Modern Games Look Amazing On CRT Monitors... Yes, Better than LCD!

>Modern Games Look Amazing On CRT Monitors... Yes, Better than LCD!
Oh no. How will Zoomers cope?

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Other urls found in this thread:

shitposting aside, which consoles benefit the most from CRT with component, as opposed to just plugging them into a modern tv?

xbox, xbox 360, ps3, wii, ps2, gamecube.

Hasn't /vg/ and /g/ been saying this for years?

Yeah, to the tears of underage zoomers everywhere, but now that their own preachers have betrayed them, what do they do?

CRTs emit radiation, don't be a retard, there's a reason why we moved to LCD

>7th gen
really? I’ll have to look into that, then.

More shilling for a shit game

Was I the only one who hated the jump from CRT to HD TVs because you suddenly noticed a bunch of aliasing you didn't before?

I remember being a kid and seeing games in 720p for the first time and thinking it looked fucking weird.

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that was funny, tell another one

>Boomer in the video
>Shilling for outdated trash
Figures, I'll stick to my 32 inch 4K monitor.

Only if your CRT can do 16:9 720p.

>32 inch 4K monitor.
And you will play zero 4k content on it with decent framerates for atleast 5 years.

That's because you plugged in all your consoles with composite or RF so it was a lot blurrier

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>Oh no. How will Zoomers cope?
>Yeah, to the tears of underage zoomers everywhere, but now that their own preachers have betrayed them, what do they do?
What the actual fuck

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And streets would look prettier paved in stained glass, but there is a reason we don't do that, isn't there? Enjoy your 12" 280p display though. I'm sure the darker blacks make it all worthwhile.

>digital foundry
even if they're right about this i'm not believing anything they say

It's true though. It's literally how the screen works. Not enough to be harmful, but it is fact:

because good crts are fucking expensive these days. gdm-fw900s go for a thousand dollars now and most games don't have 4:3 support anymore without ini tweaking or mods.

Not great not terrible

Goddamn youtubers are going to jack up the prices of CRTs like they did retro games.

My 2070 super plays most everything at 4k 60 fps.

But I have been playing in 4k since 2016?

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>60 fps

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I think these retards are trying to imply that boomers had a better experience because used CRTs growing up or something.
t. typed on an 87" LG TV, at 4k resolution, 120fps. born 1981. Fuck CRTs.

that is the intention. Everyone knows what they are spewing is bullshit, especially comparing any CRT to an OLED, it's not even in the same field. Even basic IPS panels look miles better than a CRT does anymore. This is a move to try and push the price of CRTs, and studio monitors back up in price because they are at a all time low now. It's also why they keep trying to push retro consoles so much because before you could get a dreamcast for like 100-200 bucks, now you can get them for like 20 dollars.

This is literally just an attempt to save their careers.


I have a 144hz screen too and I honestly can't tell the difference.

>shilling Digital Faggotry

you got coomed?

that.. that doesn't look good


ayup, that poor boy there done got cooned. Now if you don't wanna get cooned yerself, all you have to do is say, "coon no coonin" you got that bucko?

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>he says, typing it on a 4.5" phone screen

Its free anti aliasing!

I love my CRTs!

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I'm just glad I got a vision master pro 500 a few years ago for 20 bucks. The price of stuff like that will no doubt increase with videos like this and the inevitable articles about how you might have a bazillion dollar old TV in your garage.

Does anyone on this site have their own opinions anymore or is it just parroting what some eceleb said 24/7?

>tfw live in a shitty tiny bedroom with no room for a desk
>i literally cannot own a CRT or anything at all
I LITERALLY CANNOT HAVE ANYTHING. I'm just fucking stonewalled in this shit existence of mine. It's not fair, I want to buy a CRT

Should just stick to consoles in that case.

coon no coonin

That sucks man.

Blah blah blah fuck off
Soon Nvidia will release the mighty RTX 3080ti and I will play all my vidya in 4k 144fps ULTRA

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Why'd you post my crt?

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You okay man?


>they're too heavy
>they take up too much space
>you can't plug modern games into them without an adapter
>they use a lot of electricity
>They hurt your eyes
>The sound they makes hurt your ears
>Nobody fixes them anymore
>fixing one myself could KIILL me?
>Throwing one away is illegal
Is there a single thing that triggers Zoomers more than the mighty CRT? What about VHS tapes? Do they hate those too?

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I honestly do, I play more a lot more games on my PS4 Pro and Switch.

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Pretty much, it's going to turn in exactly how my parents acted (gen X) where everything you see on TV "The internet" that is a "collectible" will somehow gain "value"it won't, but they will be conned into thinking it willand they will inevitably horde garbage.

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Cringe, try laserdisc zoomie.

>modern gaming monitors are shit
wow colour me surprised

6th gen down.

Then what are TVs? toxic waste?

For gaming? Absolutely.

>Is there a single thing that triggers Zoomers more
owning things in general

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>posting my CRT I got NIB

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That's sick. Does it do RGB?

>le legendary sony
yeah these fucking retards don't know what they're talking about

>ps4 has the largest install base
that is not true at all either

oh well, guess something else the zoomer consolefag audience will repeat
I notice none of the comments under any video discuss anything meaningful or discussing technical matters
it's like twitter
same like a linustechtips video
even the level of content, knowledge about the matter and information passed is at the same level

neet and underage

at least the monitor is better than le sony

complete brainlet post

you bought garbage

all matter in the universe emits radiation

they constantly shill RayTracing
ever since nvidia released raytracing they switched from HDR shilling to RayTracing shilling and mention it or have a video on it once a week

they constantly shill whoever pays them to do a video.
Remember the videos they did on multiple fuckin Mobile games?
They did a video on borderlands3 and all they did was damage control and talk around this shitty cashgrab.

