>nu-Yea Forums will defend this
Nu-Yea Forums will defend this
Other urls found in this thread:
what can I say?
you caught me redhanded
Wtf I love the UK now?
>EA paid you .05$ to make this post
Get snipped
Yea Forums plays sports games?
I'll change sides for shitposting reasons. I don't care if lootboxes stay or go. I'll defend them or go against them depending on what seems more fun to act like.
>ban lootboxes because parents can't educate their childs
why not ban cigarettes? the smoke is not safe for kids
ban violent movies and video games as well
imagine not defending that.
Those things are also technically banned for children as well
Lootboxes, more dangerous than muzzie rape gangs
UK more like UGAY
This whole loot box shit is fucking retarded. We're now getting to the point of why even have parents at all? Just have big brother government take care of everything.
and yet you can still inhale the smoke even if its banned
wtf I love nu-Yea Forums now!
While I do think lootboxes are shit and not something to expose kids to, this feels pretty garbage
>"prove the thing is good and then you can do it!"
that's not how it fucking works, if you want to restrict something YOU have to prove that it's BAD.
>UK bans something
imagine my shock
>Games have age ratings to advise parents who the game is suitable for
>Games with gambling have age ratings as low as 3 because the industry basically controls the age rating board
Saying "parents need to get educated" is bullshit when the industry is actively preventing parents from getting educated.
Based. Fuck EA and gacha shit
>it took a little island full of inbreeding assholes to get the ball rolling on banning lootboxes
Fucking hell lads are your countries even TRYING.
raise for rating for games with lootboxes
They've proved it's pretty much gambling and creates addiction.
>New form of gambling flies under the radar
>Law finally catches up and starts treating it like gambling
Are you people for real
Games with gambling whether real or simulated are suppose to have high age ratings. The problem is, the people giving out age ratings are the being funded by the people publishing games.
I guess you're forgetting how a Pokemon game got a 12+ rating in the UK for having a casino in while some NBA game has a casino in it has an age rating of 3+. The NBA games casino uses real currency while the Pokemon one didn't.
how far apart were the games?
Yea Forums is full of zoomers who need nannies to literally feed them to survive. Doesn't matter if it's actual individuals, governments or autocrats. Zoomers need to have everything done for them because independence is scary.
then enforce laws or some shit to have gambling rated higher than 3
lootboxes don't create gambling addiction for kids, stupid parents do
kids aren't supposed to be able to buy shit online
Sometimes the means justify the ends
Yes British government just added another restriction on the ever extending pile of bullshit that are British overprotective laws
But doing so they crippled one of the major cancers of videogames
I'm more worried about what's next, with some luck it's limited time micro transactions, but it might as well be guns in videogames altogether
The laws literally say gambling in a game has to have a specific age rating. The problem is the people who judge the game and hand out ratings are being funded by the publishers of games.
The point still remains. When a game has a fully functional casino you can gamble with real money in and has an age rating of 3+, you can't just blame shit on parents. There is clearly an active attempt being made by publishers to keep parents ignorant so they can profit off of children.
>But doing so they crippled one of the major cancers of videogames
EA doesn't even care, british won't be able to buy lootboxes but they will still be in the game
Unironically good
Fuck EA.
You have to be 18 to buy cigarettes in the US. It's not clear if watching violence causes kids to be violent so it's merely not advised and related projects have warnings on them.
You also have to be 18 to gamble at a normal casino.
>Why not ban cigarettes for kids
But they are banned for kids
>Ban Violent movies/ games for kids
Are you just going to pretend R ratings and M ratings don’t exists?
Eh, even a stopped clock is right twice a day
Considering FIFA comes from England that's not a small loss for EA.
>something Yea Forums has been all for is finally happening
>thread is full of people laughing at this and defending loot boxes
No OP, nu-Yea Forums will hate this and as you can clearly see, they will also try to justify why it's not bad
EA will care when they start losing hundreds of millions a year.
You forgetting, FIFA is EAs most profitable game, something like 80% of that profit comes from lootboxes and the UK is the biggest market for FIFA.
Fucking why?
