River City Girls

How do I into pixel art? I want to put a mariachi hat on Mami.

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Other urls found in this thread:

pixiv.net/search.php?word=熱血硬派くにおくん OR RiverCityGirls OR くにおくん

>ywn be a cute girl that gets to beat other cute girls

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You could get better examples of pixel art first

>that actual semen demon on the far right

Attached: 65.jpg (1024x576, 111K)

thats mami

>those begging for mercy animation

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Of course spics are playing this garbage. Fuckin' swine have no culture.

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Is this the new RCG thread? Did samefag get tired of getting banned?

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Anime girls eating burgs is truly the peak or high art.

Cute cute CUTE!


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you can't say something like this without visual proof of whatever you're talking about being real

>I've never watched any footage of the game at all

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Just draw it one pixel at a time, bro.

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>Someone actually remembered this two qts
NPC-fags rise up.

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Thanks for the dolphin porn.

best river city game to start with?

Dice loli is super kawaii. Not sure about Monozono having piercings though.

River City Ransom on the NES.

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Attached: twitter.com u_ron_tya EEmlSS4VAAA2yrX.png orig.png (459x268, 10K)

Is there a remake or port of RCR? Or should I just emulate it?

Always play the original to get the intended experience. It's NES, you can emulate it on a calculator.

I came in her burger

list of cameos


it's quite a change

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It's got ports like the one for the GBA (River City Ransom EX) and a remake for the 3DS (Rival Showdown), but I would start with the original and go up from there to see how things change. That's just how I do things though.

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>new shantae using HD art instead of this artist's spritework
What a shame.

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Who's spite work is this?

Kay is based

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we were too busy hanging out at sherman park

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Attached: twitter.com WayForward EEm5kYaXsAAPulR.jpg orig.jpg (1326x663, 145K)


Can you feel me coming.
Like a heart.
Being tied.
Keep on moving.
Punching into demise.

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Admit it, they'd make a cute couple.

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A rare case of concept art looking like complete shit compared to the final product.

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I want Misako's lipstick smeared on my benis

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this artist has been busy

Attached: twitter.com rhkahf1010 EEmuv40UUAERt6b.jpg orig.jpg (800x918, 142K)

me in the corner masturbating

Fuck off tranny

I'm not a tranny your faggot.

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>16 year old high school girl falls for an older girl she met at the gym

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I just realized Hasbe and Mami don't have a "reaction to being hit" animation. Hell, do any important NPCs have them? How lazy can you get?

kyoko getting a little noize

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They do in their boss fight

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I want to see misako get bullied by futas

Attached: EDhtjleUUAAiOkN.webm (500x268, 157K)

Hasebe ain't scared of no stick bitches.

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So, any patches yet?

Attached: 581296_p0.jpg (699x1000, 101K)

>clear true ending
>listen to menu theme again
>singer and hasebe share the same va
>that fucking true ending
>realize this game is exactly like the karate kid if it was told from johnny lawrence's perspective


Attached: 617960cfa3101bf2ed6ca9501f63b4c8[1].jpg (653x653, 79K)

>expecting a contracted game to get patches

I just want to let you guys know that almost zero men worked on this game, so please support it. Yes, it's cringy that a 39 year old man directed a game starring teenage girls, but he trusted the judgment of many women during the process, so rest assured all is well.

none yet. still coming apparently

Still got fucking rekt

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>the hunt track
>"one moment, and you're gone."
>"Keep on movin', hunting till you're mine."
>"temptation sets astray, but I won't let you get away"
>literally about misako and kyoko chasing after kunio and riki
How fucking deep does this game's lore go?

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no one got banned you are just a pathetic loser like your failed shit game

She's not the main character, so of course she did.

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Making good pixel art is hard and even when you're good at it it's still a ton of work

>gives up so easily
Meanwhile, kyoko and misako fought all the way up to the yakuza

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what about pic related?

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Look at how they've massacred my boy.

Looked like a fag then, looks like a fag now.

"Rawr give me your cummies"

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That one is an oversight.
this one is intentional.

Attached: twitter.com SpiderglassDraw EEZY8UiU0AAedRU.jpg orig.jpg (1500x1500, 186K)

cheer for your soul

Attached: twitter.com crisiscannibal EEmwtfUVUAAFjjr.jpg orig.jpg (1280x720, 135K)

Not gonna lie, this one was one of my favorite recruits. Super cute, and her assist shredded bosses like no one else.
Also cute pleasing animation.

i like how many kids are fucked by the seance on this game

Yeah, but he was an Ashita no Joe looking faggot.

Jack's from the pier.

hiding his failure

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The Hunt is such a banger.

playable when?

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>every soundbit is from an overexagerated Arnold impression
got me everytime

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Nice try.

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Will Hasebe go dere if properly submitted?

I was going to ask if this game was worth the steep price for what it is, but now it looks like I'll pirate it just to piss off that faggot.

How can something so overdone and trite still make giggle like a tard after all these years?

Nigga just give it a rest already, we know it's you.

Based anti-shill poster

ahnold impressions will never die.

not me you are delusional
also since you posted again while i was typing

Attached: delusion 100.png (1920x1080, 13K)

somebody already posted a torrent link with the game or dolphin porn, so enjoy yourself

>Muted the voices because of how shit everyone else is so I don't get to hear this

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What's the exact art style this game's aping from, btw? It kinda looks like Shimamoto's style but I'm certain that there's someone who draws them shonens exactly like this.
Don't miiiiiind if I do.

>tfw you wanted dolphin porn but instead you got videogames

never trusting you punk buster niggas again

Hey mod guy I know you are here, you cunt. Your shit is getting overbloated. It's useful but fucking divide that shit into smaller apps.

I've only made two posts in this thread, this is the second.

Why is the western version of my princess mami a slut?

>What's the exact art style this game's aping from.
Tumblr webmanga style.

>A version of the game with switches for all characters' voices
>With a secondary switch to change between Jap or End audio
BBTAG had one for the language at least, so one can only hope.


that's probably the way they'd go if they made a sequel to rcg.

finally showed her true self

Attached: mamiShadow drawfag.png (562x893, 378K)

y'all dumb cunts know i'm talking about Super Dodge Ball, not about RCG.

