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the only good football game comes in November buddy, and it's PC only

Attached: football-manager-2020-gfx_16n1kvrb60182185rdd8n7hdj8.jpg (640x360, 22K)

>snoyboys don't even try to hide they're normalfags anymore

Attached: Based cat gives snoyboy a lesson.webm (720x1280, 1.74M)

Attached: 1554741490320.jpg (1280x720, 118K)

>Same shit every year, no new features, the only thing that changes is menu's color
No thanks

Faggot cat

I hate cats so much

fucking cats

they suck


1 year and 5 months bros... that’s how long we’ve been waiting since our last game...


Fifa 20 might have the single worst cover of the year, and that in a year with Gears 5. What the fuck was EA thinking?

>Days Gone
but keep seething though

excuse me?

Attached: fifa-20-cover-ultimate-edition.jpg (1525x1678, 512K)

Catherine but for girls

well, seems like all my friends will be playing fifa for the next few months.
Fucking hell i hate fifa.

>Xenoblade and Luigi's Mansion
>Indie shit

Yep, us PS4 chads won already

>white logo
>white text
>over white shirt
ffs, EA can't even do the basics right

I guess I must have imagined being busy from January to June playing KH3, Sekiro, REmake 2, and DMCV. And I didn't recently buy Yakuza 0 for eleven bucks. Thanks for letting me know I didn't play those games, tho.

>3 games in the last year and a half
Meanwhile Switch got 3 in the last month and a half lol.

yeah but I don't like them so they don't count
thank you sony for not giving me any games to play!

>days gone
LMAO you are literally drinking sand.

2019 Released:
>Catherine Full Body
>Days Gone
>Arc of Alchemist
>Blood & Truth
>Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain

2019 To be released:
>Death Stranding
>YS IX Monstrum Nox
>Concrete Genie
>Aegis Rim
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III
>Granblue Fantasy Relink
>Granblue Fantasy Versus
>Gungrave G.O.R.E

NINDRONE DESTROYED... this is over for him

Attached: 1566811551375.png (790x658, 289K)

>4 games in 6 months
>all multiplats
oh lord please tell me you're not being serious

They're based and I hope you get murdered by a psychopathic cat owning serial killer and fuckin' fed to them you little bitch. Stupid fuckin' cocksuckin' beaner.

Attached: image.jpg (1920x1080, 1.57M)

>all those multiplats
>taking 6 months to finish about 100 hour worth of accumulated gameplay

how many of those have you played/plan to buy though?

>get a few games after a 2 year drought
>think that is better than getting those few games over 2 years instead

Attached: startrek-picard-facepalm-700x341.jpg (700x341, 27K)

None of them because I don't own a PS4

>gbf versus
>not vaporware
Dumb console warrior.


Yes, I played those games during my free time, trying to get all the trophies. I played Smash intermentently here and there since the Switch had a very weak 2018 and a very weak first half of the year. I recently picked the thing back up for Mario Maker 2, AC and am excited for DQXIS. And I have started playing Yakuza 0 on the PS4 and it has been a blast. Ah, but your drone minds might not be able to comprehend that I can love both my PS4 and my Switch. Of course, only nincels suffer the "those games don't count!" fallacy, right?
>y-you don't own a Switch because you called us Nincels!
To me, any Nintendo console-warring faggot that goes out of his way to shitpost about how others either don't play games or has to constantly validated his purchase of a fucking system by coming to Yea Forums and being a "cool, epic" drone is a nincel.

The ps4 drought meme is so silly
i have 400 games on ps4, do you think i am thirsty for games?

why is Hazard on the cover? I know hes good but has he had a good year recently or something?


New Real Madrid Signing.