Give me one good reason you stopped playing Overwatch

Give me one good reason you stopped playing Overwatch

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Other urls found in this thread:

It’s shit

It's shit.

It’s shit

It's shit.

Never started it in the first place.
Blizzard hasn't made a good game since TFT so there was no reason to be excited for it in the first place.

It’s shit


it's shit.

it was never good

You can't stop if you never start

It's shit



not enough sexy barefeet skins

Started having sex with my mom.

It's shit. Really fucking shit.

They wouldn't let me 6 man torbjorn.

I need my Dwarf Fortress. Losing is fun

stopped being fun

I quit so I could coom more to the girls

Zarya isn't my wife.

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No gametypes

I don't want to be forced into playing classes I don't like (what's the point of putting anything else but dps in FPS games?) under threat of losing my account, there's new games coming out faster than I can finish them without fearing punitive action.

It's boring.

I could just consume the porn without the middleman.

Because I couldn't steamroll shitters with Genji until I got to the rank I was supposed to be at without getting reported and banned for "not switching off" and "not being useful" as I would wipe teams

it's stale and poorly made, It has no chill were people can relax and chat to people while playing the game.

The free weekend expired and I'm not gonna spend a single cent in a Blizzard game.

Never playes it. I only check out the porn.

Decided to cut down on my free time so that I can participate in volunteer events at my honors society and join my university's student council.

Stopped playing by the time they added the mace dyke, game got boring
I still want to cum DEEPLY inside Mei's cunt tho

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Role queue has reduced the frequency of backseating immensely. Also you shouldn't be joining voicechat.

I just want a fucking Mei gf bros. I want her fat butt and big tits snuggled under a blanket with me on a winter night. I want it and I'll never have it.

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It's shit (I've never played it tho)

after hearing about all the people getting banned for playing the wrong character or saying mean things :( I decided I wasn't going to push my luck any longer

No Mercy big rez

also fucking stop making this thread everyday, you fucking retard. if you want to post porn just go to /aco/ or whatever.

this but Brigitte

I would mute and squelch my team every game and just solo carry, but they nerfed Genji too many times and made his counters way too good so he became impossible to play

Its shit

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Played it for an hour
Stopped because it was boring

I never started playing it

quickplay was DUDE 5DPS LMAO play healer btw

TF2 is superior

its for coombrains

How exactly does one stop that which they never started?

Because the gameplay is shallow trash with braindead skill ceiling and the company behind it is literally anti-white Jew fags with the most predictable SJW writing and DLC characters.

I never played Overwatch.

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The Open Beta ended.

too busy winning non-stop on rocketoo leagu

Godawful balance ruined Rein.

hang all meifags

Don’t talk to me unless you’re champ 3

Because the free trial launch event thing ended, and I didn't want to spend money to play some TF2 clone. I prefer RTS but blizzard these days is shit and can't make one of those

>Role queue has reduced the frequency of backseating immensely.
What? The one time I dared to actually queue as a tank I was asking myself what in the fuck our DPS was doing

Started having sex with this user's mom

dead game

cancer aids and fagot.

It's shit


Lack of content, so me and my friends just bailed. Even to this day the amount of shit they added is still little after 3 years. How fucking lazy are they?

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It got boring and very little content was added. It also has Blizzard balancing so they just buff and nerf at random just to change the meta. Got sick of learning a character just for then to get nerfed because Blizzard felt like it

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it's shite

It's shit

We moved on to overwatch porn

I didnt start.

Yes, and asking that is now basically pointless, because you can no longer "take" the damage role from another player.

Reminder that Fareeha, Olivia, Young Ana, and Satya are for white husbands.


I never started

Never started but I blew my load to all of the girls at least once a week since it came out.

