How do we get politics out of gaming?
How do we get politics out of gaming?
just ban the west from making games. I wish trump would do it
Just ask Ubisoft, they've always been pretty good about keeping politics out of their games
Accept that literally anyone can make games and live with it, otherwise you'll be actually arguing for real censorship
this would make sense if marxists werent censorship advocates themselves
ban america from making video games, and it's influences.
Holocaust, deport all the non-white shitters and kill every leftist and jew loving conservashit. Then nuke Israel.
It says here that (without reading any theory) you dislike marxism, yet you claim to hate DLC, canceled games, DRM, exclusivity, microtransactions, annual sequels, gacha games, and planned obsolescence.
Care to explain?
Somehow make it socially acceptable to publicly hold views that aren't far left approved
Somehow stop social media and gaming journalists from celebrating games for including lefty pandering
Vote with our wallets and don't buy games that pander to politics
is shit for sales though
>Mirrors Edge Catalyst
>Wolfenstein 2
>Wolfenstein young lesbians
>Mafia 3
>Watch Dogs 2
>Mass Effect Andromeda
>Revolution 60
>Depression quest
>far cry rage 2
>life is strange 2
>Mortal kombat 11
>Tekken 7
>Kingdom come deliverance
The only way to do that would be to magically remove politics from the world entirely
I dislike marxism because the ltv and the theory of surplus labor has been btfo'd by marginalism. It still clings to what are essentially the flat earth theory of economics.
All the shit you mentioned is shilled the hardest by western companies seeking brownie points with leftists by pandering to their politics. Eastern euro and japanese games are fine.
>Vote with our wallets and don't buy games that pander to politics
Politics gets in either way, look at Cuckenstein.
Nigger, I just want this Sandwich Artist position at Subway.
We don't. The floodgates are open. The best you can do is avoid them when they pop up.
Replace it with tits and ass. Ever notice how there was no political shit back in the days of tomb raiding and sexy bitches on GPUs?
Fuck off
I will apply Gustavo Bueno's Philosophical Materialism.
Reminder to pirate all western made games. Only buy Japanese and eastern european ones.
uh no? that goes in the sjw list
I can't dislike both?
The solution is games like hinomaruko. Just make pro-nationalist, right wing games, and within a year the entire left run MSM will be ripping on games for being political, demanding de-politicization of "their" industry.
If you're gonna include fucking Revolution 60 in 'SJW games that bombed,' you might as well put Undertale and Celeste in 'SJW games that sold well'
You've never played Rimworld (good game though)
>being gay is just a bad trait that some people may have and its not normal
oh no sweety thats problematic
well the new wolfenstein games started out great so I didn't mind buying them but now that they're in the pandering business I stopped buying them
if more people did the same the devs might actually get a hint
Planned obsolescence is peak marxism
Change my mind
>Game dev literally does on Twitter saying FUCK TRANNIES THEY DONT DESERVE HUMAN RIGHTS.
>Pro SJW
That's going to be a yikes from me dawg
Have you been asleep for the last ten years?
I identify with this comic because the entirety of my personality is being a gamer
Female playable characters in asscreed isnt politics
but female playable character having a kid totaly is
The "then" pic is still happening, just listen to the Trump admin after each mass shooting
I play RimWorld. I install mods to add goblins and go on an extermination crusade
By ignoring western trash and only playing japanese video games
leftists should be eradicated