Gamestop loses $488.6 million dollars in sales

>Gamestop loses $488.6 million dollars in sales
>Now they're shifting their marketing strategy to Gamestop Cafes to play vidya and hangout

Are they done for?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah, arcades are dead. Trying to be fancy arcades isn't gonna save them.

Doubtful. I still go to comic book stores to buy and play magic. Internet cafes are rare to non existent in north america. Maybe why americans are shitty team mates

I'm digging the CRTs

>A fucking leaf

They had TEN YEARS to claw their way into the digital distribution sphere. They refused to make any concessions with the console manufacturers on used games so now they are fucked.

>arcades are dead.

Arcades live on in the form of barcades

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When EB games starts selling booze maybe that'll save them

Alright Seattlite hipster majority of these Barcades don't last long unless you live in a good demographic area in a big big city and even then it's fucking expensive. Only a few are actually popular like in L.A. or NYC anywhere else you'll barely get a profit.

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>Seattlite hipster

The image is of a place in almost middle of nowhere MA

That actually sounds like a much better use of space than filling the stores with novelty t-shirts and funkopops at least.
Might be too late though.


What if they turned into a chain of video game bars?

Like go to gamestop to have some brews and play madden or whatever.

That'd be awesome.

>Only open 2 days a week
>One of those is a work night
Yeah I'm sure that will last long

That doesn't mean it's going to succeed and it's still a store. So, there's just a few TV's here and there. So what? It's not even really an arcade at that point. Is that really going to bring in business? I don't think so.

It's weird because that's how they survived so long was all the random nerd culture merchandise. But now that shit is not making them float in the long run. Now they're desperate.

It's open every day and been operating for about 5 and a half years now

Honestly, there's this joint in my old hometown that is like this, and they made so much fucking money that they bought additional prime real estate to open a restaurant and card shop right next door. Then they built another restaurant in the next town over. I like them, even though they are expensive places to go to.

and then have tournies on the weekend. Madden, smash, whatever.

Gamestop is the company that we keep saying will die this year, but somehow it will outlive us all.

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Time to get smashed at FUCKING GAMESTOP

>PS4 in the front
>Xbone and Switch in the back

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no one would go because there would always be a rowdy bunch of niggletts sitting on top of vandalized furniture, playing madden and not buying anything

with that said i hope gamestop does and bombs even harder

Yes because these places end up smelling God awful, something like this opened up near my mall. Was filled with kids playing fornite for half a year then closed down

Bemanifags also exist. Even if they're rare.

No, they wont serve any food or drink.

I wish Rosa Parks was here to see this. Blacks are finally allowed to be in front for once.

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God I wish I knew of a place with those machines somewhere near me

Another company tried this in the northeast megalopolis and it didn't work. Actually ended up causing them to shut down.

maybe if they served alcohol

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Yea, I fucking wish Seattle had more arcades, this place fucking sucks.

>gamestop knows they appeal to fat losers and now sells candy and soda

very much so

Why were those brownies so greasy looking

Probably, but at least they're finally trying something I guess. Their previous course obviously wasn't the right way to go and it has taken them quite some time to realize that.


>leaving all those pizza boxes open
whoever took this video is a fucking retard

Cant wait for my local gamestops to close down so i can grab all the shit from their dumpsters

/k/'s cum brownies.

There's literally candy and soda in the video retard

>People actually eating something someone from Yea Forums made
The madlads deserved what happened

It'll never work, for the same reason that video game cafes or any nerdy type bar never lasts for longer than a year.

>go to a bar to play video games and drink
Why go out when I can invite my mates round and we can drink for cheaper?

>go to a bar to meet nerdy girls
Better chances on tinder/bumble etc. and like any nerdy thing it'll ob over-run by sweaty neckbeards and there will be maybe one fat girl

>a place to play competitively against others in madden/fifa
Most people that this would appeal to will either do it at home or go to student unions where they do it before going out, no one wants to pay to be competitively beaten by an autist.

London is a huge city and we have 3 of these gaming bar,s they are ALL struggling and don't get me started on boardgame cafes which will shut after a few months.

Gamestop's only option is to just cuts its losses. It can't even shift to selling merchandise only because Amazon beat it into the ground.

I live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, and there is an actual barcade with multiple MVSs, Turtles, Simpsons, Super Turbo, Hydro Thunder, and it's been open for 7 years already.

>random jar of pickles
I mean, I love pickles, but what the fuck?

>all that food for 4 kids

jesus h christ

Oh, you mean that little stand of generic snacks and "gamer grub" shit. Yeah, Im sure they wont let you eat that in the store. And there's no soda.

Makes sense considering most of the people buying from gamestop are kids

Assuming they serve some overpriced beverages and snacks, I think it's a pretty shitty alright idea.

>Considered getting into game publishing a few years ago
>Could have had exclusive physical releases of their own games
>Could have been the perfect transition for them as digital keeps growing
>Nah lets try to make gaming hangouts and sell funko pops instead

What a bunch of fucking idiots.

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it's clearly just for the video, retard

The other problem is they vastly overestimate their consumer base. Nerds (real nerds, not fake hipster nerds with NES tattoos) aren't going to gaming cafes. They're staying at home playing games where there's no social pressure.
The atmosphere of a Gamestop is already plenty awkward and now they want to turn it into a social space??

You'd attract the super competitive type that gets pissed the fuck off whenever they lose or feel slighted for whatever reason and adding liquor to that mix would only cause fighting, damaged furniture and broken controllers and none of that is good for business.

bruh look at this retailer

It looks similar to what GAME have done in the UK with Belong. It's essentially a venue for hire for burgeoning competitive events. The games studio I work for paid them £50k to show our event broadcast in their venue (not even held there), and put on a free bar and give out free goodies.

Sounds stupid. I'm also sure it is. But it's profitable, for now.

Fuck you for mentioning that, drove by an old spot recently where I'd play SFIV and saw that it was closed off with a chain link fence and graffiti everywhere. Last month, it was still up and running.

Video game bars or cafes already exist. I usually go to weeklies held at a bar and play some FGs.

Let's go to Round One together user, we can play IIDX together. There's one right down in Renton.

>tfw going to Gamestop
>turning in ky old Xbox 360
>"Grand Reopening on the sign"
>Alright whatever
>go inside
>two giant landwhals sit on the couch complaining about Smash and talk about sands or something
>go to the counter
>worker is in the back playing Doom on a racecar chair
>finally get his attention
>"Hey I want to see how much I can get for this and maybe get Catherine Full Body
>"Oh that game with the trap? Heuheuheuh"
>great now I know theres a trap
>"Yeah we dont have it. We got the Catherine Dunno Pop though! Or the Thank Gauntlet. I am unstoppable! lol (he actually said LAWL)"

Fucking Gamestop.

>most of the people buying from gamestop are kids
user, no body is buying from Gamestop. Why do you think they are doing this?

GAME is definitely not profitable and it never will be, they've been shutting down and laying off staff all over the place. Good riddance though, don't think there's a single pre-order they haven't fucked up.

Exactly, I was meeting my missus at one of the gaming bars here and it's just a bunch of people watching a CSGO stream and not drinking. The bar tender seemed so happy when I started ordering.

Is it too late to look at the used stuff or any clearance? Did they throw it all away already

Haven’t used them in years. If I need physical items I can order it on Amazon and they’ll throw it by my door. Plus I don’t have to deal with socially inept “gamers”.

Last I saw their store from the outside they were selling “gamer” gear like clothes.

>all that open space in bright lighting
They really don't understand their target demographic, do they? Nerds want dark, enclosed spaces like the arcades of old, not huge McCafe-style places where all the attention is on you

>mfw parents drop off their poor brown kids at Gamestop to play games for the day and no one goes there to buy stuff because its always filled with gross/annoying brown children

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there's like ten barcades in Chicago and they're all super popular

My point exactly.