The first one was too bland so we had to slut her up.
An improvement imo, no offense.

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When is this game getting Hasebe and Mami DLC

okay, Lolicon

can only hope for that in a sequel

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If this bitch is underage then hell yeah

Attached: sdb-girl.gif (160x175, 5K)

Based Hattoris remain unruined by Wayforward

i was joking but reminds me of Go Nagai's work


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This game is so good, it made me buy a fuckload of Kunio-Kun games

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bruh we been repping the nekketsu up in here since the Famicom, square up omaeeeeeeeeeee

>nu-Yea Forums likes wymyn empowerment feminist remakes of games where women are strong heroes and men are weak betas

Why is the dialogue between the girls and every boss the exact same shit? I feel like the line "you're tougher than you look" verbatim is used like by three or more different bosses.

Show them a thicc mommy gf and they go goo goo ga ga

It's something worth going for and get serious about, so if you're ready to acknowledge that pixel art isn't just one style and that there's several substyles, then this tutorial series might be interesting for you. gumroad.com/l/pixel-logic

Not free, but well worth it.

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>Defeated by her bf
Domestic Abuse simulator sounds fun!

just an average night for them

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Shitty "anime cliches" used by people that don't actually watch anime outside of entry level stuff.

What's the bottom game?

Is the dialogue any different if you beat them with Kunio/Riki?

Not from a game, or anything at all, I think it was a test

Nope. The game pretends Riki or Kunio aren't there and plays out the dialogue with Kyoko and Misako no matter what. Right down to [/spoiler]them landing in the bath house MEETING Kunio and Riki[/spoiler]

None of the dialog changes when playing as the boys. The shop artwork still shows the girls, even.

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Goda was in this game?

>Kunio and Riki
>weak betas

Where are these coming from?

>Riki and Kunio going full ryona on Hasebe and Mami

Peace be upon them.

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"Must ensure no dyke shit happens on my spa"

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getting beaten by kyoko and misako just made them more aroused

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What exactly did the ending to do cause a stir?

>ends up getting roped into the dyke shit

they werent really their girlfriends, and just delusional one date girls for them, also they werent kidnapped and Godai sent the text message to Kyokko so on their rampage they would do his dirty work.

I'm gonna indulge you and spoonfeed it to ya. Basically, you weren't Kunio's/Riki's GF after all, since in this 'timeline' Kunio-tachi no Banka never came out thus establishing Mami and Hasebe as the guys actual romantic foils

It's dumb as fuck but hardly as infuriating as your average user claims it to be.

>"Mami is a kind and innocent individual who saw through Riki's rough side and found a kinder personality within him. Because of that, the two of them started dating."
But Mami is a bitch now, how does this work

Attached: Rckj_mami.png (256x376, 198K)

Wayfoward fucked up the characters

can't get the 2009 version to work just stick to the 2007 one

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Is there a difference in the Japanese version?

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now they skip dating and just fuck every night

Attached: twitter.com hollowccc EEfAhmUVUAASBbr.jpg orig.jpg (2328x2664, 338K)

It isn't, yeah. When I first heard that the ending ruins it, I was fearing the worst, like Kunio and Riki ending up as a gay couple or some shit. The ending is fine, and the rest of the game is fun, but it all feel so incredibly unnecessary, and the ending makes the whole story irrelevant.
>Hasebe and Mami are irredeemable bitchy assholes with not ONE good quality about them
>Kunio and Riki still go for them, so they're superficial assholes, too
They were assholes in the other games as well, but at least with principles
>oh yeah that scene from the intro where they actually get abducted? u-uh idk??
>Plot twist is that they just do Godai's bidding. Probably, who knows, he doesn't show up at the end to potentially tie that up either
They didn't have to make a shit ending but they did it anyway.

She got dumped and became a psycho.

There's no 2009 version.

Supposedly that Kunio and Riki DO remember the girls but still decide to go with Hasebe and Mami.

that's full retard, but standard practice for wayforward

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I don't know if that's better or worse.

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not exactly, they just talk about picking up girls and that gets the girls mad

So, how hard do you fine people think it'd be to convince Over-Time to take a crack at the live action drama?

from another user

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someone last night saying there was a updated 2009 version that came bundled with Downtown Dodgeball, someone found a mediafire link from an old forum and after extracting ips patches from the iso i've been patching multiple roms to see if it works

Rival Showdown port fucking when

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>Godai sent the text message to Kyokko so on their rampage they would do his dirty work.
Nothing in the game supports this or explains the message in any way.

Speaking of which, what the hell did that guy had to do with the fucking Yakuza? His others misions where kinda weird already, but that last one about beating up Rats sounds way too hardcore for him.

Over-Time likes Kunio?

I want Misako to spit on my mouth

just make her crazy for you

Attached: twitter.com satsuma_e EEOeSLJU0AA87-T.png orig.png (900x900, 285K)

He did make them run errands throughout the whole city though as supposed support to help them find the lads. Also in another thread, some user claimed that WF confirmed the blocked caller was actually Godai, but I couldn't confirm that yet

R.I.P. my dick

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did a search in their twitter

Attached: Screenshot_20190916_215250_com.twitter.android~01.jpg (715x510, 58K)

Oops, thanks. Also wow, the photo was real too then. That's just a giant plot hole, too. And they're okay with that. Jesus fucking christ.

The photo was just them getting in a van. It could have just been a spa van or something. Nothing in it suggested that they were kidnapped.

>Plot needs information from outside the game to make sense

What is it with this game’s bosses and the way they track you with there moves? I iust got to abobo, and I have no idea how to dodge this motherfucker’s jumping lariat. Sometimes I get hit, and sometimes he just passes through me.

>become a cuck
>get your ass kicked by your ex gf
Life is a bitch, isn't it?

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A tip for how i did: When he wakes up do the dash Y attack, but aim towards the center of the arena, NOT the walls. He will track you and guess where you will stand, but that specific attack seems to throw off the AI or something so he ends up at double the distance that your attack ends, and if you do it towards a wall he will end up over you.

artist knows what he likes

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This was already subbed though, so why do we need OT to sub it?

