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Threads that start like this should be bannable.
>He's playing on modded PC
I've never played FF7. Is that AI upscaler HD mod finished to the point where you can play the entire game?
Why didnt Tifa die when Sephiroth attacked her?
her abs and tits protected her
>those butt-fugly "hi poly" models
The v1.0 was released already in May, so yeah.
I don't think that any missing textures would stop you from finishing the game.
yes the AI upscaling mod is called the Remako mod and it's pretty good. Fuck this nigger ass ghetto field model replacement shit though, it looks so fucking bad. Gimme the popeye arm shit any day of the week.
i just wish these mods could be applied to the PSX version since then i could just dump them onto my ps classic alongside the original.
seriously what i wouldn't give for a PSX emulator compatible version of New Threat
better question is, why doesn't she have a scar in VII Remake? she should absolutely have a big diagonal chest scar.
why are they all doing a t-pose
god this graphical overhaul looks like ass. everyone is half T-posing and it looks ridiculous.
This looks absolutely terrible
That is not a t pose.
>I bet nobody here does big limit breaks
>I wonder if Sephiroth can limit break
>This outfit is ridiculous, and my hair won't let me put on a helmet
>How does Zack even carry that stupid sword
>Tifa isn't even looking at me
>my feet hurt
this looks much better than the blocky shit
fuck nostalgiafaggots
it doesn't
soulless as fuck
literally the only buzzwords you blind nostslgiafags have
Post god tier FF7 tracks.
I would literally rather just play the remake than play with the Remako models
Remako only cleans up the backgrounds. The field models are part of 7th Heaven.
Looks fucking terrible. The more detailed models makes it really awkward when characters are standing around unanimated.
not at all
>always pronounced it "may-co"
>Find out it's actually "mack-o"
This is going to ruin the VA for me
It's absolutely crap.
It's the former, though.
>using that horrible model replacement mod that makes them look like midgets because they aren't actually resized, but at the exact same size with a more realistic artstyle
Not a single person on the planet thinks this looks good. The chibi models are infinitely better. Look at those fucking toddlers.
imagine thinking this shit looks good at all. the backgrounds aren't scaled to these models, so everyone looks either fucking gigantic or tiny depending on the screen, their are no animations so everyone is just an A-posing nigger, and every character just has blank fucking stares. IT IS SO FUCKING BAD DELETE THIS SHIT.
There is actually a T-pose in the VII Remake trailer though, ironically enough
This. Uematsu's work on FF1 - 10 is legendary. The whole FF7 OST is 10/10 in both atmosphere and memorable melodies.
>Scar between tits
you faggots need to learn the difference between an A-Pose and a T-Pose. and I saw the one in the trailer but i think it was intentional, like Jessie going WHEEE WE ARE FLYING, like some Titanic shit on the front of the boat.
It looks amazing, the models perfectly match the cinematics too
people are just jealous they can't mod it on consoles
How about you just filter them, retard-kun?
it's clearly not intentional since her pose immediately before that was clearly holding tightly onto the parachute straps
No it really doesnt
They just need to scale down the models IMO
They look disproportionately big compared to the environments
pretty much
His work on X was mediocre.
New Threat is the only mod the game needs. Graphical mods are ASS.
>he says while he purchases FFVIII "remaster" for PS4
not at all you're just making shit up to cope
>Graphics mods are as-
Nah, his compositions were the only good ones in X, and To Zanarkand is probably his most popular one to the normies. Battle with Seymour and Otherworld are also great.
bitch did you watch that trailer? it's called editing and it was fucking all over the place for that trailer, there could have been anywhere between 5 seconds to a whole fucking minute of dialog between those two cuts.
Except it's not. The whole earth knows how pronounce shit except English speaking faggots.
It's "muh-co".
I sat down and listened to the full soundtrack again when it popped up on Spotify. Unsurprisingly, the only tracks I disliked from the OST were the non-Uematsu ones. I didn't even know who composed what until I saw the credits.
when that t-pose is gone in March you can feel free to apologize to me then.
watch me dab on this thread with some soul
It's May-kōh.
It's not. Stop being an anglo faggot and learn how letters work.
Nah, those are all medicore and clash with the rest of the OST. Just enter Besaid again and listen to how conflicting the Besaid Island theme is compared to the Uematsu composed Spira Unplugged one that captures the actual spirit of the location.
Spira Unplugged was arranged by Hamauzu, so I'm not sure what point you're trying to get across.
