How were kids in 1997, without the internet or guides supposed to figure out how to breed a golden chocobo...

How were kids in 1997, without the internet or guides supposed to figure out how to breed a golden chocobo? And don't even mention the Chocobo Sage, his information is incomplete.

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his information is complete though, alongside chocobo billy and zack over at the gold saucer.

They literally explain that they change color based on nuts fed and crossbreeding. There are a few nuts you get from random enemies that obviously have special properties.

you had to buy gaming magazines

we had guides both online and in book form faggot

>without guides
You weren't a kid in 1997 if you think kids didnt obsess over guides as much as they did their games
I remember my brothers having the FF7 guide, and using it extensively

Nope, the Sage even tells you where to get the nuts needed for each color.

>without guides
you do know that gaming magazines and strategy guides were big in the day, so much so that developers would hide things in the game just so you would buy the guide.

>didnt obsess over guides as much as they did their games
This. There were TONS of gaming magazines with huge portions devoted to guides and cheats.

there were something called magazines before you were born , and around the ps1 time stores used to sell guides too


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I wish I didnt literally throw away all my old Nintendo Power and GamePros /EGM

>without guides
Nigger, strategy guides sold just as much as games did back then.

They didn’t, there’s a reason why game guides (and even game help hotlines) were a huge business before internet became commonplace.

They're not worth anything if it makes you feel better.

>found a box filled with my late 90's-early 00's issues of PSM, EGM, GamePro and Tips & Tricks mags in my gargage
What do I do with it? I cant bring myself to throw it away. Not sure why there aren't any Nintendo Power issues in it. Might have been in a different box that was lost.

>materials have to be worth money or they have no value
Spotted the consumer cuck

Yeah I thought so but they'd be worth something to me thats for sure

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That'd be the only reason you hold onto them considering they're all archived online now.
Don't be daft.

Literally just trash to lug around when you move house. Your memories are what count.
It's like when a celebrity dies - everyone says how sad they are and how much they love them, but before said celebrity was gone no one gave two shits about them.

Yeah man why even own art or go travelling? I can just see everything on the internet and never have to leave my cum crusted chair

>why own art
exactly why own it , you can go to museums

This. Literally the only answer, or ask friends who had done it.

>without the internet or guides
>what is an internet cafe
I printed out the entire gamefaqs FF7 and FF8 faqs back then at the local cafe.

Why are the chocobo minigames always such fucking horseshit? Who at Square is responsible for this trash?

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I don't remember, a friend of mine told me how to do it. It was pretty awesome. Same thing with Knights of the Round or whatever it was called. His info was solid.

But I'm a 32 year old man that likes to put on my Super Mario pajamas, hide under the covers with a flashlight and read old video game magazines uuuuuhhhhh

Well, we just were fucking hardcore

>comparing gaming mags that were mass printed and delivered worldwide to one-of-a-kind art or the experiences gained while traveling
>throwing away your mags deletes your memories of ever owning them
You're so fuckin dumb.

The whole game was kinda abysmal.

We had binders and notepads full of notes. Pic is from my FF7 notes.
t. boomer

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Why did the chocobo hot and cold game get so much shit?
It wasn't that bad.

I had internet in 97...

>tfw just used a trainer in FFX
fuck your balloons i don't have time for this shit

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We just figured it out, man. I know you dumbass kids are fucking retarded today and depend on other people to tell you how to play videogames, but we actually just played games ourselves. Maybe I can only speak for myself.

Bons tempos

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is this "soul"?

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Why don’t retards like this get put down when they’re old enough to start speaking

imagine being this much of an autistic contrarian

>one-of-a-kind art
>talks about gaming mags being mass produced
Your previous post defended tossing them away because you can see them online and now you're backpedaling and saying you should throw them away because your memories of them aren't gone?
I mean shit, why don't we throw out ALL of our family heirlooms and valuables? I can just take a picture of it and remember that I used to have it!

i'm confused, Yea Forums gets pissed at modern gamers for using guides and not spending hours and hours of your time figuring it out and not playing legit, then there's this thread where now it's okay to use guides and is even encouraged

Because we DID have guides and internet.

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Players guides and allusions to a golden Chocobo existing. I wouldn't be surprised if the first time anyone truly knew a Gold existed was when they beat Emerald Weapon.

