ITT Characters who wanted to live a life of peace, but were forced into war

ITT Characters who wanted to live a life of peace, but were forced into war

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Stop forcing Jeremus threads

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>Jeremus was knocked unconscious

He just wanted to harvest his crops during harvesting season, not be conscripted into the army during war

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Lmao no. He was a bitter failure who blamed others for his problems.

says (((who)))?

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>console m&b

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Fucker was unconscious 90% of the time, I don't know why the fuck I paid him for.

He does it for free

How does Warband control with a gamepad?

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Jeremus was knocked unconscious

>fail to become an artist
>build up a premiere military force
>lose it to drunk Slavs and idiotic Americans
>ideology you are known for hasn't lasted longer than two decades anywhere

Its time to admit he was a failure.


I loved sending him in to charge the enemy while I sat back and chilled with my troops. Seeing him run head-first into their armies only to get knocked on the head never stopped being funny.

how is he a failure?
none of that reveals how or why.
typical kike, running out of logic.

>nearly every populist dictator gets gangbanged by nato or communists of at the same time unless they're irrelevant like spain
>see hitler that's why you don't climb out of the bucket
There's literally nothing wrong with a leader putting his own peoples needs above others.

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>let jeremus get dead
>wtf why are all my men dying now instead of just being knocked out

>There's literally nothing wrong with a leader putting his own peoples needs above others.
Don't be so anti-semitic

He failed, user. That's the definition of failure.

>couldn't be an artist
>failed to defeat the UK
>couldn't hold off the Russians and Americans
>lost WW2
>couldn't even kill off or remove all the jews from Europe
>killed himself in a bunker when shit got too rough

How is any of that being successful?

A society based on feat and hate of a minority will turn to another once they run out of the initial minority group. Waring with everyone around you and expanding quickly is generally frowned on by everyone.

>A society based on feat and hate of a minority will turn to another once they run out of the initial minority group. Waring with everyone around you and expanding quickly is generally frowned on by everyone.
this literally in no way describes national socialism, other populist countries that actually were left unmolested like spain did nothing of the sort and germany only declared war for land that was stolen in the unfair treaty of versailles. How would you like it if we gave tel aviv to the palestinians? Now you understand why they wanted Danzig and the Rhineland back.

>there was no hate for minorities
>rounded up jews, gypsies, and retards and threw them into work/death camps

There is a reason nobody takes you and neo-nazis seriously.

Also if we want to play "we owned this land first" game, Israel is proper Jewish clay and has been far before Muslims even existed.

why was there a pool and theater in a death camp

So if I build a theater and pool for people before I kill them, that is somehow acceptable?

Pretty easy desu
Orders are faster on the controller at least for me


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Typical rabbinical response, answer a question with a question. I'm game.
Why would the notoriously efficient German war machine waste all those resources on undesirables?
Better yet how were they able to cremate hundreds of bodies a day if they were starving for fuel?

To amuse the guards.

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Did they make the prisoners play soccer for their entertainment as well?

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Also, it's not technically accurate to say they were in a "death camp" because they were in Auschwitz I whereas the extermination camp was Auschwitz II-Birkenau. Furthermore, the "pool" was really just a water reservoir for firefighting purposes. One new camp commander thought it would be funny to add a springboard to it. He was relieved from his duty within months for being too kind to the inmates.

The weak who would fall in battle should be culled to make room for the strong.

That picture is not from the Holocaust.

whoops sorry bro wrong one

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>The holocaust never happened

The earth is flat, global warming is a hoax, the moon landing was faked, 9/11 was an inside job, and vaccinations are poison.

These are British POWs in Stalag VIII-B. Not an extermination camp. That said, suppose you did find a picture of Jews playing football in Auschwitz somehow. Doesn't change the fact that they would've probably been murdered by the Nazis not long after.

>Put Jeramus at the bottom of the deployment list
>still gets deployed
>Jeremus was knocked unconscious
>suddenly red text everywhere