How can they shit on Dragon Quest Builders 2 on switch for shit performance on extremely over-ambitious custom online maps.

they're dishonest shills

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No one is falling for your shenanigans, I look forward to your private business of marking up out of date gadgets goes under.

If not the base PS4, who has the largest install base in the console space?

CRTs have been 4k since like 1995, fucking jesus zoomers are retarded

i have a philips i'art
what's the general opinion on these things?

how viable is it to actually main a CRT monitor these days?

what the fuck is vhs

Your syntax sucks and you are a pedophile. Fuck you.

You're retarded. If AMD came up with RT first they would have made the exact same videos.

Still sad that I had to throw my old CRT away during a move because I couldn't fit it into the car while moving to another town.

I should really get a new one. What do you dudes recommend?

ps: DigitalFoundry is PROUDLY sponsored by the Logitech G935 Headset

not viable unless you get a widescreen that can do 1080+ like the one in OPs video.

you need the right outputs on the gpu, dont think 1xxx or 2xxx have vga anymore or dvi signal that can be converted in vga

>My retarded big bro ruined my single old big CRT
Fucking hell

well first things first
you have to find one

Completely viable especially for this specific website since it's still 4:3 oriented.

nobody gives a shit about RayTracing
it's used to push high priced GPUs for dumb cattle goyim

Not at all, only retarded boomers fall for the meme.

But it's ok when they shill the fuck out of Ryzen imirite?
Stop using loli butts to support your nigger paranoid thoughts

Enjoy your eye strain and headaches.

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CRTs aren't worth it if you live in europe since everything is 50hz. There are some 60hz crts here but they're not common.

Like can you be a bigger smart ass?

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Does the full gamut, even SD SDI but I have no use for that. This is the box it came in which I will probably never see anything like that again.

impossible, I'm not using an LCD. CRTs are infinitely more pleasant to look at.

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Except RT was always used in every single CG rendering and it's the natural evolution of graphics. You're just a poor nigger.
While I do agree that Nvidiot is pushing the prices a bit much, RT was always the final destination of realtime graphic for a lot of reason and it's going to be used no matter what Nvidiot are doing. Some games like Fornite are already using raytracing for some small elements on their own way even on old PS4/Bones. Nvidia found a way to accelerate it, that's all. AMD are working on their own hardware implementation, and engine devs already managed to make it run without needing dedicated hardware anyway

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they shilled it because they are shills.
Rich Leadbetter even said on one of the Pre-E3 videos that "he's not there for games but to meet with AMD"

how can you not shill Nvidia GPUs and AMD CPUs at the same time, it's different products you moron.

>hurr but they did a videos on the RX5800 and XT

well it would be suspicious as fuck if they didn't plus why not it 's what their audience wants

I got three PVMs for free (2 are 14" and one is 20") but prefer using OSSC for retro consoles.

You know that Sony sold their TVs here too right? They can do both 50 and 60 interchangeably

actually so based
i love richard

Shut up pedo

Anything before the ps3/360 really.

even the snes?

Pretty much every non-shit PAL CRT since early 90s can do NTSC in colour through composite and every single CRT with RGB input has no problems with NTSC RGB.

Shill for your brainlet fake internet friends elsewhere, deranged tranny.

Is this the thread where we show off our CRTs?

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don't post dumb stuff and wrong nonsense, crts support both 50 and 60hz and a higher resolution than ntsc since the early 90s

Why not? It's a 240p system.


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>When i put a high resolution picture on a low resolution display, i discovered it looks good

The real problem is the misconception that all modern TVs suck, when the reality is the one your parents bought sucks, and it happens to be the one you have access to and based all your conclusions on that. Just like anything else theres the low end VIzios and Dynex's and then theres high end Samsungs and Sony. If you stick to that $100 black friday special Tv, its going to lag, its going to be blurrry. Its made for senior citizens to enjoy and not notice the errors. Good modern TVs exist, but like any fucking thing, you get what you pay for.

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LCDs emit radiation too, dingus

Thx just bought a used Mitsubishi Diamondtron for $1200 with $200 shipping

fuck you Rich

>Good modern TVs exist
it depends how willing you are to lower your standards on what is acceptable
lcd as a technology still has a ridiculous amount of drawbacks, but hey at least it takes up less space on the trucks for shipping, so of course manufacturers are gonna focus on that

Composite power.

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all this autism for crts really makes me mad

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Zoomers hate anything from the 90s because they weren't alive during that time. Their parents might have had a crt in the living room when they were 3 but zoomers don't remember anything before 2012 so to them crts are evil. I mean seriously, do you see pewdiepie play minecraft on a crt? LMAO.
Especially the snes, wtf you on about. Half the snes library is side scrollers and CRTs have far less input lag for those on top of the superior visuals.

>Not enough to be harmful
it's worth noting that a full year sitting in front of a crt is about the same amount of radiation intake as eating roughly two bananas

exactly this.
people (zoomers) don't realize that TVs used to be 1k, then their mom bought em a cheap vizio and now they think CRTs were amazing like the other nostalgia fads, they probably listen to vinyls too and think 80s were the best time ever (even if born in 00's)

are they supposed to make a constant horrid high pitch squeal?