>Versus Books

These motherfuckers always put out the best guides. I remember these dudes explaining IVs and EVs in depth in their Gold/Silver Player's Guides, my cousin had the official Nintendo guides and they just had vague shit like "Pokemon who fight a lot are stronger than Pokemon caught at a high level" or some dumb shit like that.

We figured it out, no matter how long it took, and laughed at those pussies who used guides. Back that day, people actually loved difficulty and challenges.

How so? You do still have your memories of them and you can see the mags online. There's literally no reason to hold onto them.
>heirlooms and valuables
Because they likely have more value than a video game magazine.
You're pretty fuckin dumb, man.

the point is, every fucking generation used cheats, guides and faqs when they didn't know how to play
also, every fucking generation gets off by being hypocrites who bitch at newer generations for doing the same things that they did when they were young and dumb
stop taking Yea Forums as an authority figure

Official Guides
Video game cheat books
Game magazines
Tip call lines
friends passing info along
using early internet
and if you lived in Japan the info was even easier to come across

We played a lot. And I mean, a lot.
Let's go back in time.
The first time I beated FF7, I missed TONS of stuff, and barely beated Sephirot. Emerald was somekind of asbolute nonsense for me.
I didn't even have omnislash.
The first thing I did was to start it again. I managed to beat Emerald, by sheer luck and perseverance at level 80 or something, but didn't have knights of the round and still was missing a lot of things.
The third time I finally got a gold chocobo.
I started capturing chocobos in all places of the world. I had notes about the results, tried all greens, all nuts. It took and endless amount of hours.
Even then, things like Alexander continued to elude me and I saw it the first time through the master summon from the old man in Kalm.
I used to play this game and just mash circle pixel by pixel, looking for secrets.
Playing video games was a totally different activity back then.
The internet made secrets worthless.

>actually played the game
>talked with people who played the game
>the internet

The internet existed in 1907,even if you never

I actually had two strategy guides for the game.

We were kids back then, and games used to actually have difficulty or like most of the time, random mundane bullshit that you couldn't find or know WITHOUT a guide, OP's post isn't one of them though

>I finished the game without knowing about it and just used chocobos during that swamp crossing part in disc 1
FTFY, friend

FF9 is one of the worst FF and is only liked in retrospective for going back to "pure" fantasy roots nobody remembered correctly.

Everybody was getting on the internet from 95-99 with AOL and if you didn't have a computer in your house, you knew someone who did or just used the school/library computers.

The magazine strategy guides were cooler though and worth the money...super comfy to have a big strategy guide in your lap while you play.


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It is

Except IX's minigame was kino? What are you talking about?

This is how I know you're a materialistic retard
Things dont have value to you unless it can be turned around and sold
Those heirlooms and valuables aren't valuable because they can make you money you fucking autistic retard, they're valuable because they're sentimental, and obviously have precious memories tied to them. Someone COULD hypothetically view their old guides and mags as a sentimental item soley because there is memories behind it. Memories that are cheapened by throwing them away and coping with online alternatives

Your parents are going to die and you're gonna be the bloodsucker that sells all their shit because "i can just look at a picture online"

simple past tense and past participle. English is my second language. I hope you have a reason to be confused.

Wait, wasn't YouTube around back in 97?

That was for

i never got KOTR as a kid, chocobo racing bored me to tears and sage was too cryptic

there's nothing in the game that necessitates it anyway except maybe emerald weapon.

>my notes
Sure thing, newfag.

a crusty videogame magazine chewed by moths it's not a fucking irreplaceable heirloom
>memories are cheapened if you relive them
how fucking autistic are you, m8?

That cover is legitimately cool.

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Then people like you end up being fascinated with the "soul" thing because you lack one in the first place.
Go die you meat machine.

magazines because they were the internet equivalent back then....

also you were a kid so you probably didn't have that many games, time to kill, and a child's imagination, not a fried internet addicted 20 something year old brain.

>t. "VIII is the best, squall is such a deep and likeable character"

You didn't. Guides were way common, and also people who had guides would help their friends who didn't. I remember me and my friends from the time basically shared my brothers ff7 guide.

>he didn't have internet in the late 90s

exploration and process of elimination
also the brady games guide

Online archives can be taken away at any moment

Trial and error faggot. There's really not much stopping a complete noob almost 100%ing FF7 on first try without a guide. I remember checking a guide after I first completed it and saw I'd only missed a few materia and some irrelevant items.