It is actual shit

based coomer

only played it because my friends were, straight up had it bought for me. It was mildly enjoyable. There are significantly better games im playing now though. I really like gta san andreas right now

I haven't played in a little over a year and a half but I'll list off my grievances as I recall them.
I played practically every day non stop from when I got home from work to when I went to bed for a year.
I used to be a big TF2 guy, but around the time they rolled out matchmaking OW came out and I just got fed up with it and moved over.
But let me get started.
1. Blizzard's updating scheme is awful. It's extremely overbearing; characters are reworked, and nerfed constantly.
Rarely did character get buffed but constantly they were made worse because people got upset at the functions they were given since day one.Blizzard would never just leave something be, it was update update update constantly and made it entirely pointless to stick with a character.
I can understand changing the numbers and specifics of moves but huge character reworks were painfully often.
Characters as a whole are super underpowered and used as a function, an addition of a team and never as a strong standalone unit to be able to carry it's own.
2. Competitive is a fucking joke. If you're playing solo, don't even try.
Most players don't use their coms and if they don't you will lose no matter what.
If you don't have a dedicated "raid" team of buddies, then you will get nowhere.
This was always my biggest gripe. I could play deathmatch every single day, and always hit the top 3 consistently but the moment you enter a team match if your other team mates aren't with it, you will lose, period.
It doesn't matter how good you are no matter what, you are totally 100 percent dependent on your team, and if they mess up anything you will lose.
The only time you can rise up in solo competitive is if the other team is more disorganized as you.
This isn't my opinion either; every big OW youtuber would tell you consistently to not even try solo queing, it's not worth it.

I can continue if anyone wants, I have at least 2 more points.
I used to like this game when I first started but it went downhill.

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The right can't meme.

Gave up at level 10, game is for women or babies.

Sucked all the fun out of it even casually

I never started really, other than briefly playing it on my cousins account when I would visit occasionally.

I just fuck cute DVa cosplayers at conventions instead.

This summed up everything I thought. I played religiously until a little after hamtaro was released.

I downloaded tf2

team based games are not a good investment in time, especially if you care about personal skill / getting gud at vidya
you're welcome

I can't because I never played it.

If this game didn't have like 20 different girls for lonely virgins to masturbate to it would have been forgotten within months of release. You know I'm right.

I never started because of the lack of a single player campaign.

That hasn't been an option since the first few months after launch. and it was these first few months when the game was actually fun

It got boring and stale real fast

It's shit

Why do SFM/Blender guys keep modeling her like ten times lighter than she actually is? She's not even that dark.

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Put 500 hrs in. Which is more than I ever put in Tf2.
Was fun for a while, but it gets repetitive. I hope the game keeps going just for the porn though.

Retards in MM.

Because the darker your skin the less attractive you are

Because she looks better a little bit lighter than that, you absolute faggot.

Not really but sure okay.

It just gets old after a while man. Same maps, same modes, everyone picking the same characters just to win.

t. nigger

Couldn't be assed having to play with literal retards.

She does't look bad in her default tone, but she looks better in OPs pic.

>shooting at shields: the game
>now with moving ranged shields

No thanks

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Never touched the game but I fapped to Overwatch blender porn multiple times.

It's shit.
also they removed hero stacking which is fucking gay

all of the stuns and shields make the game unfun, in my humble opinion.

Nerfing Brig was a huge mistake

Ovewatch needs a single player spinoff I can play because I have absolutely no desire to play regular Overwatch.

Overwatch needs a VN so I can marry and impregnate my wife.

never started
the porn was better
but right now...
even the porn of it has become boring.

I'd rather have a proper dating sim instead of a VN (See: Tokimeki Memorial)

It’s shit

I never picked this crappy Blizzard game.

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I moved onto Siege, it's a way more rewarding experience when you get good at it.

I never stopped.
Everyone in here is right though. The game is shit, but probably not for the reasons they think it is.

i would need a hip replacement at some point, but totally worth it.

Then why do you have pictures of one of the main characters?

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VN, dating sim, whatever. I just want an Overwife game.

Olivia is the main character of my heart.

I love my wife Pharah and greatly enjoy racemixing with her and plunging into her desert oasis!!

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Same. Giving Ana grandchildren is akin to heaven.

My nig.

This and then I'd fuck Ana too.

Because they made DVa a glass tank. I can't bully opponents anymore because they made her shields on her Meka die in fucking micro seconds. It's ridiculous. Also

>introducing constantly new characters that are one class but actually EVERY SINGLE class in one
>every time
>only new content is a map maybe every so often
>recycled events
>all this build up in the story events and we still aren't even in the present day and no closer to knowing what the fucking shit ACTUALLY HAPPENED

The team behind the game frustrates me to no end.

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Content release was too slow, turned the game into shit.

it's shit

It's shit I peaked at diamond and wasn't willing to go the extra mile to improve


that sums up the whole thing, its fucking garbage.

