stylish combo vids and there's more than enough to make up for that.
There are moves in 3 and 4 with massive active frames as well. The best has always been Ice Age, which was in 3. Scissors are objectively harder than they were in DMC1. Furies I guess you could say are weaker than Blitzes but they're still harder than Vanguards.
>Royal Guard
It's closer to what it is in 3. There was no reason for it to be nerfed in 4, it just made it weaker than the other styles. And it never 'punished' you that much for missing the timing, chip damage was never a big deal. Having more ways to use DT is not a bad thing.
>an illusion of coolness
How so? What does it mean to 'earn' cool shit? It is just as easy to royal release as it was in 3. It's just as easy to stay in the air as it was in 4.
>enemy design
Judeccas, Baphomets, Furies, Nobodies... I would all consider these to be 'annoying' enemies.
I don't see how this applies to the enemies at all, the only ones I felt were a bit too passive were the Scudos, and that's made up by their increased number and resiliency.
>ground and air threats
I think it does this way more than past games. 3 and 4 only had a couple air enemies, 5 has way more.
>Cavaliere outshined by Credo
How so? Credo had more durability with his shield, but lacked ranged attacks and was slower to recover.
>Vergil forces you to play following his rules
Which is exactly what he's always done.

Nero ending up in an orphanage was honestly the best thing for him. Growing up with Kyrie's family he learned important life skills Dante and Vergil never learned. Their household was very loving and he learned that communication is important. Dante and Vergil jump straight to fighting each other. Even in DMC5 Dante barely acknowledges what V is saying. Griffon essentially called him out on it in mission 18 saying "but you knew that already". Nero was the one that jumped in and got them to actually communicate.

Think about how different things could've turned out on Temenigru if Vergil had just explained his motives. Or if Dante stopped to dissect what Vergil was saying.

Dante and Vergil should just take a page from Sparda. Get good pure wives have a couple kids and retire. Might be good for them.

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Either that or therapy, if that even exists in the DMC universe.

>bad bossfights

I hope you're just talking about difficulty, because 3's bosses shit all over 5's bosses in general. 5 had garbage like Nidhogg, Elder Geryon, Gilgamesh, Malphas and M20 Vergil which aren't hard but still bad.

Is there a therapist that’s even capable of dealing with the amount of bullshit that is the Sparda family?

So they made Dante act OOC so Nero could have a shining moment? And a Vergil bossfight that pales in comparison to DMC3 where the brothers had actual beef.

Typical Crapcom

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Ah yes, the masterpieces like Gigapede, Geryon, Arkham, Leviathan, Lady, Doppelganger, I really miss them

>Dante act OOC

Yeah who can compete with such timeless bosses like Centipede, Large Intestine, Chess Pieces, Pride But Bigger, and Slugham. Malphas is good btw shut the fuck up

I actually liked Geryon but yeah, 3 had some real stinkers.

I'm not seeing how they played it safe. If they wanted to play it safe they would have done another gothic castle. The city is a far more interesting choice. There are plenty of arenas with platforms, ledges, cages that will trap you and shield enemies, etc. What did 4 and 3 have that was better? The vanishing platforms in 4 were only in one room. This is just an obviously false criticism.
>wasted potential
How so?
>you can just go back and get an all around better experience
Except for, you know, the bad bossfights, the backtracking, the time-wasting puzzles, the fewer weapons, the irritating enemies, the annoying camera, etc.
>to cater to a larger audience losing something on the way
What's that? That's such a generic criticism, like most of this critique. Lots of sappy language about looking back on the good old days, but very little evidence to back up the claims, and some things are just flat-out false.

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the only good bosses in 3 are beowulf, A&R and Vergil. And don't forget 3 had Arkham

Elder Geryon is not bad. Malphas is definitively not bad, and saying that Vergil in 5 is bad truly does reveal how retarded you are and shit your taste is

I miss when these threads were filled with genuine hype, good shitposting and some drawfaggotry.
If only Capcom would release some content, ANY content, to the game. Just to rekindle that flame.

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thanks man.

>Nero ending up in an orphanage was honestly the best thing for him. Growing up with Kyrie's family he learned important life skills Dante and Vergil never learned
And you can see why Nero didn't want to lose anyone else. He lost the parents that brought him into their home and took care of him until they died. I'm not even sure Nero knew why they died or if that was just Kyrie.

what an absolute joke of a game

>Style ranking drops below D
I hate this game as much as the next guy but you might as well say that webm of a guy melting Urien with a maxed out Faust proves that DMC5 is a shit game

How do they even talk about this in therapy. "Well, it all started when demons attacked our home and killed our mother." "Dante, has killed me 3 times without hesitation." "I wouldn't have to do that if you weren't responsible for 2 catastrophic events."

>So they made Dante act OOC

How? Dante was doing this since 3.

M20 Vergil is indeed bad. It's like a mockery of the previous fight you just had with him and a waste of a mission. Same for M6 where the only thing you do is fight that retarded giant shit. At least DMC3 didn't have entire missions dedicated to bad bosses.

What about Cerberus?

See you in 11 years.