Can we convince a good sub group to do it instead?

>Best tracks in the game are all the vocal tracks except intro/outro
>They only show up in a total of 10 rooms in the game, all of which are incredibly short and you can breeze through them even casually
For what fucking purpose?

i thought the vocal song were randomized throught the game I downloaded the mega anyway

She's getting in. She fights with the power of music.

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If they were around for any longer you'd realise they're actually incredibly simplistic and have no progression and are actually shit.


In what way does it not make sense if you don't know who sent the photo?

Because if you don't know who sent the photo then the entire events of the game are kickstarted by an event without explanation.

Oh shit, really? Hook a nigga up.

That doesn't make the plot not make sense. "Girls get photo, go on rampage" is the plot. More details fill it in, but those details don't change the plot from not making sense to making sense.

They show up in very specific spots, 90% of them being in the 1/2 rooms next to the boss room, and having the least amount of enemies in that area.

Cringe and shittastepilled.

>Girls get photo claiming their boyfriends were kidnapped when they actually weren't
No, that absolutely does need an explanation to make sense.

Attached: twitter.com HaYaDaI5 EEk1kWoU0AA9XyP.jpg orig.jpg (948x1304, 176K)

Because they aren't in danger, meaning they were fucking set-up.

I want to shove my face into Kyoko's smooth, sweaty soles desu.

The one that came with River City Dodge Ball All-Stars! is the 2007 version. Or rather most people learned about the patch on the Miracle Kidz from that game.

The only evidence of a 2009 version was in a Youtube video by a guy who used to upload Kunio-related ROM hacks and fangame. The 2009 version seems to be just the 2007 but with Sueshiro and Okita added from the canceled Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari 2 and for all we know, the uploaded could've just created those characters using the in-game character editing item.

Not him, but I disagree. The sender of the photo is ultimately irrelevant. It's the spark that starts the events, but the twist involve doesn't utilize it. You could fit in Godai, Hasebe/Mami, or a random fucking kid on the street, and it would literally change nothing.

The sender of a photo misrepresenting events to make the girls go on a rampage over nothing is pretty fucking important, because they must have a motive for doing that, even if it is just fucking with them for fun. You cannot have a story that begins with the characters being manipulated and then not explain who did it or why.

>retards arguing about the story in a beat 'em up
Who the fuck cares. It's just an excuse to have you beat on people for a couple of hours.

>You cannot have a story that begins with the characters being manipulated and then not explain who did it or why.
I mean, you absolutely can. It'd be a shitty story, written by an absolute retard and not worth even thinking about it. But you can.

is the game good, or just meh.

Can't find shit apart from this, which I can't get working to see if it is subbed:

So I guess I just streamed it on YouTube and it has since been taken down.

It's competent. Not worth the asking price but it's fun.

I mean I'd do it for you but I'd need at least a clean screenshot

Attached: twitter.com DerpKirbehGamin EEj5xTfWkAE_L8h.png orig.png (395x456, 4K)

Do you think it'll go on sale or hit the bargain bin soon? Isn't this also the one who had Egoraptor, Danny Sexbang, and Rubber Ross as VAs?

Attached: Cooking.gif (200x316, 1.62M)

>The sender of a photo misrepresenting events to make the girls go on a rampage over nothing is pretty fucking important, because they must have a motive for doing that, even if it is just fucking with them for fun.
Right, but the problem with that is where does the motive fit in exactly? "What was the ultimate goal of the sender" is the question being asked by that, but this ultimate goal is never played into the story. It could have been a total coincidence. It could have been someone fatfingering the photo to Kyoko instead of Hasebe. But it doesn't matter because the story never changes due to it. Nobody comes out and says "While you were doing this, I did this!", or anything like this.

In fact, I just rewatched the opening cutscene in question. This panel is it. This is the entire plot. Kyoko just sees this and freaks out.

Attached: Screenshot_2.png (1372x767, 895K)

Don't forget JackSepticEye! It's funny how the only one even barely competent at actually sounding different from how he usually does was Ross.

God Arin, I hate you so much.

her sprite work is worse than shantes old pixel art. it doesn't have outlines, is low detail and the shading is flat and incorrect to compensate and differentiate things like legs.

Attached: crop 76785066_p0.jpg (1200x908, 200K)

No idea about the eceleb shit. It would explain why some of the voice actors are terrible. Shantae games are frequently on sale do this probably will in a few months. Maybe a holiday sale at the end of the year.

Waaaait a minute...I recognize that image.

it's just a happy cheerleader

Attached: succer.jpg (879x843, 60K)

>But it doesn't matter because the story never changes due to it.
But it does matter because the entire story hinges on it.
> It could have been a total coincidence. It could have been someone fatfingering the photo to Kyoko instead of Hasebe.
Sure, it could've been those things, but it should have at least been mentioned, and it isn't.

This is missing a few but I don't have the more updated versions.

>some of the voice actors are terrible
Pretty much all of the voice actors are terrible, including the ones that are actually professional VAs. Runkachunk is the only one who can even say some of the characters' names properly.

Attached: I think that's everyone.jpg (2044x3684, 2.78M)

Attached: twitter.com brutalpigu EEbkuB9VAAEgsFv.jpg orig.jpg (1280x800, 190K)

>But it does matter because the entire story hinges on it.
It doesn't really though. The story starts upon it, but the story is not reliant on the question of "who sent the text", it relies entirely on the idea that Kyoko and Misako believe their 'boyfriends' are kidnapped. Who sent it and why is irrelevant.
>but it should have at least been mentioned, and it isn't.
Sure, I can agree with this that it's a hang nail, but it's not a plot hole.

Didn't they do Misako as well?

to be honest I would like that translation better, is more in character with with Kunio and Rikki and makes the girls reaction more justified.
still doesn't explain how the girls got the phone message though.