Kek, you have to insert your words into me as a rebutal. Pathetic.

>a crusty videogame magazine chewed by moths
fucking projection m8
>it's not a irreplaceable heirloom
How do you know? That's my entire point
Things only have value if you give them value. Monetary value is fucking pointless and is the reason why I'm going to keep calling you materialistic retard.
Most family heirlooms are just cheap pieces of scrap from a time when those kinds of things were a dime a dozen and only became precious after being kept and shared with younger generations and given importance through memories.
Go dig through your parents attic right now and go appraise whatever heirloom you might have.
Guarantee you won't make jack shit off of it

>Waaaagh mommy, Ozma raped my anus and I don't have an omnislash/renzokuken/break damage limittttt

This is how retarded you are.

>without the internet
it literally was the same shit as today. gamefaqs didnt even look much different.

Are you calling people that aren't hoarders materialistic?
You might be retarded user.

Yeah I never said that
Nice strawman though
What's junk to you can be precious to others idiot
That's my entire point
Things only have value if you give them value
If it's not valuable, fine toss it, but if your entire basis of value is "will it make me money if i sell it" then yes you're a materialistic retard

Another retard uh? I guess you guys are so common now. Can you say something or is projecting the best you can do?
I mean, you are not honestly implying that there is difficulty to be found in 9, when most of the franchise is easy as fuck, right?

>replies with a strawman
>you might be retarded
yikes it's like getting called a nigger by a pot

no one is talking about monetary value, autistic hoarder
clean your fucking room

You might be retarded if you think keeping old magazines means you are a hoarder. Learn your words. You could also start by actually talking to others instead of making up shit you don't know about and kinda talk to yourself instead of others.

I suggested to that guy that his mags aren't worth anything precisely because that's how I view them. Worthless considering the redundancies that are available.
At what point did I suggest he should view them as any less valuable than he currently does?

This. Man the internet sure used to be a lot of fun before any old dumb motherfucker could effortlessly connect.

I am pretty sure no one figured this out on their own. Would be possible but a massive pain in the ass.

Everyone looked it up on gamefaqs.

Yeah, I'm sure you gut the turtle paradise poster in the shinra building on your fist go, faggot.

I fuckin loved chocobo hot&cold. I'd always go out of my way to get the chocographs as early as possible, on every playthrough

Oh, so now we're specifically talking about magazines, and not heirlooms, art or travelling?
Fuck off retard.

Ok now this is epic

>How were kids in 1997, without the internet or guides supposed to figure out how to breed a golden chocobo?
they weren't, video game guides and magazines were extremely popular and many video game companies had close ties to them in one shape or form, so they used it to make more money after game sales. Back then you didn't have the internet to look everything up, DLC and micro-transactions only exist because that same guide market is dead and they needed to keep making after-game sales.

He's not even me sperg
Don't take your autism out on people who apparently agree with me

>Back then you didn't have the internet to look everything up
yes you did. pretty much every household had computer with dial up internet at least already.

Literally the opposite of what I said.
Good job on learning English though. You're showing signs of improvement.

How are kids these days, without Yea Forums, supposed to play videogames without fussing about every little goddamn thing ever? Oh right.

i had internet in 1997. there were guides as well that even a poor fag like me could go copy down info at the store.

> his mags aren't worth anything precisely because that's how I view them
Oh it's the opposite? Hmmm
What was that about English again?

Shit man. Can you at least have a first grade comprehension level? I know education sucks, but get it together.
I wonder if you can even speak out loud without suttering.
You can keep anything as a memento. It's not the thing itself, but rather the physical representation of a time or momento in your life. Of course, you have to live, not merely exist, in order to generate those memories in the first place.
Online availability means shit if it doesn't produce feelings associated with a memory. This is basic kiddy stuff. Even dogs have things that are dear to them. And none of this, NONE implies hoarding at all.
Did you eat too much aluminum during your life? or did someone beat you too hard in the head that you can't comprehend even basic human emotions? Are you an aspie?

Shoutout to the bradygames guides.

You understand the concept of a suggestion, right?
Like, I suggest you commit suicide.

There are many PC game magazine demo discs lost to time.

