Who's hyped?

Who's hyped?

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The platforming looks pretty bad. I'd rather be wall jumping and shit rather than hovering everywhere

I don't really like the gameplay I've seen so far.

not me

Me it better have a long enough campaign

>physics bullshit

Yeah sign me up, im already familiar with that having played the ctr remake.


>another hipster game
pretty confident it will be popular only on pleddit

I guess no press builds roaming around?

>what the fuck why are you trying to be creative and inventive, fucking hipster

I want it for Xbox

>He owns an Xbox

Attached: 1491817351664.png (560x407, 28K)

>creative and inventive
>indieshit platformer """rogue-lite"""
Jesus fucking Christ, fuck off zoomers.


Attached: 10bc05b5-d0a3-4e62-b388-c6e3ad7c1c38.jpg (500x375, 16K)

What's your problem? Roguelite is already admitting that it isn't a roguelike, you stupid faggot.

It goes into EA this month.

hell yeah, negroid

i think its a roguelite, not sure if there are any set pieces or any carryover from prior runs, but im guessing not

fuck year it's like if powder game was a roguelite

It looks like a game Yea Forums poster would make.
>muh physics
>rogue-lite autism
>more a tech demo than actual game
>socially awkward devs

do you have any actual criticism to convey?

i'm gonna post it a second time

>hempuli makes one of the best metroidvanias ever, ESA
>makes one of the most celebrated puzzle games ever, baba is you
>majorly contributes to what looks to be one of the best sandbox/roguefuck games ever
>is making ESA 2
who can stop this man

Attached: BKUB AS GODS.png (500x341, 99K)

Not me

Time for maximum emergent gameplay

>early access
>full campaign


>They had to remove the feature of animals urinating because deer would wander around and then occasionally piss themselves
>If they fell into a ditch they couldn't get out of, they'd just keep pissing until eventually they drowned in a small lake of their own urine

typically someone this based can only be stopped by themselves

>socially awkward devs
nah that's just the default in Finland

>user somehow forgot Crayon Physics

he didn't make that, you don't know the lore

>Was going to write it off because of it's graphics
>Play it anyway
>It's fun as fuck and has countless easter eggs and secrets

I wonder how crazy he'll go with ESA secrets.

Probably off the wall. Wonder how hard you'll be able to sequence break.
>Damage boost into the ending room for the gauntlet that requires all the lore shit by accident and get that upgrade

What's ESA?

Environmental Station Alpha.

Ah, excellent. I have it in my library but haven't played it yet. I should do that I suppose.

>several references in ESA that only a handful of people know the meaning of including me
i need more

Attached: my deer.jpg (490x490, 36K)

Other than looking like complete shit and having a ridiculous gameplay shift in the post game ESA was so fucking good.
I hope the sequel is more balanced and doesn't have a giant fuck wall of La Mulana puzzles at the very end again.

noita says it is by 'nolla games' and is the only game they've developed that's on steam what are you talking about

it's a combination of three people; the ESA dev, the crayon physics dev, and the coder for the swapper

this doesn't inspire confidence.. the swapper was good but that guy didn't even design it

up until i literally thought environmental station alpha and oxygen not included were the same game

Dunno man. It seems very gimmicky but will it have any substance?

>early access

looks bretty gud to me


>Get curious and look at ESA reviews in Steam
>recent is mixed
>It's some retards saying the movement is shit
>Also say exploration is discouraged and you get lost easily

Fucking what?

Guess you've never played Factorio then, you're missing out, user.

if they ever made a Terraria 2 i'd hope it has this graphic style

>A 2D ARPG+ platformer based on complex physics
What the hell is wrong with you? Do you consider fucking Terraria hipster?

For god's sake, hating indie games to fit in as the average Yea Forumsirgin contrarian is an obvious sign of being a zoomer. At least learn basic role playing when you try to bait.

>having a ridiculous gameplay shift in the post game
WTF was he ever thinking? How to turn an awesome game into a dumpster fire.

just remember that easy is actually the normal mode and normal is actually very hard(every random creep will twoshot you).

>Implying puzzles endgame was bad
Would've been better if they were interspersed throughout, though.

That was the best part though, without the puzzles it would just be an alright metroidvania with shit graphics

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