Those are all good bosses. Malphas has a bunch of hidden tech depending on what bringers you use. Gilgamesh allows players who know what they're doing to hang in the air and ignore the legs. Nidhogg and Elder Geryon aren't fantastic but there's nothing wrong with them. M20 Vergil is the same as M19 Vergil apart from the character change, so I think you just don't like playing as Nero. Which is fine, but it doesn't make his levels objectively bad.
>Heart of Leviathan
These bosses are irritating because they can only be defeated with very specific strategies, and there is usually a lot of downtime. 5 cut out most of the boss downtime that plagued 3.

not really because that strategy still costs a shitload of orbs. and that's not even Urizen's final form.

Does anyone have a rip of silver bullet with vocals?

are you just talking about the normal mode where you have infinite DT?

Both are bad, but the designers not realizing that one of the most basic sword moves breaks the final boss is a little worse than a spicy weapon doing well against a mediocre boss.

>implying Vergil wouldn’t just cut a portal the minute someone tries to make him to go therapy

>How do they even talk about this in therapy. "Well, it all started when demons attacked our home and killed our mother." "Dante, has killed me 3 times without hesitation." "I wouldn't have to do that if you weren't responsible for 2 catastrophic events."
>his face while they're saying all this.

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The threads before release were getting pretty stale towards the end though. The threads that were pretty fun in the last few months were when we waited for news at e3 and the thread before when we thought Vergil got something new in the update but it was there since march.

You couldn't cheese the final boss without items in any of the DMC games prior to DmC.

kill yourself barry

He's piss easy in any mode: youtube.com/watch?v=01QDDX0ZDrQ

Nero will buster him into the chair.

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I was reminded of this post.

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you can find the audio on youtube bro
even on spotify i think
if you mean an audio file ripped straight from the game directory.... can't help you there
well shit
drawfag here, give me ideas

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HaH M8 is a bitch

He totally would, too.

Nah it became a general on Yea Forums which was pretty annoying

Dante imagining Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim

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make a dante and vergil version of this or a urizen/v version


Nero and V doing this, please.

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>How do they even talk about this in therapy

This is why Nero will be their therapist.

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Where are you hiding him Capcom

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>needing mods to make your game look good

Absolutely based.


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Wouldn’t he just beat the shit out of them? That doesn’t seem like a healthy way to resolve family issues.

Drawfag's recreation.

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The Mundus chamber.

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His power is maximum

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>aerial rave and lunar phase spam

Show us how it's done then

It’s DMC. That’s about all they know.

>Wouldn’t he just beat the shit out of them?

Only if he felt he had to. Nero would rather them find other ways of settling their differences.

>healthy way to resolve family issues.
Beating your father up is a great stress reliever.

imagine drawing this ouch how embarrassing

Think Nero's DT is still able to be altered by Devil Arms?
His spectral arms could get some cool transformations based on the weapon.

>hot potatoing the burden of proof

I love how Nero looks so done with his dad’s BS.


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arch.b4k.co/v/search/text/"the true pros have spoken"/

nice spam, Barry


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haha funny catchphrase! I clapped

Flock off, featherface.

Nero being able to even lay a finger on them just made sense because they already beat each other to a pulp beforehand.

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Devil may cry? Why that bitch cryin all the time?

Maybe somewhere out there even a devil may cry when he loses a loved one. Don't you think?

seething for 2000 years after his good friend betrayed him for humanity.

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>this guy got laid before Dante did

Imagine being this obsessed with hating a game. I don't get it.

Nice, though the part where he open the portal could use more indication that that's what he's doing. Maybe some sound effect word.

>implying Bartholomew hates just the one game

I clapped when character said one liner its funny because they are aware of awful writing that is what makes it funny

Cheer up, crew-cut.

Dante just uses birth control because he knows his kid would be taken by the state in a week.
>what do you mean pizza isn't healthy? it's got milk in it!

>He didn't draw Vergil sulking and bitching by himself.

This. He hates literally everything that isn’t FF15.

There is tons of female Dante art but no female Nero art, this is a crime.

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And here comes the Platinumcucks with their shitty QTE's

>How are you so powerful? You never lost anything!
>It's not about loss... Strength is a choice. Fighting like hell to protect what's important. You threw away everything you ever had... No wonder you have no true power!

Surprised people don’t talk about those lines more.

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Come on, man. Don’t be like that.

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What's the name of that anti-thot kino?

lmao dmcucks still upset that the enemies actually attack you in bayo

>entire game is Vergil fanwank
>no playable Vergil

I'm gonna be really mad if they don't fucking add him. I was never expecting them to make him playable in 4, but in 5 he definitely needs to be. Should've been playable from day one in fact.

>Dante having to take care of a baby
>Gives it magazines and unloaded guns to play with
>Tries to feed the baby pizza
>Leaves the baby with Lady or Trish if busy but if both aren’t available he just gets agni and rudra to keep the baby company

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Would it have killed him to spill the beans to Dante at the beginning? He ended bitching about everything to Trish and Nero anyway

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Bayoniggers willingly come to DMC threads for what reason? Fuck off

>How are you so powerful? You never lost anything!
Was vergil playing 4d chess all this time? Vergil lost on purpose because it made himself more powerful?

lol case and point. In the mean time the big boys will be busy with bayo and ninja gaiden

>proud vergil admitting to dante that he did all this just so he could fight his brother again

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>Dante, Lady and Trish trying to help the kid with math homework

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That’s because it’s shit

Shouldn't you be busy playing your superior game?