But staring at an LCD and its blue light emissions will cause all kinds of fucked up side effects.

is there a buyers guide?
or should i just buy any crt monitor on Craigslist?

only the low quality or old and broken TELEVISION crts do that
A quality computer monitor crt will emit almost nothing

Even lcd monitors buzz from the power supply part

In particular. However, I'd argue the best benefits are gotten with the PS2 and Gamecube which are rather heavy on the 480i content which only a CRT can display without deinterlacing artifacts. 240p can still be line-doubled rather well, but deinterlacing is always a hit in latency and image quality.

Buy whatever you can now for cheap before the prices skyrocket because of it being trendy.

>crt thread in 2019

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Does general brand quality not matter? I have some CRT's but they're way too big to use as a monitor. I'm looking for something relatively small that can reach at least 1080p resolutions.

Most CRTS have this almost inaudible whine. My dad used to wake up to go to the restroom at night, then open my door and tell me to go to sleep. when i asked him how he knew i was awake, he told me he could hear that "TV being on noise"

>he doesn't go to /g/ for his weekly CRT thread

guess my one is fucked then


Youll spend minimum $1080

I miss my 1080i Samsung crt I used at the beginning of last gen

Rei > trashuka

Here is your awesome crt with perfect blacks bro.

oh you do not want to play in a completely darkened room, now your crt sucks and feels like a grey projector screen.

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I mean do really old consoles like the snes benefit from component, not the CRT itself

What do you think wouldve happened if CRT tech just kept on going? Do think we wouldve had almost slim CRTs by now?

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crt phones

they were mass produced trash, don't worry about it
you're not finding a good one new
enjoy your stuff until it breaks

>Modern Games Look Amazing On CRT Monitors... Yes, Better than LCD!
Flatly untrue for the higher spec end of 8th gen. No CRT ever commercially made supports higher than 1440p resolutions. Also, some consoles like Switch and PS3 don’t do 1080p analog natively and will require signal conversion to look their best.

Also, modern games have text scaled assuming a large screen. Good luck couch gaming with less than 40 inches diagonal of screen space.

>t. still actively use CRTs as a computer display

Anything that gives off light emits radiation

dumbest comment in this thread fa.m

dumbest reply in this thread fa.m

Call your local TV/editing station.
Ask if they have used CRTs.
That's how you get free/cheap PVMs

The CRTs I had as a kid started to darken after a few years, how do these retain a decent image?
Was that only the cheapshit monitors?

cool answer, ill give it a shot.

you're a moron and posted dumb shit, had to let your egoistical ass know

Is there any CRTpunk games? Sounds like an untapped genre

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I kinda regret leaving my two CRT monitors and old desktop in the damp basement to rot... I should try to boot them up and see if they still work I'm not so optimistic though.

my mistake, this is now the dumbest reply in this thread fa.m.

>Is there any CRTpunk games? Sounds like an untapped genre
Light gun games. There STILL isn’t a reliable way to play ones made before around 2007 without a CRT.


i see what your saying, but i mean like a a game where its the future, but they still have CRTs and shit. everything is designed and works around CRTs type thing. Inj cars, in phones, on wrist watches. I guess fallout kinda sounds that way. But maybe more extreme

>15 fps
ah yes, the silky smooth console experience

You should unironically get your eyes checked

>but hey at least it takes up less space on the trucks for shipping
This, it doesn't matter what the benefits of CRT's are, retailers don't like them as they can fit five lcd's in the same space of one CRT.

You know, the way many people have their tv set up, being a flat panel doesn't even offer much benefit in the way of space saving to many consumers.
You put it on a stand but that stand also usually holds all the other shit you put on it (game systems, stereo, etc) so it needs to have more than two inches of depth, and then the floor space used is no different than if you put a CRT on it.

I can smell that picture... smells like GameStop and musky carpet.

That guy sounds black and I don't listen to criminals

Sounds like bullshit desu, CRTs are pretty bad

I got a CRT HD years ago and I've been playing xbox 360 and pc on it for years. A guy got mad at me because the image was so much better than his shitty 30fps LCD screen. He even accused me of "buying a tv so you can mock me" when the reality was I wanted a HD tv but didn't have the money to buy expensive shit so instead of buying hype I did some research and waited for months until i found somebody selling his crt tv for $10 because it was too heavy.

dude is still mad after 12 years.

SNES cannot output with component, but the RGB SCART connection it can output (which can be converted to component) is a huge leap from composite cables.



Can also do s-vid.
While not quite as good as RGB/component, it's still a hell of a lot better than composite.

smells like fresh air and febreze mostly.

Just find pic/related user

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what a weird video. Is it a thinly veiled control shilling?

Control is used because it the latest tech in gaming and arguably the most sophisticated game out now from a technical standpoint.

No, we'd just get this.

We got the LCD era cause of better profit margins though.

Anime looks nice on them too.

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Boy I sure love unreadable text in games like Dead Rising. Based CRT.

looks like shit

We always knew this. Even plasma looked better. LCD was just cheap.

>Oh no. How will Zoomers cope?

Threads like this are why I can't get a decent CRT for a decent price.
>just go to thrift stores bro!
They've been scavenged, leaving only the cheap garbage CRTs behind. New CRTs are never going to be made either. Feels bad man.

Its the phone

whatever you gotta tell yourself man

If you aren't aware that basic cameras can't take pictures of CRT's well then you truly are a fucking zoomer and should kill yourself.

whatever you gotta tell yourself man

Anything in 4:3 format, I don't give a fuck about a bluray version.
I'll take my dvds of cowboy bebop and azumanga on my WEGA any day.
Not even sure you'd be able to see a quality difference between a dvd and bluray version on a crt.

Gee it's almost like he took a phone pic of a device that displays an a particular way that cameras can't capture properly.