I got bored.

I want to marry and impregnate Hana Song.

I can't be a cursed abomination in it

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The beta ended

It fails at being a proper competitive experience. It fails at being a casual experience.

No one cares about the shitty lore. Each new character gets worse. They keep fucking up balance and different characters.

when it won Game of the Year and i had a hishy fit about it. I remember fondly that I traded that shitty game in for Doom, KF2 and that Bioshock collection.


My goal is to look like this one day

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No feet skins

My goal is to put a baby in her.

Shooting shields is not rewarding or fun.

This is a good thing. Toxic pos.

it was kind of shit and they stepped in and made sure nobody would even question if it was shit anymore and made it so bad it makes you want to quit the game

It's shit.

it honestly was a pretty good game but they got to overzealous with their balancing and metagame manipulation. they had it in a good spot, they overshot it, and then when they realized they were losing players they doubled down and killed the game for good

when the only new character was ana, it was fine. it was balanced decently and i could respect the game for what they were trying to do even after criticizing it at first. but now its completely incomprehensibly broken and i don't even know how to begin approaching what went wrong

Multiplayer exclusive games are only as good as the people playing them, and Overwatch has fostered one of the worst gaming communities I've ever experienced.

I also sold my account for more than I paid for it thanks to people wanting muh skins.

Dude most Overwatch fans never played it, they just fap to the girls

multiplayer exclusive games are never good.

this, figured this out during beta. blizzkids never learn.

>Overwatch has fostered one of the worst gaming communities I've ever experienced.

I'll second that. i have never played a game with so many people willing to tell you that you are playing the game wrong while actually being beneficial to the team.

Lowering the skill ceiling so much that there really isn't a reason to get better at the game is not going to foster a positive culture no matter how stringently you moderate it for "toxicity"

dva findommed me too hard so i couldn't afford anymore lootboxes

You just posted it ew lmao

good braphogs
not enough braps

I only played when ana was broken op the first time
>There is always a 'best comp' for pugs and you win or lose based on whether you can get the shit flinging retards to play it
>Map design was terrible in places
>Defence matrix, yeah let a hero absorb projectiles for free in a fps
>Didn't have enough heroes for each role, OK so you nerf mcree which means if you had no 76 phara and mercy could just solo the world because there were 2 gun men in a fucking FPS, also snipers were balanced not to be able to burst through mercy's HPS
>Designed to minimise solo carry potential

I need a muscular brown wife

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Overwatch girls make for great porn. I masturbate to it pretty frequently.

Forgot to mention. Blizzard is proud and autistically stick to their out dated 4 times a year WoW era patch cycle, when their competitors patch at least once a month.

Not only is this a cynical marketing ploy by the competitors to make the game feel 'fresh' but it means they can fix actual fucks ups semi regularly.
Blizzards pride means actual balance issue got unresolved for months.

it's sh¡t

its shit

The gay conversion therapy worked.

My wife should have been the last barrierfag they added but then they add a dumb dyke and a stupid nigger, also a hamster(???) and a bald bloke. fuck off, theres a limit, what happened to t h e t a n k s tanking? Oh right, every game with (((tanks))) are really the designated players you scream at for not getting kills. because they do no damage. and take no damage. but barriers guys! kms fuck this stupid wannabe ass moba bullshit. A tank tanks damage!

It's boring even with friends.

This happened.

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This but Sombra

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Only come for the events. See y’all on Halloween. Better have a Mei skin

I don't support Blizzard

If you're a tranny, you never will.

Yes and then we got that porn video with both of them getting dicked down until they were obediently cleaning his dick at the end.

>My wife
fuck off retard.


I did but I came back to call you the niggur
Orisa top tier

Overwatch was fun until it wasn't. Having submission fantasies about Pharah will always be fun

My man.

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I know who you you are the mentally ill orisafag in owg.

Orisa is the lamest most boring ass character ever made. there is absolutely nothing good about it.

It is, in a manner of speaking, very much like excrement.

I fall asleep while driving Orisa's fat horse ass simulator experience. Literal designated landwhale character.


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Source.. ?