Barcades can get along just fine, mostly because they provide something other than just booze like most bars do. It's an additional entertainment medium to partake in while you drink with your friends. When you go to a regular bar to drink with friends that's all you have (maybe pool if you're lucky). Plus barcades can reliably stay open for more hours of the day, selling food and snacks to people before drinking time rolls around for people to eat while they play arcade games

how the fuck can they afford to stay open only being open 2 nights a week?

>the smell

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>beer in mason jars
I fucking hate the west coast

Mexicans are the most obese people on the planet.

Literally anything Pizza Hut makes is coated in grease

Jokes on you that bar is from the east coast

The only thing I hate about ordering games on Amazon is that they usually come out on a Friday, and despite promising that they game will arrive on the same day, it NEVER does. I always just end up going to Walmart and buying the game, then returning the Amazon copy when it arrives the following week so I can get the preorder price guarantee

>Cafes to play vidya and hangout
if you americans were bit less degenerate it could be fun place to go to and meet people who love games, maybe even find yourself a gamer girl or something

no, it's still americans
and mexicans are mostly obese cause they're heavily influenced by the US


>the west coast

m8 it's in Massachusetts

Physical game stores can still exist, they just have to be run like a small business rather than a chain.
> staffs people who know stuff about and are generally passionate for games
> offers products a few generations back
> no literal fucking jewish trade-in rules
> does maintenance on older products

But of course, that's a foreign concept in America, so fuck me I guess.

>thinking hipster faggotry is exclusive to the west coast
You don't leave your house much, huh?

>Like go to gamestop to have some brews and play madden or whatever.

why would we drive 20 minutes to buy overpriced food and beer when instead you guys can come over to my condo and we can order a pizza, buy a 30 pack of coors, get as wasted as we like while playing split screen and listening to porn in the background

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By staying open every day of the week

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>no, it's still americans
>and mexicans are mostly obese cause they're heavily influenced by the US

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Man, I just want someplace to play offline Tekken

I used to always get my GAME preorders delivered a day or two early

Hey, that's the one I head to! I'm a casual and only play Groovecoaster tho, don't even have a card.
The lads and I might head over there this weekend.

>tfw used to go to this one barcade that had movie nights
>plop down on the sofa and start watching Akira
>there's only one other guy sitting a bit away on another sofa watching it
>cute tanned weeb girl with short hair comes in and sits next to me
>mfw through the entire movie
don't think i breathed once
but yeah i'm pretty sure that one barcade had to make a post on facebook about sweaty neckbeards scaring females away

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In theory it sounds like a cool idea, but its just going to attract unruly smelly brown people that will just ruin the experience for everyone and make customers uncomfortable.

Can't wait for all those Mall Gamestops to become even more of a babysitter for shit parents.

>TEN YEARS to claw their way into the digital distribution sphere.
Implying they could have ever actually competed in digital... How the fuck would that work? There is literally nothing they could/can do but just hold out until they bleed totally dry.

Pretty much any place that has E-sports has an arcade. I'm just outside DC and we have a few arcades around here that are open 5+ days a week.

I went to some gamer bar here in vancouver for the first time just a couple of weeks ago.

I paid an $15 for a shitty clubhouse sandwhich
$8 for a pint of beer

and the only other clientele were 25 year old incels, a few ugly girls, and a couple of barely legal kids
Im sure fighting is not a problem

There's your problem

that's kinda cool.

trumps america economy in a nutshell,all my local comic stores are dying

Lol now the minimum wage Gamestop employees have to add babysitting to their list of duties.

Wtf that’s exactly what me and millions of gamers all over the world wanted, how did they know? This is definitely gonna be what saves them!

Barcades are cringe. If I wanted to play some shitty old games on an emulator or busted up second hand console I'd stay at home.

Anyone know if the link gets you close to this place?

this. it's what it should have always been. now it's too late.

There's also Gameworks actually in downtown but in my opinion it wasn't amazing. But if you live in the city it night be more convenient for you, I live over in Bellevue so Renton is close enough anyway that I just head over there.

If they just become a low rent arcade with at least 2-3 machines they can probably make it. They'd become a glorified daycare center though.

So no, they probably aren't going to make it.

>shitty old games on an emulator or busted up second hand console

But it's arcade games, not console games

What link?

when a company's stock goes from $45 to $4 in a single year, there's no recovering from that. it's only a matter of time.

The fuck?

Most of the ones I've been to have like two arcade machines shoved into a corner and the rest is seating arrangements with a console and stack of games at each table, usually a custom two player emulator system running MAME. It's really awkward so sit at those tables when most of the time only two people can play at a time.

You'd be surprised how many people are going the Starbucks route and making places to hang out.

I went to a local taco bell. Remodel with tables that have outlets for laptops and such. Some restaurants dont allow "loitering" like that, depending on the area, but they're all going the route of a coffeshop.

People have a desire to get out of the house, they'll go to malls or whatever to hangout. Capatilism on the human need to connect. Kind of based.

shoo fatty, I'm not even from your continent, god bless

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Link lightrail
I know It's got a couple stops near Seatac

I mean the one in the picture shows entirely actual arcade cabinets

What happened at the end of January?

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>internet cafes in this day and age
they are done for

Steam cucked Gamestop out of business. Just look at the store, you can only see console games since physical release at least means something for them. What a disgrace they could have at least hold special events or give added bonuses like Japanese game stores.

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I understand the demographic they are targeting towards to stay in business, but I hate the neon lighting, mason jar rustic hipster vibe aesthetic that infests EVERYTHING now.

If they start selling beer, they can do a curfew for after hours. Some coffee shops daylight as coffee joints and at night, kick everyone out for a night club thing.

Gamestop's will probably have some rules for people staying long hours. Say, 5 dollars at the door gets you 4 hours of hangout, or whatever.

The hilarious thing is that if corporste had actually given a path to management that wasnt straight shit they wouldnt be bleeding sales. Theyre a horribly mismanaged company and im glad i got out when i did. I should have left on thanksgiving when corporatr threw the employee survey out the window that stated about 99% of employees wanted the day off. The all caps rant about how it was good for the company should have been my sign to leave.

I'm pretty sure the console companies pushing for all digital fucked Gamestop harder than a PC game store selling PC games.

>Used to work at an internet cafe/video game shop with 20 computers and a VR setup
It actually sucks more than you might think

People been saying Gamestop will die ever since Blockbuster closed.
I think you're right.

>mason jar rustic hipster

Welcome to Western Massachusetts

>cold pizza

Yum. Also, I can't imagine anyone attending this 'fortnite party' to weigh under 300 from the look of those snacks.

Book stores have been doing this a long time. Companies make way more money on the food than they do the actual products.

EB Games are probably gonna be changing up their strategies too by plastering the entire shopping center with sale stickers this time.

imagine the smell

Alcoholics AND gamers. What a great crowd to be around!

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The party is a nice thought but who the fuck owns their own nacho choose dispenser?

Oh, I've only ever taken it back from the airport once and slept right through everything right up until my stop. Sorry user.

listening to porn with friends...? the fuck?

>come hang out and EAT in our stink den
>bro pass me that slippery controller that used to be white
You got the wrong country, Brazil is around the corner

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Only way to save their asses is sell the store and sell online from a shed.

>I came up with a gaming cafe concept 5 years ago
>GameStop is actually doing it

>wanting to go outside

How retarded can you be?

Here is how they MAYBE can be rescued
>sell every single store they have (only keep those few stores which are in literally perfect locations)
>invest everything into digital distribution
>create something like Steam

If you haven't noticed already even my suggestion is not something new and more or less just more competition in the online gaming market. No one needs Gamestop and if they would go bankrupt nothing of value would be lost.