Attached: twitter.com brutalpigu EEbkuB0VUAAGCMv.jpg orig.jpg (1280x800, 175K)

>the story is not reliant on the question of "who sent the text", it relies entirely on the idea that Kyoko and Misako believe their 'boyfriends' are kidnapped.
Which is because someone sent them the text. I feel like you're missing the point. The story relies on the text being sent for the events to happen, because that's the way they chose to start it.
>but it's not a plot hole
It becomes one when you find out they were misled and the game doesn't explain who did it or why, because suddenly what seems at the start like an excuse plot becomes something more elaborate while also going unaddressed. It wouldn't have mattered at all who sent the text if the game had played the kidnapping straight, but by turning it into a set up it then needs to address why they were set up.
I'm not saying that the story is somehow made incomprehensible by this, I'm just noting what already did, leaving this shit out is plain bad storytelling.

>is more in character with with Kunio and Rikki
Kunio and Riki are not shallow womanisers.

I'm assuming the sprite artist has a thing for cheerleaders. They have more detail in their animation than many of the other enemies.

Attached: 1568244274405.webm (640x360, 972K)

I see what you did there, you little Melvin

>I'm assuming the sprite artist has a thing for cheerleaders

can't blame him. never enough art though

Attached: twitter.com brutalpigu EEbkuB-UYAADzVu.jpg orig.jpg (1280x800, 270K)

First you gotta learn how to draw.

That nickname is like 14 years old, man.

she's just blossom

Yeah that's the point.

People have been going on about that ever since the reveal.

Attached: Powerpuff_Girls_Z.jpg (900x891, 183K)

>The story relies on the text being sent for the events to happen
But that's the thing. It doesn't. The story relies on the idea that "Kunio and Riki are kidnapped" becomes impressioned on the girls. You can replace the mechanic of the text with anything. They could see it from the street or looking out the window. Someone could have just told them to their face the circumstances. Riki could have butt texted a shopping list and Kyoko could have just snapped and made up assumptions because she can't read. That's the reason why the text doesn't matter; It changes nothing if it's removed. If you change the element of "Girls think boys are kidnapped", THEN the story becomes radically different.
>It becomes one when you find out they were misled and the game doesn't explain who did it or why,
>It wouldn't have mattered at all who sent the text if the game had played the kidnapping straight, but by turning it into a set up it then needs to address why they were set up.
But that's entirely in your head. Someone sent them a picture, and Kyoko flips out. That's literally what happened. But even still, the reason it's not a plot hole is simply because the plot doesn't change with it's inclusion or exclusion. It's still bad to forget it out of the story, but again, it's just a tiny little hangnail that doesn't matter.

bubbles quickly ditched them though

Attached: mami screen.png (1920x1080, 2.25M)

>Calling Arin Hanson: Egoraptor.
That's just disrespectful to his old self.

>But that's the thing. It doesn't. The story relies on the idea that "Kunio and Riki are kidnapped" becomes impressioned on the girls. You can replace the mechanic of the text with anything.
How the fuck are you missing the point this hard? They could have had the girls find out about the guys getting kidnapped some other way, but they didn't. And because of the way they did choose to tell the story, a problem is created.
>But that's entirely in your head.
Given that the devs confirmed it was Godai, evidently it isn't.

He deserves it. If he won't hold things sacred, then I won't either. He went back and censored the YT version of Metal gear awesome.

She is HARDCORE now!

>They could have had the girls find out about the guys getting kidnapped some other way, but they didn't. And because of the way they did choose to tell the story, a problem is created.
It's not a problem though. It's not that I'm misunderstanding you about the fact that the text is the spark that starts the story, it's the fact that it's not relevant to the story other than just passing along the actual plot. Again, changing the method of how the girls hear about the "kidnapping" changes literally nothing. Changing the fact that the girls think they are kidnapped changes everything. That simply logical fact means that the story cannot be reliant on the text, but it must be reliant on the idea of kidnapping. Which is equally why it's disingenuous to say "it's a plot hole" when it's not.
>Given that the devs confirmed it was Godai, evidently it isn't.
Confirmed by a lazy dev outside the context of the story. I don't quite buy that angle. Seems more like he was giving a dismissive answer.

But let's assume for a second that this was the original intention and was a fully articulated plot-point from the beginning. "So what?" What changes? What affects the outcome of the story? How does this change the plot twist? What is accomplished by the sender of the text? These questions are all adequately answered with "nothing". It's a moot point.

>Pretty much all of the voice actors are terrible, including the ones that are actually professional VAs.
I don't really mind the two leads. They fuck up the names but otherwise do a decent job.

and found a better friend

Attached: 1568468181821.png (707x1019, 297K)

>Again, changing the method of how the girls hear about the "kidnapping" changes literally nothing.
If Kyouko had looked out the window to see them getting in the van, as you suggested as an alternative, then the misunderstanding would be purely her own because she jumped to conclusions. This is not the case for the story as it is, where someone intentionally took a photo of them getting into the van and sent it to Kyouko to create that misunderstanding, or if not that, for some entirely unknown reason, especially when they're not supposed to be their girlfriends at all, so people shouldn't be sending them photos of them in the first place.
>Confirmed by a lazy dev outside the context of the story. I don't quite buy that angle. Seems more like he was giving a dismissive answer.
Seems more like they realised it was a plot hole and they had to explain it.
>These questions are all adequately answered with "nothing". It's a moot point.
Which is bad writing, as previously noted.

definitely not complaining.

Attached: blossom.jpg (768x1024, 408K)

are we even sure the secret ending is the canon ending and not just an easter egg?

They're both the same ending, pretty much.

>This is not the case for the story as it is, where someone intentionally took a photo of them getting into the van and sent it to Kyouko to create that misunderstanding, or if not that, for some entirely unknown reason, especially when they're not supposed to be their girlfriends at all, so people shouldn't be sending them photos of them in the first place.
This is entirely speculation at this point and doesn't address anything with the overall statement. A lot of it is also assumptions.
>Seems more like they realised it was a plot hole and they had to explain it.
It cannot be a plot hole because the story doesn't fail to continue without it. The viewer just has a nagging, loose end that's never answered.
>Which is bad writing, as previously noted.
I've already stated it's not great, but it's definitely not "bad". Below average is the most I'd be willing to settle, but I'd feel it's roughly average writing. It's a needed spark that has no effect on the plot outside of being a beginning point.

