Does anyone here sell their used PC parts often?
I'm looking to sell mine, but I dont have the boxes for most of the parts anymore. What can I do to make the sale more easily?
Does anyone here sell their used PC parts often?
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Offer a blowjob with each part
A lot of people don't care about the boxes. Just take good pictures of the parts and price them slightly cheaper than everyone else
>carpet floor
Sounds good, how much do you think a 980ti and an i5-3770k would go for nowadays?
I need a couch or loveseat but they're too expensive for a studio apartment renter
now post the female edit
Nice open space, good for the acoustics, and if you shove the recliner aside, ample VR space. I don't see the problem other than carpet cleaning hassle.
Here when you want you just post it on classifieds, nobody gives a shit about box just that your shit works, even better make a PC and sell a whole configuration for an upmark since shitheads dont want to build it themselves
Wow. The absolute audacity
look at what the part sells for today, halve that, and then take at least 10% off that for the part being used.
Who would want all that trash?
i was a patient at this building. its a psychiatric building, so everyone in that room is seeing a psychiatrist.
i then reported this fat bitch to my psychiatrist and got the timeframe it was taken, who she saw, when her next appointment was, and they dropped her on the spot and banned her from the building. This is the person that took the photo as well
you may not know this but its illegal to photograph psychiatric waiting rooms/offices and is not legal to add security cameras. you can however add them outside the waiting room (say in the lobby before you enter the waiting room). As a patient that's been going there for 10 years, the fact this cunt has the audacity to talk shit like this while going to a psychiatrist for "boo hoo im fat and people hurt my feelings" is horse shit and im glad shes not going there anymore
For those interested, this is the building: 1560 E Chevy Chase Dr. Glendale, California
i would recommend them personally should you actually need it
I recently saw one sitting next to a dumpster and just carried it back to my unit.
College town btw, so there's always kids throwing away good stuff because they get better things or just dont feel like taking it back home when they graduate.
>make a PC and sell a whole configuration for an upmark since shitheads dont want to build it themselves
was just about to suggest a similar thing.
adding stuff like "fortnite ready, streaming ready" is also a good way to sell it as well.
How do they know he's an ass man?
I don’t know how guys can live like that. How does he not have posters of hot chicks on the wall and a table for his nachos and soda cans?
on one hand, i dont know the dude, but have to sympathize with him because, again, some fat bitch wants to break the law and talk shit about his looks when theres a good fucking chance hes not needing that shit so it was simply the right thing to do for safety reasons (maybe the guy snapped and got a gun, or hung himself) who knows what could have happened
on the other hand, she absolutely deserves an ass kicking for it and it just happened to be convenient for me to do something about it
>putting a rug on carpet
Did she react on Twitter about it? Would have loved to see the meltdown
not that im aware, but the first reply to her latest tweet is about on point with what shes "waah"ing about
i cant ask for updates on former or current standings regarding this (not just because i dont go there but confidentiality shit stops me in general), but im certain that it made her fuck off a little bit.
the real mystery here is how this cunt has almost 1 million followers, and audits show that its almost perfectly legit followers
what a bunch of worthless shit
>pirating a chair
good financial management in that house
>Long sleeves and shorts
He has shit taste, so no wonder he prefers asses.
So much useless shit.
no because I never get back what I paid for so I keep them incase one day I need to use em.
thanks arnold, i hope i made you proud
I wonder how she reacted to being dropped
I keep everything because I'm a filthy hoarder.
probably not well considering she was caught in the act, while also seeing a psychiatrist and not disclosing what shes been up to. to then hear what happened and confront the patient about it generally doesnt go over well.
the thing you gotta understand is theres being a patient and being a customer. youre a patient but youre also paying for the service. failure to comply with the rules or do something incriminating is damming if you want to continue seeing them as a patient. theyre there to help, but theyre not free, so in the event you do something like she did, your ass is out and you gotta solve your bullshit on your own.
probably ate
look at all that lost space
>quick reply window hiding behind chair
>he doesn't have a quick reply window behind his chair
>can buy fake followers
>even then the numbers dont add up
>see the content they shit out
>it still doesnt make sense
its a mystery
my sister follows this youtube channel of some fat bitch complaining about being a fat bitch for no other reason than to laugh at a fat bitch. I imagine it's something similar.
your sister sounds like she would be a fun friend
By jiggling like a big fat jelly pudding
cleaning all that shit is way harder than the original for basically no clear advantage over maybe having a few more places to leave stuff on, so if someone wants all that additional faggotry guess who's cleaning the house
Only on Yea Forums would you see dumbasses believe what a dude that admits he was a patient in a psychiatric building says. In fact you're a dumbass if you believe even that.