Sure they could try to publish games but this would take years and there are more and more games to compete against.

Sorry user, but I don't think you came up with it. There's two gaming cafes 15 and 40 minutes from my home and I live in fucking Portugal

>the CRTs
I’m surprised.

Better than funneling drunks into casinos where they become problem gamblers as well.

To be fair, games nowadays are just digital casinos.

those pizzas are stale

Yeah, but with the onset of online distribution killing brick and mortar shops, and social media fatigue, 2020s looks like it's going the be about hangout culture.

I'm no soothsayer though. It all depends on if they get the formula right.

This is gamestop buddy, you failed to realize that theyll never make and have never made good decisisions. They have distric leaders that have been in the same position since babbages.


>come hang out in our florescently lit public space

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Gamestop employee here. This is actually news to me and I hope this doesn't happen to my gamestop, it's a pretty small one. You know how many kids come in and fuck shit up? I'd hate cleaning all that shit and get it to look like an Apple Store or Xfinity center.

Also why the fuck is that Gamestop selling candy, is that going to be a thing now? Going to have to clean sticky controllers, tables, game covers.

> no games
> hipster faggot aesthetic
This isn't an arcade you dumb ass. This is fuckin' Jewish trash and peak weimericano culture.

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For Vodka obviously, come on westerner keep up

>games nowaday

But barcades have old acrade games

Right, but the difference was that mine was in America.
Also I want themed days, different sections divided by interest, a full service bar (limit 2 alcoholic beverages per person and none before evening to remain kid friendly), vidya merch and a genuine arcade in the back

You normally rent those for the event.

Your store is going to close along with my former one.

T. Former SGA

That looks fucking awful, why would anyone spend time there

I don't even play video games

>american breakfast

Sounds like a great place for niggers to steal and vandalize a bunch of games consoles.

Absolutely. Arcades are niche as fuck and are only big in large cities in the US. Net cafes are only a thing in Korea and China.

You call that alive? A weekend and barely even has people in it?

Stupid ass faggot gamer

It looks like a birthday party so there probably were like 10 people if not more.
Even it ifs fortnite, even if its gluttonous, it is still an abstract kind of a LAN party and you can commend them for that at least.

>> no games
>12 cabinets in the picture

To be fair the amount of cabinets they have is pretty limited by space, which is why they really want the tattoo place next door to go out of business eventually so they can take the whole building for more game space

>Bright flouresant lights
>One couch and tv
>As people browse funko pops and shirts all around you
What a nightmare

why didnt you yawn and put your hand around her neck


They would need a lot of security and some hard hitting people to enforce respect of products.

I would make a cozy board game place with isolated booths and larger rooms with game tables. Add some decent snack food.

you’re the neckbeard


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In greece theres shit tons of net cafes.

>and put your hand around her neck

Bold move assuming she's into choking

So are they going to have certified GameStop mommies to get the kids off the demo consoles so other people can play?

I mean, their company had consisted of ripping off 12 year olds and grandmas. They were never thinking long term

My local barcades cabinets are all still running well, then again, it's mostly whites that show up. Niggers do, but dont stay long if there are a bunch of whites.

You just know they wont open these in black ghettos.

That was actually a worry from one of my manager, but a representative told him that we're safe since we're downtown. A Gamestop down 5 blocks away from us however would be closing. There's actually an employee from there transferring to us. I do hope they join my side, because my one of my coworkers is always angry and the other one is really lazy.

I live in Ohio suburbs and there's a barcade that has been doing fine in my town, been there for about 3 years now, and there's at least 3 other barcades within 40 minutes of driving from my house if I want to go downtown.

your mom is stale lol

No way that's sustainable for an entire national chain unless they downsize heavily, so yeah short GameStop's stock for some free money

Good. Blacks, or niggers as I like to call them, don’t deserve nice things

Wtf user he said hand not dick

Alright, time to take my poorfag chances and learn the old fashion way.

I've got two local barcades I know of here in Charlotte, NC. Far as I knownthe one I go to more often is doing really well, which is great because it's nice to just go out, get slammed, and fuck shit up in MvC2 and the X-Men arcade game.

Not to worry, user! Your entire chain won't last for much longer if this is their plan to up their profit margins.

I'd do that, but for all that is holy, I would only play lo fi beats like nujabes, or any other type of non intrusive music.

Too many places got to have loud ass music and it makes people restless.

>limit 2 alcoholic beverages per person
Per hour or per visit/evening?

Dallas has at least three I can think of and Ft Worth and Denton have some as well. Have been around for years, seems fine. Cry most neetfag.

>Add a couch and a bunch of tables with TV's and consoles so people can play together
>No snacks or coffee or coolers for drinks

That's not a cafe, OP. That's a fucking hangout place to play games together. It would be nice if they had snack machines or drinks that you could buy, or even for FREE. Just imagine the popularity and crowds they'd get. Of course people might just go in there and eat all the snacks and leave, so yeah.


My western mass nigga

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Per day. Wanting to take the edge off is one thing but I don't want a bunch of sloppy drunks ruining my equipment or everyone else's good time.

>getting sloppy drunk off of TWO drinks
are 16 year old girls the main cliental?

user it's not because it's a hip place to hang, it's cause majority of school and work is done online, and when you are either to poor to afford good wifi or traveling having even a taco bell to hunker down and get work done is better than nothing. The longer they stay there the more likely they are to order food, hence why Starbucks has always been so profitable.

I sure hope so

I take it todays drunks are far different from your typical bro dad getting drunk.

that only works in white areas otherwise you get fucking vandals and trash or fat shitty single mothers dropping off their drove of brown niglets all day unsupervised

You could just look online and see...

don't you mean /k/um brownies?

We were arguing about arcades existing, not quality or how many there are. Let's be real though, 80% of Yea Forums has never been to an original arcade when they were kids and all they have to go off of it is Tron and Wreck-It Ralph. Sure, you might have thrown some quarters down a Simpsons machine at the Cici's Pizza growing up or went to a Chuck-E-Cheese, but that's the extent of it. Barcades do their job and they do it well enough to be open in any city with 6 digit population.

Yeah. If I had the cash. I'd try to capitalize on this possible trend, and fast.

more like barchildren

Don't forget to bolt the tables to the floor. Also have your staff be the Monopoly bankers

Bar-Cades are actually getting really popular. But I doubt GameStop will sell Imperial Stouts.

Quarters! I’ve been there, that place is great! Though it’s like hidden behind a factory that you have to get behind by going on a side road and the outside looks more like someones house. Though honestly the semi-hidden quality and only hearing about it through word of mouth makes its customer base better I’m sure. Beat the Simpsons arcade game there with some friends.

That's cute. I'd go there if I could user.

that is just the gamestop model, buy high sell low.

lol, this is such a awful fucking idea.
I worked for them for 6 years, and the type of regular customers we had you DON'T want to have hanging out on a couch in the store or it will ward away the other customers.
The type of people who actively hang out in a GS are the same people who don't baith and go to Melee tournaments.

>Like go to gamestop to have some brews and play madden or whatever

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If Gamestop rebranded itself as an "arcade" place of sorts where you could go in and play games on PC, Xbone, PS4, etc. and try out the newest latest releases, basically just a big glorified "demo" place, that might be interesting

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I said I DON'T want them to get sloppy which is why they CAN have two drinks. You're there to play video games first and take the edge off second. Again, that's also why I would not serve alcoholic beverages during the day. I would like it to be a place where kids can go after school and young adults can go after the kids leave.

It's not that hard to get drunk with just two drinks.

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Just kick those guys out.