I was used to coming home at 10 pm on school nights and 12-1 am weekends
First it was the neddies then the bongs, more will follow, krauts or leafs probably
Even more, British developers probably won't be able to put them in their game in the first place
no I mean ban cigarettes even for adult
if lootboxes are harmful for kids even though they can't buy them, the smoke from cigarettes are also harmful even if they can't use them
It's all ogre
Fact is the widespread normalfag addiction to lootboxes and microtransactions in sports games is the main thing keeping EA going at this point, and anything that blows out their kneecaps and leaves them in a ditch is perfectly fine by me.
UKanon here, a lot of what is said on Yea Forums about our gubment is overblown, yes, people do get arrested for ridiculous shit, and yes the gubment do get called out for it, however plenty of people I know have acted offensive and received no punishment, folks in this thread are acting like this won't hurt EA, it will, the UK is probably their biggest market for their football games, so taking away their micro-transactions will hurt EA
and so does "auld"-Yea Forums.
I think any game that can ask for extra money purchases(randomized or not) should automatically be disqualified from an ESRB E/PEGI 3 rating. If you can't leave your kid alone with the game without the game asking them to pay up it's not for everyone (since it needs parental supervision).
It's legal for a kid to see an R-rated movie or play an M-rated game. The store might choose not sell it to a kid as business policy, but it's not a crime to sell such a product to someone under the recomended age, and it's not a crime if you allow your kid to watch that movie or play that game. A potent example was multiple movie theaters allowing people under 17 to buy tickets for Fahrenheit 9/11, despite it being R-rated, and no one got arrested for that. On the other hand, you can be sentenced to jail time in US if you knowingly sell or give cigarettes to minors.
Because cleverly disguised gambling designed for a different audience is just smart people looking for loopholes to profit off gambling. Casinos are banned in places because people are extremely stupid and pathetic when it comes to games that exploit the reward center and other parts of the brain, this is known and theres been studies on it.
You’re not looking at the potential issue where child gambling becomes normalized meaning parents are coaxed into paying for it like you bugged your parents to buy you pokemon cards. Not to mention normalization justifies it and makes it less controversial to include in other games, ones you may be playing.
I mean, I’m not even surprised. If you thought smash character reaction autism was bad, you know nothing
The only difference is its actual kids armed with their rich parents wallet, not 30+ year old manchildren.
good. they should be banned regardless
Not for "muh kids" reasons obviously, but anything that fucks over this practice should be supported.
I'm perfectly fine with all loot boxes or other random shit you can buy with real money mechanics being evicted from video games. This is a win for every customer no matter what. Games will improve for everybody. Games will be designed around rewarding players for their time instead of extracting money from players.
Fuck EA and fuck lootboxes.
Fuck yea i will
its based
The fuck are you on about? Zoomers might be technology addled, but my friends and I, and legitimately everyone we know still went outside, we still stayed after school for clubs, we still talked to each other. For one, zoomers aren’t the whales with the will or disposable income to fund loot boxes.
I swear this condescension comes from people trying desperately to overfit one generation into one box and the other into another. Either that or you haven’t gone outside in forever and all you think zoomers are is dabbing and new slang. Yeah younger zoomers are acting like young kids because they are - but college zoomers and older aren’t suddenly out of touch with going outside lol
so are they also banned for things that are rated R or whatever the UK equivalent of that is?
Oh god the zoom is getting mad WATCH OUT HE GOT A GUN
I wish the government would ban everything bad for me. I can’t control my urges.
Literal children are impressionable. YouTubers that cash in on it might be smart in recognizing the potential for money, but it’s scummy to think about having to pander to base excitement. Good children’s content speaks to young people without condescending attitudes or exploitative intent
Yeah, I'm being unfair. It's the millenials who killed basically everything good, zoomers just has to live in a world where nothing good exist anymore and thus submit themselves to the masters giving them renewed purpose.
>nu-Yea Forums will claim this is bad
this is equivalent of "works for me!"
I don't give a fuck about muh kids or muh gambling addicts, it's more about people who want to make money through video games will make more retard bait than good games or poz potentially good games with retard bait.
I can understand if they want to ban gambling and predatory practices in games for kids.
However the way that was phrased, 'ban them all until you prove they're safe', was hilarious and so very like a nanny state.
we should ban cigarettes they do nothing for society except smell bad and create litter.
The reason we hate your generation is because we saw how you ruined everything. And it's never been easier to tell than to just look at 4chans evolution with each next gen kid finding this place and shit it up worse than ever, each damn year.
