2027... I am... Remembered

2027... I am... Remembered

Attached: left-alive-cover.cover_large.jpg (600x732, 164K)

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*gives you a shoestring budget*

What went wrong?

>This game needs to be ported to Switch
Imagine if they really do that and fix it. That would be a huge dick in a mouth for PC/PS4 owners.


One of the worst games I have ever played.

They did the exact same thing with Dragon Quest 11, so I wouldn't be surprised

>Square-Enix tried to sweep this game under the rug and blocked it from being streamed at launch

Attached: CKUjN9PXAAAn6jU.jpg (504x336, 31K)

no one even bother making a crack for this shit, sad

At least DQ11 was still a good game on PS4/PC, left alive was just fucking trash.

True but I'm not buying DQ11 ever unless the PC version gets all the extra stuff

>Hey, now that Konami is figuratively dead we can make our own MGSV
>Yes let's. But we'll do it on no budget whatsoever.

Nothing about the game was like MGSV aside from Shinkawa doing artwork and character design.

I liked this and vampire rain. But don't tell anyone.

bought this shit full price, no regrets. hurts a little

Why are there so few mech games?
Can someone give me a list of good mech games to play

Attached: daemon x machina.jpg (1280x720, 136K)

I was excited for this because I like mechs and the dev team they assembled for it sounded like a great mix experienced people
Then I forgot about the game until like 2 days ago just to hear that it was absolutely terrible
Can someone tell me what about it is so bad? I really wanted this to be good

They should've released it on playstation only

The character designer isn't even Yoji Shinkawa, but one of his ex-assistants.

It's hard to describe but just the very feeling of the game is awful. The animations are super janky, fighting enemies takes forever and theres zero feed back for stealthing so you have no idea how far away you need to be. The mech parts are super fun but waaaaaaaay too short. Oh and it has a ton of escort missions that you can fail just from picking the wrong option that isn't always obvious and you've failed it and can never do it.

beautiful artwork, absolutely trash game.

post gameplay