Nice crystal fag

Where you guys grabbing those small Sony CRTs? They're way to expensive to buy online usually.

do you live near a city?

set your shutter speed to 30hz when capturing 480i content

>Love CRTS
>But can't go back to SDR

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why does everyone mention the salt lamp?

I caved and bought it on eBay. cost like 300 bucks.

CRTs already have HDR

The dumbass poorfag won't even be able to enjoy 4k.

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How do they? We're talking tone mapping or extended colour gamut. I highly doubt any CRT can even push out 1000 nits without setting on fire, let alone local dimming or the full wide colour gamut.

coon no coonin

Doesn't look any better to me.

I live in a city. But its in Canada where nothing cool can be found or bought by anyone.

CRTs have had 10-bit color for decades, CRTs have always been brighter than LCDs due to the properties of igniting phosphor, and you don't need any dimming because CRTs do not dim or "turn off" pixels, they simply have 0 light. That's what true black is.

Very. 2048x1536 at 96Hz is nothing to laugh at.

Based. How much did it cost?

This. Dropping brightness on a CRT at night is true dimming. OLED does the same thing too.

100 if I moved it from the b-stock closet for the studio, several thousands cheaper than what they paid for it

They just look softer not better. Modern screens are just too sharp for their own good.

You lucky bastard
At least my FD Trinitron PC monitor was NIB too. $25 from the thrift store.

>people play with the light on
Jesus christ cringe

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>pirated windows

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>HDD died
>changed to SSD
>Windows pretends like I've never had it even when it changes background colors to black to what I had them before after signing in

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With a ps1 an old tv is a must

Changing a drive isn't enough to trigger the deactivation. It only cares about the motherboard.

Anything without HDMI.

Well mine got deactivated by just changing drives, it asked me for windows key but I didnt write it down when I transferred from W7 to W10

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love CRTs but they are fuzzy as hell, which they totally ignore in this entire video

should just switch to linux then

Sadly, a lot of zoomers were alive in the 90s. Such as Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, and Selena Gomez. They were just led astray by the dark side.

>implying that's a bad thing

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Hmm you might be able to contact windows support. I remember a while back I upgraded something or changed drives or whatever but it deactivated my windows and I talked to some indian lady and she gave me a command to run and it somehow found the key and reactivated my windows and she sounded surprised that it worked. I'd tell ya the command if I could remember it, I might have copied it down somewhere.

I don't think I've actually seen a CRT monitor in my whole life now when i think about it..

Imagine having all text be clean and readable and not look like janky aliased shite


I was born 2001 and my parents had a flatscreen TV when i was growing up. They probably had a CRT during my early years but i can't remember.

LCD: looks nice and sharp at a single resolution
CRT: smooth at any resolution

>60 fps
Legendary bait, user.

>I was born 2001

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Google frostrose
You may have to disable windows defender

you're not missing much

What was your first console?

When you think about it, since the late 2000's everyone has been investing in ways to counteract how shitty LCDs look, adding filters in games, shaders, post processing effects, all to compensate for things CRT never needed. CRT gets a little soft at its max resolution, but then this frees up room for anti-aliasing. All the sudden the edges cleanly separate without chunky pixel edges that require multi-sampling to compensate.

I had a friend tell me CRTs were basically free antialiasing. I later found out he literally set the focus knob slightly off to make it blurrier than it actually is.

Literally turn off the lights in front of the monitor and turn on lights somewhere behind the monitor or play in a darker room.

It really is one way to do it. When you think about it, it looks good at any resolution and you can just slightly soften the output and suddenly you're pulling a whole new set of tricks around all the edges of every asset in a 3D game. The cost on clarity? Measurable in the single digit percentages at the cost of overall image improvement.

if I could fucking find a nice Sony CRT i would get one

but there's none in my area because rich yuppie white liberals and poor hispanics that work their yards and shit

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Everyone with a brain knows that CRT is far superior to OLED/LCD.

CRTs are much more expensive to produce though and are fucking massive. Not to mention they're not in production any more. But the visual fidelity from increased resolutions and refresh rates has long surpassed what old CRTs are capable of. I'd love to see what a 144hz 4K CRT looks like, but that's never going to happen.

These CRTs are the expensive professional ones not the average 14-17" garbage that most people played on back then.

speaking of which

what websites or apps do you search for CRTs?

all I know is craigslist and OfferUp

Are you after a straight TV or a monitor? If the latter high-end HP, IBM, Dell, and Sun CRTs are just rebranded Sonys. Literally the same internals and often time even the case but with a different logo.

CL only has shitty Walmart CRTs. If you want the thicc pro monitors your best bet is private auctions and government surplus.

New CRTs of similar quality are still made, if you have a few grand for a 17" and some patience to go through a procurement process.

they would but that's not a good crt to begin with

my flashlight emits radiation too bro

Craigslist, OfferUp, LetGo, and Facebook selling groups. Also you can always put out a "looking for CRT" add on CList or elsewhere. If you live in a city of 10,000+ people there are bound to be at least a dozen people with old CRT monitors sitting in their basements collecting dust.

I wonder if any company will ever try to go back to CRTs with a gamer tilt to it, to try to get people to buy based on low input lag and quality of motion representation. I guess probably not, since the industry to build high-quality tubes probably isn't there anymore and setting something like that up would be too expensive to be worth the risk.

how young and technically incompetent are you

All development is shifting toward LED, and for a good reason. Thin, power-efficient, higher contrast than any other display technology, and zero lag on the level of CRT.

large low quality trash

>when people on Yea Forums call the 42 year old young.
>when people on Yea Forums call the MSCE technically incompetent.
Don't ever change, Yea Forums.