Dumbass Yea Forumstards
How would i play my wii sports??
>been there for 10 years
>only reason im not now is because they no longer take my insurance
user i assure you im speaking the truth
I'd fuck your sister
There should in fact be a coffee table there.
Back to the potato fields, O'Flannigan
I love how that one single image of the flat-assed irish bitches lined up spawned an entirely new stereotype.
you ruined the simplcity of the inital edit
... or something similar
I usually give my old parts to my neet friend. He helps me decide on new parts when I want to build a new pc.
Have you seen how much traction absolute insanity gets on twitter these last few years? Tumblr migrated there after some rule changes and it fucking shows.
I was going to but I waited too long and now they are worthless.
Wait, what's wrong with minimal decorations?
hahaha holy shit
It reminds roasties that despite their best attempts to fill the gaping hole inside of them with stuff buy stuff for the sake of buying stuff will never make them happy and being roasties they are furious that a man could be content with the minimum
dont feel bad for having less
it's about wanting what you got not getting what you want innit?
always check ebay and select "onyl show sold items"
his sister has the right idea, wrong platform, needs to fat shame publicly so we can fix this god damn fat ass world.
I really dislike those small pillows on the couches. They are almost always hard and make it more uncomfortable to sit in the chair.
>ts illegal to photograph psychiatric waiting rooms/offices and is not legal to add security cameras.
None of that is true, waiting rooms are considered public spaces (even on private property) and therefore not protected.
Ah yes, the future school shooter's humble abode
They're not for sitting, they serve no purpose. They exist to get in the way because stupid fucking women are convinced that they need to buy every single thing they see on TV
HIPAA is one hell of a drug.
i hope someone drew that ironically
They exist to rest on your lap.
I usually keep my old pc parts around in case I need them instead of selling them. It's handy.
Well, it isn't vital, but a table would actually be good to have there
>Taking non wooden furniture sitting on the curb
Enjoy your bedbugs
I usually give away my used PC parts to friends or family who don't really need super powerful computers but appreciate the extra power
What's wrong with the coffee and end table though?
The chair has a cup holder, why would you need a table
for food.
>nearly a million followers
>linking a business email
what does she even do who is paying her
I am bewildered
what did this bitch even originally say
She was complaining about GTA.
post the author
would have sex with her
Does anyone else think that people who put up words on walls like this are total psychopaths ?
Why do you need these big words in your living space like some ultra-totalitarian state motto ?
She got almost e-famour for dating a fairly attractive dude while being fat. That's pretty much it. I think they used to make satirical videos criticisizing social media, but she's unironically what she used to make fun of. Oh also her ex-boyfriend will be marrying his husband-to-be soon.
Too much unnecessary crud.
My sister has a little version of it that she keeps on a table in her living room. It's just a weird grounding thing for when life gets hectic with the kids.
Woman here. she's right. There's several reasons for this
1. Dude literally is paying for unused space. Should've gotten a studio apartment instead, literally bad with money
2. Lack of decorations and other shit to fill his room, lack of style
3. No other hobbies aside from Vidya and tv? Boring.
4. Only one seat? This guy is a loser with no friends. Not sociable, unnatractive.
Not a good potential mate. Avoid
>she turned the nigger gay
staring at the woman's ass in front of him
routine vacuuming and an annual shampoo beats constantly sweeping and mopping by a fucking mile. If you aren't a complete animal, they are easy to keep clean.
BASED fat people aren't human
He now raps under the name "Lil Phag", and just like her, he also now uses social media in the exact way that they used to make fun of. Pic related is off of his twitter feed.
Why does this shit trigger incels so much? I thought they "didn't give a shit about women", yet here they are, on a video games board, whining about not getting laid and pretending like they didn't want it in the first place.
Pretty sure my dentist has that exact table in his clinic
this is unironically every fucking streamer on twitch
The only one complaining is (you) @478254767
what the fuck am I looking at?