How did he find out that committing sudoku with the yamato would allow him to become the strongest demon in existence anyway (until Dante did the same thing). Dante is only stronger because he absorbed the Sparda too.

This with baby Nero.

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>Imagine being this obsessed with hating a game. I don't get it.
Let me tell you the tale of a little game called DmC.

Nobody hates DmC anymore. It’s just a joke now.


>talking about DmC when its brought up vs constantly spamming threads for a game you hate

Thats the most incredibly generic cliche "my friends are my power" shit. You have to be retarded to think thats good dialog

Vergil did spend all that time traveling around the world researching about Sparda so he'd probably found out by then.

To be fair Sparda gave them Rebellion and Yamato when they were like 7.

That’s actually pretty cute.

So like...
If V is an edgy goth kid, does that mean Urizen is a filthy fucking weeb?

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h2o footprints in the sand.

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I really can't think of what they would do for the next game if there's going to be one. Dante is far too overpowered now for them to suddenly pull off a new demon that could stand up against him. The Urizen shit was enough of an asspull. I think the only choice now is to make that Sparda game people have been asking and leave 5 as being the series final conclusion. But then again, there's Mundus who said that he would come back one day, so maybe that as well.

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>Kid has a school assignment in which they need to talk what their parent’s job is
>Kid talks about all the crazy shit Dante does and how when he’s not working he sits around eating pizza
>Even brings a demon skull to show the class and freaks out the class

>”Dante I don’t think it’s a good to give the kid weapons.”
>”Relax my father gave me and Vergil our weapons when we were kids and we turned out fine.”

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Think Candlejack got to O

Now that our hopes and dreams for a Vergil DLC have been shattered to pieces multiple times, can we expect him to be playable in the next game? They can't lock him behind a plot point again, right? (FUCKING V)

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Mundus is going to pull a Frieza and gain a massive power boost randomly.

I'd want at least one more entry, so we can see Dante, Vergil and Nero all team up together at least.

>V is an edgy goth kid
I hate that this ended up being just a meme since it turned out V just stole some random asshole's clothes. Vergil actually liking this style was funnier

They can always downgrade again.
Lady and Trish were playable last game (as a bonus admittedly) but they were demoted again despite showing up.

Considering how he’s Vergil, most definitely.

Yes, but everyone remembers what that was like, to post threads, watch videos and write paragraphs just to hate on that game. When someone says I don't understand why people make threads just to hate on a game, that's a lie, that is a huge fucking lie. We all did it. I did it with gusto.

No, I didn't you insane buffoon

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>he thinks Vergilfags are going to give up their autism
Just wait until the next big event

Waiting 10 years for a mediocre game will do even more, apparently

>literally copying what I said
Don’t you have some more scarecrows to style on, 4autist?

Bullshit. Not 5 years ago there were still a fuck load of DmC hate threads and if you posted pro DmC then you know how ugly that got. If you were a DMC fan of any kind and you were on the internet back in the days of DmC you were a part of the hate, be it on the receiving or giving end and the giving end was the VAST majority.

it ended up a meme because he carries around a fucking book of William Blake poetry to read in the middle of battle

DMC4 requires all of that plus being able to press 187 buttons

I don't see what your point is

You forgot about the janky glitches part.

>write paragraphs just to hate on that game
explaining why its bad isn't hating the game like barry does

That's true, but I wasn't talking about that. I was reminding someone who said they didn't understand just posting to hate on a game and reminding them that the damn near entirety of the DMC fandom did that for a few years when DmC was a thing.



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Do you want to know why? I mean there are several reasons like the story being jank shit, the environments, the lack of bonus content, the lack of turbo, the side characters doing precisely jack shit, V being more superficial than Nero in DMC4.

It's because it bored me. The difficulty curve in in Devil Hunter is so lame that I felt like I was playing easy mode. I maybe used 3 gold orbs (out of the many I accumulated that I can't do anything with, it's like playing with infinite lives or something - not that I really needed them but having all those gold orbs did kill any potential tension).

When I moved onto SoS mode, it still felt like easy mode due to how OP the characters felt. I quit about half way through because, again, I was bored. I hadn't yet completed NSIC on bayonetta and thought that would be a better way to spend my time.

I feel like games shine when they force you to understand their mechanics thoroughly. When it comes to DMC5, that never happened once. The bosses give you too much leeway, parries are never earned, the enemies don't really give you any reason to change tactics much.

Contrary to what Itsuno promised, DMC5 did not surpass my expectations. It bored me.

you just retarded thats okay

>he used gold orbs
>complains about difficulty

You already posted this shit yesterday. No one cares about your blog, fag.

There were always gold orbs in DMC and they always made the games easy, but the thing is, if you use them, your style rank at the end is going to be shit. If you don't beat a mission while getting an S rank you didn't really beat it.