LED is already being phasedout and delegated to cheap chinese productions.

lolibutt :3

microLED displays will certainly be nice if they ever become a thing for consumers, but it looks like it's going to be a pretty long time to wait until they get small enough to actually fit modern monitor resolutions in the 20-30" sizes monitors come in. The DPI we'd need doesn't quite seem to be here just yet. Plus it's going to take ages until prices come down even if they reach appropriate DPI.

I kind of have more hope for dual-layer LCD in a realistic time frame. It would improve LCD contrast by orders of magnitude and theoretically solve one of its main drawbacks. Strobing should still remain possible, so we kind of have all the tech we need to get better monitors, if somebody would actually want to make them.

If you actually liked CRTs, you wouldn't submit yourself to meme 9" displays.

Old, certified by sweaty balls himself, and still dumb. That's kinda sad.

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No it isn't. LED/LCD is 90% of screens now. OLED will go extinct like Plasma and MicroLED/DL-LCD will become the new thing. I really wish there was a company out there making new quality CRT's though. I had an old Viewsonic CRT that died on me but holy fuck everything looked amazing on it and the colors and contrast were on a completely different plane of existence and FPS felt and looked smoother than 165hz on LCD.

>they're too heavy
Scrawny ass bitches. Unless you have those fucking fuck huge bastards that are hard to carry.
>they take up too much space.
They do for the obvious reason of them being generally bigger.
>they use a lot of electricity
They use more but that's not really a problem.
>They hurt your eyes
No info on this but whatever. Stupid is what stupid does.
>Nobody fixes them anymore
This things can actually be easily fixed with just minimal effort really. Not a problem.
>Fixing one myself could KILL me?
>throwing one away is illegal
It is but fuck the police.
Yes user were trying to get to stop having fun. We see you having fun and we start seething XD.

(component is best output you can get for it)

I'm not not the one spending thousands on 12" 120p televisions, dumbfuck.

The only thing you're certified as is a retarded faggot, tickle my gooch with your tongue you old fuck

Attached: Parody_Eric_Schmidt.jpg (686x934, 257K)

The real problem is that CRT monitors are getting so old at this point that finding one without screen issues and phosphor trailing is extremely hard. The best compromise is having a two desk setup with 144hz+ TN in front of you and a 40+ inch Samsung/Sony TV behind it on another desk elevated or on the wall. Then "WinKey + P" between both screens depending on what you're playing. That way you can still have smooth responsive m+kb online FPS but also have decent picture quality for everything else like non-competitive games, consoles, movies, internet browsing, etc.

Attached: 1232534534314.jpg (780x702, 118K)

In 10 years, you're going to look back and think "Jesus Christ that CRT trend was fucking retarded". There is no justification for giving up the amount of features and performance that come with modern TVs. If CRTs were really worth anything, they'd still be manufactured for home consumers. It's a fucking television, not a muscle car. You're just sucking the dick of a retarded trend started by elitest faggots with no identity so they're clinging to some obscure old tech to make themselves stand out. Absolutely pathetic. Go find an identity.

Are people surprised by this?
I thought it was common knowledge that CRTs don't have a ton of image processing bullshit that fucks up the image like LCDs do.

I can imagine people in 10-20 years bringing old LCDs back because of their build-in motion blur and big pixels.
screencap this

Sure, sure, or just get a fucking 85" Smart TV hung on your wall that makes your entire setup looks like a joke.
>"B-b-ut my rich blacks"
Not worth the sacrifice and hassle and you know it. You only participate in this fraud to post screenshots to your social media.

>people paying thousands for 17" meme TVs
Listen to yourselves.

my "pro" crts still cost less than good lcds did when the transition began. you could be buying iiyama, lacie, or eizo displays for less than inferior lcds, and those were "yes we are going to be charging you a premium for mitsubishi tubes" brands.

yes i will definitely call a msce technically incompetent
you are basically a taco bell employee to me
did you complete high school before getting your certification 280p bro

You okay you old pussy? old TVs just work differently for games, no need to get so heated over it lol

I don't give a fuck about how my "setup" looks. I just want good image quality and 144hz monitors have shit image quality and are literally only good for online shooters which is only a small handful of games. Contrast and black uniformity are the most important factors for overall image quality and 99% of 144hz+ monitors are absolute garbage in that regard.

Attached: predator-xb271hu-uniformity-large.jpg (1680x1376, 284K)

CRTs aren't manufactured anymore because they CAN'T reach modern specs. Cathode-ray tubes topped off at 100hz otherwise they caused motion sickness and nausea. Needless to say, modern resolutions are already 4x that of what a vacuum tube could push out. But enjoy your snapchat popularity, I guess?

My old Lacie was the best, most beautiful monitor I've ever seen.

Attached: lacie-dc.jpg (2419x1814, 474K)

>Cathode-ray tubes topped off at 100hz otherwise they caused motion sickness and nausea.
that's not how that works idiot

guys I thought about this post too hard and my brain emit a radiation
we're all going to die now I'm sorry

$20 says your entire setup will have been sold in 6 months once the novelty wears off and you're tired of playing on screens smaller than 23". See you then.

Ar Tonelico and related series. It's full of vacuum tube tech wankery.

There are maximums in physics. It's not simply a matter of "Wait until the smart people can make it go past the limits."

stop posting anytime

>Cathode-ray tubes topped off at 100hz


>modern resolutions are already 4x that of what a vacuum tube could push out

CRT's can reach 2560x1600, don't pretend like you'd recommend anything over 1440p for PC gaming anyways. Also PPI > strict resolution, CRT's monitors are 17-24 inches and make any resolution look sharp anyways, so 4K would be overkill at such a small screen size.