This. That's level of pixel art shown can be obtained in maybe a month of practice which is why it 's a flood in the mobile market.
Do not learn from western game companies how to do your pixel art, learn from hobbyists and studying old game design. The Japanese had to do it for so long, they knew what they were doing.

Attached: twitter.com ina__ EEWhOXmVUAALRd2.jpg orig.jpg (747x953, 148K)


>This is entirely speculation at this point and doesn't address anything with the overall statement. A lot of it is also assumptions.
Well it has to be one or the other, and either one creates problems due to the lack of explanation. For god's sake man, you can't take two different scenarios each with their own problems and then deflect both of them with "that's speculation and making assumptions" when that's what you have to do for either one to work at all.
>It cannot be a plot hole because the story doesn't fail to continue without it.
I have no idea why you think this is what constitutes a plot hole, but it doesn't.
>it's definitely not "bad"
It's pretty fucking bad, along with most of the game's writing, but at least most of the game's writing doesn't create holes in the plot.

to be fair, the JP version states that Kunio and Riki ARE dating Misako and Kyoko.

so it makes sense for Mami and Hasebe to wanting to bail out after being beaten up like that as in 'OK! OK! SORRY For saying we are their GF's, whatever!'

I see you gangsta, I'm pretty gangsta myself.

i prefer 'Nitro System' rather than 'Nitro Smash'

I find the game to be good, but not putting 3 lines of text to make context of the whole situation at some point is bad, I find it impossible that play testers did the whole thing and never said "yeah but what about the start of the game, whats the deal with that?", if they did, then whoever calls the shots just dismissed that for no reason when it would have been so easy to fix. This is the only gripe I have about the game(the other minor gripes can be fixxed with simple patches). Just add one more manga page, have them get out of the sauna and show an image of Godai thanking them for all the service while looking at his sent picture on his phone, or accidentally reveal he was the sender and have the girls chase him/punch him. Thats it, simple and concise.
Its not "needed" per se, but it makes the overall experience better.

i tried to message that 920kun guy to see if at least he could tell me where he got his patch.

i dont think he will answer considering how old the video is,. but who knows.

if something comes up, ill update on the next RCG waifuing thread or the Beat'em up general at /vg/

I've never played any river city games. Is this one a good intro?

Perky Tits n' Clits!

>How do I into pixel art? I want to put a mariachi hat on Mami.
draw comics first devilscandycomic.com/comic/ch07p01
and learn to animate

The one thing i feel is pretty much inexcusable for the game to lack is a way to remap buttons.

difficulty wise? it is a beginning, yeah. you get the basic gist of how RCR works (punch dudes, look out for stuff, level up, learn and buy techs, buy food to get stat growths, etc.) and its not really too hard.

but you would have a more clear experience with the original.

If the game had any play testers at all it wouldn't have stupid shit like X being both light attack and interact.

>either one creates problems due to the lack of explanation.
That's my entire point though. It doesn't actually create any real problems with the story. It just leaves an unanswered question. Annoying and untidy, but ultimately harmless.
>you can't take two different scenarios each with their own problems and then deflect both of them with "that's speculation and making assumptions" when that's what you have to do for either one to work at all.
You don't have to do that for either. The story continues on in spite of the question going unanswered.
>I have no idea why you think this is what constitutes a plot hole, but it doesn't.
Because it doesn't meet the definition of a plot hole. Knowing or not knowing the answer to "who sent the text" doesn't break the flow of logic in the story, it's literally just an unknown and unexplained element.
>It's pretty fucking bad[...]
Let me break it down for you though. A plot hole means that there is an element in the story or plot that cannot logically exist with the story as told. An actual example of this would be the start of Citizen Kane, in which the entire movie is predicated on the fact that the old man says "Rosebud" before he dies, creating the question of "who is Rosebud?". But then you realize that there was literally nobody in the room, meaning that logically nobody should have been able to hear this.

What is NOT a plot hole is unanswered motives to people's actions. It's illogical for a person to run away from something in a straight line away from danger like it happens in horror movies all the time, but that's because people are not perfectly logical machines and can and will act illogically. It's also not a plot hole when a character's motives go fully unexplained, because it's not necessary information if the motive never comes into play.

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Probably just better to emulate the NES or GBA ones before you spend money on one. There's still the remote possibility that RCG will get some patches to deal with some gameplay issues, so if you are still interested afterwards delaying it a bit won't hurt.

>but not putting 3 lines of text to make context of the whole situation at some point is bad
I wouldn't really call it bad though, which is one of my points. It's average. It could have been made BETTER by adding 3 lines of text, of course, but calling it outright bad is either disingenuous, or shows inexperience.

I also want to make it known I'm not defending the story as great, either. It's average with some charming, quirky bits. I just think the other user is making waaaaaay more of a huge stink about the text than is really necessary.

> It doesn't actually create any real problems with the story. It just leaves an unanswered question. Annoying and untidy, but ultimately harmless.
Ultimately harmless despite the entire plot being kicked off by an unexplained element. No, that's not harmless.
>You don't have to do that for either. The story continues on in spite of the question going unanswered.
You continue to miss the point that the story continuing on after the start is not the problem but that the start is the problem.
>Because it doesn't meet the definition of a plot hole. Knowing or not knowing the answer to "who sent the text" doesn't break the flow of logic in the story, it's literally just an unknown and unexplained element.
>Such inconsistencies include such thing as illogical... events
Like having a game's plot be kicked off by someone being sent a message manipulating them into doing something which is never explained. Next you'll fire back with "you're just assuming they're being manipulated!" to which I will point out that they said it was Godai so this was undoubtedly the case, and then you'll just say some shit about how it's non-canon because it's not in the game.
>A plot hole means that there is an element in the story or plot that cannot logically exist with the story as told.
Nice definition, but it's not what your cap says. And since you decided to rely on Wikipedia as a source, let's open up the page and see what else it says.
>The term is more loosely also applied to "loose ends" in a plot – side-lined story elements that remain unresolved by the end of the plot.
Oh. Gee, that sure sounds relevant.
>What is NOT a plot hole is unanswered motives to people's actions.
But your source just said it was.

Do you still have the mega for the ost?