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>The difficulty curve in in Devil Hunter is so lame that I felt like I was playing easy mode.
>I maybe used 3 gold orbs

You shouldn't have to use any on Devil Hunter.

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>Vergil is a giant set piece that forces you to play following his rules and leaves little room to creativity
nigger what? have you actually tried fighting vergil on DMD back in 3? the fucker was borderline invincible whenever he decided it was time to pop DT and spam helm breakers and judgement cuts for 30 seconds at a time, while also regaining health all the while, plus it was impossible to launch him so you were forced into performing 3 combos and GTFOing before he parried and 3shot you.
vergil maybe slower than he was back in the day but the fight is infinitely better since you have royal guard at all times and you can interrupt his combos if youre good enough, while in 3 if you went with anything other than RG you were forced to wait for him to finish spazzing out before being able to counterattack.

Attached: Bajiru.png (399x374, 177K)

at this rate the thread will close before i deliver the rest of the requests.
should that happen, ORs please check the booru where i dump all dmc requests: dmc-art.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=all

Attached: dante imagines trish.png (594x566, 220K)

>all those asshurt replies

Why are DMCucks so sensitive to criticism? Is it because this is the only action series they've ever played? Everything in that document is corrrct: the ONLY "appeal" these games had left, combofagging, was neutered in Devil Itsuno OC 5. It's a failure.

Attached: 1478146069497.jpg (680x549, 67K)

>Devil Hunter is so lame that I felt like I was playing easy mode
>I maybe used 3 gold orbs

I stopped reading here. How are you going to come in here and complain about difficulty when you can't play even Devil Hunter without using items? The game punishes you for using items you dingus.

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Fucking madman, thanks for your special delivery yet again

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jesus sakaki

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>trying to falseflag this hard
I’ve had more difficulty playing DMC than any KH game. I still like KH, mind you, but compared to the shitload of things you can do in DMC, it just can’t compare.

You absolute legend

Attached: 1520976502863.jpg (334x302, 14K)

Based as fuck.


Attached: 1.png (463x411, 25K)

>using the number of gold orbs to measure difficulty

Is this a troll? Have you been using items this whole time? You aren't supposed to actually use the items. Please explain yourself.

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I always miss when you're taking requests lately. Thanks for stopping by!

>>Is this a troll? Have you been using items this whole time? You aren't supposed to actually use the items. Please explain yourself.

Just gold orbs. Using other items seemed superfluous when the game gives you infinite lives to begin with. Again, I used 3 gold orbs on normal.

I definitely think people will appreciate it more as time goes on. DMC3's story was considered to be good at first, but people began to see things in it and appreciate it more and more.

I'm already seeing things in 5's story that I didn't see the first time:
>Eva fails to save Vergil demons
>Trish succeeds in saving V from falling
>V's familiars can't kill demons on their own
>Dante is a half-demon spawn, not only implying that V's familiars knew they had no chance, but were screwed from the start even if they legit wanted him dead

Attached: DMC3_Clear_Bonus_Art_(1).png (681x510, 526K)

What the fuck are you talking about, chimp? I put "appeal" in brackets for a reason. Combo videos are a meme. DMC has neither hitstun decay like actual fighting games nor Revenge like KH nor delimbing like NG, there is no functional depth to those flashy ebic kawmbos. If nothing in your ebic combo vids is optimal whether for killing the enemy or filling the style gauge, most of the move set is irrelevant when so much more is dedicated to limp useless combo filler. Quality action comes from genuine functional depth and DMC has very little of that.

It's depth when in Ninja Gaiden and KH2 you have a ton of moves and they all serve a purpose in X situation against X enemy. Air juggling sandbags to death for 30 seconds when you could have killed them in 2 seconds isn't depth you entry-level chucklefuck. I'll stick to the game where enemies actually fight back and with a combo system focused on optimization instead of juggling helpless sandbags. (That is, the one and only 2FM. Rest of the series is DMC tier garbage).

Attached: 1535810513594.png (2742x2298, 1.08M)

You know your series is fucked when Kingdom Hearts is more indepth

I had to do it

Attached: 1568678319274.png (594x566, 217K)

>ignores all of that and spams Final Form Firaga and Reflect

Bssed 2FM is more in depth than any action game not named NG2. youtube.com/watch?v=RV2fM2UtfTU

Attached: 1521666439537.jpg (1024x759, 60K)

>replying to yourself

>Again, I used 3 gold orbs on normal.

You're not supposed to use any items. They penalize you for that. It doesn't matter if it's just gold orb. You're supposed to build up a collection of the gold orbs. Using them on normal? Nothing in normal is that hard. How can you honestly come in here and tell us normal is too easy and then tell us you used orbs on it? Clearly it was too hard for YOU.

Attached: 1546376265788.gif (200x185, 2.99M)

>speedrunner autism
Why are KHfags like this?

Is DmC:DE fun? I've always sort of been interested in it because I want something kinda new. I'll just skip the cutscenes, because I already know how trash the story is.