You never saw this type of shitting mentality on old places. Usenet was civil for 99% of the time, and trolling was called out/ignored, not two or more retards having a go at each other all the God damn time in every thread. Even fucking myspace was less shit despite being millenials thing. But then your kind was born. The ones raised by ecelebs, gullible and naive parents and coddled.
Yea Forums in this year is the result. And it will keep getting worse by each passing week.
Cigarettes are already banned in many buildings. But you're free to smoke in the comfort of your own home.
cigarettes get taxed
loot boxes dont
Just don't put them in games that are rated below pegi 18
It's honestly too late for banning cigarettes to adults now, so all the government can really do now is restrict it to adults, plain packaging (depending on country), and limited advertisement, along with 60% or more of box having warnings.
If governments banned it outright, people would resort to making their own and there would be a giant black market for them, and then you get more hospital cases due to unregulated cigarettes
I get it, to protect the chillren, sorta. Dont wanna turn every kid into a gambling addict before the casinos can hook em
Close. It’s money hungry people willing to toss the majority of gamers under a bus because theres a demographic of impressionable children and gamblers amongst them and the industry is unregulated. It’s a goldmine they want to cash in on and justify. Its part of why theres such a strong push to merge the identity of mobile games with console and pc.
baning lootboxshit is based
forcing devs to prove that they arent safe is retarded tho, the one who bans should have been the one providing evidence for how bad they are before they are baned, otherwise its just opening the gate for gov to ban whatever the fuck they like in games.
It's my turn to post this tomorrow
Fuck corporations
you shouldn't be allowed to smoke on public property.
Didn't they also have an inquisition about a month ago where they decided lootboxes were fine after a 2 hour discussion with EA lawyers?
Banning cigarettes would be a good thing, smokers stink up public places and leave their butts every fucking where. I know I said this last thread, but if a smoker stands in my presence for more than 15 seconds I should be legally allowed to douse them in fabreeze until I can't smell their nasty odor anymore.
>it's real
I rather immigrate to US at this point.
>MySpace - literal rawr ecks dee was better
>Usenet was civil
>ecelebs, as though earlier generations weren’t captivated by regular celebs and didn’t follow them like cattle
>he forgot how top gun got so many people to enroll
Either so much revisionism or selective ignorance in this post lmao.
Britbong here. Not only are smokes illegal but so are energy drinks. Gotta protect those zoom zooms from Monster.
Don't you mean Valve?
They do now
You have to be 21 in Virginia to buy cigarettes
I too remember how the surprising mechanics thing go.
based UK
watch all the shills in this thread
perform mental gymnastics to convince you to support loot boxes
>this is 85% white
I don't want to see what the US looks like
holy fucking based
european caliphate when ?
What happened to innocent until proven guilty?
Loot boxes should be allowed until it proven that they are not save for kids. It's such backward way of thinking: food is banned, until it's prove that it is save.
it's already happened
This isn't a court of law dumbo
that only applies to humans
kinda like how animals have a different set of rights
I see what you mean
Technically with parental consent you can show or allow your kids to watch violent or mature movies
Giving you kid addictive substances both physical and Digital should be a crime though
corporations aren't people Mitt.
People unironically defending lootboxes.
spain doesn't count
Nigger I’m literally 22 and everything you just posted make me want to report you for being underaged
you have a good argument but the way you argue it is fucking retarded
FAMILIES should stop their children from doing bad things, not the government.
Then places like Walmart and target refuse to carry nor advertise AO games
bro u cant think this way with little kids. also, law isnt only about enforcement, its also about tradition. for example, we can hang homosexuals. its not because big daddy government thinks that the countrymen cant control themselves, its to make and enforce an example of a moral value of the country. for example, protecting their kids.
You're right, there are seven extra words in that title.
This. Pic very related
>all the sex scenes in 13 reasons why
from all the things you could choose from why that
Isn't it the double standards? What is a corporation, isn't it consist of other people like employees? Does this means that the corporation can kill people without repercussions for people behind it?
why would walmart and target stock european version of a game?
Honestly, I'm just gobsmacked that the UK let lootboxes slide for so long. How did this ban come AFTER the furor over strictly virtual gambling in fucking Pokemon?
mcdonalds does that every time so yes
>It's such backward way of thinking: food is banned, until it's prove that it is save.
Food IS banned until it's proven that it's safe.