>, but calling it outright bad is either disingenuous, or shows inexperience
Call me inexperienced then, its not so much what it does to the story(which is not much as you say) but imo is a flagrant mistake that could be fix´d easily during development, not even a thing that they realize only at the end of production, but something that should have been obvious when re reading the script.

Failing to address the start of the plot is objectively bad. Whether you think the story as a whole is decent or not, this is pretty clearly a fuck up that you are determined to defend for some reason.

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Attached: twitter.com moimoiland480 EEMNwdzU4AEAcnE.jpg orig.jpg (1112x1220, 254K)

personal favorite is Noize fight theme
its really not 200mb of Dolphin porn i swear

>No, that's not harmless.
It's not. Explain how it is.
>You continue to miss the point that the story continuing on after the start is not the problem but that the start is the problem.
I'm not missing the point, you're just overstating how necessary it is. It literally doesn't matter who sent them the text in the slightest, and it's not a plot hole, it's just an unexplained question.
>Like having a game's plot be kicked off by someone being sent a message manipulating them into doing something which is never explained.
>to which I will point out that they said it was Godai so this was undoubtedly the case
You're assuming Godai:
1. Was the one taking the picture and not just passing it along
2. Knew for a fact that Kyoko would react like that
3. Would be able to benefit
4. That this changes the story.
This is all speculation of the story, which is why I brought it up in an earlier post. We could spend all day just coming up with this shit, but the ULTIMATE question of this discussion is: How is this a plot hole? You still haven't answered that.
>Nice definition, but it's not what your cap says
It literally says it right here: "Goes against the flow of logic"
>Oh. Gee, that sure sounds relevant.
>>The term is more loosely also applied to "loose ends" in a plot
"More loosely" is polite speech for "Some idiots who don't know what they're talking about.
>The term is also applied by some idiots who don't know what they're talking about to this word that already has a standard, codified narrative function called "loose ends".

>but imo is a flagrant mistake that could be fix´d easily during development
Oh, no, I completely agree and have been doing so this entire time, other than calling it a mistake. It's really just an element that could have been made better, or even just a missed opportunity for a joke. That's all it ever really will be though.

To the modders or coders in this thread : How do games like this handle enemy movement exactly?

In a finite state machine all inputs are handled separately, but getting a cpu pushing like going up only halfway so that it moves in a smooth diagonal is a mathematical nightmare to figure out. Or actually generating an input that you have to translate and inject into the state machine is an overall pain. Fighting games on the other hand for example are pretty easy to calculate since you can only move left of right at a fixed speed.
It feels like having different specialized states, like "MoveThere" or "DoThatAttack" without having to rely on inputs seems easier but it means you're effectively doubling the amount of states in the machine. I'm not sure it's the right way to do it.

>Failing to address the start of the plot is objectively bad.
They didn't fail to address it though. They got the text, overreacted, then the plot started. They just didn't answer the question of "who sent it", and ultimately it's never used in the plot, so it's literally irrelevant to the function of the story.

Holy Calarts batman

Thanks a lot.


I don't want to waste $700+ on the stuff in the mall, so can anyone tell me what the purchasable underwear does? Is it stat boosts, skills or just cosmetics? Also what's the best healing item? Currently i'm buying nothing but the $19 candies that heal 30% HP.

>It's not. Explain how it is.
I already did several times.
>You're assuming Godai:
It fits with him using them for the rest of the game, yes.
>4. That this changes the story.
No, not really. We've already gone over how the story could've been the same regardless of the method of it starting, hence why there is an issue with starting it in a way that creates a plot hole.
>This is all speculation of the story
Which is required for it to work.
>How is this a plot hole? You still haven't answered that.
I have answered it repeatedly: It's a plot hole because it is an unexplained and unresolved element of the plot which the entire events of the plot are initiated by.
>"More loosely" is polite speech for "Some idiots who don't know what they're talking about.
More loosely, user should read his sources before relying them so he doesn't have to then get really mad when realising his own source went against him.
>Oh, no, I completely agree and have been doing so this entire time, other than calling it a mistake. It's really just an element that could have been made better, or even just a missed opportunity for a joke. That's all it ever really will be though.
I wish you could've just said this earlier so we could both agree they fucked up and skipped your idiotic posturing.

Attached: firefox_2019-09-17_00-42-20.png (492x483, 101K)

the both frilly underwear makes you invulnerable for a second more after knockdown recover/ makes you recover faster from being knockdown
used them on the Noize fight because my jumping is shit

>ywn have wild raw sex with Kyoko for an entire day in a love hotel
>ywn make Kyoko your gf through the power of cock
>ywn send the sex tape to Riki
>ywn get a text message from Riki thanking you for dealing with his stalker

Attached: 1483296960628.png (668x435, 553K)

>implying Kyoko isn't thirsty for Misako
Don't be fooled, she pretends to like Riki but is in fact a raging lesbian for her ""you're so cool Misako""

>so can anyone tell me what the purchasable underwear does?

All accessories do situational stuff. I remember the Bomb bra and panties give 1% chance to instant kill an enemy and 5% chance to negate damage taken from a hit.

The best healing item in the game is probably the first-aid kit from downtown. $24 for 60% HP recovery. At your point in the game there should be a 30% heal from the sushi shop right outside the mall? The double merv burger is a 60% HP recovery, but slows you down for 30 seconds so it's not that great.

>I already did several times.
You didn't. You just restated that you think it's a problem, but then failed to answer basic questions of "How does this change the story". You just made sarcastic quips about it, making assumptions that people SHOULD have a problem with it.
>It fits with him using them for the rest of the game, yes.
Not really. He asks you for a burger at the start of the downtown city section for info on where he might have seen the boys, but after that he just pops up and asks for things. He doesn't even have speaking lines. You're assuming things based off of his one interaction.
>No, not really.
Yes, that was the overall statement I was making with that section. I think you got your wires crossed here.
>Which is required for it to work.
It's literally not. The story still works just fine. Explain logically and using only quotes from the story where specifically the logic becomes inconsistent.
>It's a plot hole because it is an unexplained and unresolved element of the plot which the entire events of the plot are initiated by.
That fails to meet the definition of plot hole. The story being initiated doesn't need to have an answer. Metaphorically, you're looking at an alien invasion movie and saying "it's a plot hole that aliens would come to Earth to invade, why would they do that?"
>user should read his sources before relying them so he doesn't have to then get really mad when realising his own source went against him.
Not really. You're splitting hairs at this point, honestly.
>I wish you could've just said this earlier so we could both agree they fucked up and skipped your idiotic posturing.
I've said this several times in direct response to you in particular. Now it's just sounding like you're looking for an "out" from this while trying to save grace.