Attached: 1567288945955.jpg (719x701, 84K)

>other items

Gold orbs are the only items you can use in this one. There is an abundance of them exactly because of that, because there are no health/dt replenish items like there is in the other games.

n-no if other people oppose my views then i have less validation. i-it has to be another person
Oh sweetie

The combat has depth to make up for the abysmal map design and exploration, unlike KH1, the best adventure game in the series and ome of the best on the console.

>DMC 5 is shit
>Kingdom hearts 3 is shit
I pray for Bayo 3

Does this KH2FM autist really have nothing better to do than to shitpost in threads like these? It’s really quite sad.

Attached: thinking joshua.png (229x402, 27K)

She's cute.

It's been bugging me for a bit so I merged the two page spreads of the art book to one two spread image.

Attached: 002.jpg (2712x1920, 2.34M)

>he doesn’t know

>You threw away everything you ever had... No wonder you have no true power!
>the amulet Vergil held onto from DMC3 is part of Sparda
>"the Devil Sword Sparda no longer serves a purpose"
Literally threw away the only thing that mattered to him.

Attached: DMC5_Clear_Bonus_Art_2.png (1024x690, 746K)

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Attached: 016.jpg (2711x1920, 1.85M)

Going off of the scene in the graveyard, he's still Uber-pissed at Dante for getting in the way of his plans in 3.

Attached: 1566444595430m.jpg (864x1024, 150K)

>just so happens to be a minute apart
yyour rrighht itts oother ppeoplee

Attached: 096.jpg (2711x1920, 2.09M)

It wasn't since other DMC games pushed me harder. I admit my casualness since I usually play up to hard or DMD and then quit once I unlock everything. Other DMC games pushed my shit in hard. DMC5 felt like a wimpy blowjob in comparison.

>>ignores all of that
>Final Firaga
Let's see
- finds a boss opening (neutral game, depending on the fight will require guard, dodge roll, glide, quick run, or some other form of defense)
- consumes 5 Drive (resource management) while keeping party alive (party management)
- needs synergistic setup to get the most out of (Combo Pluses, Fire Boosts)
- needs items for MP fuel (resource management)
- has to stick with normal hits (not finishers) in order to not add revenge (revenge efficiency)
- on Level 1, this won't even cover a third of a boss health before the form runs out (only a few exceptions), forcing you to find more openings and use different punishes

Which part of that is ignoring the mechanics, retarded spic? And why did you post a vid of some casual who isn't playing Lv 1 Crit using a niche setup that's worthless for most fights? Are all DMCucks this braindead?

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lmao the cope is strong with this one

Barry has returned

>I maybe used 3 gold orbs
You sound like the fucker that made the DMC1 Bosses Ranked video who complained Griffon was too easy because he could "just use Devil Stars and shoot him out of the sky."

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If I were a betting man, he tried to each time he caught up to him and getting ignored only made him pissed off enough to refuse.

Attached: 138.jpg (2711x1920, 2.38M)

>he says all of this when it all to just boils down to is spamming Firaga and stocking up on Ethers/Elixers
>also ignoring that the boss in the vid is supposed to be the ultimate boss in the game
Also, that sure is a fancy way of saying that you just equipped some elemental boosting abilities. That shit isn’t hard to pull off, just go into your menu and switch it off and on.

Attached: 174.jpg (2711x1920, 2.54M)

>when he's the one samefagging

Holy based 2fmCHAD

That is nothing but the pitiful cries of those who use items.

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>samefagging this hard
Jesus, this is just sad.

Ain’t it funny how everytime the 2FM autist shows up, there’s always someone who agrees with everything he says, no questions asked? Doesn’t matter if it’s day, night, or morning, he’s always there.

Is there anyplace where I can find that artwork with a nice enough resolution to use as a wallpaper?

Based. Never leave

the "2FM autist" is just Barry trying falseflag a rivalry between KH and DMC

And speak of the devil.

>Dante for getting in the way of his plans in 3.
Sounds like he's pissed because once again he needs dante to save his ass again and he feels useless because of that. Dante saving him from Nelo Angelo in the manga certainly made him seethe.

Thinking about replaying DMC 1 again bros

Attached: 1565240080383.png (280x275, 189K)

Sorry you can't accept other opinions than your own fujoshit

Remember when barry posts got deleted in that thread and we found out he was samefagging all along. Kek.

>>he says all of this when it all to just boils down to
You don't have to open up bosses now? Mind posting a video where someone immediately starts the Lingering Will fight by mashing buttons while ignoring what he's doing and not dying instantly?
Mind posting a video where you activate Final with dead party members?
>>spamming Firaga
So you're using the Finisher? Mind posting a video Where "spamming Firaga" instead of timing normal hits doesn't get you countered?
>>also ignoring that the boss in the vid
Who ignored it retard? I specifically addressed it not being available at Lv.1, being a niche setup that is worthless for most fights, everything stated above boss openings still applies (note how he immediately starts a Limit), and is slow as fuck compared to more involoved strats.
>>that sure is a fancy way of saying that you just equipped some elemental boosting abilities
Which means you're compromising bilities from other keyblades you could equip, which creates depth in synergizing your setup.

Why don't you find something resembling an argument you braindead monkey?