Because outside of 2 packs a day, there is no evidence that smoking actually does the damage that is claimed.
That's why there's no more stop smoking commercials out there.
And with the amount of taxes, and no smoking areas now, do you honestly believe smoking should be illegal?
You have no right to decide what others should and should not do, you are not them.
You have no right telling fat people they can't eat a whopper either.
Lootboxes are gambling, and gambling leads to people losing all their money.
You never hear stories of people losing all their cash to cigs, but you always hear stories of gamblers going broke.
Vaping should be illegal because they are smug as fuck. Is it right that i want it to become that way? No.
Is that my opinion? Yes, these fuckers, man i caught a nigger on the plane vaping infront of children ok, so piss off.
Why are little kids playing this mode in the game then, with their parent's payment information? Keep in mind lootboxes for most games are contained in their own game mode. That's absolutely the parent's fault. Shitty parents should be hung.
And who fronts the cost? That's right, you do because of higher prices
But those are illegal too.
Why not both?
Gee I'm so mad that my food costs a marginally higher price so that it has been proven to be safe to eat.
Why can't my glorious corporate overlords sell me literal poison on a plate if it means it's cheaper?
If it means groups like the FDA stop companies from putting Chemical X in their food then it's a price I'm willing to pay
>Ban Omega Labyrinth, even when it's rated 18+
>Loot boxes are fine though
I fucking hate my country and hope Brexit kills it somehow.
Cigars, much like any other drug, alcohol or homosexuality should only be allowed to be used at home.
because the government shouldn't be regulating shit, because people in power will abuse that power
I'm only in favor of big state if I'm the dictator in charge, otherwise, fuck the state
Fucking disgusting but the same is happening where i live. I gotta move up north one of these days, practically all white people only in these smaller cities and towns. Yes I am a leaf.
>because people in power will abuse that power
But corporations won't abuse a complete lack of regulation?
Oh yeah because before the FDA all food was poisonous, there was no such thing as a farmers market and everyone died from food poisoning. And how can you possibly be happy with the state of food today? Are you completely oblivious to the amount of sugar that is in food? Never mind candy, chocolate etc, but in normal actual food? Oh yeah thanks FDA because people sure as hell eat nutritiously today and are totally not majority obese. Yikes!
They have tho
Any reasonable person who wants more focus on gameplay and not cosmetic fuckery with p2w garbage would defend this. Microtransactions are a cancer killing games. Even if you're just doing a poor devil's advocate to make a thread, fuck yyoouuu.
>there is no evidence that smoking actually does the damage that is claimed
look at the lungs of a smoker lmao, and even if you don't smoke (only inhale the fumes), it still does damage, less sure, but it still have the potential capability of reducing life expectancy
>Lootboxes are gambling, and gambling leads to people losing all their money.
and smoking leads people to premature death
>Crosses the zebra crossing diagonally
What faggot I hope he gets mugged by a paki
go to other corporations if you don't like a corporation, or better yet, use local stores instead
as for government, can't really opt out of that crap, now can you
The parliamentary report indicates how game publishers are basically not trustworthy and definitely willing to be evasive and/or uncooperative to protect their own interests, so they can't be trusted to self-regulate properly.
You dont think the FDA is responsible for the increase in surgar in our food since the 80s do you? Because that would be top retard. It's from companies using the magical salt/surgar/fat ratio to make addicting food.
How is the amount of sugar in food the FDA's fault, retard?
>use local stores instead
>implying local stores would exist in a corporate run world
Anyone stupid enough to spend IRL money on cute ingame unlockables deserves to end up on the street
And game dev stupid enough to make their game entirely aobut spending IRL money for ingame unlockables deserves to end up on the street.
There is no need for government interference. Just remove all the safety signs, the problem will sort itself out
>implying government benefits small stores
This is how I know you've never run any business.
>There is no need for government interference. Just remove all the safety signs, the problem will sort itself out
No, it won't. It'll mean the gaming market will be catering exclusively to middle-eastern whales willing to pay their way to victory through oilbux. "Voting with your wallet" is such a fucking lie you'd be stupid to believe it.
Unhealthy food =/= Food that is not safe to eat
>Food IS banned until it's proven that it's safe.
Does your family has a licence for burgers that get served on the neighbours meet up?
What about the whole girl/boyscout sales?