What's your point?

those places don't even do well

I used to live near a GS that had a few based employees like that. They'd set up different games on the kiosks every day and asked me if I wanted to play anything new before buying it. Played quite a few matches of SFxT there.

I think they already have early demos buts that's aside from the point, not only to be an arcade place they'd have to downsize heavily, but they're set up as retail shops, not arcades.

They're fucked

My mom would host her friends at our house on the weekends and they would sit and drink all night. What they wouldn't do is slam a whole bottle of tequila in 20 seconds and raise hell and vomit all over the place. Moderation or go somewhere else.

Who the fuck would want to hang out there? If people want to hang out and play vidya they'll just go to an internet cafe, which is an actual cafe setting and not a giant retail store with some seats and a tv.

We did when we could, but some times we were also too busy to do it (working the tills, etc). We had multiple cans of scented spray to get the shit smell out of the store sometimes.

I go to a local barcade/coffeshop/sandwhichshop/laundromat.

They have a few desks for people needing to use a laptop. Couple of TVs with one showing sports, other on Cartoon Network. Free wifi.

Pretty comfy desu.

>14% alcohol
>drunk in two drinks
Are you some kind of sub-100lb manlet or something, or do you consider having a non-zero BAC as drunk?

this will never work because all kiddies want to play is call of duty and gta. in general all they want to play is mature rated games and gamestop will get bashed with a lawsuit if kids are caught playing those games. the alternative is having shit games on there but no one wants to play that shit anyway.

I don't know if it could be profitable in my city but if I could afford the start-up costs I would love to do something like that. I have considered setting up a business plan and taking out a loan. Surprisingly in the last four or five years my credit has gone from unbearably poor to excellent.

It’s a bad idea to encourage loitering in non white areas

Id go to this bar

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Yeah, but I'm 30 and go to places like I haven't seen anyone go crazy like you teens are implying, they are usually kicked out asap and social pressure keeps anyone from going too far.

t. spouse abuser

>Go to gamestop cafe to hangout and play the games
>notice that hobos and kids are hogging the games
>putrid smell fills the store because employees are too embarrassed to ask the stinkys to leave
>finally get a chance to play
>controller is full of stains and is slippery from an unknown substance

I went once to one of these places, can't say I had a good time and can't say I had a bad one either, absolutely forgettable.

i usually buy games from them during Black Friday or when the games i want are expensive online (like PS4 Odin's Sphere)

would be a decent idea if done well, but management is going to find a way to suck the life out of the place anyways

Sooner or later, millenials are going to kill black friday.

Along with america for importing 3rd worlders.

Internet cafes are a different environment. Nobody there socialises unless youre in a group. A barcade has cabinets which normies can enjoy while purchasing a drink. You can also dime nerds into paying for merch while intoxicated.

I'm a fat and poor third worlder, and I know how to get drunk even with little amount of alcohol by drinking fast and using temperature differences.

>kill black friday.

You say that like it's a fucking bad thing. A whole bunch of cheaply made versions of things made for the express purpose of selling on Black Friday

Gamestop isn't a barcade.

This gives me card and hobby shop vibes. If GameStop could use their power and money for good and actually do shit to forward community shit. Doubling down on local tourney shit and becoming a place for people to hang out at they could create a sense of community.

Or it’ll just become a fucking glorified daycare

Oh god fuck who the hell goes to stores just to chill and play vidya? Do one or the other. I can't fucking believe anybody who still shops at GameStop wishes that they had a reason to stay in the store longer.

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>millenials are going to kill black friday
I can't wait.

>Sooner or later, millenials are going to kill black friday.
That's a good thing.

No, I meant it as a good thing.
I just think they're going to go too far if they keep up with their other shit.

That would be nice. Weeklies are hard as fuck to pin down in my city. The local scene is trash for fighting games.

My LGS apparently had vidya consoles you could play at one point... From my understanding kids would always find some way to fuck the equipment.
of course they already have demo consoles in cases and shit.. they might be able to pull it off safely most shit is digital these days anyways.

Is aBiaG a copypasta now?


Because his mom said so.

Torontofag here. There's a dozen barcades and Rec Rooms in Toronto and all are thriving.

that shit better be scart rgb

>Gamestop wanting to turn it's stores into cool hang out spots for people to play games
>they don't want to risk people destroying their consoles so all they offer is Google Stadia

this kidult shit is getting old

>they are usually kicked out asap and social pressure keeps anyone from going too far
Well maybe a strict minimum isn't the answer but I would rather not get to the point where someone would need to be kicked out. But I'm from Florida and people are stupid here
>you teens
30 here

What do you mean temperature differences ?

>shoo fatty, I'm not even from your continent, god bless

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One used to be Babbage's and one used to be EB Games

What an absolute waste of food and electricity

Nobody cared who I was until I put on the demo.

So instead of harassing me to buy their membership and pre order, they'll harass me to buy a membership to be allowed to eat and sit and probably will only have boring sponsored games loaded with ads for people to play with? No thank you

This is all thanks to capitalism.
Enjoy your breadline.

>all those TV's on the floor
nigger tier, even when I was a kid 25-30 years ago the tv was always on something, not the god damn floor


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You a business major?
What's a quarterly average for a barcade in L.A.?

I'm fine with this
It'd be nice if bigger game stops opened up and did weeklies for tournaments
Even better if they had their own shitty smash section in the bathroom

>I was meeting my missus at one of the gaming bars here

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Tukwila Station would be closeish but still probably about a 30-40 minute walk.

this is a fucking horrible idea
it'd be fine if niggers and mexicans didnt exist but those poor fucking employees are going to be dealing with the fucking forces of hell every single day

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>Birthday party
>No one showed up
Did the kid that threw this party kill himself after this?

you're a touch retarded, son

Every single LAN cafe that has ever opened in my city has closed within a year. I hate Ohio and the US.

Burned hotdogs? What's wrong with people

>Getting a Round1 in Spring 2021
God damn, time needs to go faster.

>put tons of ps crap in gamestop
>nobody is buying from gamestop
Sony once again btfo

I literally don't get this. Only 4 TVs? How big will these events be? What if there's too many people? How the hell can they monetize that real estate? It's so cramped, how exactly does a sofa in the front of the store make profit?

This is going to be soulful as shit in 7 years.

Man even I, a pedoweeb, switched to digital. All the games are on the PlayStation Store and there are frequent sales.

Nothing worse than walking into a store for an Atelier to find 50 copies of Call of Duty taking space. NORMIES GET OFF MY PLANET reeeeeee

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San Francisco?

They didn't lose $500 million in sales, they lost $500 million in revenue in spite of software sales.
Gamestop vastly overexpanded during the early '00s when the vidya blockbuster like Call of Duty and basically a lot of the early half of the 7th gen was happening.
I remember there were three Gamestops within as many miles of each other. By the 2010s that was cut down sharply.
The loss is from too many stores existing.

But now in an age of release day online delivery and an increasing marketshare of digital distribution, Gamestop and other retailers need to shift from being the place that "normalfags go to to buy PS4s and Xboxes to play the annual Call of Duty, FIFA, 2K and Madden" to upselling towards your average Yea Forumsirgin/reddit user/guy that posts on social media about video games. That type of consumer
>buys multiple games a year that aren't sports or Call of Duty
>buys on multiple platforms(e.g. PC, Nintendo titles, Japanese stuff on PS4)

Now you upsell to this person to sell them a lot of shit at a higher premium. That's why you see Gamestops having a shitload of merchandise like DC/Marvel superhero figurines, Funko pops, comic books etc. Nerd shit is lucrative.
>dude buys collector's edition for weeb vidya
>guy that buys a shitload of amiibos/Funkos/other cheap collectibles
>someone buying a graphic tee for like $15

There's a lot of local video game stores in my millennial-majority neighborhood of my major US city that have similar business structures with a heavy collector's emphasis(e.g. cartridges for stuff all the way back to the NES era) and they do pretty good for themselves so I'm not surprised that once Gamestop is done purging itself of the excess stores, that whatever remains transitions to this model.