Attached: 1556825283347.png (281x285, 82K)

>bait him into going after "you"
>get mad that he doesn't give the "real" you attention
Every day I find myself discovering a new reason that Vergil is dumb

Attached: 1537988877600.gif (384x206, 2.17M)

>Boot up xbox one and click game
>Thumbnails change at the second and I boot up DMC 5
>Back to the dashboard and boot up Bayonetta
Much better

>Xbox One

so whats the next event that we're going to beg for vergil/se at?

The Game Awards I think


Yeah no. XV-kun doesn't have that much mechanical knowledge about other games. He's a genuine KH2FM fan who dislikes DMC. No need to pile everything on your bogeyman.

Next E3.

Do it with Sparda. His battle music is fucking tight.

Attached: Legacy.jpg (850x578, 156K)

>Mind posting a video where someone immediately starts the Lingering Will fight by mashing buttons while ignoring what he's doing and not dying instantly?

Oh hey, that's how I play all the Kingdom Hearts games. On critical, of course. I die plenty, but my hyperaggressive playstyle works out in the end.

there was a thread where the "KH autist" and Barry were both posting, and the Barry and KH posts were deleted at the exact same time.

and then everyone clapped

>So you're using the Finisher? Mind posting a video Where "spamming Firaga" instead of timing normal hits doesn't get you countered?

>Microsoft event with the tacos
>Dorito pope awards
Choose one

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>all of that in depth boss mechanics

Meanwhile in DMC

Attached: DMC5 'combat'.webm (900x506, 2.63M)

quick, post FFXV webms to trigger him


Attached: 1553312362045.gif (717x719, 3.53M)

Digusting, this is the game capfags are defending til death?

>this shit again

Attached: IMG_8746.jpg (624x659, 286K)

boards.fireden.net/v/search/filename/DMC5 'combat'/page/1/

You really need to get some new material.

Is it autism?

it should be obvious by this point

Holy mother of FUCK you're even fucking stupider than I originally thought.

There is no Final Firaga finisher in either video posted. He's specifically timing the normal hits, which don't add Revenge. Have you even played the game you're shitposting about? Don't reply to me again until your IQ gets out of the sub-30 range you illiterate brainlet.

Probably unrelated but TWEWY > KH

again, you opinions worth shit
git gud before you open your dumb mouth again

it's honestly impressive how Barry manages to have such in-depth knowledge of KH despite absolutely hating it.

>Dante is so broke he needs to live rent free in some shitposter's head

Attached: 1568254964284.jpg (857x971, 78K)

>seething this hard over Final Form Firaga spam

>Y-yes DMC is braindead easy but the fun comes from juggling sandbags for 5 minutes with brain dead easy combos!

He's really feeling the burn from it.

Probably because not everyone who criticizes DMCshit is your boogeyman.

Also, thanks for all those (You)s, but I only reply to posts containing actual arguments. So you dumb spics don't be getting any in return.

Attached: 1550249550851.png (325x360, 109K)

imagine being this BTFO

Cope more, Barry.

Sounds exactly like Legacytranny


Is TWEWY any good? I’ve been looking to try it out.

>I only reply to posts containing actual arguments
>while replying to a post with no argument at all
you're a gem, Bartholomew


As Nero what's the best thing to follow up on a Fury with when I parry it? It just hops away after two hits and I can't grapple it either


3 white males in the center
2 women on the sides
1 POC back in the van

DMC is the face of patriarchy, sexism, and oppression

not bad

Attached: 1543821710919.jpg (885x970, 114K)

it's one of the best JRPGs ever made

You should come to realize you cannot underestimate the Yea Forums poster.

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Don't give retarded journalists any ideas. We don't need another reboot.

It’s an amazing ass game with a ton of style and charm to it. I highly recommend that you check it out.

Attached: 5th anniversary.jpg (696x571, 106K)

DT'd Buster

Yea Forums

It’s legit one of the few CUHRAZY handheld games out there.

journos already got BTFO by 5, Itsuno is basically pic related with DMC

Attached: a12.jpg (666x400, 62K)


Charged buster arm. However, if you're using Gerbera to parry you're going to have to destroy that shit and make sure the buster comes up next.

Attached: d46c3c235f348ea8dbe6822aa336de01_big_cover.jpg (992x558, 85K)

Huh I just realized that the Arkham boss battle music uses parts from the Mundus fight.

Hell Vanguards and Sin Scissor laugh is also the same, just on a different pitch. DMC3 recycled a lot of assets because of its shoestring budget.

why should i waste my time on an easy boring game user?

the absolute state of this thread

Attached: laughing devil hunters.png (449x401, 229K)

Ye I know. It also reuses a lot of textures from DMC2 but they're actually lower res in DMC3 since the game had more content overall.


>it's easy, I swear, I only had to use 3 gold orbs on normal to beat it

Attached: 1540133136898.png (427x327, 129K)

Fucking based.

If it was so easy then why'd you use gold orbs?


Attached: 1554212415310.jpg (916x771, 39K)

>needs to kiss DmC's ass every time a journo bring it up
not yet

Daily reminder that FFXV will be forever forgotten now that Nomura is focused on FFVIIRemake (which will outsell XV THRICE)

Daily reminder that FFVII is a boomer tier game, meaning almost everyone has heard of it. And now that it's a getting a COMPLETE SOULFUL remake, I am 99% sure a 10 million sale is an understatement.