I'm 39 and I remember crt tvs .... Why in the fuck would I ever want to go back to those goddamn behemoths?

Fucking purists are fucking retards

The video in the OP literally showcases a CRT that can hit 160 Hz you mongoloid.

because >muh retro consoles

>Why in the fuck would I ever want to go back to those goddamn behemoths?

Literally answered in the OP video.

Attached: 1543593170344.png (348x278, 106K)

>watching digital foundry
>calls others fag

>have a 144hz monitor and 4K TV
>"Oh man, I suddenly just want one screen now for no reason whatsoever!"
>"Let me sell my entire setup"

Attached: 1540520776440.jpg (689x720, 297K)

What kind of CRT is best to get for gaming? I got a Magnavox TV for $3 and I feel like I made a mistake.

because they were beautiful newfriend
beautiful lead weights that kept you warm in the winter

you're going to feel like that with most your CRT grabs

turned on a crt for the first time in a decade recently and it felt like magic how good it looked

CRT TV's are totally different from monitors. Only get an SD CRT TV for PS2 era and below. As for monitors it depends on what resolution and refresh rate you want.

SD CRT TV's are only 480i. HD CRT TV's can do 1080i and sometimes 720p but they don't look as good or sharp as monitors and are limited to 60hz and only have one or two set resolutions.

I remember buying an lcd because ps3 looked like trash and it was hard to see things on crt but whatever

>how good it looked
yeah I wish could fuck mine

Because you had a CRT TV at 480i and most PS3 games were made with 720p/1080p in mind for scaling HUD elements and other things.

480i component will look better than 480p component on an lcd blown up to 1080p

your display was probably cheap

CRT is mandatory for /vr/

Attached: threed.jpg (1836x3264, 3.45M)

Many Gamecube games support progressive scan and many can be forced to play it through shit like Nintendont, so component works better in that case.

Attached: 1567950412624.jpg (3264x1836, 3.37M)

Is a 9 inch trinitron alright for PS2 era stuff?
I kind of want a CRT, but I don't want something that takes up a shit ton of space. But I also want to be able to actually read text.

they are photos from this monitor
find yours today and bring it home from a thrift store or e-cycling store!

Attached: 1816.pdf-0.png (1275x1651, 670K)

CRT = bigger is better


>Be Youtube channel with huge following
>Buy stocks in CRT producing companies
>Release video promoting CRTs
>Enjoy your money

Attached: 1554017186428.jpg (746x691, 34K)

just get a 14 inch set, those aren't too big.

But if I see it at a goodwill or pennywise, how can I test it out to make sure it works?

>CRT producing companies

they usually have spots you can plug them into, open up the menu or go to analog tuning and see if it looks weird

they have outlets near the electornics section user
also never bring one home without turning it on for at least 10 minutes
old CRTs on the verge of dying are dim as fuck and not worth anything

Had a Sony Trinitron for about 6 months. The novelty wore off after 2 weeks. Found myself using the normal TV more and more until I just stopped using the CRT all together. Sold it for $1200 to some other retard who fell for the meme.

Don't fall for this shit. Murkier blacks are not worth all the hassle.

this used to be the warning or still is on crt monitors/tvs

Attached: 1549288439675.jpg (791x102, 52K)

only for germans who are a weak race, they lost all their dominant genes after sending them out to die 80 years ago

I know I'm in the minority, but for PS1/PS2 literally any non-flat CRT TV with composite will be more than fine if the TV itself is up to par. Component of course is slightly better quality but not mandatory, and honestly just for PS1/PS2/GameCube/Wii composite on a smaller CRT TV is fine and you can put them almost anywhere.

Attached: 5bb771ba8d0aed194e3de7e1.jpg (1200x900, 127K)

last good video card with a digital to analog ram equipment on it, when they stopped making them, is nvidia 980 or an ati 79xx.
how do i know? i had both cards and have a crt.
have 980ti 6gb right now.
watching this, glad i do.
everythign is plug and play for me, no lag. no replace screen, this one has nice color, 21inch and 75hz at 1600x1200

Got a JVC CRT/VCR combo from my gramps. Hooked up my PS1, and holy shit I'm a kid again.

Fun to watch VHS tapes on too, tons at Goodwill/flea markets for a nickle each.

Attached: 1560171784301.jpg (231x231, 24K)

i'd buy a crt today if i could.

Best card. Anything newer would be a waste used on a CRT, not like you're gonna get 4K out of one.

RAMDAC all video signals were ALWAYS digital. they just used to include a RAMDAC ram digital to audio converter on the machine/card whatever, now their cheap assholes and took it off for you lcd tards and not lower the price
id like to see a company come out with external ramdacs so their is no lag and high quality. id buy one. if i could rip one off an old card and use it id like to know how and id do it.

There's nothing quite like powering on a PS1, powering on the CRT, hearing the click-TINK! of the degauss followed by the fuzzing up of the tube as it glows to life in sychronization with the vibrating synths of the PS1 boot up.

There's the HD Fury but most of those external ones are kinda disappointing. If you've got a 980ti just stick with it for a while. The good news is you can always lower your resolution and still enjoy it if in 4 years it starts to be too slow.

More like HRT

Attached: 1492401499689.jpg (381x422, 18K)

A RAMDAC costs next to nothing. Removing it from production cards doesn't gain them anything


Attached: 1554954688454.jpg (3264x2448, 2.93M)

Found a Trinitron KV1434M3 for under $30, is it worth it? Also it only has a RF coax is there an adapter for it?