>They're not worth anything if it makes you feel better.
>cOnCepT oF a SugGeStIoN
So is it a suggestion? Or do you deem it worthless because you found no value in it?
You keep digging yourself into a hole and it just keeps going deeper and deeper, and the problem is you don't realize it and just keep doubling down

Oh boy, I remember some trashy magazine thingies that were publishing all sorts of bullshit. Or worse, people who were claiming all sorts of outlandish shit that was really hard to disprove.

Here's something really fun to do sometime. Go on usenet and look up all the old final fantasy shit from 97-98. It's fun looking at people 22 years ago trying to figure shit out.

A whole lot of back seat psychology going on in here guys!

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This is the cope post of a retard who just got btfo and can't be bothered to defend their own bullshit

i had internet on 1997.

How did you place the internet (an immaterial thing) on top of a year (another immaterial thing)?

>"No! You can't use the internet right now! I am expecting an important call from work today!"

My older brother had this one.aquele spoiler maroto na capa

Take any line out of that document and run it through google and see if you get any hits. Way to embarass yourself.

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I'm old and played this as a kid and I got a golden chocobo and knights of the round and killed the weapons and all that
the way I cracked it was: my friend told me what to do
How he fucking knew idk

>how do screenshots work?
>PNG file
>Final Fantasy VII - Quick Reference
>PNG file
>Final Fantasy VII - Quick Reference.wpd
>WPD = Word Perfect Document
>Word Perfect was obsolete in the early 00s when it was run out of the market by MS Word. No one used the WPD format anymore.
Confirmed for zoomer.

>everything's archived online
Bullshit. I've yet to find any of the issues of No No UFO archived online anywhere.

Thank you for actually stating the real reason. Everyone here is pretending that as a little kid they figured it out on their own or from the NPC's. They're all full of shit and used guides.

pen and paper

>all archived online now
oh no, i'm not falling for that after what happened to sadpanda

This only took me many 20 tries to get, I don't know why people bitch about it so much

Brady Games guides were really hit-or-miss when it came to stats. They get the general walkthroughs right, but I'm convinced they pull a lot of shit out of their asses. A lot of that stuff they couldn't know without having the source code.

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It's genuinely a subject that piqued my interest soley because I was 3 when FF7 came out and my brothers wouldn't let me play until I could read
My autistic ass learned to read from reading the strategy guide

>mint condition
based user not using guides

>1997, without the internet
Get a load of this underage

The magazine writers had to figure it out somehow too user

With PRIMA'S OFFICIAL STRATEGY GUIDE. I used to think Prima was some girl who wrote all those guides and I thought she was pretty cool..

>Davidy Cassidy
I was not aware The Partridge Family wrote game guides. Learn something new every day.

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>the state of those guides
Nice user
My younger brother ripped the cover off of my FF7 guide like 10 years ago and my parents threw it out when I moved out, so I'm genuinely jealous

Had to move last year or so and had no place to put all my old magazines so ended up tossing them all. Good amount of them got damaged when the basement got flooded anyway.

I read my old ones all the time for nostalgia over better times.

>don't get FFVII at day one, have to wait a few weeks
>buy gaming magazine in the meantime
>read tips on FFVII
>get to date section
>"dude you gotta do this and don't spoke to that and when Aerith dies you get to date x"
>get game
>"Aerith" name screen

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I was a Nintendo kid, but I remember the first time I saw FFVII at a friend's house he said he'd been playing it night and day and put more hours into it than any game he'd ever played before - and he was still in Midgar. Also, kids just didn't unlock all the secrets and 100% (which wasn't even a thing) games back in the 90's. That was basically just extra content that you could pour hundreds of extra hours into if you were really good or autistic. And yes, I said "hundreds". Most of us only had a few games and played them as often as possible.

I used to have the IX one but it has gone missing. The IX one was unique because of how rare it is. Every other page of it says something like "Log onto Now For More Info" -- basically, the guide was incomplete and supplemented by this ad-ridden website so it sold like shit. I'm not SURE I lost it, but I can't seem to find it either.

>100% (which wasn't even a thing)
I assure you it was, just not mainstream. Not rewarded with achievements. It was low-key autist behavior. Read some of this:
>(unrecoverable item)
>"Save 1 battery for a complete item list."
This autistic user wrote this to be a 100% guide.

>low-key autist behavior
That's kind of what I was saying. And yeah, '97 was getting pretty close to the internet starting to be a thing. I liked how every guide (or even just some guitar tabs) had an elaborate header picture made up from symbols and shit.