Daily reminder that XV was so bad it made TWO game directors to abandon the game completely.

Daily reminder that one guy is STILL shilling this game up to this day, and that future XV threads are now forever ruined because one autist can't stop screeching at people who do not like his favorite game

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>not laughing deadweights

Attached: 1538716892388.png (379x377, 188K)


what about D all of the above?

I swear, you fucking gringos are going to be the end of us all and use bullshit like this as an excuse and never putting together that it was your fault.

I wish XIV got a DMC collab, all dem sweet outfits

Attached: 73909660_p6.jpg (916x1356, 915K)

Also correct

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it'd be a 24-man raid where they don't give us weapons, the cunts

you mean the image on the left? or both sides?
cause if you want both images then who is gonna fill kyuubey's role?

Attached: 6778788.jpg (720x765, 33K)

Game fun me play

Dante and Nero on the left, Vergil as Kyuubey

I'd murder for a Red Queen gunblade, the new model Yamato, and Devil Sword Dante in XIV.

Attached: 1567544503352m.jpg (1024x576, 85K)

v/urizen make qb dante

>MNK gets Balrog or Beowulf
>NIN gets Agni & Rudra
>MCH gets Blue Rose
>WAR gets Nevan
>BLM gets Kalina Ann
I am now mad we'll never get it

because i stopped giving a shit about s ranking a mediocre game

fuck it I'd take it

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This but unironically. I’m having a blast with DMC5. Nero feels so much better to play as compared to 4.


5 >/= 3 > 1 > 4 > 2

Not bad.

>DNC gets Ebony and Ivory for some fucking reason

Attached: 1566249649279.jpg (507x676, 157K)

>says its boring because its easy
>but he can't s rank the game or play the game without using items

Attached: 1560581454726.jpg (850x478, 153K)

They hated him because he spoke the truth

>the last game you played gets crossovered with DMC
How does it turn out?

>the animations aren't changed at all
>DNC is just throwing pistols around instead of shooting them
although that does remind me of how fun Dual Pistols were in City of Heroes

>Sekiro X DMC
very Japanese

>they hated him because he’s autistic

>Warframe x DMC
It's gonna be awesome and awful at the same time


>SCH gets William Blake book

Attached: 1544537945867.png (534x520, 343K)

but Nero is angry Madoka just to be clear

SMN gets...Pandora? That's vaguely book-shaped

>pretending your the original requester

>vampire the masquerade - bloodlines x dmc
holy kek
vergil and lacroix's combined power autism would be too much to handle
sure user, i thought the same.
my tablet is acting up though, i think i'll have to delay this one. expect it up on booru sometime tomorrow.

Attached: 1458553057745.png (300x484, 176K)

Dante is going to dab all over the Reapers, Jesus.

>Devil May Cry X Dead Space 1 and 2
This may be fun.

>Dota May Cry
Sounds awful desu, but announcer pack could be great I guess

nothing happens

>No Beowulf

Are you blind?

>>No Beowulf
What's wrong, "user"? Dante got your last eye?

Attached: file.png (139x167, 47K)

I think Capcom doesn't hate on DMC2 because it knows it was responsible for the mess the game was

Sparda game when?

Right after a Vergil game

I'm guessing he's referring to "Whatever. I don't really care" when 30 seconds prior him and Vergil were ready to fight to the death

To be fair, he had a really long day.

Wouldn't that be the same as Dante hugging his Mom clone right after she tried to kill him..?


>didn't end his sentence
OP had a stroke, didn't he.
Do you have a blog? Your drawings are kind of scattered everywhere.
Thanks for all the Final Rumble art btw, good to see a fellow resident of the Cidade de Aço making some godlike content.
Isn't the streamer brazilian as well?

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donguiri and sakaki. they make it look more impressive than it is


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how do you charge the gun, dt AND summoned swords at the same time? what were they thinking? not even claw grip can fix this.

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fuck all you faggots for ruining dmc threads

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"fagets" or fagets?

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Vergil has good taste.

I love Vergil so much I just want to marry him and start a family.

Attached: 1564008564612.jpg (3840x2160, 793K)

>70 posters
off by one
tumblr is trash, twitter isn't much better. i'm considering pixiv.
also sorry for the jewishness of this addition, but i do have a patreon now. patreon.com/yakimanju in case you have some $5 to spare monthly
eu lembro de você no encontro do bela vista ahueahue. VR é uma cidade pequena pelo visto.
sim, ele é br. só não é aqui do RJ.

Attached: c7c2nqsefy231.jpg (768x768, 82K)


>fran and vergil
This needs some smutty fanart.

God I wish I could take screenshots like this.
I'm thankful for Capcom's black magic fuckery with the REngine and actually being able to run DMC 5 but... when you see screenshots like this the difference between specs are clear. The hairs in my game look grainy as fuck.

Attached: 1554142827759.jpg (1540x1278, 360K)

How did this guy get laid again?