>food analogy
They're called anti-trust laws. And while they might be not as effective as they could be, they're better than nothing
Where do you think the neighbours bought that meat from retard
Piracy is a thing, faggot. I unironically want all these games to go the way of gacha, so that piracy will blossom back into what it was before Steam with cracks, cheat engines and keygens fucking everywhere
Why are everyone trying to ban lootboxes instead of making sure kids can't buy them by demanding control checks within the purchasing method, while enforcing rules such as chance transparency etc on the lootboxes overall?
Why do people immediately jumps to either ban it entirely or let it go completely unregulated? Why are the extremes just about the only cases dominating the debate?
Lmao at this mental gymnastics. Everything you purchased (hopefully) was FDA approved. So are GSC's.
I agree but for the wrong reasons.
How do you regulate lootboxes? You cant stop little jimmy from stealing his dad's credit card and lying about his age online, and making probability clear will only spur gamblers on even more for the thrill of winning that 1 in a million drop, the same reason why so many idiots buy into the lottery
The only thing that allows big corporations to do crap like price fixing, etc is government intervention that brings in restrictions to get into that sector, government financing (literally stealing money from people to give to big corporations), government keeping the stock market "safe", etc
>Piracy is a thing, faggot. I unironically want all these games to go the way of gacha, so that piracy will blossom back into what it was before Steam with cracks, cheat engines and keygens fucking everywhere
That's a fucking leap of logic though user. What makes you think all games becoming gacha will make piracy usher in a new age ?
Doesn't matter, it's for raw materials, but what about the whole dish?
it's like not testing bottled water company, if their water source have a license. You will need another testing and approval for final product.
Because they're an absolute cancer of games. What would you rather have: A game that has its designers focus on the gameplay and gs,e interactions, or a game that's had focus on what to cut so it can be sold, rather you can have the chance to maybe get the drop, for actual money, or in some cases an in game currency that has a really fucked ratio for actual dollars spent?
>what makes you think that predatory practices that ransom game content for money wont spur on more people to pirate so that they can get the game and all the extra content for free like they were supposed to
Gee user, I have no idea
>You cant stop little jimmy from stealing his dad's credit card and lying about his age online
It's called not giving your kids your damn credit card information.
You do it the same way you stop kids from playing on literal casino websites. With obligatory bank/card information tied to an 18+ identity.
Is it theoretically possible for a kid to jump through all of the hoops necessary to steal their parents' information and impersonate them online against their parents' will? Yes.
It's also theoretically possible for kids to buy guns and drugs on the street while fucking prostitutes. That doesn't mean the regulations are ineffective.
That's why those games will require constant online connection. And be online only. And legal services will definitely work extra hours to sue out of existence anyone willing to put the effort to somehow make a competent server emulator. Also, since the game design of the games will be fucked since it hinges entirely on you spending money to get an advantage, it'll be shit.
You're stupid if you think any kind of "golden age" will come with gachashit.
I'm okay with this. Not because "muh kiddies" but because of the fucking game design that loot boxes encourage. Just charge $10 extra if $60 isn't enough to cover your costs. Jesus christ, don't gut your game forever.
>implying parents these days have any control over their kids
Not everyone is a momma's boy like you were in your childhood (good on you if were, faggot!)
>It's also theoretically possible for kids to buy guns and drugs on the street while fucking prostitutes. That doesn't mean the regulations are ineffective.
I cant believe that you didnt see the obvious contradiction here. If these restrictions actually had any effect, then it would be impossible for kids to buy guns and drugs on the street while fucking prostitutes, and yet, it happens more commonly than you think
Food history is a complex thing in America. But yes, they do turn a blind eye to unhealthy things when corporations pay enough money. That’s precisely how a ludicrous amount of sugar gets okayed by the FDA so often that it’s become the new standard
Does Gacha count as a loot box?
Do lootboxes with that you can only get with free currency count as Lootboxes?
Be more specific
This law was made by old farts that dont know shit and wont affect shit
Their loss
Kids arent the ones buying them, whales are the problem and why this shit persists despite everyone hating it and their games tanking, because it only takes a few whales who keep paying to validate making that game and putting transactions in it. Because these retards exist companies like EA will continue to find ways to do it.