>introducing constantly new characters
>only new content is a map every so often

Who's on top?

that's a good one

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>3 characters a year
>this year was the female version of mccree with an explosive, a nigger that can jump high and shoots heals and a mix of Rein and Orisa
Yeah might as call it no content really

I'm too busy cooming to the characters to actually play the game

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Chokepoints. See pic

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Then you wouldn't say they were "constantly" introducing new character, would you, dumbass

They need to move on to overwatch 2 already

and this pic too.
A couple of maps are pretty good though.

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This post seems a bit too genuine and it concerns me greatly

The beta ended, and I knew I would never be able to get more fun out of the game than I did in the hours I played. I also knew with blizzard's penchant for "balance" my favorite character would go through a dizzying series of ups and downs, and he is now bottom tier last I checked, so I dodged a bullet there.

literally the most braindead garbage game marketed to gamers

every map is horrendous because it has SO MANY fucking ROOFS that you can stand on. even if its plain obvious and possible. You will slide down because daddy blizzard doesnt want you to use your brain.

My inability to have rough, steamy sex with Pharah.

>tfw you are a nigger tranny incel
triple the reason to kill yourself

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Its not a game of individual skill but teambased skill that punishes you for other peoples constant mistakes and the 4k shields make the majority of characters useless.
If you switch to the other characters, you won't rise in rank for characters you want to play on.
Youre locked into your character role unable to carry with a character that could take advantage of a situation or team composition.
If you talk to teammates and communicate, they get basedboiy mangry and throw themselves off the map.
Otherwise there is no communication and everyone sits in complete silence because they are all autistic and retarded betas.
When they do communicate, 80% of the time its false information that trolls you or irrelevant information or wrong information, and if you correct them, they throw.

Attached: ZenStats.jpg (1450x1390, 480K)

There's a ton of reasons but one nobody ever points out

>maps are filled with breakable shit
>this garbage can actually stop your attacks and block them

This is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever seen in any game from amateur-made to professional quality. Nothing will ever top this little piece of retardation.

Hi /bleached/


The slow acting gay virus is a lame plot point.

It's shit.

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This right here, quake figured out you need maps with plenty space to maneuver and alternative paths to reach key points, instead we got this shit niggerbrained design probably done by a diversity higher that never played an arena shooter on xer life, god how I hate these fuckings maps, every fucking match devolves into a stalemate so people stop and build ult meter rinse and repeat, it`s like a bad ASSFAGGOTS dynamic

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I love how they had to make "Team skins" so people can thell them apart from each other.
If only the actual game gave you the option to switch your team to simple colors and default skins.
but no, yet they intend this game to be competitive.

Gets kind of boring after a while.

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They turned my everyman hero into a minority.

based caveman

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the absolute STATE of wh*te roasties

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even paladdins is better

I don't care what you say, Shanequeeshla-a (tha - eez is pro-nounsd 'dash', sweetie) I am not going to make little mulatto babies with you.

I bet Pharah has a yummy sweaty tummy and butt and armpits!

Of course!

I never even understood why that middle area between points A and B was there, it's never utilized by either team, it's just wasted space.

I love Mei!

I hate this picture, what the fuck is wrong with these women, they'd be in the streets if anyone said shit like this about them

this game is all about the tanks and healers

half the dps classes are fucking brainlets like genji, tracer, sombra, doomfist, and reaper

the maps are god awful corridors with no way to attain proper map control as a long range carry, you just end up shooting shields forever

there is zero mod support or the community would have made a vastly superior game by now

just look at this spastic bullshit

if she's brown, take her to town if she's white something's not right

I can't change between roles mid match anymore

what the fuck is the hairdryer for lol

Paladins is a better game.

no one wants to hear your voice, faggot

Paladins in 2017 was really fun and gave me my fill of hero shooters for this decade.

i don't really see the point in bleached but with pharah it's hot desu

>gatorade zero

that's why you're so shit at Overwatch.

>overpriced meme keyboard
haha tranny

kek this thread is chock full of faggots that unironically play champions like roadhog and think they're a serious gaymer

I stopped playing because my friends dropped it a few months after release. I played a couple weeks ago and I still got it. Stomped with Zarya in comp on the last day of the season. There is no greater feeling in the game than shitting on an entire team with max charged beam

Attached: zarya_flex.0.0.jpg (1600x900, 159K)

never started so technically never stopped

yeah, there is, it's called headshotting someone from across the map as widowmaker you dumb faggot

Its not about voices its about callouts for fucking positioning you fucking casual triggered homophobic faggot

Mr. Goldstein, please

At a certain point it stops becoming about individual skill and knowledge, and more about how your retard team mates won't push through hanamura choke when it's 5v3.