Somebody posted speculating that the reason Tifa is wearing that black undershirt now is to cover it, but I don't think Square is that sensible
I'm not planning to buy FF7R, but the thing is, in that game the characters do not stand around unanimated. The models actually have iddle animations, which original game lacks.
It looks fine with less detailed models, but that lifeless near T-posing becomes really awkward with models like this.
Nope, LITERALLY composed by Nobuo Uematsu. The one that plays in the outside areas is thematically conflicting, like the rest of the non-Uematsu ones. Enemy Attack is the only non-Uematsu one I remotely like.
>to cope
For what?
They look too big
Otherwise they're fine
Looks like someone put their action figures on top of the background
doesn't fit the game at all
He composed Suteki da Ne, but that arrangement of it was done by Hamauzu.
Well, still composed by Uematsu, which is what's important. The stuff he didn't compose is really unappealing. I didn't actually know who composed what for 15+ years, but turns out the ones Uematsu had nothing to do with are the ones I dislike. Especially the Blitzball match theme.
How about you go on and watch literally any of the voiced VII stuff?
>muh Compilation
Been called mack-o for 15 years and it's confirmed called mack-o in VIIR, cope harder brainlet
>which is what's important.
The arrangement is just as, if not more important.
>I’m Zack
It's Mākō. No amount of seething is going to retroactively undo phonetics.
We already know the undershirt ONLY exists because their ethics committee said her old outfit wasn't "realistic".
Are you retarded or just pretending?
That mod looks horrible because the animations are too simple to support the models. Everyone has their hands out six inches from their waist. Was more vague with the blockiness.
The non-Uematsu compositions on the FFX OST are fundamentally unappealing and thematically conflicting with his work, and he wrote the majority of the soundtrack. Arrangement is definitely important, but if the original composition is ass, there's nothing you can do to make it sound good.
Also, SE and their composers keep fucking up Uematsu's work on their live albums.
Is this peak cope?
This is really fucking funny looking.
Retarded it is, then.
to be honest it kinda reminds me of ergheiz now.
How can anyone find this appealing? They literally didn't change the scale of the original models and just added additional segments to their bodies. They look like miniature models in walking around in a real scale world.
Is this someone's poor attempt at making a "real remake?"
It's amazing compared to a few years ago, when it was just the in-battle models and the rest was all the regular npc. Now they remade the npc too, so there's no longer need for a remake at all.
Imagine caring about this
You underestimate incels.
Incels gon incel.
Go back to masturbate to subverse.
If Nobou is so great why hasn't he done anything good or memorable since Final Fantasy?
Like really can you remember anything from Lost Odyssey or Last Story or Neptunia or literally anything else?
>Like really
shut up
That Final Fantasy VII is the best game ever made, and is the best game it is possible to make, is objective scientific fact that has been proven in several university laboratories and the findings have been peer reviewed and published. If you don't agree you are WRONG and that's science.
it's actually pronounced may-o
Straight white men are so cucked. Feels good to be a faggot.
If Aerith doesn't die, FFVII doesn't even rank top 100 all time, let alone top 100 jrpg.
Nobody seriously knows or cares about FFVII story, you wanna know how I know?
Go read youtube comments of Crisis Core.
>Lost Odyssey's OST was shi-
It's Aeris
And to make my "x dies" point even clearer
They were fucking desperate.
>the best game ever made
Sorry fucked up there
That can be second GOAT if you want but FFVII was demonstrated at CERN to be better. If you don't believe me you can phone them up and ask them.
>raise means to go up
>go up into the air
>air = wind
>wind in spanish is viento
>viento... vienna
could mozart still be alive?
Yes, Lost Odyssey has one of the best OSTs Uematsu has done since FFVIII.
I could go on, but you'd basically have most of the OST at that point.
Also, his work on FFXIV was great. Both his original OST and the theme songs he composed for the expansions.
Implying FF8 isn't the best Nobou soundtrack now and forever.
FF8 remake when?
>FF8 remake when?
Hopefully never.
Square is still paying shills to shill their shitmake.
Agreed though, best jrpg ost and best ff ost of all time. In terms of quantity, it's unmatched.
This. Im a scientist at the Cambridge university and after we made the FF7 into a solution and put it into the analysis device it said:
01001111 01010000 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100001 00100000 01100110 01100001 01100111 01100111 01101111 01110100
>best jrpg ost and best ff ost of all time.
If they need to split the FF7 remake into 3+ parts, just imagine how many parts FF8 would have to be. That game is three times as long as 7, and Esthar would be impossible to fully realize on a 1:1 scale if they want to make an FF15 style world map. It's literally a city spanning an entire continent.
