3.99 at month for over 100 games and dlcs

>3.99 at month for over 100 games and dlcs

litteraly no excuse

Attached: RE2TCUA.png (180x270, 12K)

I like to own my games thanks

>and dlc

at that point why pay?

>I like to own my games
That's what I used to think, but I very rarely play games that I previously beat
Next gen I'm going Xbox Scarlett + Gamepass and will only purchase heavily discounted titles or "must-haves"

If it’s not on steam then I won’t care

Enjoy swapping discs

People are contrarian pieces of shit who want to 'own' games in a world where all games need patches that may not exist one day or are downloaded on a store that could dissappear. Game pass is legit a steal that's introduced me to many games I'd have never played.

Put it on PS4 already.

Me too. I got to play Shantae thanks to the game pass and now I know I like that series well enough to buy the next game.

>windows 10 exclusive

Attached: cb.png (326x301, 35K)

>being this fat

5 rupees have been inserted into your account

Same and Momodora.

How are people sleeping on Game Pass and not talking about it like it’s a big deal? It’s got some great titles that can keep you long engaged. When you work 40 hours a week and don’t have the time you once did for video games you can’t get a better than this.

Am I the only one that sees this as a terrible future? How can it be profitable to put your games on such a service? Who will be willing to pay 60$ for a normal game if this succeeds? Seems to only profit AAA games.

To be fair, the one good thing xbox does is its game pass. Fuck paying for online, but if you only play games once, it saves you a shitton of money. Games like DMC5 are already on it.

But then again, you need an xbox so there's that.

It's MS they don't give a fuck about software profits. They're not Sony they don't need the console division to be anything more than a walking advertisement for the company.

every day people own their games less and less

>le all games need patches may may
Holy shit fuck off, not everyone plays unfinished western garbage from Ubisoft and EA. Updates are basically unnecessary to play for single player (ie: good) games from Nintendo, Sony, Sega, Capcom and a few other publishers.

sirs, I need you to do the needful

shill count ITT is insane

laugh at this zoomer

What account? Look at my games
I never replay a single player game. Never ever

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i already have deal. eagerly waiting for outer worlds and halo mcc/reach now. honestly i can't bash it. it's a good service.

>I never replay a single player game.
turbo casual

I can see why

I played Hollow Knight through Gamepass and i enjoyed it. It's a shame there's so much garbage on there but it's worth it for the occasional good game

Snoy boys lose again

Games get removed after a certain amount of time and then usually if you have game pass you can buy it for a cheaper price

You literally have the exact same number of exclusive games for each platform, dipshit.

this is extremely profitable. like extremely extremely profitable. these services are common across all media industries like music (spotify, apple music) and tv (netflix, amazon prime video) but the difference is this not only costs the same or sometimes cheaper (think those other services are like $10-15 a month but this is like $5) but it has greater interactivity. those musicians on spotify will obviously be making money despite having to share that $10 or whatever between hundreds of thousands of artists and the same goes for netflix with their shows. these game subs have additional services like multiplayer and microtransations which brings in way more money and keeps people locked into the service.

>It's MS they don't give a fuck about software profits. They're not Sony they don't need the console division to be anything more than a walking advertisement for the company.
How is this healthy for the whole industry? This will only lead to small publisher dying off since they don't have the money MS does. Even if MS pays them to have their games on game pass I doubt it will be as profitable as before. Smaller developer will be bought by the big players lowering further the quality of games.
Dumping prices never helped anyone. It won't improve games it will make it worse. I hope no one buys game pass once they raise the prices and stop giving it away for $1.

Only makes sense if you play games

>This will only lead to small publisher dying off since they don't have the money MS does. Even if MS pays them to have their games on game pass I doubt it will be as profitable as before.
why are you speculating about something you clearly have literally no idea about? several small devs who put their game on gamepass have seen massive increases in interactivity and sales for their games as a result. this promotes smaller publishers to expand if anything.


>counts swapping discs as exercise
lol takes one to know one

Lots of indie games get completely ignored upon release and don't turn a profit. Ms shills hard for indie devs to release day 1 on game pass which is why so many are launching on the service. Ms has infinite money to piss away over Ashen or Blair witch etc. This enables indie devs to thrive while still maintaining independence away from a controlling publisher.

Do I?
I don't know or care much, I mainly play multiplats

it has gears 4 season pass

Holy shit xbros where did it all go so right?

HAHAHAHAHAHA Is this trolling you have you never played a recent game made by these japanese publishers? The absolute delusion of weebs is so amusing.

I don’t need to download an update to play RE2/7, DMC5, Sekiro, Fire emblem, God of war, Spoder-man, mega man 11, astral chain, Persona 5, any Yakuza game and a lot more.
>Inb4 “Hurrr they’re all garbage games lmao”
Fuck off, nigger.

Why do Yea Forums have to be so fucking pedantic about getting with the times? Most players couldn't give a iota of a fuck to "owning my games", they just want a convenient and cheap way of getting the game they like on their screen and thats it. This is why consoles will never go away and why Netflix-like services like Game Pass are so appealing to the general public. Bitch and moan all you want, truth is Game Pass is here to stay.

Instead of a $60 game you can get 15 months of this. No excuse.

I will not be getting this as I'm waiting for the PlayStation 5 to release. I have the Xbox One (Day One Edition) and hate it. Useless Kinect that people don't realize is always on and I hear them talking while playing Forza. Garbage and bulky controller that you need BATTERIES for. Terrible UI based on Windows 10. Payment management is annoying on purpose because they want to make it difficult to unsubscribe, but I always buy the 12 month Gold card.

Terrible "exclusives" from the start and now. I just feel Sony will be a better bet. Especially looking at how terrible the 360 was and Microsoft just hoped you would deal with it. Although I do really enjoy the Forza series but I think PlayStation has Gran Turismo and what not which seem better. It also has PlayStation Now which is a similar service to this and it seems interesting.

I'm just mad I got Xbox cucked and all my friends moved to PlayStation and now I look like a dumbass. When it came out it seemed like a good idea. :(


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gran turismo sport is probably the worst racer i've ever played. even pcars2 is better. avoid it like the plague till polyphony get their head out of their ass. also fuck ps5 just get a pc.