Enjoy your time bomb

your pic looks like shit
component is massively improved compared to composite
literally double the resolution and much better color separation
even asss-video is a pretty big jump

I don't get this CRTs have great contrast meme. Even the most expensive ones have terrible black levels because glass with light shining anywhere near it will never be black.

>hurr durr game on crt looks amazing on 24" at 1024 resolution ha ha its so good its best
>if we put same settings on modern panel you notice all sorts of blruryness and jaggies and low res yuck, that proves CRT is better haha

Attached: 1383464524172.jpg (292x209, 16K)

even crappy pc crts look nice.

Attached: DSCN1325.jpg (1224x918, 352K)

Hello 200% render resolution

Okay i've got a question. Let's say I get a CRT monitor or TV and run from my laptop out to it, could I supersample games even if my external monitor is like 480p?

>anime looks nice
>image shows obvious interlacing

>watch video through my LCD screen

Attached: tenor.gif (220x346, 40K)

fucking ew dude. have you ever seen one of those projection crts?

there is a fucking difference
one is a machine
the other is the stupid screen on the desk that flips through pictures.
it technically is better when its a monitor. no lcd can ever be a monitor
you are just using worse crap

I'm literally using a LCD monitor right now.

Have you made sure it's actually running at 144hz in your monitor settings?

Attached: Untitled.png (407x420, 12K)

you sound like a fun guy that has a charming social life

I played the majority of my PS3 days on the same CRT Zenith I played PS1 and PS2 on in my room. Best thing about it is that you'll never become a pixel snob after that since everything looks amazing on any TV that isn't black and white.

Attached: 1492104693721.jpg (751x902, 70K)

it is a screen technically. there is no such thing as an lcd monitor.
monitors are technical machines and th reason people use computers is not to invent digital things, only for digital use, or fake use. they use them to push analog machines. anything else is retarded
a screen is a picture flipper. a monitor is a movie projector, instant speed of light image displayer.


Gamestop will soon have CRTs in every store as part of their redesign. Get a CRT while you can. You have been warned. They will soon spike in price.

Attached: new gamestop layout.webm (240x426, 2.85M)

This isn't even disputable. CRT's will always be the best for gaming, but everything else about it sucks on a practical level, especially the amount of space they took. I miss my Trinitron sometimes, but getting rid of it was like getting a tumor removed from my living space.

Attached: 06-dave-bautista.w1200.h630.jpg (1200x630, 196K)

Do you live in a closet or something?

The best way to play old vidya.

Attached: 30B1DA4E-706A-474C-BB80-0A88F964E0CF.jpg (800x948, 204K)


Attached: 7E664217-4D58-4379-BF2B-302A1D0DF983.jpg (795x1027, 145K)

>How will Zoomers cope?
Don't know, don't care. I'm just pissed. Ol' Reliable finally crapped out on me and now that I need to replace it, fuckers like you have driven the cost of quality CRTs through the fucking roof.

that's pretty much it, it's nice the few times a month it's used but beyond that it just becomes an obtrusion

Stop being retarded.

You look like a cool 90's kid

I'm a little ashamed to be labeled as "US 90'S KIDS" but thanks user, I'm just a nostalgiafag

my grandma had this exact tv
total piece of shit
your speaker setup makes me cringe too bro.

This is probably my biggest gripe about that board. People care less about the actual games and more about whether or not you got the "pure authentic" method of playing the game.
It's not enough to have the original hardware but you have to also have a crt and other bullshit just to fit in.
I just wanted to talk about old games man.

fuck you, his two pics were good enough for me to save in my comfy folder

I find it hard to believe your grandma had a PVM.

based granny

They're going to be out of business in the near future, I doubt they'd have the assets to outfit all of their stores with CRTs.

You want a tube with at least S-Video, component woukd make it even better.

are these good?

go 14" bro 9" is too small but that one you linked is composite only anyways

you get whatever you can afford, but i'd advise looking local first. Try facebook marketplace, lots of CRT's being given out for free


kek look at this poorfag.

I don’t fucking miss CRTs at all. I don’t miss VHS at all either. I bet the same people lauding CRTs are the same people who give shit to others who buy vinyl. This whole board has become inane.

>it is a screen technically
no, an lcd is a "display", not a "screen"
it's in the fucking name, liquid crystal DISPLAY
>a monitor is a movie projector, instant speed of light image displayer.
headphones are also "monitors", referred to as "studio monitors", it has nothing to do with visual presentation
the only thing that a monitor is, is an interface device where the human is accepting information instead of inserting information

>24" CRT monitor
Sounds awesome, but as a filthy third-worlder, I've never found anything larger than 17" around here. Oh well, my Dell U2410 is good enough. Early LCDs were shit, but I just can't complain about this baby.

This is going to be the new hipster trend isnt it

Before anyone calls me a zoomer I've still got my old 1996 brick in my room. I'm just curious, what is so special about this particular CRT monitor that's showing up in these threads?

FUCK Dilate So(y)ndry

>this whole board complains about cry babies
>starts crying over a thread on CRTs
This whole board has become not only thin skinned but inane

to dispaly is to sho8w something
a monitor is a technical term on how to show something with
a screen also is.
lcds are fucking technically screens. they dont do motion pictures htey do jpegs.
crts are for motion pictures. so fuck your eyesight retard


Attached: 1561785179386.jpg (3524x3024, 3.62M)

It's been for a while now. You got your dudes who nostalgiafag for them, your "enthusiast" who used them because they're "the best for playing retro vidya", poorfags who only ever had CRTs, and the hipster zoomer who got into old school gaming because it's popular these days.