Couple cool themes. FFVIII has got dozens.
Handful of memorable tracks, otherwise dull. The overworld music in the alternate world is literally the only track I can even remember. Meanwhile I could probably name 75% of the soundtracks of each FF game he composed for.
worst battle them ever made
Peak brainlet
Close second to
>amazing composition
This wins because they never had an instrumental of it to fix that shit.
>worst battle them ever made
Nah, Uematsu composed both the worst battle theme and the best.
Check this abomination out.
Imagine consuming this much söylent.
The singer is fucking awful. The lyrics are shit. It's cringe as fuck. Now imagine listening to it for 20 minutes in a long boss fight. Easily the worst I've ever head. I'd rather listen to the Shadow Hearts battle theme for 20 minutes.
Also fuck you that shit is kino
>Hating on Ian Gillan
Jesus christ.
Maybe if he sang it 30 years ago. in 2008 or whatever the fuck his voice was garbage, and I bet he had to do all the coke in the world before recording this shit.
That shit gave me ear cancer fuck Dragon Quest
I can't stop laughing at this
i would, but I'm not into games about being a cuckold.
oh god
Someone probably posted J.E.N.O.V.A already but here it is again youtube.com
Chris Squire kino bass line.
Can't wait to feel up a loli then ride on a dolphin that jumps 25 feet into the air and lets me attempt jumping off of its back and onto some scaffolding so I can infiltrate a Shinra military harbor in hyper realistic 3D.
>He's not
>He's virtue signaling as a contrarian instead
it looks like shit, and the environments were not made with the "realistic" body proportions in mind, but those chibi models.
Not to mention when the game uses those chibi-FMVs, you double fuck yourself up.
there are already mods for more detailed chibi so go play those while crying about the remake
Left looks like garbage, though.
more FF7 here
Yeah, have some super high quality chibi models when every other monster and every other NPC is the same old low poly ones. Great idea.
>nu-Yea Forums in response of good art-design.
>inb4 game version of advent children after ff7r
>inb4 crisis core remake
>inb4 dirge of cerberus remake
>inb4 another 20 years of waiting for ff7 games to be released
try something new
He's right though, you retarded nostslgiafag.
I bet that the major plot twist in FFVIIR will be that Aeris doesn't die. She survives the Forgotten city and then the credits roll and everyone goes fucking nuts for the last part.
Nice samefagging attempt there, but no. You're bot uneducated plebeians with shit taste.
Yeah, if Cloud wasn't doing a power stance he'd look good.
Please don't remind me that DoC exists.
Find a flaw.
It'll 100% happen if each part of the remake is a success, which is pretty much a certainty in today's market. A fleshed out AC wouldn't be bad, and a remade CC without those faggot J-Pop characters and PSP limitations would be good.
The flighty bitch on the right.
nobody thinks you're special for being a mindless OLD GOOD NEW BAD drone
There is literally no reason for him to choose Tifa.
This but unironically.
Who gets the D at the Gold Saucer?
And nobody respects your argument anymore for having invoked such a tired, lazy, and dishonest canned response.
The old game looks better with simplified models used for the overworld, and the new one with realistically proportioned and intricately animated ones.
You know fuck-all about composition and aesthetics. That you're being so relentlessly mocked one would hope would shake you loose from your opinion, at least a little bit.
Why do you want a carbon copy of the same game? Just play FF7 on PC with HD models dumbass
The size of the models in the mod is completely off. They all look like miniature figures compared to the original chibi ones. I will never understand why people want to use it over the original.
what a pretentious faggot
see, I can do that too.
I want a loving remake of the original, not a dumbed down action game that plays itself.
How about both good?
The new in this case is NOT good. Do you see that shit?
>complain there is no babby mode
>they give it to you
>cry anyway
The standard mode doesn't play itself, dumb dumb. Look at any of the 17 - 20 minute gameplay videos from the demo. Standard attacks do virtually no damage and are just something to do while the ATB charges. Classic Mode is the one that moves and attacks automatically until you get the ATB bar charged.
looks fine
Nomura's in charge now, the possibilities are endless.
Nah, it looks like ass. The world is designed around chibi models. The new models look like they were carved out of the existing chibi models. They're smaller than the original ones and look out of place. Sephiroth is almost as short as the fucking fence in Nibelheim.
The fact that the whole game is a streamlined action game, with streamlined and generic as fuck map design made to compensate the need of action combat, is the biggest issue here.
The fact that they slap the fans of oldschool JRPGs in the face with a wet towel soaked in piss by calling a legit auto-battle moodo a "Classic mode" is the last straw.