Even so, your voice is annoying as fuck. No one wants to hear that shit unless they are in a discord with you.

Community is shit.

>throw down invul
>spam my aoe heal dot
>spam out all my healing grenades
>they just stand in the choke

the problem isnt me, its that youre a triggered autistic faggot that has some fucking meltdown over hearing the voice of another human being probably because your dad buttfucks you into submission or some shit and youve subconsciously associated other male voices as hostile or some shit so it triggers your autistic fucking brain to have anxiety instead of reacting like a normal human being and making callouts yourself

youre really fucked up dude get some psychiatric help if you cant even have other human beings talk to you without you having ptsd

It's shit

As for legit reasons
>Blizzard can't balance for shit
>Gameplay after 100 hours started to feel like a glorified rock paper scissors game
>Too many heroes leading back to point 1 of blizzard not balancing for shit
>Forcing quickplay mode to adhere to compfag rules
>Can't be upset at your teammates or else you'll get banned for "toxic behavior"
>Characters and their personalities are shallow as fuck
>Blizzard decided having stun mechanics in a FPS was a good idea
>Tried too hard and failed to capture what makes TF2 superior in every way
>Rewards for competitive play that completely overshadow the point of playing competitive, leading to everyone playing comp just to get those rewards rather than to improve and reach the top
It goes on

got perma banned for posting the tienanmen square copypasta during a match with some chinks
dont regret it

mods actually give out permabans? thought it was rare for them to even give out a 3 day ban

Pharah is the best

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It's shit

Never saw the appeal, but still got it on launch and played for about a week.
Got boring very quickly, even with friends.

No. She is in a shit game that has shitty characters. Porn doesn't make her a good character

No. Pharah is cute and made for mating press

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God, I wish she was my wife.

Back, don't come here often enough to know what you're talking about. I just like playing a fat horse that countered Genji before every new character could do that.

After marriage. To me.

Because it has all the contrast of blacked but is also wholesome and canon.


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People always use this webm to make fun of overwatch's current spam shield meta but that clip actually looks dope and fun as fuck, running around shield and trying to get angles in. And this comes from someone who doesn't even like Overwatch

I have never bought it

>mfw I will never have sweet passionate love with Pharah

Why live?

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It's shit and the porn is better

The entire game is a fucking chokepoint, its "Ult-Dump-To-Win" strat is pretty fucking boring, and the shooting mechanics feel clunky compared to R6 or CSGO

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Oh god, I hate being a console peasant so much, I want a PC so I can play fps games on a real level, and not be cut off from friends and family because "muh gold privilages" FUCK FUCK FUCK THIS AUTISM AAAA I JUST WANT TO GAME WITH PEOPLE, WHY DOES IT HAVE TO COST MONEY FUCK MICROSHIT SO HARD AND FUCK BLIZZARD

As an arab FUCK this stupid sand niggress, idgaf about phucka and her shitty body.

if my queue is more than 2 min i stop playing and it's happening all the time these days

Metagaming is not a valid reason.

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>valid reason
>Blizzard shills want to hold you hostage and force you to blow every penny on lootboxes
Nope, sorry. Nothing.

Trinkets. Odds and ends. That sorta thing...

Would pound till my pelvis breaks

Nigger lol
It's shit.

post some excellent overwatch sfm artists

Two Words

Burn Out

Simply isn't fun without friends.

Someone always has to be the bitch classes (tank, healer)

The only fun character in the game (Wrecking Ball) doesn't fit the shield meta

>what the fuck is wrong with these women
Desperation, insecurity, envy, and, most importantly, obtusity, wihout which they wouldn't post all that

too homosexual

It's shit

>but that clip actually looks dope and fun as fuck
>And this comes from someone who doesn't even like Overwatch
Are you into light shows or something? I can't tell what the fuck is even happening. Is the enemy even there with all that blue and orange on screen while that guy gets knocked up in the air?
shield meta is just bad and proves why no one should take ow comp seriously (even back when this game released)

Might as well post one of the few good things in this game.

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I learned that I don't need to play the game to see the girls.

I got tired of hearing trannies screaming over the mic and it's shit.