Even the Microsoft store at the popular-as-fuck mall is basically just a Fortnite arcade they discourage eating inside of.

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>You a business major?
>What's a quarterly average for a barcade in L.A.?

Fuck off Ryan

I live in Seattle and go to barcades and anyone who says they are a replacement for arcades is fucking stupid. The atmosphere is way different and it’s all the most bottom of the barrel games with some stupid import cabinets that have lame homebrew games.

Coindexters, the unicorn, fucking all of them have poorly maintained machines with a ton of glare and screen burn. They all do the same selection of games that you can find in any movie theater tumor arcade still alive.

Like you wanna play some virtual on head to head with some impossible to beat 15 year old or a house of the dead 2 cabinet that actually works? Oops we’ll get fucked because nowhere in Seattle has decent arcade games anymore.

Now I will say the pinball game is pretty good.

Would be nice if my country had one of these places. I've done my time of going to the TAB tto drink and play the horses against drunk old boomers.

Hispanic area, it's a common treat around these parts. Just munch on a giant pickle.
I'm not a fan, but a lot of people are.

I dont play video games as much as I used to so it had been a while since I actually went into a physical gamestop. Normally I just order a game online and I get it cheaper than retail, and can easily sell it after on ebay.

I was at a mall for an unrelated reason when Fire Emblem came out and decided to stop in and grab a copy. I ask the guy behind the register if I could buy a copy. He doesnt even look up, asks me if I have a preorder, and laughs when I say I dont. "No, good luck with that".

Just a strange business practice. I just went to the best buy nearby and bought one there. Its no wonder they are going out of business.

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So they can both tell you to go to the other one when they're out of a game

why does every gamestop have like 2-3 employees working at a time when there only needs to be 1. just wasting more money

>He doesnt even look up, asks me if I have a preorder, and laughs when I say I dont. "No, good luck with that".
Gamestop workers are always the biggest fucking cocksuckers. I'm a FLGS regular so I'm used to neckbeards and even when they're know-it-alls at least they're still nice and friendly guys. Gamestop clerks are just assholes.

>this kidult shit is getting old
>He types while posting on Yea Forums

you are right, Yea Forums is the kidult central board I should leave here after wasting half my life here. Im going to a real man's board, /o/. Fuck kidults and fuck you

one is the "manager" the other 1 or 2 are paid less but do practically the same shit as the manager

What do you think convinced console manufacturers that all digital was viable?

>Gamestop Cafes
This has been a thing for maybe a year now. Why shitpost.

They are actually trying to make boardgame/TCG a bigger thing on their stores. Gamestop is basically changing to become a nerd store.

Even a cursory look at Steam would tell anyone that there's huge money left at the table not going digital. Consoles should be sticking with physical as well though given the fucking third-world internet that exists in some places here in the US

A game shop near me tried this 8 years ago, it shut down about 4 months after opening

>Gamecube and N64
You sure that's a cafe and not a smash scene?

>he doesn’t know

Thats actually a much better idea than trying to sell games. Video game bars are fun.

>wow sweaty... incel much? if you use the internet you can't criticize ineffectual soiboi manchildren...

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Gamestop is actually kind of an idiot. Gamestop should have capitalized on making limited run or premium releases of PC games like a lot of small companies are doing now. Some of these cost $100 and it's not a small market. Most of the runs are around 3000 units or something and they are sold out in the first week.

You ever tried working retail as the only employee as duty? Shit sux, up to 8 hours with no bathroom breaks or lunch breaks. Which also violates labor laws.

oh no standing behind a counter dealing with 1 customer an hour, such back breaking work

just close the store during break retard

This. I would

Did anyone show up?

I will frequent a GameStop cafe if the vibe is right.

as an 29 year old adult, this is the gayest fucking shit i have ever seen and i would never want to socialize in an environment like this ever. i would rather go to a round 1 type place and actually play video games. I don't want to fucking sit around eating a 15 dollar grilled cheese drinking a dollar draft when everyone around me is pretending to be there for the video games when they're actually just there to fuck. either go to a bar or go to an arcade.

It’s a shame. Blacks could have nice things if they had the IQ for it, but the one black family in my suburb couldn’t even take care of their dog.

buyout offer was rejected. Here is the crazy thing, GME is incredibly under priced. Best Buy was selling for 1/10 of what it is today, and everyone was saying that Amazon was the new paradigm and Best Buy was fucked.

I see the same thing with Gamestop, its a great business, they only use 2 wagecucks per store, LOTS of stores, with new consoles coming, they are gonna make shit tons of money. Lots of people buy consoles and hardware local.


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Why choose a faggy bar to represent barcades. Some of them are pretty normal with just a section for arcades and sometimes even mame ones.

I live in a medium sized city in Ohio and there are like 2-3 of those around for at least 5-7 years now

This is a horrible idea. The only people who go to things like this are the annoying, gross, and most vile nerds. The ones who don't shower, sweat, and eat while playing. GameStop is gonna lose money from trying to keep that stuff clean or the place is gonna look so disgusting that no one shows up

Do you think it was one individual who owned all those tvs and ps4s?

>This means they're not just allowing, but actually EXPLICITLY ENCOURAGING deadbeat moms to use Gamestop as their own personal free daycare

Thank god I got out when I did

>western mass

aaah that explains a lot

I don't get this particular complaint. Every single other cashier has to put up with the same thing. Whoop-dee-doo, there's kids in the store.

most american webm ive seen for a long time now.

fucking this its gonna be a shit show

I like this idea. Good business move.

last time i was at gamestop the employees where trying to shill bioshock infinite to me as i was walking into the store by yelling about how awesome it was. im not going into a gamestop again.

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god forbid someone likes video games

Well, you can't count on people being too smart. .

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This plan will fail most GameStop's are way too fucking tiny to accommodate both lounging and passing-by clients.

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it wasn't that it was how painfully obvious they where trying to get me to buy it.

Gamestop having merch is a pretty dope idea. Too bad it's nothing but turbo normie shit like minecraft mugs, fortnite keychains, mario tshirts etc.

Fuck Nutrition.

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they gonna lose even more money now
just get rid of the new shit and sell retro shit instead
they should focus 100% on retro
ive bought "used" ps2 controllers from them that are literally like new

Come on, it's a party.

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>complains about niggers
>Saves cartoon pictures to his computer

I don't play fortnite or eat junk food but I still want in
fuck man it has been like 15 years since my last lan party

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>1hr 45mins away
I'm actually on the fence if I'd rather drive that distance rather than the 15mins into Boston for a barcade. Fuck literally everything about driving into Boston or dealing with the T.

Come on, poisen your body

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Don't you fucking lump us in with those Boston fucks

Just from that I can deduce:
>filled with basedboys
>40% onions socializing 40% shitty cocktails 10% actual games
>lots of CONSUME PRODUCT and basedcore games (Zelda, Portal, etc)
>no actual competitive arcade community where a few very dedicated people meet every week to challenge eachother

I'm feeling real lucky that I got other adult friends who are still down with playing games over a weekend sometimes.

Attached: Virtua Fighter now thats a good game.webm (720x720, 2.52M)

>all this talk of barcades
>Nobody not ONCE mentioned Dave & Busters

>and basedcore games (Zelda, Portal, etc)
It's fucking arcade games you retard

Depends on the store.
In a Gamestop, there's, at most three, but more likely two employees in the store at any given time, and they can't go home unless the store is cleaned and the titles are alphabetized.
If you're going to bring in a 13 year old and just leave him there without any money to actually buy anything, he will get bored of the intentionally limited demo units and start ripping shit off the shelves.
We hate both you and him.