It's classic in the sense that you only select attacks from a menu and don't move around in combat. The game itself looks fun. I played the original in the late 90s and am still looking forward to the remake.
>The world is designed around chibi models
Yes. It's the intended aesthetic and everything is scaled as such. Look at what happened when they put in the more realistic models with a more advanced skeleton. Everything looks out of place. The combat scenes were the exception, and they take place separately.
Consider hydrating.
Hojo got Cloud curious about the red rocket.
>I want a loving remake of the original, not a dumbed down action game that plays itself.
There's an emulation of the original turn based style and you're still complaining. Clearly this game isn't for you, stop triggering yourself and go play the original.
People exclusively talk about games they don't like or don't want to play. Look at the Borderlands 3 threads. You can't find a single person discussing or talking about the gameplay, only shitposters memeing about retarded shit or being mad.
The pretentious faggots in this thread are the ones vomiting that "OLD GOOD, NEW BAD" shit as if it means anything.
The old shit was a neat tidy package. The new shit is a neat tidy package.
.DLL injecting liquid trash into the old game to try and "revitalize" it with newer models gives as rancid a result as one would expect.
There's a fucking reason art directors get paid what they do, and the chibi models were a deliberate choice. You want realistically proportioned but muddy looking results? You have VIII. You want the absolute best of both worlds with fucking kino silhouettes? IX.
>There's an emulation of the original turn based style and you're still complaining.
You shill folks must literally, no joke, be missing half of your brain mass.
The motherfucking automatic combat mode they dare to call "Classic" plays and looks literally NOTHING like a true ATB / turn-based combat mode.
And yeah, I can indeed tell it's not a game for me. The fact that more and more triple-A studios are nowadays exploiting classic IP's names thru' nostalgia and historical importance to sell yet more dumbed down shit is absolutely disgusting.
What are they expecting to happen? People to suddenly change their experiences and feelings and join them in being angry at someone making a video game not to their liking?
ha ha yeah lad yeah *turns around and talks to someone else*
I bet you'd be triggered as fuck if you ever played that new Tetris game for the PS4.
I want a simple remake with Secret of Mana remake graphics, not a contrived flippy exploding cgi literally homo compilation cancer-ridden dour dark miserable smoky nightmare of a remake.
The best part of japanese games was that they didn't look realistic, and I don't mean "anime", even games that went for a more grounded look like Resident Evil and Metal Gear Solid still didn't go full realism with detail. The moment they did, they died.
Triple A studios exploiting classic Tetris through nostalgia and historical importance to sell yet more dumbed down shit with the retain block mechanic is absolutely disgusting.
FF7 was incredibly gritty though, the chibi models and whacky colours were due to limitations. Did you play a different game?
FF7 is not a pastel coloured game like SoM.
>I can indeed tell
back to plebbit
As soulless as that german fern mod for hl2
Loved the original since day one. Only mod worth a shit is New Threat. These graphical mods are always awful, even Remako. The clean backgrounds look off.
Remake looks incredible though.
I can indeed tell is plebbit repellent.
Can't wait to hear this again.
You are literally autistic.
I'm so fucking glad I'm not you at 35.
Whoops, meant to post this.
This will be dubstep.
Don't do that. That's also good
Yes. Quite fucking literally.
it almost is
if their feet were forward and legs close together it'd be a t-pose
I just want to say that anyone who willingly chose turn-based over ATB in FF7 was a fucking goblin
Wait, turn based was a fucking option?
yeah, you could make it active, wait which was turn-based and whatever the fuck recommended is
my life is a lie
>set atb speed to max
>don't use wait
>enemy gets 3 turns before you can select a spell from the menu
>recommended is
this is what confused me
isn't it ma-ko? What's the Japanese letters for it?
it's manko
it's a great way to get limit breaks, though
honestly, I've never tried it so it's a mystery to me
is this SOUL
No, this is.
>tfw I started playing one of these mods and it ran fine until I reached the open world outside of Midgar and it runs like shit
Shame. I was actually enjoying it.
God this game, I know it's a classic but I never played it until recently and goddamn I couldn't get past the horrible graphics, I can tolerate pixel art but this early 3D rubbish makes my eyes bleed, I'll just wait for the remake.
I bet you report people in video games. Have sex.
IIRC it's a step in between wait and active. I think it makes it so that the ATB gauges pause during long animations and stuff like that but not when you're just selecting commands from the menu
I appreciate your choice in Yes tracks. Close to the Edge is the absolute best.
stupid zoomer