>hard difficulty is just enemies with higher stats
Hard difficulty is just enemies with higher stats
>Higher difficulties are just enemies that become bullet sponges that deal more damage
>easy is actually hard and hard is easy
I love crested geckos, """elitists""" in the reptile hobby who hate them are fucking retarded.
name a game other than valkyrie profile
MGR is easier on revengeance difficulty because everything dies in one hit.
>Enemies do more damage
>Enemies take more damage
>You do less damage
>You take more damage
>on higher difficulty AI just straight up cheats
Looking at you, every RTS ever made
>Enemies just become damage sponges on higher difficulties
>hardest difficulty is too hard
>second hardest is too easy
>game has multiple dufficulties
>you have to beat the game on the current difficulty to unlock the next
>later difficulties just add bullshit mechanics and inflate enemy stats
>hard mode disables cheats
>>Enemies take more damage
>>You take more damage
>Hard mode is only worth playing for in Pal copy
Yeah. I made a mistake there. Enemies take less damage.
>hardest difficulty wasn't even tested so one of the mission's objectives is literally impossible
>easy is too easy
>normal is too hard
>hard difficulty is just more enemies
>Normal is too hard
Name games where this has been the case, because I'm pretty sure they don't exist.
what game?
Aczshuli you were right, taking more damage like sponges
>very hard (locked until completion on another difficulty)
which do you pick?
Dawn of War 2: Chaos Rising
In one of the missions you're supposed to save a bunch of recruits that are pinned in some buildings but the enemies' damage is so massively overamped in Primarch difficulty that they flatten the buildings in less than 10 seconds from the start of the mission
You can still finish the mission after they're all dead but you lose out on a big bonus
hard cause i aint playing the game twice
Normal to test the waters, if it's too easy turn it up to hard if possible during my current play through, otherwise restart the game on hard.
>Difficulty setting's description states the game may be unbeatable on this difficulty
Mod a completed save into my game, and choose very hard.
>hard just ups the damage so you die from 2 pistol shots
>but so does the enemy
>highest difficulty removes all save points
>Hard ends up not being very hard
>Very hard is even easier once you play it because you've mastered the mechanics at that point
I bet Fire Emblem's lunatic mode would be fun if it were playable.
>AI is better
>enemies use weapons more affectively
but so does the player?
You're thinking of Lunatic+.
The original version of Blood due to a glitch when loading saves.
touhou 3
Goldeneye's "License to Kill" difficulty using 007 agent, though it's 1 shot instead of 2.
>highest difficulty gives you 3 save points in the whole game
XCOM terror from the abyss
>easy difficulty locks you into the worst ending
>easy difficulty doesn't even let you finish the game and the game makes fun of you for it
Name one (1) vidya
Starfox 2 and KIU.
Expects devs to create animations and AI that only 5% of the total players will ever see
Earthworm Jim
Contra 3. Touhou 6.
>hard difficulty just gives the enemies more heath
>hardest mode is just the very hard mode but with permadeath
Double Dragon 2.
That’s not a problem when they calculate the statuses to fit well in that difficulty and not just make everything 30% higher or something. Cuphead would be one of my favorite games but the hard difficulty is unplayable because it’s like playing an extremely unbalanced version of the game where some bosses are ridiculously easy and others are impossible for no reason
>Play hard mode
>The rare, super dangerous encounters from normal mode are now common encounters
>hard difficulty adds new enemies
Killer Instinct 1 and 2.
>hard mode+ mode is just enemies with 20+ higher levels than you
>character is so shit that is nearly impossible to beat the game on hard with them
Reminds me of that game journalist that reviewed a indie game, gave it a shitty score because the ending was shit, only to get tweeted by the developer, saying that he got the shitty ending because he was playing on very easy mode that ends before the final level. Can't remember what the game was called, probably nothing that great.
I think DMC3 had this issue in one of its releases. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn also renamed Hard mode to Normal mode and the original Normal mode to Easy mode for its localization.
Literally Final Fantasy for the Nes
Megaman X8
>final boss gets more phases the higher your completion rate is
>at 100% completion you get a new superpower and a new post-credits superboss that kicks your ass even with your new ability
DA games.
I remember Inquisition, at least.
Some enemies are weak to only one element. Hardest difficulty gives random enemies +90% resistance.
It was fairly common to find enemies that would take literally 20 minutes or more to be killed cause you had to deplete a 2000 HP bar 1 up at a time.
Extra points for mages that can cast barrier and teleport around the map
>Hard mode rewards you with art
Zero Mission was so fucking good
>Hard mode has more weapon variety/supplies to encourage players to play it.
Would love if a game did this.
Literally what game
>hard mode removes all your hard earned gear in each mission and instead you have to steal shit from enemies and survive with their trash weapons
>Hard mode is literally just bragging rights and doesn't give you any sort of better rewards from enemies or bosses
Demon's Crest.
>you can skip the dungeon and go straight for the boss who's really hard
>or do the dungeon first which will weaken him
Isn't that most games?
That sounds like obnoxious game design.
Are they considered too normie? I only have a beardie
This image makes me want to punch the owner in the throat
and like half the moves don't work as intended.
Hey Dead Space 2.
>Doing the evil route permanently locks your game world into the bad ending even if you create a new save and do the good route