Bruh, when we still had about a dozen other chains that have come and gone before they die.

Remember Oncue, sam goodie, ebgames, and funcoland? Gone, but that fucking roach Gamestop wont leave. Fuck I just went and bought a fucking marvel legends, the cowboy Logan. I didn't want to go, but I know dozens of people who still go and a few who have credit cards with them.

It's nice, but definitely not worth driving an hour and 45 to go to. Too small to be worth it with that kinda drive

It's a store, user.
That's why they exist.

That's a whole lot of buzzwords and trying to fit in.

Thanks for the insight. May just end up waiting til my next trip to NYC.

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Gamestop would still stock jack shit PC games if Steam never existed because you can't sell used PC games and Gamestop survives on ripping off subhumans for used games.

Thanks for this user, I had a wave of nostalgia wash over me like never before.

I'm not. I'm doing the opposite, you fucking unaware faggot

>listening to porn in the background
Is that...a thing?
I'm not gonna be all
>hur dur C**brain
but that sounds gross

Actually it could be worth it if you end up going as a day trip with friends and hit up Prodigy in Easthampton as well. They got indoor minigolf, board games, consoles, the works

>tfw had a FW900 but got rid of it when the transformer started going out
if only I had the electrical skills of today back then

Or it will jump back to $10+ with the christmas rush.

>ripping off subhumans for used games.
Dont buy them, just buy new for 50%more lol


The actual problem isn't the concept, it's the fact that Gamestop is the one doing it. Not because they can't execute, but people are already familiar with them as a company, and a particular sort of people will be the ones coming to these places:

Poor children. Dozens of little middle eastern or hispanic latchkey kids whose parents both work 12 hours a day to make ends meet, crowding the place up so people who happen to be there to shop can't do so, fucking shouting constantly, and Gamestop will expect 1-2 staff at a time to be able to corral them all.

All these jaded replies not realizing the comfy nature of playing with your bros side by side without having to worry about anything for the day, especially food. Sure fortnite blows dick, but its the friends we make along the way.

You do have friends... right?

It's going to 15, its like best buy when it was round 10, now it's over 60.

I bought GME knowing they have shit on hand and sell clothes and collectibles.

They are gonna make stupid money soon, they have no debt in a year

No. They will close down half their stores. They've run everyone else out of business so you'll simply have to travel further to get a game. Also, mom and pop shops will fill in the gaps.

Speaking of, if I had the capital, I could EASILY take out Game Stop with a gaming shopping experience far better than you would get anywhere else.

As for what exactly I'd do, I'm keeping that to myself just in case I win the lottery or something. But trust me, if I had the cash, the second you walked into my store, your first thought would be "There's no way I'm buying a video game from anywhere else". Not even online.

I still vividly remember how once I went to buy a Day One edition of Etrian Odyssey V and all the employees looked at me dumbfounded wondering what was I talking about. Only one actually knew about the series but said he didn't know if they'd get copies of the game.

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You deal with niggers all day that babble about madden and crack heads that steal shit from redbox, then come back to me and see if you want to be friendly.

It doesn't look like it has soul

I bet many people in the 1800s said the same thing about dart and card playing in bars

Near a college.

It doesn't look very inviting and cozy. Acoustics look terrible.

...I miss being left at the mall.

does your store come with a free blowjob?

tell me when they kill 8 hour work days and lawns, those are more important targets.

Dude, fuck you. Lawns are awesome.

fuck off roastie

Lawns are fucking dumb, a waste of time and resources and look ugly. It was LITERALLY something dumb rich people did with their land to show off that they were so rich they could afford to spend money to have their land do nothing, and adopted by dumb idiots who wanted to pretend like they were rich people.
Lawns are the absolute fucking height of human vanity, and I can't wait for them to perish.

>filthy hipsters
checks out

Do zoomers REALLY

>go to barcade
>its all fucking pinball
its a place self proclaimed nerds go to to pretend to like arcade games

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They have that with gameworks. Most of them died out but there's one left in Seattle.

Imagine the eventual smell.

That sounds fucking awesome, I love pinball. I'd much rather play pinball at the bar than anything else.

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Its added space to enjoy in. BBQ, slip and slides, baseball, lazer tag.

Better than playing in the city.

Fuck off commie and or nigger.

You can keep your lawn, all I want is for the HOA full of boomers to get off my case about it.

God I would love some places for LAN gaming, especially since I got banned from the local library's minecraft server.

Round 1 is doing just fine. The UK finally has a few decent places too.

Closest one to me fortunately has the only Project Diva FT machine in Europe.

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yea it makes sense for pinball to be at a bar
but if its advertising as a barcade they should probably have more than pinball

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most of /o/ probably post on Yea Forums too though lol. they even have a running vide/o/games thread for playing racing games together

>the need to connect
what a meme

>riced WRXs

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These places are soulless. I'm near Boston and there's a serious hipster faggot problem there. Every barcade that pops up is just like pic related. They ain't even got good games. Not one fuckin' Cruisin USA, Crazy Taxi, Mortal Kombat or even Tekken or Killer Instinct. Just your typical nintenboy shit and shit like tetris and galaga.

Not even one measly fuckin Metal Slug cabinet with greasy buttons! Faggot shit!

is this a parody of GameStop stories?

Fuck I forgot to mention I can't even get a good beer at any of em. They're either hipster IPA types exclusively or $12 for a sippy cup of watered down bud light. I don't even mind bud light but fuck off.

Sometimes when I read Yea Forums I get the impression that a lot of people here hate video games and the people that play them, but still come and hang around on Yea Forums for some god forsaken reason

>Gamestops have major problems with being daycare centers, so they get rid of demo stations/make most of the store a place to buy pop culture shit a kid won't really like
>Suddenly decide to officially make them daycare centers again

>more seat space than machines
What a shitty 'arcade'

The kinds of people who shop at GameStop in this day and age are the kinds of people who only venture out of their rooms to go to GameStop or answer the door to get their GrubHub or whatever the fuck. They aren't going to want to spend time in a highly public environment any longer than they absolutely have to.

I like in a small north mid-west city (

>t. busrider

>for vodka
burger here. What?

What can I order from amazon for $7.35 or less.

scratch that, 11 dollars or less

If you managed to get out then you can just go back in.

>if you use the internet you can't criticize ineffectual soiboi manchildren...
This but unironically. You absolutely don't have a leg to stand on when you too hang out on the video games subsection of an imageboard for anime aficionados. You even have meme reaction images to post. You're as much of a dweeb as anyone here

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>Roosevelt Field just closed the second GameStop

This.Why does my hobby have the worst fans who either suck at it or sacrifice their own lives to do nothing but play videogames. Its embarrassing to try and do anything with gamer bros

I think it would be a problem, you simply can't cater to everyone, especially since those kind of barcades tend to have limited space and those kind of big cabinets take too much of it. Just adding Cruisin USA and Time Crisis for example already uses the space of four regular games. I believe focusing on older games is good and all but you'd rather try to focus on modernize and create a community with games like Tekken or hard to get machines like Project Diva.

The one in the picture pretty regularly has MK2 going on. Also they usually have the combined Puzzle Bobble/Metal Slug machine out too

White ppl

they always have to take shit to the extreme...they just can't leave it alone...fuck

I just want to go to an arcade, I tried going to a barcade earlier this year but apparently you have to be 21 to enter, fuck those alcoholic sub humans I just want to play video games, feels bad because all I play is arcade games

I swear barcades are some of the most basedest shit I have ever heard

I wonder, how different would an Arcade Cafe need to be compared to a barcade?