>its not a loot box, its a DLC pack, there are 50 packs and each on has only on piece of the item you need! Its not random, you just need to buy 50 spererate packs
>everyone complains
>some 100 spastics cant help themselves and buy the ridiculously priced content
>dont care if people hate the game, its printing money so long as they keep squatting content
They count on the whales, they dont care about anything else.
>Do lootboxes with that you can only get with free currency count as Lootboxes?
What game is that?
>singleplayer games will be always online!
>And legal services will definitely work extra hours to sue out of existence anyone willing to put the effort to somehow make a competent server emulator
>implying this has never happened before
>implying this ever put a dent in piracy in any way in the past
>Also, since the game design of the games will be fucked since it hinges entirely on you spending money to get an advantage, it'll be shit
DESU, this is a point I didnt consider. Fair enough
>If these restrictions actually had any effect, then it would be impossible for kids to buy guns and drugs on the street while fucking prostitutes, and yet, it happens more commonly than you think
What. Yes it happens but that doesn't mean the restrictions are ineffective. It just means they aren't absolute. If children could legally do drugs while fucking prostitutes you can still bet it'd be more common than it is.
Lootboxes aren't necessarily dangerous. Parents are just fucking retards looking for excuses for their shitty parenting as per usual. More so now that they somehow allow their dumb fuck children to have their credit card info. Please don't be a shitty parent to your kids if you somehow escape virginity.
Energy drinks aren't illegal for under 16s it's an elective virtue signal most major supermarkets do. Your local shop can absolutely sell energy drinks to teens with no reprecussions
>You have to be 18 to buy cigarettes in the US
Not even true for all states anymore. Some have already started to bump it up to 21, and some companies (I know Walgreens does now) have just made it a nation wide mandate not to sell to anyone under 21 even if the state age is 18.
You go zoomer
A great thing about it that you only need 1 country in EU with lootbox ban to fuck up every game with this mechanic. Game jews rather not use it instead of showing that some countries are "special".
tobbaco is not marketed towards children
>it's an elective virtue signal most major supermarkets do
As an attempt to prevent regulation.
Which is exactly what the video game industry should be doing right now but if anything they seem to be doubling down instead.
This, or make a full expansion pack that's between 25% to 35% the size of the main game. Don't do shit like three costumes, one weapon, or FUCKING HORSE ARMOR.
Probably because there's no sane way to defend this shit. Better to take all the money you can and run like hell
Card games like YGO, and MtG or whatever are fun. And even among gacha shit games like FEH and Granblue aren't necessarily completely without merit and are still fully playable free to play.
Does this means that TCG like Magic will be banned too?
>Oh yeah because before the FDA all food was poisonous, there was no such thing as a farmers market and everyone died from food poisoning.
Yes, actually. The FDA was founded as a direct response to how bad it had become.
>Yes it happens but that doesn't mean the restrictions are ineffective. It just means they aren't absolute
Hence the absolute restriction of banning lootboxes which WILL work, you dumb twat.
Currently, it is legal for kids to gamble in games with IRL money because of lootboxes. Applying any restrictons on this will not solve the problem in any way, because they will find a way to circumvent these restrictions. An absolute thing would be to remove lootboxes altogether, which for some faggoty reason, you cant accept
Your game prowess should not be dictated by how much money you shell out to the devs, ever. Lootboxes need to die
Yes, I will
fuck EA, fuck lootboxes, and fuck capitalism
Actually, would this be safe to drink by now? Would the radiation have died down enough that it's safe?
You may want to read a little nonfiction book called The Jungle by Upton Sinclair
Nah, not worth the risk of fucking up your intestines with heavy isotopes and cancer
>Hence the absolute restriction of banning lootboxes which WILL work, you dumb twat.
If you're banning lootboxes wholesale you aren't just restricting them from kids, but from everyone.
>b-but that's a good thing!
I hate EA and modern AAA gaming as much as the next guy, but that doesn't mean the very concept is irredeemable.
>you aren't just restricting them from kids, but from everyone.
And? Name one good game that has lootboxes
impossible mode: name a good game that has lootboxes and the lootboxes actually make the game better and not actively worse
>defends lootboxes
Explain why then, mongrel.
The only way they would be acceptable (and even that's a stretch) would be to make them purchaseable using in-game currency only. Except if that were the case, this whole gambling nonsense wouldnt be an issue in the first place
FIFA 19 is a good game but doesn't need lootboxes/packs/whatever. UT would work if it were all just in-game currency
Thank god. Fuck loot boxes and all the nickle and dimming gaming has been infested with. I am so glad EA pushed this shit far enough to get politicians involved. Hopefully there will be more regulation on the pricing of video games and all the micro transactions they get away with.