He would probably call her by her Japanese name.

By force

Attached: 1568528315744.jpg (755x715, 195K)

Attached: 61ctfFQjHlL._SL1000_.png (1660x758, 947K)

By the power of bad writing

>ywn have a nun gf that can suplex you

Attached: IMG_6137.jpg (339x327, 23K)

Her nip name is boring Franny is cuter

That SDT charge shit made me mad. I had to completely change my control config because of it. Now I can't go back from DMC5 to 4 smoothly.

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What a mess

>using your benus
I don't think that's sanitary user

Attached: bigger dick.png (640x979, 1.09M)

Vergil kinda reminds me of my nephew. He was born with chad features but is a total sperg. Growing up this kid always had girls who were in love with him but it never clicked that these girls were into him. They were always his friends and he would get embarrassed if you suggested he did anything with them. He has had girlfriend but if he's lost his virginity I doubt it was his choice.

>he didn't ascended to the new ways of comboing
it seems you are not interested in power

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Just say no homo before slapping your dick on your gamepad

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Batman Arkham Knight x Devil May Cry
What are the worst fears of the Sons of Sparda?

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>twitter memes
Go back

I just bought DmC:DE. What am I in for, gameplay-wise?

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Attached: 1568313136062.gif (300x264, 764K)

Attack red enemy with red weapon, and attack blue enemy with blue weapon.

A mediocre action game that apes classic DMC and a rubbish story to boot.

Come on, it can't be that bad, right? How are the bosses?

Sometimes shitposters post things on this board that are so fucking stupid I can't even formulate a response because of how fucking stupid it is. I will never understand how you can get to such a sad state to think like they do.

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Halo 2 BR slayer 4v4's is the best, most deep action game, don't @ me

this only confirms that is a Barry shitpost and should not be taken seriously

Miserable. Only 5, and they all suck.

Keep crying baby


Attached: 1539317564425.gif (512x807, 469K)

There's like 1 memorable boss and that's due to visuals. The fights themselves are honestly boring.

Its so bad.

It’s not an exaggeration. It’s that bad. Do yourself a favor, and turn on Hardcore Mode and Turbo Mode. Hardcore Mode fixes the shitty DT that made enemies float for whatever god forsaken reason.

>Noice pair of guns, Stranger

These mods making Vergil's face the same as Dante miss the point. He's not supposed to have aged as much as him. I doubt he aged while he was Nelo Angelo and he should've been restored to when he was at his prime anyway. That's why he's a match for Dante in the first place, because he still has the advantage of being young.

Attached: bf48e3e9cf9d96f0a4455937682c7199.jpg (400x593, 47K)

>You were playing as Enzo the whole time, he just won Dante's coat in a poker game.

Attached: 6zae5ez5alc21.jpg (706x493, 105K)

Vergil is flushed and nervous around Bayo every time she teases him because it's been so long since he's been with a woman. Dante tells her to leave him alone which leads to banter between the two. Nero occasionally has the gall to tell her to cut the shit whereby she simply calls him a party pooper equivalent each time.

Attached: Bayonetta 2019-09-16 20-05-30-675.png (1920x1080, 3.16M)

>Vergil spills his spaghetti around Bayonetta
I’d pay good money to see that.

>Hardcore mode
Thanks for the input, guys. Anything else I should know before I start?

Attached: Three Kings.jpg (1080x1253, 691K)

Squirrel semen

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The last game I played was Catherine:Full Body. I mean it does have demons and aliens. It could work.

Once you beat the game once, Hardcore Mode also fixes enemy behavior, Style rankings gain and deterioration, and a few other things. That’s about all you’ll need. Good luck, user.

1 is pretty much a totally different game. Its unfair to compare it to the future installments.

Thank. Oh, I also heard the game has 2 dodge buttons. Is that true?

Attached: 1568639400538.png (540x389, 304K)

Just play Bloody Palace. Still has better gameplay than DMC5 at the end of the day and more characters.

There is a dodge button and a jump button.

No idea about DE, but original game has 2 dodge buttons

I prefer having an actual fun campaign to go through so I’ll stick with DMC5.

Just play the game user and see for yourself. Part of the fun when playing DmC is discovering all the stupid things they did. Either way, Donte did have two dodge buttons that do the same thing, but I think DE offers an alternate control scheme if you use the lock-on.

Dedicated dodge button that changes effects depending on Demon or Angel mode. Perfect dodging while in Demon Mode gives you double damage for a short time, and dodging in Angel Mode alows you to use Nero’s Table Hopper without having to do a perfect dodge.

Vergil's fedora

Well alright that's fair I guess.

Imagine cutting out an entire gameplay feature because you were too cocky and thought you’d get a sequel.

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He said he bought DE and that was patched out in that version.

But it didn’t get patched out of the credits.

Dante in Lunatic Kingdom
Sounds dumb but I'd play it

When is there going to be a proper Multiplayer Mod that actually connects players to each other to play live?

Is TGS still on going or is it over, can we expect news for dlc

It was over yesterday

>can we expect news for dlc
capcom is going to jew us with a special edition in a year

i only played dmc5 once, it's alright i guess

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