I agree with this, any HOA is cancer

theres one by me that is doing great. recently expanded and is completely packed on fridays and weekends.

I can smell the sóylent on you from here.

I don't even like fortnite but it'd be dope to chill and hangout with my bros like this.

I just wanted to play arcade games, most of the retarded hipsters that go to barcades don't even know what the games are

Yea Forums is not an anime website.

bro you work at gamestop, sort your life out.

I thought s*y gets Filtered to onions that's weird

Counterpoint: I think you're a nigger

Shut the fuck up you newfag tourist.

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They tried digital distribution on PC once when they bought Impulse form StarDock. They just let it rot, said PC was still dead and locked everyone out of their libraries one day.

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Gamestop is an ongoing montage of bad decisions.

>Yea Forums Japanese video games and culture

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>5 dollars at the door gets you 4 hours of hangout, or whatever.
most barcade just expect to eventually buy something.

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Of course the newfag uses frog memes because reddit told them

Why is it always pink and purple?


wheres my coffee wagie

i think i want it for free to go with my new game. how badly do you need a tip?

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Or don't be a fucking faggot who goes to barcades. I put together a MAME cabinet for the bar close to my house for free drinks and the only people who go there regularly are old farts but the old guy who owned it wanted to be "family friendly" so I offered to put together an "arcade machine" for him.
>where do you put quarters in, user
>you don't, it's free
>yeah, you just pick what game you want to play and there you go
>that's horseshit I wanted this to make money!
>well...that's illegal
>I don't own the intellectual property on all these games, I can't charge people to play them
>this is bullshit
>it's like how you don't want to show pay per views because they're really expensive, yeah?
>no, that's different
>then you start showing the fights and I'll rig this to take quarters
>, I'm not doing that...

that's almost one bottle wine you are either obese or alcoholic
Smash the Like!
Oppress the Subscribe button!
Rape the fucking bell!

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These places are fun for a single time maybe a few stops but the crowds are awful. My friends and I just wound up going outside to the outdoor area and playing the generic bar games they had like huge jenga and other typical shit.

I'd really rather not.

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it's a cute idea but i can't see something with only 5 screens working out


Those colors are easy on your eyes at night and don't ruin your night vision as much and also reduce eye strain when you're focused on a monitor. You're not supposed to stay in white lit rooms for a long time or stare at a white screen, nature doesn't come in stark white colors. It damages your eyes.

t. Grandpa
Gamer girls have tattoos now!

>talk about how shit 76 is
>employee tell me that its fun with friends

>Gamestop Cafes
Oh boy I can't fucking wait.

>Sir, if you buy a Power Drinker card, you can save 15 cents on this Mt. Dew

Even if it looks somewhat nice, the majority of their retail locations simply don't have the space for both demo/lounge areas and the massive glut of inventory they carry. Not to mention those couches are just going to get all nasty after the first week, and the place will become overrun with parents dropping their kids off there like if it were a playground and manchildren hanging out all day and hogging the demo consoles.

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This, place is gonna be fucking filled with dump off kids.

Trying to enter the digital marketplace would have offered no benefit to them because why go into physical location just to buy a download code when you can just buy it straight from the eshop? There is no sense in that.

Honestly, what fucked them in the end was that they gave piss poor value to customers trading in games, had shitty practices like opening brand new games to store the disc in a drawer, and then still having the audacity to call it "brand new", had a garbage loyalty program that they treated their employees like shit for when they couldn't sucker enough customers into it and thus the employees would take it out on the customers, and just in general, they stopped giving a shit about VIDEO GAMES, the product their entire business was founded on. Instead they put so much emphasis on pushing shitty merch and making pointless business decisions like buying ThinkGeek and video games themselves barely had a presence in the store.

Everything they had to do to not hemorrhage money was obvious as fuck. Just keep selling video games and keep them as the cornerstone of your business. That was what had customers responding positively so keep doing that. It wasn't until they started changing things that traffic started dying off and people started complaining about them. They should have recognized immediately that it was the wrong move instead of fucking doubling down on the parts customers hated.

Yeah, I don't drink but that actually would be cool

This stores will not exist in any area with black people

You mean women.

>Happy Birthday Brayden. Mommy loves you....

I'm 35.

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I don't get why Yea Forums is so against a social gathering for video games.

>Go to social meetup
>every faggot in the room thinks they're not normies so they test their knowledge on vidya to each other
>Fags gatekeeping this hard at their sad attempt to out the posers

If you want a fucking pissing contest with other pretentious faggots in one room feel free.

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>You have to wash
>You have to go outside
>You have to talk to people
>You have to talk to people without calling them buzzwords or speaking in memes
>You have to be at least 18-21 for bars

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>he support normification of vidya
Go back

>Arcades, a thing of the goddamn 80s

Maybe you gotta realize that vidya started fairly social user

Games have been normie since 1996 which is likely before you were born

Dude must've invited every frat boy on campus.

Well I would call bullshit on that prediction, but remembering all the turbo nerds that huddle in the shack constantly arguing with each other with their Switches in their hands, I can now see this idea being pretty obnoxious.
Still I can see this being a great idea for certain events like fighting games, since most regions don't have many places for those.
>You have to be at least 18-21 for bars
Well you have to be over 18 to post here also. Also I barely see anyone using memes in real life.
It's either gaming gets normified or companies who can't make their investors happy are going to go bankrupt and gaming dies as a whole in the next 5-15 years. I don't really see a downside from quiet communities reconnecting through vidya.

There's an arcade in my town that's about 70% actual games and the rest are pinball and I fucking WISH they served alcohol there. I'd lose all my money on this Star Trek TNG pinball machine I love

In Columbus they're overhyped as hell. Even when I turned 21 it's not a place I want to go very often.
They don't have any games past the 80's, they're always packed to shit, the cocktails are $12 at the cheapest.
I dunno man, you really aren't missing out on much, seriously.

Realistically, they cant give what everyone expects to get for trades, idiot. Too much stock of halo 3? Why would they give you even 5 for it if it was selling on shelves for lets say 30.

>in a Gamestop
Who's idea is that?

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That's not a...Terrible idea?
That's actually kind of smart, may actually be the smartest thing they've done in 30 years.

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You think this is where I could pick up a gamer girlfriend now?

THIS IS FUCKING FAKE, every single "basrcade" I have been to has busted arcades all over and the beer is overprice. ALSO no one really plays the arcade games and if they do they are casual shits that have no idea what they are doing. this is for the faker gamers and retard gamer girls that try to hard

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You had me up until the end there.

Here's the review of my shitty obligatory """gaming""" bar in the area, Dorky's (Tacoma)

>ex's roommate insists this place is "major win"
>no beer on tap, everything is bottled, barely cold, with $4 for COORS LIGHT being their lowest priced beer
>bartender had to look-up how to make an Old Fashioned, the drink that's part of every legitimate bartending school's intro training
>no AC in muggy fucking Summer coastal Washington
>arcade machines are in a constant state of disrepair, ranging from non-working buttons, green CRT's clearly on their last legs, some blown-out speakers (that really hurt Konami soundtracks)
>cliche 80's music is blaring so loud that you can't even hear the games, and this is mixed with TV's blaring cliche 80's movies, there is absolutely no quiet(er) place to break from the goddamn noise
>terrible bar """food""", most of it was clearly fancied-up Fred Meyer-brand stuff, mostly pizza, tendies, and other nerd junk food staples that you can get anywhere else
>the clientele is the worst bouqet of antisocial nerd personalities you could imagine, and it doesn't feel like a bar at all, and anyone that's come in a group generally won't talk to anyone outside of their group unless they make the first move, I saw a guy get chewed the fuck out for attempting to talk to a couple girls that looked bored out of their mind, so this ISN'T a place you'll meet your qt nerd gf, because there's a good chance they're the type that thinks you're a horrible pushy monster for unconsented public contact

The whole experience was a textbook case of nerds emulating an atmosphere they've never experienced, instead basing it off of what they think would be a TOTALLY AWESOME ADULT RETROCADE HOLY FUCKING SHIT THE 80'S bar, it's kinda like the same mindset as a little kid thinking when they're an adult, they'll eat endless bowls of Lucky Charms with candy on the side and drink Coke for breakfast, but they don't grow out of it

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>retard gamer girls
You sound like those old 30+ boomers

There's a deformed, manlet Jew (redundant ikr?) that regularly bought Funko shit at GameStop near me.

