We know why Rare went with Microsoft: the Stamper brothers were ready to retire from the gaming industry

We know why Rare went with Microsoft: the Stamper brothers were ready to retire from the gaming industry
We know why Microsoft bought them: They needed more 1st party devs for their first video game console and Nintendo refused to be purchased by them

but why did Nintendo sell Rare? Why didn't Nintendo buy Rare's other 50% and keep them?

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Iwata said that if he got promoted to president before the buyout, Rare would’ve never been sold

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Because Rare's games didn't sell very well towards the end. Perfect Dark was vastly less successful than GoldenEye, Banjo Tooie was vastly less successful than Banjo Kazooie etc.

There's no way he ever said that

Jealousy. What are the best games of the N64 era? What ever comes to mind is probably a rare game. You see Rare was consistantly outdoing Nintendo even at their own games. Rare could pump out good games at twice the rate Nintendo could. Simply put Nintendo got rid of them for being too good. Rare made Ninte do look bad so they sold them as punishment. Nintendo couldnt make a good Star Fox to save the company. DKC2 is better than any yoshi and mario on snes. Thats how it started.

Pretty shitty excuse considering those games were released in the twilight years of the N64 when interest in the console was wanning.

It wasn't just Rare games that were selling less, something like Majora's Mask was also vastly less successful than Ocarina of Time, because it came out in like 2000.

And Dinosaur Planet was a poor man's OoT that only sold any copies because they sacrificed StarFox to do so.

I actually believe that was the case. Japanese people don't like to "lose".

Also, it was sold for 300 millions at the time. That would be around 600 millions today. No game company has this value, unless it's one of the giants. And Rare wasn't giant at the time. Not only that, but the game industry was much smaller.

Nintendo didn't sell Rare. Microsoft bought it because they thought they own Donkey Kong.

Are you retarded

That's from the Conker commentary where Seavir said ONE MS employee looked at one of Rare's promotional material and thought they owned DK because he was featured among the rest of their cast. No company would get involved with a 300 million dollar deal without fully being aware of what they're getting in return.

Or so you would THINK! We're dealing with MICRODICK here. They are no gamers. They are only GAmees?

>What are the best games of the N64 era?
Paper Mario and Majora's Mask
DK64 is shit compared to DKC, Banjo and Conker were good but are dated now.

It was a shit console

Is Sea of Thieves good yet?

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>That's from the Conker commentary
>last update was 5 years ago
>part 23 never ever

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why you say that?

>people spent years wishing for Rare to make a good game
>despite almost everyone who worked on SNES-64 games having left the company after the buyout
>people blamed Microsoft for Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts
>when Gregg Mayles wanted to push the vehicle customization early on because he thought a 3D platformer wouldn't be something people wanted in 2007

take that back dk64 was awesome also the n64 is not a shit console it was amazing better than the stupid 3ds


Yeah, the building mechanic was definitely something they planned earlier than most people think. The website at the time as well as the 2006 teaser trailer (with the pencil on the white background) all gave you the impression of writing down blueprints.

It's also really important to remember that the original Banjo was made by 13 damn people. Rare wasn't expanding or getting any bigger when they went into the GCN era and games were only getting more complex and complicated to develop. Even if they had stayed with Nintendo, there's no way they would have kept up the exact same output they did during the SNES and N64 eras.

I can accept that they wanted to make Banjo into N&B early on, but what's a little harder to swallow is how completely tone deaf the decision was. Surely they had to know it would alienate their entire audience? Did they think the Banjo brand would weather that controversy or something? It's still pretty baffling to me, and it's easy to see why people wanted to blame Microsoft for what is a very short sighted move on Rare's part.


Nintendo made Super Mario World 1-2
Rare makes Donkey Kong Country Trilogy

Nintendo made Super Mario 64
Rare makes Banjo Kazooie AND a sequel and a Donkey Kong game AND an R rated platformer

Nintendo made Mario Kart 64
Rare makes Diddy Kong Racing

Nintendo made Ocarina of Time
Rare makes Dianosaur Planet... and during development Nintendo realized this little N64 game was going to blow Ocarina of Time out of the water and render it irrelevant so Nintendo butchered Rares Dinosaur Planet and forced their C-List franchise “StarFox” to be the theme and forced them to delay the game to the next generation

>but what's a little harder to swallow is how completely tone deaf the decision was
the dumbest thing was what another user said about mayles thinking a 3D platformer wouldn't be something people wanted at the time
mario galaxy released a year before nuts & bolts

>unironically thinking DK64 and BFD hold a candle to Mario and Banjo when it comes to basic gameplay
Conker didn't even know what the fuck it wanted to be so it did everything terribly

And Diddy Kong Racing was developed to be a completely new and original game that took place in a Disney World inspired amusement park but Nintendo forced Rare to include Diddy Kong in it and then it altered the course a bit. Nintendo would do this often. Nintendo would see Rares potential excellent projects and they would demand their IPs be put into the game so that Nintendo could secure the game forever. If not, that Rare Replay collection would have a sweet N64 kart racer on it.

It's complicated. Their Nintendo audience didn't follow them to the Xbox and this was around the time where guys like Spyro and Crash's more traditional installments were bombing and even they were trying to reinvent themselves. The market was definitely "steering" more towards franchises that either had shooting or driving (see Jak & Daxter sequels for another example of a series trying to follow that trend) and Rare just wanted to jump on board.

>Conker didn't even know what the fuck it wanted to be so it did everything terribly
I genuinely agree. All the enjoyment of Conker comes from its novelty and presentation, absolutely none from its gameplay (which only gets worse as it progresses). You can get all of the exact same type of enjoyment from that game by just watching someone play through it.

>Nintendo forced Rare to include Diddy Kong
He gave them the option to and they said yes.

That’s not the point.
Nintendo only made a single Mario platformer on the N64

Rare made an even better one, and on top of that, made a sequel, and two other platformers. Say what you will about DK64 and CBFD, at the time they were bold, as a kid I loved them, as an adult I can replay them and enjoy them while acknowledging the flaws. At the end of the day, 90s Rare was making much better games than 90s Nintendo

Banjo Kazooie > Mario 64
Banjo Tooie > Paper Mario
DK64 > Yoshis Story
Diddy Kong Racing > any Mario Kart ever made
Original Dinosaur Planet > Ocarina of Time

>but why did Nintendo sell Rare? Why didn't Nintendo buy Rare's other 50% and keep them?

Because with Nintendo the really thorough fuck-ups are Rare.

>Diddy Kong Racing > any Mario kart ever

This but unironically. Mario Kart is such a shallow and casual game series. I realized with 8 and then further realized with the release of Crash Nitro Fueled that Nintendo will never make a Mario Kart game with a learning curve.

dk64 aged way too poorly as far as gameplay, while dkc is still extremely playable and doesn't drag nearly as much

Not him but the fact that you responded with that question rather than a source puts me on his side.

>Banjo Kazooie > Mario 64


>Banjo Tooie > Paper Mario

Fuck no.

>DK64 > Yoshis Story

I guess, but Yoshi's Story is fucking terrible so that's not difficult.

>Diddy Kong Racing > any Mario Kart ever made


>Original Dinosaur Planet > Ocarina of Time

Never came out, what came out was far worse than OoT. Don't care about your speculation.

Two out of five, could be worse I guess.

>Original Dinosaur planet
you can't just compare OoT to a game that was never released based on your own impressions of what might have been

>And Diddy Kong Racing was developed to be a completely new and original game that took place in a Disney World inspired amusement park
It was developed as a sequel to R.C. Pro Am, dingus. You're talking out of your ass.