>FIFA 19 is a good game
Yes. Although PES 2020 is my preferred soccer game.
Nah, nu-v hates things good for the industry.
>playing soccer games
what's it like not being white and being in a third world country?
>but that doesn't mean the very concept is irredeemable.
Yes, it does. Microtransactions of any kind are cancer, they actively incentivize the monetization of anything and everything they can be applied to. They compromise core game design.
>but doesn't need lootboxes/packs/whatever
>bu-but we cant remove them because reasons
You're retarded enough to buy the same game every year because roster swaps, of course you'd defend lootboxes. Kids like you are also a reason why they need to be banned
Imagine defending lootboxes because you're such a contrarian shit head that you can't possibly have an opinion that isn't a reaction to someone elses.
That would be the fallacy of composition. Just because it consists of individuals does not mean it should have the same rights. The reason for that is simple, a collective is not an individual. Only an individual has rights.
>lol just vote with your wallet bro even though thousands of mouth breathers will continue to pay for lootboxes and mtx and corrupt publishers will still try to push the games as a service form lol
I wouldn't know.
I never said that, you must think you're responding to someone else. And I don't buy the same game every year, where the fuck did you get that from, faggot? I wait until like four years to get a soccer game. Unlike you retards that talk shit about games you never even play.
Remember to preorder Kabaddi20 today for free digital pictures of beautiful feet.
Isn't that the guy who shot up a mosque?
unregulated free markets can never work because the average person is a complete fucking idiot. If every person was intelligent and able to make good decisions EA wouldn't even exist.
>Does this means that the corporation can kill people without repercussions for people behind it?
it actually does, Coca-Cola does this literally all the time. They have several South American deathsquads under their direct employ.
What? Loot boxes are cancer and should be expunged.
>And? Name one good game that has lootboxes
Shadowverse. Teppen. MtG Arena. Granblue. Fire Emblem Heroes.
Fuck though. FIFA is garbage.
>he's defending esports trash in addition to lootboxes
Really man, just stop. Just admit that you cant play a game unless you got a special perk on easy mode because there is no other reason why anybody would think that buying their way to victory isnt a bad thing
Radium has a half life of 1600 years so probably not, the radiation levels haven't even gone down 10%
Fuck you dumbass, at least FIFA has modes unimpacted by monetization unlike your gacha shit.
Literally what in the fuck are you talking about? What special perk? I play manager mode, local matches and other shit, what the fuck are you on about? I said UT would be better without monetization. Are you ok?
European countries don't have a bill of rights, that said, lootboxes really only need to be banned in Europe for EAs lootbox scheme to fall apart, since that's where the money is from them, unfortunately, the same can't be said for 2K since their money maker is a sport popular in the US
But don't you see?! If they ban loot boxes, they'll totally put that content in for free and not charge more, or turn games into a service, or anything like that! They'll just give up the massive piles of money they make off this stuff and the quality of their games won't diminish at all!
Micro transactions and loot boxes have been a devastating cancer on gaming as a whole
>unlocking OPAF units/teams/weapons/powers/characters/what have you for money right at the start of the game
>and that's a good thing!
Given how you've cemented yourself as an esports-playing nigger with room-temperature IQ, I can safely ignore your posts as they'll be full of absolutely nothing
If you think either of those are worse alternatives you need to go see a doctor
Let me guess, it's a special minorities episode the maker of this webm omitted so he could generate outrage for luls.
>special minorities
Oh you poor sweet summer child.
>Yea Forums will be corporate cocksucking bootlickers just to be contrarian
I have never seen more faggoty kids in my life, these are the kinds of kids even the class outcasts would pick on and throw rocks at
Okay, schizo. Don't know what that has to do with any of the modes I just mentioned. Is this what seething about lootboxes does to your brain?
it's just as pathetic as people who deny climate science to own the libs
like at least when politicians deny climate science they're getting paid millions of dollars to do so, doing it for free is cockroach tier pathetic
Post the one of the kid doing the selfie
his dum face and the dum face he makes fucking kill me everytime
Absolutely positively royally based. Fuck the AAA kikes and God save the Queen.