Based minimalist, i feel like i have too much shit in dorm room.
Because they are secretly desperate.
lazy poorfags lol
all the guns are in the safe moid. try to take them thot.
She's actually a fairly well-known comedy shit=post type fat lady on youtube.
>Lack of decorations
Costs money
>No other hobbies
Costs money
>Only one seat
Costs money
But yeah, let's take dates out for 100 dollar meals, totally doable. His house is probably empty because he spends all his money on courtship. Not that a shallow thot like you who would disqualify a man simply for his taste in decoration would understand. Thanks for proving let again that women are the unfeeling gender. Everything we do, we do for you. Grow some gratitude.
How much you wanna bet the incels crying about this whale are just as fat lmao
Waiting rooms are not considered public spaces. If that was the case than homeless would constantly be sleeping in the sites waiting room.
These places are rented out or bought out by the lead physician or a team of doctors, and they operate their business there.
You legit have no idea what you're talking about, and you should do research before you even press enter.
So if you can't afford simple decos seems like you need to get a better job.
Also seriously complaining about food? Holy shit you virgins really are a lost cause.
Looks shockingly similiar to my sister's apartment.
10,20$ don’t bother those are old shit dont think anybody will accept money to dispose those
he's the one with the point. not you.
>things I want cost money
But no problem buying all that other garbage, right?
Why have a bunch of worthless ass decor? A couple tables, guitar stand, desk and a white board are all you need.
I sold my 980 ti last year for like 300 bucks. Find those and 1070 prices on craigslist, and try to beat prices by 10 or 20 bucks.
I also took pictures of the card working amd benchmark scores. Only got serious buyers and didn't have to deal with offers.
What's the point? Life requires effort? May as well kill yourself, kiddo
I use almost all my PC components until they stop working.
Yet you losers spend $100s on videogames but when a single little thing costs $10 you bitch.
God you men are pathetic.
Don't forget, they'll buy cosmetic items in a fucking video game, but god forbid they buy a nice suit that would legit have an actual real life benefit lmao
I want to pet that puppy
I've never done it myself, but I watched some Linus Scrapyard Wars on Youtube and apparently there's a decent sized Craigslist market for used older parts, specifically graphics cards and shit.
A lot of people apparently use that as a way to build beefy systems for much less. That said, I've never done it or sold parts that way, but from what they experience, having boxes and shit is not super important.
I'd only ever buy that shit on Ebay where they protect buyers.
So wait are backpacks a sign of autism now or something? How am I supposed to haul my work laptop, reference manuals, & phone charger/battery to and from the office without one? Look like an asshole with all of it piled in my hands and the laptop power brick dragging on the ground?
that shit isn’t really necessary when you live alone with what may or may not be a temporary living area
Bookbag is more professional
That's an option I suppose. Like I said, I wouldn't do it because it's too much work just to buy outdated parts or MAYBE get a deal on a partial system to work on, and I don't really need or want to do that. I haven't use Ebay in fucking years though, I forget it's even a thing.
Reminder that cat thing can turn into anyone
Look attractive for starters
YOu're supposed to cut a hole in them and use them as a fuck toy
Bookbag is just another word for backpack.
Messenger bag, it will also let everybody know you're a fag and want to suck their cock.
Just keep the bag.
The only thing that actually matters is if you're attractive or not. If you are, it's pretty hard to fuck up and come off as a loser/autist.
wtf roasties hate backpacks?
My theory is that it implies you don't have a car or that you didn't go to that place with one, otherwise why would you need to bring all the shit with you?
Nah, just losers
Post sister feet pls
nice bald spot dude you look like bernie sanders from the back
He probably meant a messenger bag, which is just a man purse at this point.
because if you spent literally all of your time trying to attract followers, you too can get a million followers.
just because it doesn't involve discrete instructions doesn't mean that social media isn't just a skinner box game where you watch a number go up. those are the addicts
You better make sure that 980ti doesnt artifact or you might be the next victim of the craigslist killer.
I'm 30 and /fit/. I use a corporate backpack as my gym bag kek. Nobody has given me shit for it.
Nobody is "giving you shit" because it's rude to call obvious autists retarded.
Fair point
I've never understood those little half sofas or whatever people put by their door. No one ever sits on one. It's just there to occupy space. Same thing with 2 coffee tables. Have an end table or a coffee table.