>"Reason why you don't play overwatch"
>OP's only reason is because of >Insert OW female character here<
>Commers agree
>Anons actually give a good reason why they don't play the game

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What the fuck thread are you in

I haven't, i still play the game every day since release.
It's fun, and there is nothing better.

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lol mad

>want to like Pharah
>I'm only half-White
It's not fair.

Your loss.

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The cakeofcakes model is better, and not just because most of the porn he makes involving her is her with a white man.

>FPS game
>Its fun to run around barriers
Are you mental?

It's not my fault I was born wrong. Pharah only fucks White guys and I'm not White enough.

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lol retarded

cakeofcakes model looks way less human and more anime, different strokes.

What does Pharah's sweaty brown pussy smell like?

I stroke myself a lot to Fareeha.

I love this one so much.

>lost my copy of the game
>feel a sudden itch to go back to it
>look it up on Amazon
>copies of the Legendary Edition are still like $25
Literally how it came out like 2 years ago

Guys I'm not white and I want to have sex with Pharah. Would she go for me, or is the meme really true?

It's a better soft model for SFM animations sure, but it leaves a lot of the minute details of her muscles that make her so great out, and something about the chest physics doesn't seem fully right. PBG overall has the best model for images. If only Cakes could be combined with the details on PBGs and that one Lara Croft SFM model with the unreal breast physics.

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really, really bad matchmaking

too many games felt incredibly one-sided

lmao just have sex with her

They made Soldier 76 gay

It's shit

Is it easy to get her Legendary skin?

Her being ripped is pure fanfiction, anyway. There's nothing wrong with either model because nobody knows what she looks like from the neck down.

Didnt exactly stop, but the awfull long queue time since the matchmaking changes are ticking me off.
The game was fine with a 5 dps team, i get it if it was ranked, but forcing 2 tanks/2healer/2dps comps in quickmatch is fucking retarded.
Especially since it didnt help the balancing even a little

what the fuck Yea Forums

i came into this thread expecting an overwatch porn dump, and i'm faced with actual discussion?

wow, this board really is going downhill

Attached: coomer.jpg (800x450, 43K)

>Thinking this model is ripped
>Not thinking a well toned, shapely bootied, thicc thighed pharah is the best
Well, to each their own. Being in shape's only adds to how good she is.

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>not a valid reason
Validation is irrelevant.

If Overwatch did something right, was the porn.

I guess it really does make you go blind.

Kill yourself dpscuck

You don't have to be physically cut to be in-shape. You can be in-shape with just a flat stomach and no visible abs.

Skill is literally meaningless and you can feel it when you play.

Yet at the same time the teams are so small that one retard fucks everything over.

Be carefull, theres a reaper behind you shieldnigga.
Cant block dmg from behind

Good porn/waifus doesnt mean good gameplay

Alternatively, you can just be skinny, or even a skeleton. Having some muscles is a better indication if someone's in shape, which this model normally does with slight biceps/triceps and shapely legs. The gentle abs are just another plus.

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I love my wife Fareeha no matter how she looks.

Make all these porn outfits they wear actual cosmetics and ill play

These are all brasil tier renders. This shit sucks

Post better ones then.

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Lack of major balancing killed my interest early on. Maps being nothing but choke points, characters outright being a MUST for success, not allowed to experiment with other characters, the LITERAL nanny state of moderation, no major content updates outside of skins. List goes on. And maybe the fact that I don’t have a Mei gf to get take out with and cuddle after.

he actually wants a chubbster the ACTUAL state of overwatch players

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I never started.

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that's the most vile pizza I've ever fucking seen, what the actual fuck

All of my frens stopped playing it on PC, I eventually got a PS4 and started catching up to all the games I missed in the last 2 years of constantly playing Overwatch.
Also Apex is more fun at the moment for my designated normie shit shooter. OW is still a gorillion times better than League of Fucking Legends, fuck that game, the people that play it, and fuck Rito.
D.Va is still my waifu and I only play her whenever I do on the odd occassion.

Attached: dva cosplay.jpg (933x1400, 227K)

Attached: D0rSpAbWwAM5p1l.jpg (675x1200, 92K)

> player also plays Apex and LoL
makes sense to me

how about I just shift click this shit thread instead

When I got so drunk, I smashed my keyboard with my skull when dva ate my Mei ult.