You just live in bumfuck nowhere if you think that. Barcades are all over the place.

There is a place like this in my shitty country, you guys think its worth checking if you have no friends ?


That sucks. While pricey, the food at our place is consistently good and the cabinets are pretty well kept. It does get loud, but that's just the inevitable nature of how small our place is. We also pretty much get all demographics, from kids and parents to 20-somethings to older couples looking to relive their arcade glory days of their youth

is this bait that pedophiles use to catch little boys?

Quarters has been around for years, and is doing pretty well. It’s a fun bar in a college town. I meet up with friends there all the time. Stop being such a fucking cunt and leave your basement once in a while.

that could be a cool idea if they hosted like local fighting game tournaments and shit

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>Are they done for?
When I get out of work I like to unwind by going down to the local GameStop™ where I can chill out, take in the harsh overhead fluorescent lighting, and admire interior decoration choices made my a mid 40s manager that wishes he was remodeling his kitchen in grey tones.

where I live is nothing but FIFAFIFAFIFAFIFA

Watch if be some normie shit like Fifa and Madden get togethers.

Is this an acceptable place to take a date?

Were you that deaf dumb and blind kid?

They'd go bankrupt from trying to deodorize the place

yes, I love smash, how could you tell?

Yes, I do it all the time.

I shitpost by sense of smell.

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RIP crt tv. fucking dumb cunts

Second date would be better assuming you're going in the evening or night. Too loud to be able to sit down and talk at all which you'd probably want on a first date. Might be cool if it's during the day on a weekend

It's a little pricey but Pinz was pretty fun for a date once since you can eat dinner while you bowl, but this is assuming they're into bowling at all

I'm shocked gamestop still exists. I understand places like BestBuy or Walmart, because who the fuck wants to order a TV or expensive sound system online. But there's literally no reason for anyone to step foot into gamestop anymore, you can't even find old or rare game there anymore. I don't know why i'm ranting but FUCK gamestop. Fuck amazon too but hell at least I don't have to fucking talk to some asshole trying to sell me a $3 dollar warranty like his wife and kids depends on it.

dim those lights and make a VIP/adults only area where they sell (or give away) adult drinks and they just might pull it off.

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all of that garbage food for obese amerilard zoomer gaymers. Pathetic.

It's a common treat in a lot of places, actually. You can sometimes get some packets in gas stations.


Notice how there are no women here.

>snow cone machine

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You're on Yea Forums, you really shouldn't talk and neither should I.

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The guy that owned one of those in my town was also a mailman and stole 6 months worth of mail and kept in in his basement.


>Xbox huge set up that I can play Gunvalkyrie and Panzer Dragoon Orta on
I would actually go to Gamestop for the first time since Bloodborne came out.

They don't even have pinball here anymore, everything in my city is just skill testers, those basketball things, racing games, and light gun games.

correction, I’m unemployed and on Yea Forums.

No you didn't. This has been done by mom 'n pops for a very long time but it never goes well. Pull it off and then you got something special.

We had one of these in my town and I would go there once a week minimum and actually made friends. I miss it every day.

I went to this place. It was fucking terrible! Mason jar drinks and shit, only half the games actually worked at any time and people brought their kids. THEIR SHITTY KIDS! Running around crashing into people and spilling shit everywhere, on top of screaming toddlers. Holy shit. I'd rather be at the place in Rhode Island where you pay $5 and all the games are free all night, and the beer is served in cans.

>not one modern rhythm game
Western arcades are fucking trash

>Dozens of little middle eastern or hispanic latchkey kids whose parents both work 12 hours a day to make ends meet
they should keep their little bastards at home and suffer from their shit life choices

this. the ones that go under:
do not take care of the machines. it's what makes your bar different than the 100s of other bars in a metro area
do not rotate machines
do not offer affordable play. the margins aren't on the games, they're on the liquor and beer.
have SOMETHING for non video gaming people to do including pinball, jukebox, or television.

every barcade i've seen go under has failed at one of these

>gameworks and Chuck e cheese are slowly dying

>all these friendless failures at life shitting on this

this is the kind of shit we all wished for when we were younger. well, those of us that had friends anyway. fornite may be a steaming pile of shit but lan parties were always incredible and you dumb niggers love to bitch about how they're dead now. make up your minds.


Don't act like manchild whites don't run rampant too

I've never met any people more destructive and disrespectful than urban african amercians.
I won't deny that manchildren are fucking horrible and worse than niggers in alot of ways, but normal functioning niggers just ruin everything around them in most cases.

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>trendy game cafebar populated by loud stinky nerds chortling about cartoons

You're right you probably never met black people. You just read statistics like a fucking faggot.


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If they did that 2-3 years ago it might have helped. They're too reactive, not proactive enough. bankrupt within 4 months.

you're delusional, i went to majority "minority" schools for middle and high school. I was one of the only white people in the entire school. My only friends were black and hispanic. I've worked fast food. I know niggers and they are some of the most destructive and unruly people on the entire planet easily.
Fuck you, delusional moron.
Also i'd love for you to prove the statistics that get thrown around here wrong.

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>t. rich faggot in a gated community

Go be sheltered somewhere else

Beaners are far worse than niggers. By a ten-fold.

beaners actually have jobs though

the fuck is a faker gamer

hard disagree
beaners are some of the hardest working people ive met

shut it n-word

Sorry, a little confused here, do you think those are black people in the pic you posted? Have you ever seen a fucking nigger in your life? Alternatively, why did you post a picture of indians while ranting about niggers?

so many questions

>beaners are some of the hardest working people ive met

What white people say. The same type of white person who says "there's a difference between black people and niggers", and, "I have black friends". the same fucking energy

i posted images i thought were funny

They should focus more into a gaming arena place than this. I wouldn't say changing neccesarily means they're done for..Changing is good and will help them. The problem here is that it's still mostly a shop and shopping experiences will be made worse by sweaty nerds around the tv.. They should sell several locations, merge them into a bigger building, have one section as a pure gaming lobby and another for shopping and getting games. Host tournaments regularly, have prizes, etc.

But where am I supposed to go if I want to zig zag through a maze of funko pop, pokemon shit, magic cards, and a million other odds and ends!?

ok whatever you think man, im still fucking right

It's not just fuckin beaners who work hard. I've seen all kinds of people who work hard. It's such a stupid fuckin stereotype.

>only half the games actually worked at any time

user you don't have to lie

fair enough

whatever you say bro just letting you know it makes you look kinda fuckin dumb. Kinda like you thought those were niggers in that pic

just a heads up bud

you're probably the only person on the planet who thinks that, but you can keep seething.
Never once did I say that the image was connected to the content of my post, like how the fuck does a crab have to do with niggers being violent demolitionists?

Somehow, just somehow, i get the feeling im FAR from the only person on the planet who thinks that. Agree to disagree, huh? :)

Ok, I admit it, i have fallen before your superior intelligence... Can I suck your dick to make it up to you? I am so very sorry for saying bad things about niggers, please forgive me, please please please.

you have made me laugh and for that you have earned my respect