The autist here is you and people that can't pull it off, because you're hideous and lack style. You always look like a joke.
Random youtube video I happen to be watching.
They're not, some people will just find anything to criticize someone. If it becomes some kind of stupid meme all the better. Just don't encourage it.
If you live in any city fucking everyone uses backpacks, they're convenient.
the LIVE LOVE LAUGH is enough.
god, roasties make me sick.
clearly, since the portrait depicts two NPCs
>It's just there to occupy space
So kind of like NEETs then
>spill some soda on a carpet
>carpet gets stained, have to buy some shitty cleaner to remove it
>spill some soda on hard floor
>wipe it with a wet rag and it's good as new
hard floor beats carpet by a mile, it's a million times easier to clean.
It's about as stupid as anime. Incels and roasties have so much in common, literal horseshoe
"Moid" is what """femcels""" call men you fucking idiots
You're looking for "femoid"
I have never spilled a soda on the floor.
>being such a fat slob that you spill shit all over your carpet
Carpet gets dirty no matter what you do.
Imagine writing all this without having any idea
please find a less autistic way to do this
>Buying videogames
Dumb vagina haver
>carpet is objectively harder to clean and worse in literally every way
>"w-well just don't ever spill or drop anything"
>wood is better!
>dumps a bunch of rugs all over it because it's actually shit
No fucking duh a stupid 2010s-looking decorating magazine room for middle-class white women won't appeal to anyone here or with an ounce of original taste.
But the point is, it is important to make a space for you to come back to, as a sanctuary. For some monk-like people maybe that is a blank room, but that isn't most people. It's about creating a safe and homey space, however homey looks and feels to you, that's more than someplace to crash after work.
wHy dO GoYs sPenD MoNey oN vIdEoGeMs
Yeah! Fuck all women for not having sex with me, stupid ass thots!
Just don't care that a fat woman is criticizing you to temporarily not think about how disgusting she is. No one else will give a shit.
>two cats and a dog
>with a carpet
>in a one bedroom apartment
nasty fucking tranny i swear to god
I can't wait for fall and winter, this summer shit has overstayed its welcome.
>spilled red wine
>dabbed it up with some paper towel
>threw some salt on it
>no stain
It's so easy to spot you fags who still live at your parents and have no responsibility of taking care of their own place
Not an argument
your responsibilities are meaningless and you should feel bad for being a fool
No need. I don't have parkinson's. Thanks for your concern though.
Or you could just have tile? Why would anyone actually like carpet over hardwood or tile floors?
>middle-class white women
>All women
>no shoe rack at the door
theres the real problem
not enough cat piss on the carpet
Asian women are superior because they don't cheat just like all my mangas tell me XD
why did he put his pants in the oatmeal
Doing gods work user, thumbs up.
t. lives with mommy
That has nothing to do with what I said. I am against those especially stupid parts of this site and the internet. I just made a stereotype of which there is some truth, but specifically I said it was aimed at them, not that that's how they all are. It's okay to be a bit decorating magazine-tier, but people who go full bland and polished like in the satirical mspaint edit 99% of the time aren't the kind of people I like to be friends with. That's all. Other people here resonate with that, as you can see by their disgust.
In any case, having an active total lack of faith in the internet does contribute to the job of lowering the quality of it.
>ha ha I love being anonymously racist on the interwebs! Shadilay, fellow Channers ;)
>white women
>asian women
>Am Black
>You can't say Nigger Nigger
Don't be coy, incel.
Carpet is fucking disgusting and unless you're doing steam treatments monthly will always be dirty. Excess chemical use on it will just discolor it. You ever go into the house of someone who has money? You know what they don't have? Carpet. Literally any flat smooth surface is easier to clean than carpet. Carpet is for keeping cheap apartment buildings with shitty infrastructure quiet. Quit being delusional.
>pretending to be a different race so you feel comfortable being racist
quit being a fucking faggot about it
You beat me to it
Either im really black and im a racist for saying Nigger or im as you say white and also a racist. Eiteher way you're proving the point that everyone should be able to say it or no one should wich i support.
>faggot = homophobia
>nigger = racist X
that sort of problematic language isn't encouraged on 4channel, i'm going to have to ask you to use a friendlier tone