>He doesn't even have speaking lines
Sorry, I meant to type "he doesn't have a full conversation with the girls", meaning the girls don't even acknowledge him being there.

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here, dont ask where i found this

>t. Calarts tranny

>river city shill thread
garbage writing on par with borderlands 3
One biggest flaws with the way the game is designed is that all of the entrances require you to press X to use them, but that also happens to be the game's basic attack button. So anytime you zone in, if you start pressing X to combo an enemy who spawns right next to the door you'll find yourself being sent to the area you were just at. This is a very, very, very basic game design element that I'm surprised wasn't fixed in even the alpha. Even something as simple as mapping the command to another button would make combat less of a problem as you now have to run away from the area's entrance before you can start fighting every time.

Really gives the impression that the game's playtesters were asleep at the wheel while the VA's were being sucked off.
>6 levels
>only 2 hours long
>garbage spritework
>garbage artwork
>SJW devs
>gay forced dabbing shit
>paying vtubers to shill the same too
>garbage voice acting
>turned riki into kpop stan bait
>arin hanson is voicing billy from double dragon
>$30 for digital, $35 (probably $40 or $45 with shipping) for physical
>requires gtx 950 or higher
>Haha Misako is really angry lol
>Haha Kyoko is retarded lol
There you go, that's 100% of this game's dialogue.
>I'm waiting so I can buy this new chapter of this manga I'm reading
>K: Is blocked number someone you don't like?
>Misako's VA also can't say Riki's name right either,
> wayforward spent more money on the marketing (including shills on Yea Forums) and e-celeb faggotry than actual development on this game
>cuckqueens the game
also see
this game was contract work, the contract is finished, so the game is done. They aren't coming back to it.
river city shills cucks BTFO
>gay shill general

Attached: file.png (1608x816, 213K)

>requires gtx 950 or higher
It's perfectly playable on a Sandy bridge laptop with integrated graphics, the fuck is you on about

It's copy pasta. Just look away from it.

This legitimately looks fun.

Wow, fucking seriously?

Then that's even more stupid because it's fucking Godai we're talking about here.

Attached: 1539216253512.jpg (1753x1223, 970K)

It is posted by someone with Shantae, that dumb girl, avatar. I think this summarizes perfectly the whole plot of the game.

godai a cute


>It is posted by someone with Shantae, that dumb girl, avatar.
If you look at the name you might discover something.

This game any good?

It's alright. Nothing amazing.

Are you also a dumb girl by any chance? it doesn't matter if it's the whole company or not, which is not it's just that one person in charge of the communication, out of all characters they have that one in charge decided to use Shantae, the dumb girl, as a profile pic.

The person is dumb. And you also are dumb. Dumb people everywhere.

Also what are some good websites for porn on this game? Any good search terms? More specifically for Kyoko

>Gee, I wonder why Wayforward would use a pic of their own mascot character to represent their company?

Oh yeah, totally, the person in charge of the social media account is really dumb. It's stupid as fuck to use the company's most recognisable character from their best selling and longest running series for their Twitter account.

Pixiv mostly, and I think the paheal.
There's also some stuff on the Yea Forumsidya booru too so check it out.
Passable and your mileage may vary with how much you like the aesthetic, but not really 30 bucks good, 20 would be better desu

C+. Becomes a B- with a friend.

Shantae is a dumb girl. If you use her you're also dumb. End of story.

So Hasebe and Mami got beaten up for no reason and Godai tricked Kyoko and Misako into thinking Kunio and Riki were kidnapped so they can do all the random random tasks he asked them to do?

That's... pretty brilliant, too bad they NEVER CONNECT ALL THIS TOGETHER IN THE GAME

Whoops forgot my image

Attached: Fx_cine_shantae_pose_3.png (310x310, 66K)

It kind of sucks because the porn on those sites of those girls aren't very good or there are few of them. I guess the game is too new.

>So Hasebe and Mami got beaten up for no reason

>That's... pretty brilliant, too bad they NEVER CONNECT ALL THIS TOGETHER IN THE GAME
Honestly, I think the game needs a patch. They need to maybe add a few lines just acknowledging you playing as Kunio and Riki, a few lines to tie the loose ends up, and then MOST importanlty remove the door prompts. Just have arrows on the screen and do screen transitions by walking off them.


>They need to maybe add a few lines just acknowledging you playing as Kunio and Riki
They should have their own entire story mode, not just a few different lines. It doesn't need to be voiced, just make new dialogue and events for them and fix the shop CGs.

Like ultimately, that would be killer, but if we're gonna go with full on wishes, get an entire new story mode for the boys and maybe even new maps. The story could be they realize that Kyoko and Misako are stalking them again, so they have to escape.

But I'd just be happy if the game just acknowledge them being the selected character.

>Hasebe and Mami got beaten up for no reason

they acted like bitches to kyoko and misako
deserved or not. that was probably enough for them

Would be funny to have an "arrange mode" that has you go backwards through the areas as a kind of retread of the original RCR.

>Boys come out of the bath house
>Mami's been kidnapped!
>Fight your way through tougher stages and bosses for info
>Find Hasebe, she says Yamada's at it again
>Fight your way back to school Final showdown with Yamada on the roof
>Bonus boss fight with Misako and Kyoko

you're telling me roxy is the badguy??

Attached: 1400 - Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari EX (J)-190916-200323.png (1920x1080, 710K)

why do all these screenshots have that giant GBA border?