This was on my birthday earlier this year. NSFW.

Attached: 22744EBD-22DC-423E-ABE7-237C03F7D947.jpg (960x891, 273K)

>arino statue
how much you want for it homie

you can't do that user this is a blue board

Attached: Forbidden.jpg (391x558, 45K)

The problem with running modern games on CRTs is the text. I own a decent-sized CRT, like 24", and didn't actually get an LCD until 2018, and the few times I tried playing a modern game on it (Demon's Souls, BotW etc.) the text was nearly impossible to read due to blur. I love how CRTs look but games have to be designed for CRTs to work properly, and if a game is made with small text on the assumption that you're playing it at 1080p with pure pixels, you're going to have a bad time.

I got it when it was like $60 but the price jumped, fuck.

Don't be a queer, user.

Are you retarded and don't understand how reflections work?


>all those people are like 25-27
None of those are zoomers whatsoever

Prastic Rittle

>top: how the developers intended it to look like
>bottom: this is what filterfags believe

It really depends, if you look at the monitor they use in the video text is fine. I have an aperture grille the same size as yours and the UI text for my retropie is hard to read. Command prompt lines are impossible to make out

Maybe it's just a problem with my specific one, then. I'll have to upgrade to a new CRT, then. Goddamn I wish they still made CRTs

They're the vinyl of Yea Forums

It's not the specular reflections on the CRT that are causing the blacks to be worse, it's the diffuse reflected light. The CRT and LCD in that picture will be receiving roughly the same amount of diffuse light, but the CRT's blacks are lighter because the screen itself is a lighter colour than the screen of the LCD.

>4k (2160p)
This is completely correct but I hate that it needs to be mentioned just because of all the retards trying to brand 1440p as "4k"

I'm still hoping that CRTs go the way of vinyl and we start getting manufacturers for it again. New ones, not refurbishings from China. The startup costs would be huge though.

We could've had flatscreens with the motion clarity of CRTs, but patent lawsuits and the '08 recession killed SED tvs.

Attached: SED tv 2.jpg (1024x634, 487K)

i think i heard that you cant use the leaded glass used in making the tubes anymore due to EPA regulations, which ironically were brought about because you can't really use it to make anything OTHER than new crt tubes.

Well there are articles that detail how to get the free W10 upgrade since those server are still around, so you can get an authentic W10 license again. Thing is you'd need to get Windows 7 first, which you presumably had originally.

Well damn, if my favorite eceleb says so then I guess it must be so.

I just hope this becomes so popular that chinks start making CRT monitors with triniton's expired patents
Or even better, they start making thinner CRTs with modern tech

I think is taken quite a while for modern vinyl players to get decent, compared to older ones. Cassettes have been back for a couple of years, but new cassette players are still completely fucked, cheap China crap.

I’m sure new CRT manufacturing will start up as retro games are becoming increasingly more mainstream, but be prepared for the first couple of years of cheap garbage.

those shitty salt lamps actually melt when the room is humid, if animals lick that shit they get salt poisoning and die, i came back home one day to find the fucking thing melt and stain a wooden cabinet with salt encrusted shit

>be prepared for the first couple of years of cheap GAYMER X RAY CRT monitor with RGB

t. Mr.Braun

how can one post contain so much bullshit

people are finally starting to realize that pixels counts aren't that important and that the sample and hold method on lcd's is trash for motion

I had one to play SNES and PSX on but I move around too often bc college and it took up too much space. It probably belongs to some crackhead now, but I miss playing games with it.

Blu ray 1080p versions of 4:3 anime like Evangelion on CRT look insane.

the interlacing is in the camera taking the picture, imbecile

You should refrain from posting CRT pics if your camera can't deal with the freq

What's the cause of a CRT monitor getting blurry with age?

the electron guns fall out of alignment, it can technically be repaired

Developers developed those games on CRTs, dumbass

i will buy one when i have money and a space.

People don't buy an expensive crt tv/monitor,
just buy something used that you can connect your shit to (pc's/consoles).

>my mom made us throw out our crt's
foolish women

You unironically wrote that because you're mad that nintendo has low fps?

crt looks like shit

>'I wuz poinin' oud ya dishonidy'
wew, nice one there tyroohuwwn'.

>if animals li..
PERFECT anti fly trap!

>boomers after watching that video will now think their chink-brand 3:2 convex CRT is worth more than 10 bucks
thanks DF

I feel bad for the poor people who are actually going to pay hundreds to thousands of dollars for one of these when they could put that money towards a OLED with G-Sync and HDMI 2.1. Youtube was a mistake.

Attached: soul.jpg (927x928, 115K)

How it is

Attached: crts.jpg (561x600, 28K)

playstation 2 benefits the most out of anything
it looks good on a CRT, but nearly its entire library supports 16:9 and progressive scan, so an HDTV is arguably better depending on your priorities

most PC CRTs can, which is good for playing xbox 360 with the VGA cable

16ms input lag is considered good for an HDTV. they're a joke.

I can't read shit though when I was playing modern games on the crt

Modern games are all so floaty anyway that input lag doesn't matter.

Attached: Nothing personnel kid.webm (640x360, 774K)

>bought expensive 4k LG tv to play ps5
>image quality is amazing I am satisfied
>recently found out its 50 Hz
Wtf bros I thought all tvs are like 200 hz nowadays why would they do it
>can’t play at 60 fps...

cant wait for screensavers to be a thing again

That's still a problem in LCDs too, some companies forget that not everyone has big ass screens or play with their eyes glued to them.
