What is the consensus with the multiplayer and microtransactions in Gears 5 Yea Forums?

What is the consensus with the multiplayer and microtransactions in Gears 5 Yea Forums?

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Gears of War 5 isn't a game, it's a sledgehammer.
You show up for a fun game, but you get a powerful story about the female experience.

Do we know if it bombed yet?
How many of these soulless copypasted trash "games" need to undersell for devs to realize players want to play games, not ingurgitate political propaganda?

does it make it political propaganda if it has a female lead? why? it doesnt make sense but it just sounds like dudes being insecure about their hobbies or some shit

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There is no SJW stuff present in the singleplayer. It's literally just Kaits story and how she is related to the swarm.

T. Actually played the game.

you're a cuck. that's the consensus.

>does it make it political propaganda if it has a female lead?
No, this doesnt.
>does it make it a political propaganda if it has a female lead AND it's a game from a series that has always been about "dudes doing dude things"?
Yes, this does.

The story only works if Kait is a girl, you'd know that if you'd ever played any of the original trilogy and weren't just shitposters looking for propaganda where there isn't any.

Making the story only work with a female lead was a choice that the developers made.

>ma male feelings :'

It's my first gears mp, and I'm having a blast in versus. Horde takes way too much time.

>I dont like it so it's fine if it gets ruined
I see, you're a very open-minded person huh

>that the developers made.
The developers of the original trilogy, not these ones. Unless you think they should've thrown away all the previous lore just to hamfist in a man that wouldn't make sense because you need representation.
How do you live making up reasons to be mad?

kek I like the game and your boys only club is not getting ruined, get off your high horse

>liking something means you're on a high horse
now you're just not making any sense

Im still shootin my way through 4's campaign

Does anyone actually give a shit about Kait and her angst over her mom becoming the swarm queen? She didn't do anything to earn it this game. Or the game before.

I dont think you understand how greentext works here, please get out of Yea Forums summerfag

ok but it works exactly like that

I don't think anyone gives a shit about the story since 3 was a perfectly fine conclusion. Gears lives on purely for the multiplayer.

Why is she so damn ugly?

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making her nice looking is sexist and chauvinistic

she doesn't get enough sleep
make sure to get your 8-10 hours every night anons, or this could happen to YOU


I've seen worse..

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>will the real slim shady please stand up

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I actually liked her concept designs made by an actual illustrator, her in game model looks way worse with those robotic expressions and lipsync animations

first Gow I'm playing
>white man "fucks up"
>mutt chick and black man side chick take over
>mutt chick is also muh instable
at least she has ass

Imagine supporting China


You're right. The locust queen should have been a transexual male where the fight has you shooting her until you get a button prompt to wax her balls. Do that three times and you win.

>t-they couldnt do any other story! They were FORCED to use yet another brown female lead!
could have been a prequel, could have been a reboot, could have been a separate story.
They chose this because it conforms to the current political climate, nothing else.

So I'm assuming you just didn't play gears 4?

This has to be some sort of satire by some libtard who thinks this is remotely the same as their hamfisted gender switches

>literally has tranny political flags
This confirms the red flags retard.

I decided to pay the $2 for the gamepass to try the multiplayer. The characters from 4 and 5 are ass. I feel like "diversity" is just being used as a cover for boring characters now. Everyone liked a character like Cole Train, the new side kick nigger is boring as fuck. Also why is there some shaved sides red haired twink in a gears game? People play as like 3 characters in this game.