But in general.

probably GBA emulator for Switch

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This art is garbo supreme

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I would play it again if the game looked like this

Attached: 1568296506214.png (636x900, 475K)

i'm so fucking glad i didn't buy this. i WANT to play it, but i assumed it had online co-op. today, i found out it didn't have online co-op. going to wait to drop to 5 bucks

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free shit on newgrounds is better

Attached: f491629757a7df1c8e25de7ae51dfe9f.jpg (1142x717, 159K)

hey, mr. shill. i think your game is cool, but you really don't have to make the webm that long

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Take your You and leave

Me all the way on the right.

>people, even well known indie companies, still making pixel graphics

Attached: 1568602754661.jpg (640x601, 28K)

This. More images that cater to the getting arrested and thrown in prison fetish.

Attached: Spammers.jpg (1020x1447, 765K)

It makes me wonder just WHY Godai needed all that shit done at least.

Pixel graphics done well will always outlive 3D, zoomer

>t. entitled gamer who can't draw for shit

Sauce now

wait, how come?

thank god

Attached: twitter.com SpecialTomohisa ED8y6wQUUAAiWcp.jpg orig.jpg (1280x720, 171K)

Look at the incel, look as he winces and cries.

>tfw you actually find Abobo at the bottom of a hole

Attached: shock.jpg (169x252, 19K)

pixiv.net/search.php?word=熱血硬派くにおくん OR RiverCityGirls OR くにおくん

Attached: EDNGVMpU4AEnhCv.png (844x900, 126K)

When will this fucking hack make a followup to this image

>That's... pretty brilliant, too bad they NEVER CONNECT ALL THIS TOGETHER IN THE GAME


Attached: 103.jpg (480x608, 104K)

Tanned version is better

Attached: 809dd8bc9446e6ca8cd75f2e67bc7283.png (636x900, 472K)

Because I'm sick of your "shill" shit. Go be mad we're talking about the game somewhere else.

If it sells well enough they'll likely discount it and add online co-op a year from now. (Seems unlikely.)

Attached: sactx-256x256-Uncompressed-Yoko-19a764c7.png (256x256, 10K)

Parsec exists

Just play it over Parsec with a friend

holy shit

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Sweaty tomboys

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Attached: twitter.com moimoiland480 EETJCjUUcAAwvM3.jpg orig.jpg (1568x1280, 392K)

>cuckqueans the game
>implying that is a bad thing

>looks like trigger animation
buzzword posters leave

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I really love her

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Will anyone take a look at my video

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>Still trying to push this nonsense

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more Mami

Spoiler Alert: They were "kidnapped" by Angela.
She was forming a new dodgeball team and was recruiting them, not understanding that this method is frowned upon in polite society. In reality, she didn't need to do that and they agreed. Also, the pic was sent as a means of trying to tell Kunio's sport's club that they won't be showing up for a while. Again, she didn't know this is not the way to do it.
The reason they were in a bathhouse so late at night was because they just finished training for the day and were getting ready to have their nightly sex with Hasebe and Mami.

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any good doujins featuring her


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Attached: coomer.jpg (800x450, 31K)

You are hilariously too late to derail this thread. Maybe if you had arrived like 300 posts ago, sure.

I, for one, fully support anything that treats the Kunio dodgeball games as canon.
>tfw the dodgeball demon accidentally chaos dunked his wife

this is never going to catch on

man the pixel art ingame looks significantly worse than all the promo art.

Attached: Rikki died on the way back home.webm (640x360, 1.61M)

Other way around for me

Nigga wut?

I wish I were as cool as Rikki. Then I'd have as stylish a way out of life.

Attached: etXRYujzQ-5qCPj5.webm (640x360, 1.3M)

seeth more dev fag stay on your private twitter and cry yourself to sleep again

Misako and Kyoro are the crazy bitches, projecting on to the two princesses.

Impregnating Mami!
Hasebe can watch.

Attached: EEoPpIkX4AIN6q3.jpg (815x1053, 171K)

More like Hasebe can wear a dominatrix suit and peg my ass.

is that semen

>Pixel art
Don't bother, pixel art is a medium for frauds. I know a ton of pixel artists who just stack blocks over existed pixels, recolor it to change it enough to look a little different, and then post it as their own creation.
You'd be surprised at how much they make mixels as well (alternating pixel ratios) which makes the overall image look muddled as fuck.

At least the only people who prefer pixel art are mouth breathing retards who are satisfied with a tiny square dot signifying the entire complex and 3-Dimensional human eyeball.

Attached: EEAcqWrUwAELMe4.png (803x717, 653K)

dab as hard as you can

Attached: dab.png (240x240, 50K)

you got it senpai

Attached: river city dab.webm (264x264, 83K)




It is also the most gusto you ever see come from a dab.

Dabbing is for style, it's perfect for a shitty move you only use if you wanna dab on people.

Still satisfying to end a boss with it though

It does decent damage and also has massive knockback.

I guess this is it, the end of my life, I can finally rest in peace

Attached: 1448476244270.gif (636x345, 1.96M)

How does food work?is the stat boost first purchase only? Cause thats what it seems like.

You get a bonus stat once for each new food you buy.

>shill thread still up

>4.8 GB of dolphin porn
thanks I guess

>that set

Attached: 1533692853734.jpg (788x854, 559K)

How well could I play this game with a fightstick?

lol this assmad faggot again

I kinda got the vibes that he's a delusional psychopath who just randomly wanted to get things done because they bothered him or because he thought it would make his turf a better place. That thing about the Yakuza really felt like it was no business of his at all.

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The animations are fantastic user. You couldn't get that kind of level in a year.

What did I miss?

She's an animator. She does good animations. They should have a colorist to back her up but they're being cheap fucks. There's a reason colourists are a thing.

It's the best way to cheese your way through Abobo's bullshit.

Animation isn't the same as pixel work and their level isn't as impressive, anyone definitely could. There's some very good tutorials for it and I've gotten near as-good animations within a few days of practicing. Most of this stuff is just logistics applied to art, like more complicated painting-by-numbers. You don't have to practice line art, or study your anatomy, ect. You can just build and tweak it block by block.
If you're bad at pixel art it's because you lack proper tutoring and nothing else. The actual hard work is in how much of it you have to do before you accomplish anything. Just having a second pair of hands helping out makes it childishly easy.